They are both called "pedos" according to these zealots and according to laws like the ones that Texas is trying to push, and that they are increasingly trying to make this opinion in to law by giving anime characters the same human rights as real people. .
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I already said sexual attraction isn't the same. And no but it won't quench your thirst and actually makes you want more sex, it's not an outlet that stops the desire.
Fucking LOL at this being downvoted. This is a fact. You weirdos are super sensitive about your cartoon little girls. Almost like you know it's wrong...
Japan has the one of the lowest rape rates and child abuse per capita in the world, yet Netherlands is the country that hosts most csa material in the world...
Japan is awesome but they are extremely sexually deviant. And as much as I like Japan they seem like they fudge stats like that, appearances are very important there. I know the groping on the train is supposed to very common, but I doubt they're being counted in the stats.
And one in five (American) women are sexually assaulted in college. No, if women were raped there you'll never hear the end of it, if anything, groping on japanese trains stats are exaggerated
Are you for real with this rape culture talking point? Lol
I didn't cite any stats, just what I've seen women say happens to them when they're there. Japan is absolutely a sexually deviant culture, arguing otherwise is crazy
I was simply pointing out the flawed logic in your argument. Unless you already have a violent nature and/or seriously lack empathy you won't start raping kids or women because of pornography or start up shooting schools because of violent video games or hack people to death because you look at gore.
Mind altering drugs can completely twist your personality and make you do things you would never be capable of under normal circumstances but media? Absolutely not.
Actually jerking off is an outlet that stops desire. It's called postnut clarity.
Not everyone who disagrees with (parts of) your statements is an individual who wants to normalize loli porn. You can be against it and still point out a deeply flawed argument.
I don't know how many times I have to say sexual attraction isn't the same as violence, you're arguing against shit I didn't say. And you're wrong about jerking off stopping desire, studies show it does the opposite and increases your desire. Post nut clarity is the immediate effect of busting a nut, in the long run consuming porn increasing your appetite for more
What exactly is pedophilia if not a type of sexual attraction? You argue that if pedophiles consume loli porn it's gonna make them molest kids i.e. make them violent. Sexual molestation is violence.
You're arguing that loli content is a gateway drug.
Yeah for more porn. That's why the average porn addict is rarely a sex addict. Because fucking people takes a bit more effort than choking your snake. Often porn addicts actually have serious problems during actual sex.
I said it could lead to consuming CP, which is escalating but has nothing to do with violence. And no, you're trying to make it like I'm making the violent video games argument and I'm not. Molesting kids because you're attracted to them is not the same as shooting up a school cause of video games. People molest kids because you're sexually attracted to them, not because they want to be violent to kids or hurt them, different thing.
Yes, which leads to more graphic porn, more degeneracy, and a normalization of porn. So watching loli a bunch absolutely could lead to CP. And good thing you don't have to seduce children then I guess? If you're attracted to children, satisfying the urge can escalate, it's not difficult