They are both called "pedos" according to these zealots and according to laws like the ones that Texas is trying to push, and that they are increasingly trying to make this opinion in to law by giving anime characters the same human rights as real people. .
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What exactly is pedophilia if not a type of sexual attraction? You argue that if pedophiles consume loli porn it's gonna make them molest kids i.e. make them violent. Sexual molestation is violence.
You're arguing that loli content is a gateway drug.
Yeah for more porn. That's why the average porn addict is rarely a sex addict. Because fucking people takes a bit more effort than choking your snake. Often porn addicts actually have serious problems during actual sex.
I said it could lead to consuming CP, which is escalating but has nothing to do with violence. And no, you're trying to make it like I'm making the violent video games argument and I'm not. Molesting kids because you're attracted to them is not the same as shooting up a school cause of video games. People molest kids because you're sexually attracted to them, not because they want to be violent to kids or hurt them, different thing.
Yes, which leads to more graphic porn, more degeneracy, and a normalization of porn. So watching loli a bunch absolutely could lead to CP. And good thing you don't have to seduce children then I guess? If you're attracted to children, satisfying the urge can escalate, it's not difficult
You said it could lead to CP and molestation.
Like I've already said. To be even able to sexually molest a person let alone a kid you need to be an individual who seriously lacks empathy. You need to be willing to hurt people or lack the ability to understand the consequences of your actions. If an individual rapes a kid he would have done so regardless of what he consumed beforehand.
So no, people don't molest kids simply because they're sexually attracted to them and neither do men rape women simply because they're sexually attracted to them.