AndurilElessar 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly as expected. You are piece of shit good for nothing loser who doesn't attract women not because you are poor, but because you are an unmanly minging complaining bitch. A bitch ass faggot that deserves nothing in life, ever. A man cannot call himself a man, if he cannot even take care of himself or his family. Grow up, child.

AndurilElessar 2 points ago +2 / -0

while living on home cooked meals

So the way most families and people sustained themselves throughout the entirety of human existence?

I can tell by the tone of your incessant minging here, that you haven't "worked your hands bloody", once, in your entire life. "Risking death"? Oh, please.. Prima donna me some more drama!

You probably spent more time online complaining than you ever have working a job. Nearly all of the younger generations are exactly like you. Whining fucking complainers who never put in any effort, never developed any skills, but expect everything worth having to be handed to you in life. News flash, kiddo.. life is hard & takes work. Anything worth having takes time, effort, and hard work.

If you think you can't live and raise a family on less than 400k, it's because you are retarded child who doesn't know anything about budgeting, or how to live simply. And I hope your new profile gets banned again soon, you fucking sock puppet crybaby bitch. Get a fucking job, loser.

AndurilElessar 21 points ago +22 / -1

Ever notice too, how it's leftists that constantly shove their opinions, politics, beliefs and ideology in your face, and down your throat? But when you do the same, you got to go..because you're a bigot. I have found conservatives are usually fine and dandy never bringing up, or discussing their views, but leftists will never stfu about theirs. Then get mad when you challenge them, after taking their shit forever.

AndurilElessar 4 points ago +5 / -1

Just because one chief, one time disguised his women to look like male warriors on the eve of a battle to deceive his enemy into declaring peace doesn't mean there's any archaeological evidence to suggest women were consistently fighting alongside the men. I can put a pitchfork in a scarecrow's hand to scare away birds, doesn't make it a warrior that has fought any battles.

Don't you think we would have found something tangible, aside from word of mouth folk tales of female Comanche warriors if it happened at all? Wouldn't there be weapons designed for women? Skeletal, or burial remains of women warriors showing they fought alongside, and were honored like men?

We don't have anything like this aside from tales told to people in history that weren't even there when it happened, and are now telling an author a second, or third hand account passed down generationally by word of mouth.

I don't like relying on that kind of history to shape inaccurate portrayals for people to draw inspiration from. That is how you end up with a female nigger Nordic Viking Jarl like in Netflix's show.

AndurilElessar 2 points ago +3 / -1

For sure.. that's why I put the wiki in parentheses, because we all know it's jew ran, and is susceptible to the editorial censorious errors that all jew ran sites are.

But by that same token.. just because it's not on there doesn't also mean it is true.

AndurilElessar 9 points ago +11 / -2

Okay..so you don't have anything showing that Comanche women fought alongside men, ever. You could have just saved yourself some time, and said that.

AndurilElessar 5 points ago +6 / -1

Maybe you could share something you have found to suggest that women ever fought alongside the male Comanche warriors, but I cannot find anything saying that? I read Quanah Parker's entire (((wiki))) page, and it didn't mention any female Comanche warriors at all..

AndurilElessar -4 points ago +1 / -5

And 149,999 of those followers are shills, and bots

AndurilElessar 2 points ago +3 / -1

The writer Ira Madison lll is an activist first and a creative, a distant second. Everything this shill does fails.. Yet, he continuously fails upwards getting more opportunities. Really makes you think, huh? Also, appears to be a gay jew nigger. So you can see why he keeps getting work. That is the trifecta of oppression victimhood hierarchy.

by Daucus9
AndurilElessar 3 points ago +4 / -1

This sounds like scary dystopian future stuff used to manipulate people

by folx
AndurilElessar 7 points ago +8 / -1

She doesn't need to worry about abortion because she's fucking heinous, and no self respecting man is going anywhere near that stanking fat gooch.

by folx
AndurilElessar 20 points ago +21 / -1

It's ironic how these turds call white supremacists "boot lickers" when they literally just want to be left alone by the government, and society to live peacefully in their own communities.

AndurilElessar 7 points ago +8 / -1

You know I think it's kinda racist to just change the race of existing characters, then tell people who don't like it..that they are the racist. I know, sounds weird. It's almost like there's some kinda gas lighting agenda going on behind the scenes.

AndurilElessar 5 points ago +6 / -1

I read the first highlighted paragraph, and immediately knew I didn't want to see anymore.

The people who wrote and support that should be mostly peacefully removed from society.

AndurilElessar 5 points ago +6 / -1

When they keep pushing woke garbage that fails, you can stop questioning whether there's an agenda or not..And rest assured that there is.

AndurilElessar 5 points ago +6 / -1

Black on black violence is my favorite kind of violence.

by folx
AndurilElessar 5 points ago +6 / -1

So glad I stopped reading new comics years ago. I have not read pretty much anything after 1999, and therefore I don't know how badly everything has been ruined by woke faggots.

AndurilElessar 14 points ago +15 / -1

"and these liberal freaks need to stop imagining they know children better than their own parents do."

These faggots don't have any kids. That's why they are grooming yours.

AndurilElessar 12 points ago +13 / -1

I dare to ask what half baked study they linked to support their claims showing sexual education starting at 5 years old prevents abuse?

AndurilElessar 8 points ago +9 / -1

Trannies contribute absolutely nothing to society, but faggotry. So if YOU are a trans faggot who can't reproduce, or do anything aside from mod a Reddit sub..who really is the parasite?

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