They are both called "pedos" according to these zealots and according to laws like the ones that Texas is trying to push, and that they are increasingly trying to make this opinion in to law by giving anime characters the same human rights as real people. .
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Unfortunately for this line of thinking, a lot of the internet's anti-loli crusaders have been busted for either consuming it themselves or being involved in worse sexual degeneracy. Dr. Pizza was just the most famous one, but it happens a lot. Which means, by their own logic, they are either massive hypocrites or actual pedos.
It doesn't mean anyone against it is a secret pedo, the same way all anti-gay people aren't secretly gay because a few big names got caught fucking dudes, but there is a trend of the loudest names being duplicitous on this front.
Has there ever been a prominent right wing anti loli crusader? Pretty sure RW just think there's bigger fish to fry
Anti loli specifically? No. Anti-anime as a whole? Absolutely.
As the other guy said, most of them are too normie to actually know a thing about it to know the word "loli", but they are absolutely anti-anime as a whole because they think its all pedostuff. A full baby with the bathwater situation, and the reason why so many of us oppose trusting these bills wholesale.
Most of the crusader level ones are either Leftist or just make that their only political belief, screaming about it.