They are both called "pedos" according to these zealots and according to laws like the ones that Texas is trying to push, and that they are increasingly trying to make this opinion in to law by giving anime characters the same human rights as real people. .
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I've gotten into it at length on this subject many times and don't feel like doing so again, but I can't help but add one thing to the discussion. The linguistic manipulation needs to stop. Loli never ever used to refer to "any anime girl who could remotely be construed to be under the age of consent of 18 determined by the US government." However there has been a disturbing trend of people, even ones who are generally defending it, who are willing to cede that ground. Hatsune Miku is not a loli lmfao. She may be "underage" (pretty sure she's supposed to be 16), but she is not a loli. No, the words are not interchangeable.
Loli refers to pre-pubescent girls. Think 12 years old or something. No, being petite (as most actual Japanese girls are in real life) does not automatically make someone a loli.
loli is a body type and has nothing to do with age. That is the original definition. And im not calling Miku a loli im simply saying that those people who are anti loli would definately call the guy who married Miku a "pedo" since Miku is under 18
The continuum between cute --> suggestive --> pornographic is wide and blurry but just because the exact boundaries are subjective doesn't mean the categories don't exist.
We know what it is, they know what it is, they are just hiding behind ambiguity and whataboutism because being honest about it is still outside of overton.