I was previously one. A lolbert who thought he was "above it all".
Looking back I realize that repeating dawkins retardation was a way to avoid thinking about a serious subject and pretend I was in the "smart" club.
But now I know the war isn't left vs right, though the lines are usually arrayed that way, it really is Order vs Chaos. Chaos being the gay commie globalists who will use any means at their disposal to dissolve civilization.
Something I recently came to understand was when the Christians say "this isn't something you can reason yourself into: you either 'get it' or you don't".
Because there's some intuitive sense I get where I say "these people are demons", and I have trouble even explaining that sense to Christians even if they also intuitively understand "yeah those aren't good people" but may be uncomfortable declaring them "demons".
I would be wholly incapable of explaining that intuition to even myself 5 years ago, and I think even my Christian self 20 years ago would tell me today "yeah maybe you should see someone about that."
Possession is real. It's ideological possession, in modern parlance, but the powers and principalities represented are still very much Satanic. Because Leftism is the gospel of envy, the old metaphors and understandings still hold.
"Hell is empty and the all the devils are here."
The Tempest Act 1, Scene 2, Shakespeare
I used to have trouble believing in demons, till Obama became president and the left dropped the charade and showed how bat shit insane it was. Now, I understand why the old religion was so strict and hard on the wicked.
About 6 months to a year ago I found myself saying "I'm not sure I believe in god, but I believe in the Devil because I see so many people act in service to him."
There's a certain sense where I can honestly see why people have an easier time being a Satanist than a Christian, because people acting in the furtherance of that being's (if it actually exists) ends are so much easier to find.
Something I recently came to understand was when the Christians say "this isn't something you can reason yourself into: you either 'get it' or you don't".
There's some reasoning involved for me, but it's mostly things like 'We as a species don't know nearly as much as we think we do,' which I use to navigate the obstacles my rational side tries to throw in the way of my faith. Intuition is still very necessary, and not just in matters of faith either.
Progressives only ever use reason as an argument when they want you to abandon your gut instinct. Most of the time they don't give a flying fuck about what's rational, they live by the creed 'my feels over objective reals, Nazi scum', but the second your healthy intuition rejects their sick web of propaganda, suddenly (their mangled version of) rationality is back on the menu!
looking back 20 years (i'm well older), atheism was always a shit take. even for the 140+ IQ crowd, the hottest take you can legitimately defend is a stochastic agnosticism, and if you're not deep into applied statistics (e.g. robotic vision), you're still half baked, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about in epistemology.
i was doing relativity at fucking 14 years old and there's till too much shit that's not even explanable. i don't mean explained. i mean explanable.
the nuts part is taking enough redpills to realize what is and isn't correct in each of the major religions. yes, religion is a mechanism of societal control.
and every society that does not control female hypergamy and guarantee that 50%+ of beta males will get theirs... well they get crushed by those societies who do.
That's the part you can never get through to most atheists. When you acknowledge that maybe there isn't a god, but that belief in one is good for a lot of people and that that social control is a far better methodology than control through government tyranny.
Like, Religion figured out how to prevent people from dying of pork parasites without having to commit extinction level genocide on pigs or having to explain to people things beyond their ability to comprehend.
If I recall correctly, I think Dawkins himself came to this conclusion or something similar... religious faith is important to us on a biological level, and without 'God' people will find something to place faith in.
Quite literally the devil you know vs the one you don't. And he said this before the coof came around and proved him right.
Even actual retards can come to that conclusion a decade+ ago with the evidence directly in front of us, watching people create cults and ideologies and brands to fill the hole religion used to. Heck you could see it literally happening in real time in the 60s to the hippies.
Dawkins was an arrogant prick who always has to be controversial and "right." So of course he would change sides after helping damn us all to ruin.
the hottest take you can legitimately defend is a stochastic agnosticism
In my younger days, I went from believing to uncertainty, but Pascal's wager seemed like a fair assessment of the situation, so my behavior didn't change much.
What is the cost to me of living a good life, even if it doesn't give me a thrill?
It really is fascinating how Christianity just brings out the worst in some people. It just existing is enough to trigger some kind of reflex, no matter the actual content. I'm not going to discount the abuses people have done wearing the church as a shield. (Virtue Signalers go all the way back to Annanias and Sapphira after all.) But the sheer vitriol that manifests when Christ enters the picture is downright ridiculous.
I had assumed the large number of church arson cases in Europe involved Muslims. It appears as if the left considers Christianity "racist" and another target for their rabid hatred.
If you can curate, censor, and control the flow of information, you can make people believe just about anything. This is why, pre internet, the propaganda was so effective, because the globalists had complete control of all avenues of information sharing (school, news, Hollywood). Only through cutting off the lies and exposure to the censored information, arguments, and discussion, free of the negative slant on it that's common among mainsteam media, and controlled opposition right wing media, can change someone's mind. That, and as the reality of the world conflicts with the lies, especially as the lies get more blatant and deadly to anyone that follows them, it will break more people from the propaganda spell.
Jup. Why are there scientists that are devout Christians? If they were to enlightened by science wouldn't they become atheist? Or is it BECAUSE they study a field they see the need for a creator, a believe? Must just be my imagination...
I'd agree with this if science didn't disagree with almost the entire left ideology. It was never convenient for it.
Gender dysphoria is no different than body dysmorphia. It is a mental illness to be treated, not a thing to be celebrated. It is something survived, not something to be glorified.
This isn't about science or religion, really.
Imagine if society as a whole forced you to validate some fatass that thought he was a body builder, and anything else could potentially destroy your livelihood.
That's basically the clown world we live in. That is not science.
Edit: Misread, but fuck it. I still want to say most of this, even if it isn't really applicable as a response to AnimeAnon.
One of the people involved had recently commented how "easy it is to manipulate people" and is connected to someone (banned here) who came to .win during the rdrama influx a year or two ago. I hope people here know it's a standard tactic to create personas with opposing takes on a controversial topic to divide up a board's user base.
But, at some fucking point, you've got to at least try to understand where the Christians are coming from. Once I figured out that the Christian concept of God is effectively a manifestation of "the absolute truth"; most of the metaphors and analogies make perfect sense.
I agree that there are Christians who treat God as "The Chief Narcissist", and it's because they are already bad people using the church as a crutch.
The last fucking thing I will tolerate is a fucking atheist that's literally the embodiment of the Christian criticism of "a young boy angry at God". Because that's what a bunch of them are. Kids raised by shit parents and ideologically captured by corrupt institutions. Those are atheists that never really deconverted from religious thinking. They've just embraced magical thinking, and now they worship Doctor Fauci instead.
Bad news: you're actually fucking worse than the Evangelicals.
I don't think human can deconvert from religious thinking, all we can do is divert it onto something other than God. And, if you don't have a clearly defined belief system, what you're worshipping is invariably yourself.
I also disagree that the Christian perception of God is "the absolute truth". That's part of it, but what it really encompasses is universal good. This is distinct from religions like Judaism and Islam, which worship tribal good, and religions like Zen and Buddism, which worship truth for individual enlightenment. Christianity worships the good of everyone, even non-believers, and the truth is just a part of that good.
I do agree that atheists bring little or nothing to the table, having been one myself. I even read the Bible but, at that time, I very much was that young boy angry with God; I didn't read to understand, I read to criticise and show that I knew better than others (including God). This caused me to miss the point of much of the book, which I've come to understand mich better today.
It's a frustrating side effect of our technological supremacy that even our children are filled with arrogance and cannot hear the Word when it's right in front of them.
Ehh, I don't jive well with Reddit-tier Atheist. Some of this attitude comes with age though I'd wager.
I remember living through the late 80's and 90's during the right wing "Satanic Panic" era coupled with that fucking moron Jack Thompson.
Arguably, progressive LGBTQ ladyboys are far far far more annoying than the right wing religious zealots of that time but I'd rather both just go far far away.
Arguably, progressive LGBTQ ladyboys are far far far more annoying than the right wing religious zealots of that time but I'd rather both just go far far away.
It's not arguable, IMO. The rainbow mafia are far, far worse than anything else I've experienced in terms of their ability to warp reality through censorship and force awful changes on everything.
In the 1990s we had blood replaced with sweat and green slime. In the 2020s, every female character is downright ugly and we have configurable feminine penis options on a game and it's not satirical.
Sometimes I think people fail to make a distinction between "compliance under protest" and "enthusiastic compliance"
"Compliance under protest" was when the studios made a change because the choice was either to do that or not get their game shipped to that country. So they did green blood, or the Nazis were robots or whatever. They'd change a texture, or the color of a texture to comply, but it's done as an afterthought.
"Enthusiastic compliance" is when you're a true believer who complies with both the letter and spirit of whatever law you're following. And you're usually going way above and beyond what the regulators would demand of you. The game is designed from the ground up to comply, because they want it to comply but maybe they have to change one thing at the end to make a regulator whose already happy with your game actually be able to check the final box.
In the 90s we had "compliance under protest". Today we have "enthusiastic compliance".
In the 1990s we had blood replaced with sweat and green slime.
With MK, that was only on the Super Nintendo version and IIRC, only the first game. SEGA's big thing was being edgier compared to Nintendo's "safe for kids" branding. We had alternatives back then. Now the only hope is mods, and even those are subject to de-platforming. It's a 1000 times worse.
My parents were absolutely convinced that Mortal Kombat was a satanic object meant to defile kids brains into killers and satanist.
Same thing with heavy metal and what is now classic rock. I don't know how it's being used now-a-days as a descriptor but it was almost 1:1 with tranny cancel culture of today.
Nobody got fired for joking about it, or kicked out of anything for being casually satanic. SOME parents prevented SOME kids from doing SOME things that was probably best for them not to be doing anyway was as far as things went.
"Parental Advisory" stickers were a marketing campaign and you are naive if you think it was anything but.
My parents were absolutely convinced that Mortal Kombat was a satanic object meant to defile kids brains into killers and satanist.
That wasn't the satanic panic.
The satanic panic was based around an idea that a whole bunch of people panicked over some sort of preschool that they thought was doing satanic rituals. And from my understanding, the "panic" wasn't that big, and the preschool (or whatever) actually was shady.
What limited reading I've done on it makes it sound like it was a proto-Epstein situation and accompanying response from the powers that be, where instead of smearing everyone concerned about it as QAnon, they were just called religious crazies.
I think the reason it has the "Right wing stamp" if you will now-a-days is because the progressive left vehemently opposes it and has more Atheist as party members. Thus, a new "Panic" would be inherently evangelical of which is nested under the GOP.
Now an interesting thing though is that around 14% and rising in the GOP are Atheist or Agnostic.
It's not a myth. My parents didn't much care about stuff, but my best friend's family went to a non-denominational church that did convince people D&D was satanic. It didn't stop my friend from playing, but he couldn't buy any of the books, and had to keep it secret.
Later his mom because a told SJW leftoid crazy. She went from one end of the crazy spectrum to the other. Actually, not uncommon. Crazies gonna crazy.
but my best friend's family went to a non-denominational church that did convince people D&D was satanic.
Looking at the D&D community, I'm far more sympathetic to that view than I was before.
There's nothing inherently wrong with roleplaying games per se. But look how how many queers there are in this hobby, more than most anything else. Look at how many choose tiefling as their go-to. Why are they drawn to it? Why are these groups so dysfunctional while others are far less so. Even by the standards of the modern era, rpg hobby circles are a fucking trainwreck.
I do think that roleplaying as an evil diety worshiper needs a proper prep and mindset if it is to be done at all. There needs to be actors for evil roles. But these people are diving into it enthusiastically, no prep.
Also, the hells in dnd are just the pop culture hell (inferno style with many circles) and devils named after actual demons. Rather than it being subtle allegory or its own invention. It's just hell.
And so I've come to worry about a game where you can roleplay worshiping devils, where the hell isn't creative, and where the community has fallen to being queer. More than any other nerd community. There's something to be wary of here. I at least wouldn't just let my kids go play it. We're having a chat first at the very least. That community is deeply spiritually ill.
In the 90s, my memories of D&D were pretty much just that the same nerdy kids who played video games and were in to science fiction and fantasy ALSO played D&D. My group was 100% male (briefly had one girl, and her presence almost made the whole thing fall apart due to thirst), 100% straight, etc. We were just nerds.
We often had a kind of persecution mentality. The cool kid and girls and others at school made of nerds, so we accepted anyone else who didn't quite fit in.
And yeah, that's basically the story of how D&D turned into a hobby for social misfits rather than people who were into the roleplaying and fantasy elements. Gatekeeping would have been nice, but D&D was kind of set up, at least in my experience, to be anti-gatekeeping. We were desperate for more people!
Don't think so. Could never do anything on a Sunday. Called Catholics non-Christian satanists. Thought D&D and MtG were Satan inspired. Weekly Bible study and Greek study, Biblical inerrancy and literalism, etc.
They were far out there and crazy, but I can't think of anything lefty about what they believed. Both the kids hate Christians today.
I don't think it's at all anti-Christian to acknowledge that there are some groups and sects that ARE a problem. Search for an Ex-Jehovah's Witness group for instance. Jehovah's Witnesses are, in my opinion, doing damge to Christianity as a whole.
the same people who raised two faggots
Well, they raised one "bi" female who was craaaaaazy (and crazy smart) until she settled down in her mid-30s and married a dull normie. So there's that.
These weren't Unitarians. I don't know how common they are elsewhere, but these small house churches, often rent space in a gym or a stripmall or something, are pretty common across the south. They tend to be run by a charismatic preacher who preaches against denominations (while at the same time making his/her own church pretty much a denomination). A lot of variation in them, but my friend's family group one was pretty whack
Yep, every gay person I know hates the flag, the parades, the whole production. They just want to be treated like regular people.
I don't understand why, if you were trans, you'd want people to know. Wouldn't that make "passing" impossible?
Most people I see supporting the Pride movement are boring, overweight, white women who think it will make them more interesting if they dye their hair.
Because these people don't have personalities, so they have to make their ideological fetish their entire personality.
These are the people that say "people are more than their biology" but then reduce themselves to being defined, or redefined, by nothing more than factors associated with it.
There is no logic in this ideology.
They're all deeply dissatisfied autists that never learned how to define themselves, so they latch onto any bandwagon they can so they can feel like they fit in, whether its collecting mental illnesses like pokemon cards, furries, or the trans movement.
This coming from an autist, btw. I've been through that whole song and dance. I just didn't latch onto bullshit to try to define myself.
On reddit there is a subreddit called /r/truscum. Don't know if they got banned yet but they are the "real" trannies. Ones who believe you can only be trans via medical diagnosis and that "Gender ideology" is retarded.
Were you to take the trans naming out of it, you'd swear it was a Conservative subreddit.
Just because one side is nuts, does not mean you can point to the other side and somehow make your favorite viewpoint less crazy by proxy.
I'll retain that there was a large amount of Christian Zealots in the 80's-90's and there may have been an equal amount of stupidity on the other end. Both can be true.
Yes, fuck them and I’m less tolerant of the non-religious then I was say 15 years ago. You Atheist Bud Lights can’t shit on Christians for the better part of 60+ years and not expect backlash. Fuck you.
I won't shoot you down for your beliefs, but I don't give a shit about hearing them. My only response will be "Idk man maybe, I dont have a fucking idea"
A lot of these comments are interesting because they echo my own sentiment. I think I was always right and believed in God but I was never hard right or particularly religious. Then 2020 happened and that definitely made me reevaluate things. Politics, race, religion, society in general. The rampant insanity from the left; ID is racist, 2am spikes in votes after pollsters kicked out the supervisors is totally legit, making toddlers wear masks is not bad for their mental development, aborting babies at 9months or After birth even is perfectly okay. Men can become women and women can become men. It was like some dog whistle was blown that lefties across the nation could all hear at the same time, signaling that they could abandon any facade of sanity they still presented and become their full, evil selves.
Despite being firmly Agnostic, there is not a single bone of doubt in my body that Christians ARE in fact being oppressed in the United States today.
Despite not believing in any of it, I am first and foremost an American and it is my civic duty to give a shit about someone stomping on your right to practice and speak your faith.
The modern woke leftwing ideology is an all out authoritarian attack on any system that can threaten their belief structure which is religious like in design.
I enjoy the conversations regardless of their bad faith and acerbic nature since it is almost like sitting down and talking to my youth, taking a type of accountability for it.
For KIA it might not be so appropriate, but these have been fairly engaging in a time of considerable topical drought to the point where I've decided to come back.
I'd rather persuade them to not be insufferable than just bash them for no reason. After all, they're getting a lot of things right if they're here to begin with.
Do you really want moderators who persuade themselves that others are 'bad' for their opinions? Ironically, if that's the case, you would like most Reddit mods.
TDS has taught me that people who are reasonable and intelligent enough to have discourse with on many topics can be unreasonable frothing retards on certain topics beyond the ability to reach them or even be civil.
In the case of most of these atheists, they are full on Derangement Syndrome and all those things you think they are doing "right" mean nothing on this topic.
TDS has taught me that people who are reasonable and intelligent enough to have discourse with on many topics can be unreasonable frothing retards on certain topics beyond the ability to reach them or even be civil.
When you're deep down the rabbit hole, you can't be pulled out. But internet atheism is just a surface-level phenomenon, I think. Hell, I was a New Atheist myself...
In the case of most of these atheists, they are full on Derangement Syndrome and all those things you think they are doing "right" mean nothing on this topic.
Post Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks (x2)
Post Approved: This doesn't do that. Also, Atheism actually doesn't fall into the concept of an 'identity group'. It's more of an ideological construct. I've elaborated that here.
Don't put words in my mouth. People are free to post what they want within reason, but I only support your ability to post Bible stuff, I don't necessarily support the content itself. I'm also not here to support some religious jihad against infidel atheists. Who gives a fuck. This place is ostensibly about censorship in gaming, comic books, and nerd culture in general. If it's now being brigaded with religious messaging and becoming a Christian safe space then I don't see how you're any different from feminist infiltrators who warp boards/forums/subs into the whipped, politically correct dogshit we all ran away from.
As far as I can tell, the recent Bible poster and the "midwits" are all new accounts that have only managed to stir up trouble when this subject hasn't been problematic before. Yeah, feels totally organic.
Your doing a lot of work to try and make up a "both sides are bad" argument, when the "Christian Safe Space" so far has been a single post a day that barely gets any interaction, or it didn't until the triggered midwits started blowing them up.
And its still an easily ignored, single post a day nothingburger. Everyone has topics around here they don't participate in because its not their fight or care, so nothing about this is special other than "bibleman bad."
Truth always wins out over ideology in the end, whether that is a religious text or "The Science™". I've never had respect for anyone who wishes to push their ideology onto other people, whether it's a belief, a vaccine or dogma. But that's my libertarian streak showing.
It is rather telling that religions, while they believe their faith is the one true faith, tolerate other religions but have a hated for atheism, whether by the promise of eternal damnation or the death penalty.
Idk what I am, some sort of agnostic I guess since I kinda Believe in a Creator of the Universe and prefer the idea of the Christian one.
All that to say I also hate room temp IQ atheists, their entire existence is based on pretending to be intelligent and shitting on specifically Christianity, because they're too big of a group of pussies to do anyone else.
Another faggot rallying call thread. Nothing screams insecurity like these "am i rite guys?" call to action. Whiny threads like this are peak reddit, ironically.
Why don't you focus on your captured churches? "Atheism" isn't a thing no matter how much you need it to be one. Take your Sunday school bible readings to boards who give a shit. Christ fags are one notch down from group think, authoritarian communists.
imagine calling someone a faggot and then saying that in the same post. What kind of faggot retardation is that? Were you dropped on your head as a child?
Fucking Christ. Idgaf what you are, but I sure as hell hope you don't associate with any kind of atheism or agnosticism.
You sound vaccinated. Careful don't get your heart rate up!
What set of beliefs are associated with "atheism"? Why do you think the they/thems tried to make atheism+ happen? Clearly that was a waste of time since simple Jack fucks like you already append a bunch of lefty politics and beliefs onto anyone who is an atheist. Nice groupthink. Mao would be proud.
Actually, back when I used to browse places like r/atheism way back in the pre-Elevatorgate days, when the Muslim world was slowly coming online and started butting up against the collective will of the internet, I was really looking forward to (what I thought would be) its inevitable beat-down.
Instead everyone just kept shitting on Christians and making excuses for Islam. It became pretty clear to me that they mostly just hated Christians and couldn't care less about far more violent and far less tolerant religions.
That hate boner didn't spring forth from the ether, though. Most mainstream churches in the West have lost their own way and fall for everything/stand for nothing.
If these midwits understood Islam to the same level most of us do, they would have just as much of a hate boner.
It is the same with the Chinese. Most people have no idea that China is our enemy and acts like it in overt ways (even down to their indoctrination chambers/schools). Once this bumps up against their personal world, they will give a shit... but of course it will be far too late.
It's no coincidence that anti-theism rose alongside Critical Theory in academia; our countries were founded on Christian values and Queering spirituality is a subtle attack on the foundation of our societies.
Obnoxious internet atheists, however, are a dime a dozen.
Is that more an internet thing or an atheism thing, though? Internet behaviour in general is very antagonistic at times because the complete detachment from personal/IRL interactions means there is significantly less risk to what someone will say and do, and the lack of emotional inflection in the language medium results in any attempts at sarcasm requiring either blatant signaling or so much scrutiny the effect withers.
Most people that don't have a religion simply don't care and don't label themselves anything. People who actively label themselves as atheists have religion, more typically Christianity, living rent-free in their heads. It basically is a religion of anti-religion.
Then you have anonymity making everyone a bit more bombastic and insufferable.
Most atheists are just unresolved bundles of daddy issues; their parents took away their Pokeman cards or dragged them to church instead of letting them sleep in on a Sunday, and they're eternally SEETHING AND MALDING over it.
I've heard this a lot but I really don't think it's true. It certainly doesn't explain the numbers. Even gen Xers weren't being dragged to church by their parents at anywhere near the rates the boomers were. As a millenial, growing up, I intellectually knew some families went to church, but I only met a handful of kids for whom that was a reality. None of those kids grew up to be anti-theists.
The fall of Christianity and the generation it was most noticable in are conflated, but you have to look a few generations back to find the actual beginning. Millenial anti-theism has its own mythology about the evils of Christianity, but none of them ever actually went to church to begin with, let alone experienced any kind of Christian "oppression" like they claimed to feel.
I have a thought on this. 1) I have never heard this expressed so thank you and I think I mostly agree, and want to expand.
I think many actually DO believe in God BUT resent the idea of a God for one reason or another.
I have a relative who is "atheist" . He also had a very unfortunate set of circumstances before he was even born. The most polite way of putting it is he's disabled to a point. And mentally he might not be entirely there either but that's up for debate. And I think sometimes he resents his existence. He's made remarks about abortion (he's very pro abortion). I had to remind him that by his own standards, he'd have been a prime candidate for abortion has his mom had shared his current views.
A weeb Japanese book (Welcome to the NHK) actually approached this topic once.
In that you can find peace by believing in God and then hating him. In that, you recognize there is a God, but there is also horrible injustice and suffering so he must be an "evil God."
But because God is "evil" you can push the blame for most of life's hardships onto him. You no longer need to obsess with fairness or luck, you can just say "fuckin' God man, what an asshole" and move on with life.
Its something alien to a lot of Westerners and our monotheism, but once you've thought about it in that manner I think a lot of people would benefit from that kind of faithless religion.
Its something alien to a lot of Westerners and our monotheism, but once you've thought about it in that manner I think a lot of people would benefit from that kind of faithless religion.
The resurgence of gnosticism and its war against God of The Bible (Whom they term the demiurge*) is at the root of many of the evils of today. There is no benefit to it, only ruin. Hegel and Marx's writings are rife with references to it.
Its something alien to a lot of Westerners and our monotheism,
It is not nearly as alien as you would think, it pervades our pop culture. Less overtly common than traditional faith and disbelief and satanism sure. But it has absolutely been explored. If anything it's been explored to death. Yes moreso by japanese media. But the west has more than done its share.
But that's just a passing reference? Ok sure, let's look at other media then. We've had larger more explicit explorations of it, from Pullman's his dark materials, to the da vinci code, that best seller. And there's a middle ground pervasiveness too, other media like the matrix borrow fundamental aspects and themes from it without being explicitly gnostic. Our media runs the gamut, from mere passing references, to borrowing themes, and outright explorations of it. Media in all genres and for all ages does this.
And that's just the obvious stuff. You'll spot their sophia/hermetic/Gospel of John conspiracies/hermes/isis/owl/minerva/wisdom/simulation/ prison/transformative/strong body-soul dualism... heresies everywhere if you learn what to look for.
Even transgenderism is built upon it. The idea that there is a 'female soul' trapped in a male body. And you'll hear them talk this way, of their female soul and spirit, even if they claim to be atheists. This whole idea depends upon some very gnostic presuppositions, and 'spiritual' ideas. The ideas that the mind and soul are entirely separable, that the body can be a prison, and that there is a force or deity putting souls in the wrong body, presumably for nefarious purposes. The whole thing is built on ancient ideas that do actually pervade our culture. How can you be born in the wrong body if there is not a 'you' separate from your body? And yet it is also 'faithless' for most, they accept these ideas without exploring the metaphysical implications.
I think a lot of people would benefit from that kind of faithless religion.
Its the difference between saying "fuck you" to the king, versus saying "fuck you" to any individual peasant. So yeah, the monotheism likely plays a huge part.
I was previously one. A lolbert who thought he was "above it all".
Looking back I realize that repeating dawkins retardation was a way to avoid thinking about a serious subject and pretend I was in the "smart" club.
But now I know the war isn't left vs right, though the lines are usually arrayed that way, it really is Order vs Chaos. Chaos being the gay commie globalists who will use any means at their disposal to dissolve civilization.
Something I recently came to understand was when the Christians say "this isn't something you can reason yourself into: you either 'get it' or you don't".
Because there's some intuitive sense I get where I say "these people are demons", and I have trouble even explaining that sense to Christians even if they also intuitively understand "yeah those aren't good people" but may be uncomfortable declaring them "demons".
I would be wholly incapable of explaining that intuition to even myself 5 years ago, and I think even my Christian self 20 years ago would tell me today "yeah maybe you should see someone about that."
Possession is real. It's ideological possession, in modern parlance, but the powers and principalities represented are still very much Satanic. Because Leftism is the gospel of envy, the old metaphors and understandings still hold.
"Hell is empty and the all the devils are here." The Tempest Act 1, Scene 2, Shakespeare
Wait, so can we call it Former Hell now?
Shakespeare is poetry, not theology.
I used to have trouble believing in demons, till Obama became president and the left dropped the charade and showed how bat shit insane it was. Now, I understand why the old religion was so strict and hard on the wicked.
About 6 months to a year ago I found myself saying "I'm not sure I believe in god, but I believe in the Devil because I see so many people act in service to him."
There's a certain sense where I can honestly see why people have an easier time being a Satanist than a Christian, because people acting in the furtherance of that being's (if it actually exists) ends are so much easier to find.
There's some reasoning involved for me, but it's mostly things like 'We as a species don't know nearly as much as we think we do,' which I use to navigate the obstacles my rational side tries to throw in the way of my faith. Intuition is still very necessary, and not just in matters of faith either.
Progressives only ever use reason as an argument when they want you to abandon your gut instinct. Most of the time they don't give a flying fuck about what's rational, they live by the creed 'my feels over objective reals, Nazi scum', but the second your healthy intuition rejects their sick web of propaganda, suddenly (their mangled version of) rationality is back on the menu!
Demon is synonymous with evil so it isn't surprising that you feel that way. I don't think that lends any credence to a specific religion.
I would not be able to claim to be a Satanist given the behaviors i consider "demonic" and my negative association with those behaviors.
None of which say anything about whether or not any of it is true, but it does speak to compatibility with a particular religion.
looking back 20 years (i'm well older), atheism was always a shit take. even for the 140+ IQ crowd, the hottest take you can legitimately defend is a stochastic agnosticism, and if you're not deep into applied statistics (e.g. robotic vision), you're still half baked, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about in epistemology.
i was doing relativity at fucking 14 years old and there's till too much shit that's not even explanable. i don't mean explained. i mean explanable.
the nuts part is taking enough redpills to realize what is and isn't correct in each of the major religions. yes, religion is a mechanism of societal control.
and every society that does not control female hypergamy and guarantee that 50%+ of beta males will get theirs... well they get crushed by those societies who do.
That's the part you can never get through to most atheists. When you acknowledge that maybe there isn't a god, but that belief in one is good for a lot of people and that that social control is a far better methodology than control through government tyranny.
Like, Religion figured out how to prevent people from dying of pork parasites without having to commit extinction level genocide on pigs or having to explain to people things beyond their ability to comprehend.
If I recall correctly, I think Dawkins himself came to this conclusion or something similar... religious faith is important to us on a biological level, and without 'God' people will find something to place faith in.
Quite literally the devil you know vs the one you don't. And he said this before the coof came around and proved him right.
Even actual retards can come to that conclusion a decade+ ago with the evidence directly in front of us, watching people create cults and ideologies and brands to fill the hole religion used to. Heck you could see it literally happening in real time in the 60s to the hippies.
Dawkins was an arrogant prick who always has to be controversial and "right." So of course he would change sides after helping damn us all to ruin.
That's straight out of Jordan Peterson's Jungian rap about the intersection of religion and psychology.
In my younger days, I went from believing to uncertainty, but Pascal's wager seemed like a fair assessment of the situation, so my behavior didn't change much.
What is the cost to me of living a good life, even if it doesn't give me a thrill?
I often forget about that. Maybe I should go back to church.
Your description fits me to a T, as well!
It really is fascinating how Christianity just brings out the worst in some people. It just existing is enough to trigger some kind of reflex, no matter the actual content. I'm not going to discount the abuses people have done wearing the church as a shield. (Virtue Signalers go all the way back to Annanias and Sapphira after all.) But the sheer vitriol that manifests when Christ enters the picture is downright ridiculous.
Just came across this: https://www.breitbart.com/faith/2022/02/22/report-early-2022-marked-by-epidemic-of-anti-christian-arson-and-vandalism/
I had assumed the large number of church arson cases in Europe involved Muslims. It appears as if the left considers Christianity "racist" and another target for their rabid hatred.
I do think a particular organ was more involved in proponents than opponents, and it was not the brain.
It's Queer Theory.
Literally: question everything you know ie God.
They don't even try to hide the fact that they unironically worship Satan.
Because Americans learn in school the damage that Christianity has caused, specifically in Europe.
Meanwhile, if the atrocities of other religions are mentioned at all, they're typically glossed over.
There's also the non-white plot armor other religions tend to have in these thought processes.
I honestly don't know how people can think this.
If you can curate, censor, and control the flow of information, you can make people believe just about anything. This is why, pre internet, the propaganda was so effective, because the globalists had complete control of all avenues of information sharing (school, news, Hollywood). Only through cutting off the lies and exposure to the censored information, arguments, and discussion, free of the negative slant on it that's common among mainsteam media, and controlled opposition right wing media, can change someone's mind. That, and as the reality of the world conflicts with the lies, especially as the lies get more blatant and deadly to anyone that follows them, it will break more people from the propaganda spell.
They can't get their mind out of the 15th century.
I forgot, was that the one when Christian Europe invented the scientific method?
Jup. Why are there scientists that are devout Christians? If they were to enlightened by science wouldn't they become atheist? Or is it BECAUSE they study a field they see the need for a creator, a believe? Must just be my imagination...
I'd agree with this if science didn't disagree with almost the entire left ideology. It was never convenient for it.
Gender dysphoria is no different than body dysmorphia. It is a mental illness to be treated, not a thing to be celebrated. It is something survived, not something to be glorified.
This isn't about science or religion, really.
Imagine if society as a whole forced you to validate some fatass that thought he was a body builder, and anything else could potentially destroy your livelihood.
That's basically the clown world we live in. That is not science.
Edit: Misread, but fuck it. I still want to say most of this, even if it isn't really applicable as a response to AnimeAnon.
Sudden uptick almost feels like a psy-op to cause the very discourse going on.
One of the people involved had recently commented how "easy it is to manipulate people" and is connected to someone (banned here) who came to .win during the rdrama influx a year or two ago. I hope people here know it's a standard tactic to create personas with opposing takes on a controversial topic to divide up a board's user base.
I'm still an anti-theist. Big fan of Nietzche.
But, at some fucking point, you've got to at least try to understand where the Christians are coming from. Once I figured out that the Christian concept of God is effectively a manifestation of "the absolute truth"; most of the metaphors and analogies make perfect sense.
I agree that there are Christians who treat God as "The Chief Narcissist", and it's because they are already bad people using the church as a crutch.
The last fucking thing I will tolerate is a fucking atheist that's literally the embodiment of the Christian criticism of "a young boy angry at God". Because that's what a bunch of them are. Kids raised by shit parents and ideologically captured by corrupt institutions. Those are atheists that never really deconverted from religious thinking. They've just embraced magical thinking, and now they worship Doctor Fauci instead.
Bad news: you're actually fucking worse than the Evangelicals.
I don't think human can deconvert from religious thinking, all we can do is divert it onto something other than God. And, if you don't have a clearly defined belief system, what you're worshipping is invariably yourself.
I also disagree that the Christian perception of God is "the absolute truth". That's part of it, but what it really encompasses is universal good. This is distinct from religions like Judaism and Islam, which worship tribal good, and religions like Zen and Buddism, which worship truth for individual enlightenment. Christianity worships the good of everyone, even non-believers, and the truth is just a part of that good.
I do agree that atheists bring little or nothing to the table, having been one myself. I even read the Bible but, at that time, I very much was that young boy angry with God; I didn't read to understand, I read to criticise and show that I knew better than others (including God). This caused me to miss the point of much of the book, which I've come to understand mich better today.
It's a frustrating side effect of our technological supremacy that even our children are filled with arrogance and cannot hear the Word when it's right in front of them.
It's okay to take disagreeable positions. Frankly my most disagreeable position regards climate change. But I don't make it a crusade.
Ehh, I don't jive well with Reddit-tier Atheist. Some of this attitude comes with age though I'd wager.
I remember living through the late 80's and 90's during the right wing "Satanic Panic" era coupled with that fucking moron Jack Thompson.
Arguably, progressive LGBTQ ladyboys are far far far more annoying than the right wing religious zealots of that time but I'd rather both just go far far away.
It's not arguable, IMO. The rainbow mafia are far, far worse than anything else I've experienced in terms of their ability to warp reality through censorship and force awful changes on everything.
In the 1990s we had blood replaced with sweat and green slime. In the 2020s, every female character is downright ugly and we have configurable feminine penis options on a game and it's not satirical.
Sometimes I think people fail to make a distinction between "compliance under protest" and "enthusiastic compliance"
"Compliance under protest" was when the studios made a change because the choice was either to do that or not get their game shipped to that country. So they did green blood, or the Nazis were robots or whatever. They'd change a texture, or the color of a texture to comply, but it's done as an afterthought.
"Enthusiastic compliance" is when you're a true believer who complies with both the letter and spirit of whatever law you're following. And you're usually going way above and beyond what the regulators would demand of you. The game is designed from the ground up to comply, because they want it to comply but maybe they have to change one thing at the end to make a regulator whose already happy with your game actually be able to check the final box.
In the 90s we had "compliance under protest". Today we have "enthusiastic compliance".
With MK, that was only on the Super Nintendo version and IIRC, only the first game. SEGA's big thing was being edgier compared to Nintendo's "safe for kids" branding. We had alternatives back then. Now the only hope is mods, and even those are subject to de-platforming. It's a 1000 times worse.
This fucking myth just refuses to die.
Myth? I lived through it and around it.
My parents were absolutely convinced that Mortal Kombat was a satanic object meant to defile kids brains into killers and satanist.
Same thing with heavy metal and what is now classic rock. I don't know how it's being used now-a-days as a descriptor but it was almost 1:1 with tranny cancel culture of today.
Nobody got fired for joking about it, or kicked out of anything for being casually satanic. SOME parents prevented SOME kids from doing SOME things that was probably best for them not to be doing anyway was as far as things went.
"Parental Advisory" stickers were a marketing campaign and you are naive if you think it was anything but.
I was taught to play dungeons and dragons by a Catholic priest, and they did actually find dead kids under that preschool.
That wasn't the satanic panic.
The satanic panic was based around an idea that a whole bunch of people panicked over some sort of preschool that they thought was doing satanic rituals. And from my understanding, the "panic" wasn't that big, and the preschool (or whatever) actually was shady.
What limited reading I've done on it makes it sound like it was a proto-Epstein situation and accompanying response from the powers that be, where instead of smearing everyone concerned about it as QAnon, they were just called religious crazies.
Yeah, you're basically spot on.
Tipper Gore and Hillary Clinton's moralism wasn't part of the Satanic Panic, or even right-wing conservativism.
Just women acting like women with the systemic power to back it up...
The myth is that it was right-wing. Democrats were commonly Christian as well back then.
It wasn't attached to political views then, it was purely attached to religious views, which at the time covered both right and left.
Yeah I could reasonably accept that for the time.
I think the reason it has the "Right wing stamp" if you will now-a-days is because the progressive left vehemently opposes it and has more Atheist as party members. Thus, a new "Panic" would be inherently evangelical of which is nested under the GOP.
Now an interesting thing though is that around 14% and rising in the GOP are Atheist or Agnostic.
You’re mixing 80s and 90s. They were not the same. Easy to mix up when you’re Gen Z.
Are you implying I'm Gen Z? Lol. I'm on the elder side of Millennial trending more with Gen X.
Yeah, it wasn't right wing. Democrats tended to be Christian as well back then.
It's not a myth. My parents didn't much care about stuff, but my best friend's family went to a non-denominational church that did convince people D&D was satanic. It didn't stop my friend from playing, but he couldn't buy any of the books, and had to keep it secret.
Later his mom because a told SJW leftoid crazy. She went from one end of the crazy spectrum to the other. Actually, not uncommon. Crazies gonna crazy.
Looking at the D&D community, I'm far more sympathetic to that view than I was before.
There's nothing inherently wrong with roleplaying games per se. But look how how many queers there are in this hobby, more than most anything else. Look at how many choose tiefling as their go-to. Why are they drawn to it? Why are these groups so dysfunctional while others are far less so. Even by the standards of the modern era, rpg hobby circles are a fucking trainwreck.
I do think that roleplaying as an evil diety worshiper needs a proper prep and mindset if it is to be done at all. There needs to be actors for evil roles. But these people are diving into it enthusiastically, no prep.
Also, the hells in dnd are just the pop culture hell (inferno style with many circles) and devils named after actual demons. Rather than it being subtle allegory or its own invention. It's just hell.
And so I've come to worry about a game where you can roleplay worshiping devils, where the hell isn't creative, and where the community has fallen to being queer. More than any other nerd community. There's something to be wary of here. I at least wouldn't just let my kids go play it. We're having a chat first at the very least. That community is deeply spiritually ill.
I really don't disagree with you at all.
In the 90s, my memories of D&D were pretty much just that the same nerdy kids who played video games and were in to science fiction and fantasy ALSO played D&D. My group was 100% male (briefly had one girl, and her presence almost made the whole thing fall apart due to thirst), 100% straight, etc. We were just nerds.
We often had a kind of persecution mentality. The cool kid and girls and others at school made of nerds, so we accepted anyone else who didn't quite fit in.
And yeah, that's basically the story of how D&D turned into a hobby for social misfits rather than people who were into the roleplaying and fantasy elements. Gatekeeping would have been nice, but D&D was kind of set up, at least in my experience, to be anti-gatekeeping. We were desperate for more people!
Aka a lefty church. It wasn't rightwing.
The only people who ever told me that MtG and videogames were satanic were the same people who raised two faggots and had pay per view porn channels.
Don't think so. Could never do anything on a Sunday. Called Catholics non-Christian satanists. Thought D&D and MtG were Satan inspired. Weekly Bible study and Greek study, Biblical inerrancy and literalism, etc.
They were far out there and crazy, but I can't think of anything lefty about what they believed. Both the kids hate Christians today.
I don't think it's at all anti-Christian to acknowledge that there are some groups and sects that ARE a problem. Search for an Ex-Jehovah's Witness group for instance. Jehovah's Witnesses are, in my opinion, doing damge to Christianity as a whole.
Well, they raised one "bi" female who was craaaaaazy (and crazy smart) until she settled down in her mid-30s and married a dull normie. So there's that.
Unitarians aren't Christian.
Simple as.
FUCK Unitarians.
These weren't Unitarians. I don't know how common they are elsewhere, but these small house churches, often rent space in a gym or a stripmall or something, are pretty common across the south. They tend to be run by a charismatic preacher who preaches against denominations (while at the same time making his/her own church pretty much a denomination). A lot of variation in them, but my friend's family group one was pretty whack
No she didn't.
She started as a puritanical authoritarian trying to force others to submit to her cult and she remains the same.
Ironically, most transsexuals I've seen seem to hate the trans movement.
Has anyone else noticed that?
I refuse even to speak to those creatures so I certainly wouldn't know.
Yep, every gay person I know hates the flag, the parades, the whole production. They just want to be treated like regular people.
I don't understand why, if you were trans, you'd want people to know. Wouldn't that make "passing" impossible?
Most people I see supporting the Pride movement are boring, overweight, white women who think it will make them more interesting if they dye their hair.
Because these people don't have personalities, so they have to make their ideological fetish their entire personality.
These are the people that say "people are more than their biology" but then reduce themselves to being defined, or redefined, by nothing more than factors associated with it.
There is no logic in this ideology.
They're all deeply dissatisfied autists that never learned how to define themselves, so they latch onto any bandwagon they can so they can feel like they fit in, whether its collecting mental illnesses like pokemon cards, furries, or the trans movement.
This coming from an autist, btw. I've been through that whole song and dance. I just didn't latch onto bullshit to try to define myself.
If you want a good laugh. To your point.
On reddit there is a subreddit called /r/truscum. Don't know if they got banned yet but they are the "real" trannies. Ones who believe you can only be trans via medical diagnosis and that "Gender ideology" is retarded.
Were you to take the trans naming out of it, you'd swear it was a Conservative subreddit.
No. That doesn't alter my position at all.
Just because one side is nuts, does not mean you can point to the other side and somehow make your favorite viewpoint less crazy by proxy.
I'll retain that there was a large amount of Christian Zealots in the 80's-90's and there may have been an equal amount of stupidity on the other end. Both can be true.
Yes, fuck them and I’m less tolerant of the non-religious then I was say 15 years ago. You Atheist Bud Lights can’t shit on Christians for the better part of 60+ years and not expect backlash. Fuck you.
What about people like me who are Agnostic.
I won't shoot you down for your beliefs, but I don't give a shit about hearing them. My only response will be "Idk man maybe, I dont have a fucking idea"
A lot of these comments are interesting because they echo my own sentiment. I think I was always right and believed in God but I was never hard right or particularly religious. Then 2020 happened and that definitely made me reevaluate things. Politics, race, religion, society in general. The rampant insanity from the left; ID is racist, 2am spikes in votes after pollsters kicked out the supervisors is totally legit, making toddlers wear masks is not bad for their mental development, aborting babies at 9months or After birth even is perfectly okay. Men can become women and women can become men. It was like some dog whistle was blown that lefties across the nation could all hear at the same time, signaling that they could abandon any facade of sanity they still presented and become their full, evil selves.
Despite being firmly Agnostic, there is not a single bone of doubt in my body that Christians ARE in fact being oppressed in the United States today.
Despite not believing in any of it, I am first and foremost an American and it is my civic duty to give a shit about someone stomping on your right to practice and speak your faith.
The modern woke leftwing ideology is an all out authoritarian attack on any system that can threaten their belief structure which is religious like in design.
The atheism+ movement back in the mid-2010's was when I began to realize a lot of atheists were a bunch of dumbasses.
I enjoy the conversations regardless of their bad faith and acerbic nature since it is almost like sitting down and talking to my youth, taking a type of accountability for it.
For KIA it might not be so appropriate, but these have been fairly engaging in a time of considerable topical drought to the point where I've decided to come back.
I'd rather persuade them to not be insufferable than just bash them for no reason. After all, they're getting a lot of things right if they're here to begin with.
(I always have to ruin everything.)
You can take the moderator title from a mod, but you can never take away their ability to be a faggot
Or give them the ability to not be a faggot.
Do you really want moderators who persuade themselves that others are 'bad' for their opinions? Ironically, if that's the case, you would like most Reddit mods.
Oh I was just desiring to call you fag in a funny manner
I've never known you to be so nice to apply such kind labels to me.
I’m well aware
TDS has taught me that people who are reasonable and intelligent enough to have discourse with on many topics can be unreasonable frothing retards on certain topics beyond the ability to reach them or even be civil.
In the case of most of these atheists, they are full on Derangement Syndrome and all those things you think they are doing "right" mean nothing on this topic.
When you're deep down the rabbit hole, you can't be pulled out. But internet atheism is just a surface-level phenomenon, I think. Hell, I was a New Atheist myself...
Maybe, but I'd rather try than not.
Post Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks (x2)
Post Approved: This doesn't do that. Also, Atheism actually doesn't fall into the concept of an 'identity group'. It's more of an ideological construct. I've elaborated that here.
Don't put words in my mouth. People are free to post what they want within reason, but I only support your ability to post Bible stuff, I don't necessarily support the content itself. I'm also not here to support some religious jihad against infidel atheists. Who gives a fuck. This place is ostensibly about censorship in gaming, comic books, and nerd culture in general. If it's now being brigaded with religious messaging and becoming a Christian safe space then I don't see how you're any different from feminist infiltrators who warp boards/forums/subs into the whipped, politically correct dogshit we all ran away from.
As far as I can tell, the recent Bible poster and the "midwits" are all new accounts that have only managed to stir up trouble when this subject hasn't been problematic before. Yeah, feels totally organic.
Your doing a lot of work to try and make up a "both sides are bad" argument, when the "Christian Safe Space" so far has been a single post a day that barely gets any interaction, or it didn't until the triggered midwits started blowing them up.
And its still an easily ignored, single post a day nothingburger. Everyone has topics around here they don't participate in because its not their fight or care, so nothing about this is special other than "bibleman bad."
Truth always wins out over ideology in the end, whether that is a religious text or "The Science™". I've never had respect for anyone who wishes to push their ideology onto other people, whether it's a belief, a vaccine or dogma. But that's my libertarian streak showing.
It is rather telling that religions, while they believe their faith is the one true faith, tolerate other religions but have a hated for atheism, whether by the promise of eternal damnation or the death penalty.
Idk what I am, some sort of agnostic I guess since I kinda Believe in a Creator of the Universe and prefer the idea of the Christian one.
All that to say I also hate room temp IQ atheists, their entire existence is based on pretending to be intelligent and shitting on specifically Christianity, because they're too big of a group of pussies to do anyone else.
Atheist here. UK, no less.
I don’t need a psychological crutch to cope with fear of death.
I don’t need to be told if I’m naughty I’ll burn forever.
I don’t need people, who are too stupid to genuinely think for themselves, to be my supposed peers in right versus wrong.
ALL THAT ASIDE, I do believe in good; I do believe in evil; I do believe in morality. It’s just the source is different.
So I don’t think I’m the “smug cunt” here, ta.
Athiest = cringe.
Agnostic = based.
Another faggot rallying call thread. Nothing screams insecurity like these "am i rite guys?" call to action. Whiny threads like this are peak reddit, ironically.
Why don't you focus on your captured churches? "Atheism" isn't a thing no matter how much you need it to be one. Take your Sunday school bible readings to boards who give a shit. Christ fags are one notch down from group think, authoritarian communists.
"atheism isn't a thing"
imagine calling someone a faggot and then saying that in the same post. What kind of faggot retardation is that? Were you dropped on your head as a child?
Fucking Christ. Idgaf what you are, but I sure as hell hope you don't associate with any kind of atheism or agnosticism.
You sound vaccinated. Careful don't get your heart rate up!
What set of beliefs are associated with "atheism"? Why do you think the they/thems tried to make atheism+ happen? Clearly that was a waste of time since simple Jack fucks like you already append a bunch of lefty politics and beliefs onto anyone who is an atheist. Nice groupthink. Mao would be proud.
The one comment that could make you even more obnoxious, and BOOM. You wrote it.
And I am not even an atheist.
No wonder people are leaving religion.
Actually, back when I used to browse places like r/atheism way back in the pre-Elevatorgate days, when the Muslim world was slowly coming online and started butting up against the collective will of the internet, I was really looking forward to (what I thought would be) its inevitable beat-down.
Instead everyone just kept shitting on Christians and making excuses for Islam. It became pretty clear to me that they mostly just hated Christians and couldn't care less about far more violent and far less tolerant religions.
this exactly
That hate boner didn't spring forth from the ether, though. Most mainstream churches in the West have lost their own way and fall for everything/stand for nothing.
If these midwits understood Islam to the same level most of us do, they would have just as much of a hate boner.
It is the same with the Chinese. Most people have no idea that China is our enemy and acts like it in overt ways (even down to their indoctrination chambers/schools). Once this bumps up against their personal world, they will give a shit... but of course it will be far too late.
That’s essentially the reason, it’s a generation(s) of mouth breathers who were told that rebelling against Christianity was how to become popular.
"Atheism" as a political movement was just another in the long line of "I hate what my Dad Loves" movements that make up the backbone of the Left.
Trannys in a lot of ways are the current form of that, just getting your rocks off by trying to upset your father in new and cruel ways.
It's no coincidence that anti-theism rose alongside Critical Theory in academia; our countries were founded on Christian values and Queering spirituality is a subtle attack on the foundation of our societies.
Their incessant proselytizing is the clue. I've never met a Christian as obnoxious as an internet atheist, and I say this as an agnostic.
I have but its extremely rare. And honestly most were probably trolling.
Obnoxious internet atheists, however, are a dime a dozen.
Is that more an internet thing or an atheism thing, though? Internet behaviour in general is very antagonistic at times because the complete detachment from personal/IRL interactions means there is significantly less risk to what someone will say and do, and the lack of emotional inflection in the language medium results in any attempts at sarcasm requiring either blatant signaling or so much scrutiny the effect withers.
Probably both.
Most people that don't have a religion simply don't care and don't label themselves anything. People who actively label themselves as atheists have religion, more typically Christianity, living rent-free in their heads. It basically is a religion of anti-religion.
Then you have anonymity making everyone a bit more bombastic and insufferable.
Government is their god, and the press are their preachers. They're a thoroughly subverted legion.
Most atheists are just unresolved bundles of daddy issues; their parents took away their Pokeman cards or dragged them to church instead of letting them sleep in on a Sunday, and they're eternally SEETHING AND MALDING over it.
Don't think it's most but those types certainly exist in spades.
I've heard this a lot but I really don't think it's true. It certainly doesn't explain the numbers. Even gen Xers weren't being dragged to church by their parents at anywhere near the rates the boomers were. As a millenial, growing up, I intellectually knew some families went to church, but I only met a handful of kids for whom that was a reality. None of those kids grew up to be anti-theists.
The fall of Christianity and the generation it was most noticable in are conflated, but you have to look a few generations back to find the actual beginning. Millenial anti-theism has its own mythology about the evils of Christianity, but none of them ever actually went to church to begin with, let alone experienced any kind of Christian "oppression" like they claimed to feel.
I have a thought on this. 1) I have never heard this expressed so thank you and I think I mostly agree, and want to expand.
I have a relative who is "atheist" . He also had a very unfortunate set of circumstances before he was even born. The most polite way of putting it is he's disabled to a point. And mentally he might not be entirely there either but that's up for debate. And I think sometimes he resents his existence. He's made remarks about abortion (he's very pro abortion). I had to remind him that by his own standards, he'd have been a prime candidate for abortion has his mom had shared his current views.
It rattled him I think.
A weeb Japanese book (Welcome to the NHK) actually approached this topic once.
In that you can find peace by believing in God and then hating him. In that, you recognize there is a God, but there is also horrible injustice and suffering so he must be an "evil God."
But because God is "evil" you can push the blame for most of life's hardships onto him. You no longer need to obsess with fairness or luck, you can just say "fuckin' God man, what an asshole" and move on with life.
Its something alien to a lot of Westerners and our monotheism, but once you've thought about it in that manner I think a lot of people would benefit from that kind of faithless religion.
The resurgence of gnosticism and its war against God of The Bible (Whom they term the demiurge*) is at the root of many of the evils of today. There is no benefit to it, only ruin. Hegel and Marx's writings are rife with references to it.
It is not nearly as alien as you would think, it pervades our pop culture. Less overtly common than traditional faith and disbelief and satanism sure. But it has absolutely been explored. If anything it's been explored to death. Yes moreso by japanese media. But the west has more than done its share.
But that's just a passing reference? Ok sure, let's look at other media then. We've had larger more explicit explorations of it, from Pullman's his dark materials, to the da vinci code, that best seller. And there's a middle ground pervasiveness too, other media like the matrix borrow fundamental aspects and themes from it without being explicitly gnostic. Our media runs the gamut, from mere passing references, to borrowing themes, and outright explorations of it. Media in all genres and for all ages does this.
And that's just the obvious stuff. You'll spot their sophia/hermetic/Gospel of John conspiracies/hermes/isis/owl/minerva/wisdom/simulation/ prison/transformative/strong body-soul dualism... heresies everywhere if you learn what to look for.
Even transgenderism is built upon it. The idea that there is a 'female soul' trapped in a male body. And you'll hear them talk this way, of their female soul and spirit, even if they claim to be atheists. This whole idea depends upon some very gnostic presuppositions, and 'spiritual' ideas. The ideas that the mind and soul are entirely separable, that the body can be a prison, and that there is a force or deity putting souls in the wrong body, presumably for nefarious purposes. The whole thing is built on ancient ideas that do actually pervade our culture. How can you be born in the wrong body if there is not a 'you' separate from your body? And yet it is also 'faithless' for most, they accept these ideas without exploring the metaphysical implications.
It brings ruin.
Its the difference between saying "fuck you" to the king, versus saying "fuck you" to any individual peasant. So yeah, the monotheism likely plays a huge part.