Cyberguy64 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fair enough. I do want to keep it, since I love the idea of a giant, hard-light, robot bird becoming a fast travel option if you choose to befriend it instead of destroying it. And I like exploring the idea of giving an intelligent machine further purpose after its duty is done instead of tossing it aside.

I just absolutely LOATHE the idea of the usual suspects going "Robots support trans rights!" with my ideas. As though an intelligent machine being rebuilt for a new task is remotely comparable to a human being mutilating themselves.

Cyberguy64 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've had an idea about a game's story with an insane, AI (one of several,) that has gone off the rails and is convinced it's a bird locked up in a cage, instead of a machine built into a structure. The main characters need to either destroy or pacify it in order to progress. Since the AIs job is done and it has no further purpose, I wanted the option to give it the ability to escape and fly freely instead of destroying it to be the good ending. But now I'm worried that would be encouraging mental illness....

Cyberguy64 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've never been a huge weeb, so my frame of reference for OPs is rather lacking.

That being said, I really enjoy Nichijou's opening. it's got the kind of strong melody and beat I like to listen to, and it captures the mundane/surreal insanity of the show really well.

Cyberguy64 5 points ago +5 / -0

I like to immerse myself in another world. Go someplace else with my imagination. It's why I also love reading and tv/movies. Video Games are special, though. The interactive component makes them something that's especially and viscerally vicarious.

Of course, I also can't factor out the dopamine hits acquired from twitch reactions and deft manuvering. Love me some platformers!

Cyberguy64 13 points ago +13 / -0

It's an evil, twisted, warped version of Christianity, to encourage weakness and promote self-flagellation.

We are called to care for the sick and the weak. But how are we to do that if we are downtrodden ourselves? Our culture has turned victimhood into a virtue. But that's the subversion at work, taking advantage of the charity we are instructed to provide to those who cannot. Not to those who will not.

We were called to be as gentle as doves, but also as shrewd as serpents. It's easy for the feel-good gospel gang to warp this mandate into creating a flock of doves as prey for their machinations. Indeed, it's super MEAN and BIGOTED to be observant and judge things as they are. The Bible says don't judge, doesn't it? Actually, it says to judge not, for you will also be judged. It's a reminder that we're all fallen and equally in need of saving. Not that sin should be ignored because we're all sinners so that makes it okay.

And repentance. We're not supposed to wallow in our failings and let them shackle us. We're supposed to admit to them and improve. Go and sin no more, as our Teacher put it. Some of the greatest heroes of the Bible were horrific sinners. David, the man after God's Own Heart, was also a lustful adulterer and conspiratorial murderer. It was his contrition and repentance that let him move on and recover from his terrible stumbling. Who do you trust more? The man who admits his faults and owns up to them, or the man who insists there's nothing wrong with him and everything wrong is everyone else's fault?

The problem we have is that Christianity, what it's actually supposed to be, has been supplanted culturally with a theme-park facsimile of itself. A literal strawman to be toppled over at will by the usual suspects. Containing just enough truth to sell the lie and inoculate society from the actual truths that our culture was built on.

Cyberguy64 18 points ago +19 / -1

I can understand why he wrote it that way. The whole "Judeo-Christian" concept has left a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths. It seems like the Pharisees and their holier-than-thou, rules-lawyering, shady nonsense are the ones in charge, and they've been using Christianity as the whitewash for their tombs, so to speak. Now the smell is too strong to ignore, and we're stuck with it.

Cyberguy64 5 points ago +5 / -0

Zelda Roguelike has a lot of passion behind it. But the final boss ruins the entire thing.

Cyberguy64 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right. There were false flaggers going "Oh! You play as a GIRL!? How woke!" All up to the release. Honestly, I think ideological subscribers aren't even aware of what Woke really is, the same way a fish doesn't comprehend water.

Cyberguy64 1 point ago +1 / -0

The new Zelda game where you actually play as Zelda just released, and despite attempts to paint it as a woke title, it was anything but. It treated Link like a badass who got sucker punched by the villain and was still giving them headaches in the dark world while the player is doing their thing as Zelda. Hardly a Jake Skywalker situation.

Cyberguy64 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've been noticing traffic cameras popping up like weeds in my neck of the woods. The surveillance state is picking up steam.

Cyberguy64 2 points ago +2 / -0

I played them originally on DS. I loved them. The Pokewalker was neat. Sit and spin.

Cyberguy64 6 points ago +6 / -0

The man who least wants to be king is the best man for the job.

Cyberguy64 8 points ago +8 / -0

Dude, you're ten years too late to be complaining about Trubbish and Drifloon. And I'll take garbage golems and balloon ghosts in a heartbeat over the abominations that are the modern starters.

Cyberguy64 11 points ago +11 / -0

HeartGold/SoulSilver to Black and White 2 were peak Pokemon to me. Gen 4.5 to 5.5, basically. You had GameFreak recreating Gold and Silver with incredible amounts of love and faithfulness while building on their foundations to make something genuinely impressive. So many features and functions added on top of an already rock-solid foundation. Then, Gen 5 had them innovating in so many ways. The stories were peak, with genuinely interesting and challenging ideas. The changing seasons added to the exploration of the region, and there was just so much creativity and passion in everything.

Of course, this was also the gen where sales dropped off, which probably taught Gamefreak all the wrong lessons about what people wanted in their Pokemon games....

Cyberguy64 3 points ago +3 / -0

Luke was inspired to go adventuring by seeing a sexy princess and then clearly enjoyed being kissed by her. Obi-Wan had at least two female love interests he forsook to be a proper jedi. What are these people smoking!?

I'll bet the only reason they didn't put Anakin on there is because his Padmesexuality was too strong to be glossed over.

Cyberguy64 8 points ago +8 / -0

Media that's aimed at kids while being interesting enough to develop a periphery demographic is a prime target for lefties. They're drawn to them from both personal interest and to find fresh meat to infest with their ideology. It's sad, more than anything else. Just another reminder that nothing is sacred for kids or families anymore.

Cyberguy64 3 points ago +4 / -1

...Fluttershy from ponies? Of course, the joke with her is that she makes bears and dragons and chaos gods heel when she puts her foot down, so even then, she can't be all soft and sweet

Cyberguy64 32 points ago +32 / -0

I coulda sworn they showed Thor's cheeks in one of his humiliation rituals, post endgame. I could be misremembering, i haven't watched anything Marvel in years.

Either way, I highly doubt this butt is worth the price of admission. Why are we so excited for a butt in Marvel anyway?

Cyberguy64 3 points ago +3 / -0

They could easily have a "Give comment +1K" option for people on the inside.

Cyberguy64 40 points ago +40 / -0

I work with botting programs as part of my job. It is ridiculously easy to set up a computer to automate tasks for you. And somehow, there are people who still won't believe a company would stack the deck in their favor like this.

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