WoonStruck 2 points ago +2 / -0

Basically revolves around the concept of X thing being around for a long time, then some rando that just started some surface-level engagement with said thing and misremembers or misinterprets canon established years ago acts like their opinion is more important than long time fans of said thing.

A 'tourist' is typically people who just consumed some content related to a thing that recently went mainstream, then tweeted an essentially invalid opinion about it.

It can be about any franchise, media, sport, or whatever else. Like everyone pretending their takes on boxing are valid on Twitter because they watched Logan Paul in one fight, with no engagement with the sport beforehand.

Or like the other guy said: "Poser for the younger generations".

WoonStruck 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ah, I think it was the original Japanese "Jet Set Radio" for the port/remake in the Nintendo Marketplace or whatever.

WoonStruck 2 points ago +2 / -0

No idea. When I played it in America, albeit it was a wii port or something, it was Jet Set Radio.

WoonStruck 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah they were actually climbing up until around covid.

However, keep in mind that the scores being recorded that I'm referring to are consistently taken around age 13, not high school graduation, so its not necessarily a representation of what you're talking about.

WoonStruck 10 points ago +10 / -0

Let's not forget this is the generation that needed Subway Surfer playing in the background to get through even a 1 minute video on TikTok.

I think a significant part of that "retardation" has to do with low attention spans, due to being raised on dopamine drip-feeds (tablets) since they were 2 or 3.

Low attention spans -> less willing to read/work on problems -> less reading/working on problems -> suck ass at both.

Being inattentive/distractible while driving would definitely explain it.

WoonStruck 5 points ago +5 / -0

There's a ginger in the upper right, so more diversity than woke film.

WoonStruck 4 points ago +4 / -0

abs just aren't visible without life threateningly low body fat %

IIRC they usually get that effect by dehydrating themselves for 3 days or something before a photoshoot or shirtless scene.

Jet Grind Radio

Do you mean Jet Set Radio?

WoonStruck 6 points ago +6 / -0

There's also projects becoming so distended in AAA studios that it becomes hard to create a cohesive product, let alone stylized art direction, without really good leadership/organization.

Did 2000+ people need to work on D4, as an example? Probably not.

WoonStruck 5 points ago +5 / -0

Modern shooters are the place for realism.

Fantasy/SciFi are the places for some degree of stylization, even if its minor. Even BDO is stylized, and they went for realism in their human/elf models+environment more than not.

WoonStruck 13 points ago +13 / -0

There's also the fact that gen z and gen alpha are the most retarded to date, regardless of mRNA shots.

We've consecutively recorded the lowest math and reading scores since they've started being recorded, IIRC, for like 6 years now.

WoonStruck 7 points ago +7 / -0

50/50 chance she's ambiguously brown.

60/40 chance, and of the 40 "white" is typically still tanned white.

WoonStruck 3 points ago +3 / -0

Considering population + internet, its not surprising.

Look, we see India at 3, and we know most Indians who stay in India tend to be poor AF, even more-so for those outside of the top 5%.

The value of Russia's currency is still plummeting, isn't it?

WoonStruck 2 points ago +2 / -0

I imagine a lot has to do with having slight arcs in every plane for the structural integrity of carbon fibers/plastic/glass, since most aren't metal anymore, IIRC.

Most recent car I've really looked at is the 2014 I'm driving.

WoonStruck 14 points ago +14 / -0

They have a meltdown if you tell them the reason for the high suicide rate is depression, social isolation, victim mentality, lack of social support, etc.

They will unironically call you transphobic for giving other ways of improving mental health aside from taking HRT.

Surely transitioners still having an absurdly high suicide rate didn't single-handedly prove that transitioning is not what provides the better outlooks...its the social support they get through the process along the way; if they get it, that is.

Almost every happy transitioner you see is still riding the highs of temporary validation or an extreme example of survivorship bias.

WoonStruck 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's why I said reasonably close.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't muscle cars burn through gas primarily because of mileage-affecting factors that aren't aerodynamics?

Unless you're going over 70, which is the highest you're supposed to go in the extremely vast majority of America, aerodynamics hardly play a factor, and even in such cases other factors are a significantly larger part of fuel efficiency.

Agree that a lot of car designs are boring today, though. I don't think they have to be to be fuel efficient, either.

WoonStruck 4 points ago +4 / -0

Master all systems =/= master all gameplay.

It means knowing how the PoE trees work, how the skill gems interact, etc., etc. and being able to apply them in-game to reasonable success.

Most people can 'master' a bike without being the best biker out there because the "biking" part isn't where peak performance comes from; it comes from input.

It effectively just means "baseline competence"; that you are in control, hence master.

WoonStruck 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you're the guy doing the car designs, you should probably be competently familiar with how they work and how to come reasonably close to optimized performance.

We're not talking about a programmer that doesn't explicitly like games coding for a game studio. We're talking about people who do higher level design for games; games themselves are the most relevant part.

WoonStruck 4 points ago +4 / -0

Autist here:

Its probably because growing up we feel like we don't fit in, even with people who love us. So when we find a place we feel we fit in, we latch onto it in a deathgrip, especially where community is involved.

It'll typically revolve around trendy things because its easy to feel like you 'belong' there, since its popular. You might remember My Little Pony being a somewhat similar trend to the trans movement for a bit, minus the morality policing. Had to shove themselves into EVERYTHING.

Once we enter any given rabbit hole, its years before we come out, especially if things are further validating us being a part of it. The trans community is near-obsessed with providing validation to the trans identity, even for rapists.

Probably not everyone's story, but that was basically my experience growing up, just with things that weren't being trans, and I see this reflected in the obsessive, zero self-reflection behavior of many trans people online.

Also, its actually more autistic women identifying as trans, IIRC, but that's only because they're too retarded to realize that non-binary and transness aren't the same thing. The MTF ones never seem to be sane.

WoonStruck 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nah, they near-universally use the other flag then.

The two factions are almost at war with each other now.

WoonStruck 1 point ago +1 / -0

And I'd be "honestly'" identifying as a pale Hispanic-Dutch love child.

If I wanted to work for Best Buy, I mean. Lmao.

WoonStruck 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, if you want to stick it to them, might as well go all the way without being directly offensive in the eyes of sane people.

If it does get called out for 'homophobia' and stuff for simply not having any LGBT people in it, that would be pretty unreasonable to most normal people, and especially if you get doxxed for it.

That said, if leftists like the games enough it won't even matter. Just look at the hypocrisy of them when it comes to the Five Nights at Freddies creator. "You get the pass if we like your stuff" basically.

WoonStruck 5 points ago +5 / -0

Question out of curiosity. Do you think it would be better to:

A) Normalize non-straight people NOT being front and center, such as some irrelevant NPCs, in order to attempt to shift how they're seen/used in games back to a state of normality


B) Outright exclude anything but straight

Some older Squaresoft games, as an example, might allude to homosexuals at times, but it wasn't typically a front and center thing. I was never really bothered by that, and I imagine most people here weren't either.

I'd prefer if projects like these could be considered "normal" in the public eye, rather than be labeled deliberately 'exclusionary'; even you admit you're worried about that. Nobody can accuse it of exclusion if they're still in there in the background, after all.

I don't care which way it goes as long as it isn't the boring woke shit we get so often now, though. I imagine you'd rather stick to your principles, though. Good luck with the projects!

WoonStruck 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its also important to acknowledge that, unless you have a learning disability (including retardation) that impacts your IQ, then IQ is mostly a measure of speed and memory than anything else. A high IQ person is not inherently "smart"; humans still have to train themselves to acquire and retain knowledge/information. This is why people put such high importance on recognizing gifted individuals when they are still very young.

Think of a computer and its hardware. A bottom of the barrel computer can do pretty much the same things as a computer full of flagship components, provided there are no defects and infinite time available...but the flagship PC will do said things much faster and 'recall' things from memory better, which opens up additional capabilities.

At the same time, if the supercomputer doesn't actually make use any of its advantages or has certain inefficiencies, it'll look almost the same as the bottom of the barrel computer.

If you're worried about your focus, time management, etc., you might want to consider explicitly working on those aspects, or even seeing a behavioral health specialist, especially if you're potentially an undiagnosed adult with autism.

If you end up getting a neuro-psyche exam at the request of the specialist, you'll find out your IQ.

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