activated_almonds 5 points ago +5 / -0

Blocking American addresses would be a valid course of action for any site these days.

activated_almonds 5 points ago +5 / -0

.50 is insufficient. I want 5" 38 caliber AA guns.

activated_almonds 1 point ago +2 / -1

If you were ashamed at any one of those facts, you could've just not posted them.

You don't see me reporting you for calling other users here closet pedos for opposing loli content, because I want people to see how deranged your position is.

activated_almonds 1 point ago +1 / -0

Then perhaps some people are going to enjoy Street Fighter, no matter how much better you think the story of Guilty Gear is.

activated_almonds 1 point ago +2 / -1

It can't possibly be that, I, 40-year-old virgin game developer aspirant who jacks it to cartoon kids is wrong. It must be the world!

-Lethn, 2023.

activated_almonds 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly why you can't operate exclusively on friend-enemy distinction and, as I mentioned in my other response, you have to meld it with principles.

Which is why you're up and down this thread attacking "the right" for operating on principles, when "the left", the enemy, holds power.

If your argument was intellectually consistent, you might win someone over to your side.

activated_almonds 1 point ago +1 / -0

I prefer turn-based combat and found it very difficult to set up BG1&2 to work in a way similar to Larian's games (Divinity 1&2, BG3 uses the same system it looks like).

The original games had options to pause combat at certain points, but it's not the same from a gameplay perspective.

activated_almonds 2 points ago +2 / -0

It took a couple of tries to get into, but after I did I found it worthwhile.

activated_almonds 2 points ago +2 / -0

Any reason why Sony never tried doing PC gaming?

PC gaming in Japan has a bit of a stigma. Most of the titles are meant to be played one-handed, if you catch my drift.

activated_almonds 1 point ago +1 / -0

Market economics dictate how much a company charges for a product. If the developer of a game feels that it has the same value now as it did a year ago, the prospective consumer can agree and purchase the game, or disagree and not purchase it.

Steam's discount sale culture has created an expectation of discounts, and most companies find that in their interest because they'd rather move another 10,000 units during a sale instead of 1,000. The fixed costs of those titles are set and no game is going to go from a failure to a success because of a 50% discount.

activated_almonds 17 points ago +18 / -1

25% of the Israelis not having access to the Internet for the past 48 hours has resulted a noticeable improvement in forum and chan usability. Almost makes one think.

activated_almonds 2 points ago +8 / -6

Continually engaging in a behavior creates dopamine reward pathways in the brain. Reinforcing those pathways creates a thought funnel that shapes behavior. For vidya addicts, we get happy chemicals from +1s and level-up chimes. For stoners, the stench of skunk puts a smile on their face, even if it's actual roadkill.

If you degenerates (you know who you are) continually jerk it to fictional children, you're going to suffer intrusive thoughts where actual children trigger the same nerves, and at that point, you're going to need a field expedient lobotomy to fix the problem.

What's fascinating to me is we have seen, on this very board, pro-loli advocates decry the rise of incest/step-cest porn, despite it also being (in all accessible forms) fictional.

I don't want people to need a new hole in their head, so I advise them to stay off the road to Hell.

I suspect that a number of prominent pro-loli advocates are actually 'vegetarian' pedophiles - like the fictional trope of a vampire who only drinks the blood of the non-sentient. They feel that without their substitute, they'll end up doing actual harm to others, not just themselves.

Those people need to stop immediately, seek help, and keep a high-caliber handgun or internal combustion automobile and sealed garage handy in case the detox fails.

activated_almonds 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds like what's happened in the NBA and NFL where they've juiced the rules in favor of the offense to facilitate more "exciting" high-scoring games.

Major league baseball even banned the shift, so defenses can't punish hitters who can't hit to the opposite side.

activated_almonds 3 points ago +3 / -0

The elites usually need plausible deniability of support. That's where the lugenprese comes in.

activated_almonds 7 points ago +7 / -0

Rodgers, at least, was publicly anti-vax when there was a personal cost to taking that stance.

activated_almonds 7 points ago +7 / -0

They're pretending it was an 8-bit cartridge-based game.

activated_almonds 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Pfizer cocktail has turned a great many people into dead men walking, and constant access to internet echo chambers has turned even more into unthinking sheep following an illusory herd.

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