KeeperOfTheGate 7 points ago +7 / -0

Their Star Trek content remains A+++.

KeeperOfTheGate 13 points ago +13 / -0

As a young kid, I cried when Bush (I, the OG Bush) won. I still remember it. I was heavily influenced by my mom and grandparents who were (are) huge lefties. My mother in particularly tried to tightly control my opinions.

By 1992 I was older and more aware. I was reading books, magazines, multiple newspapers, and I was learning that the media was (is) a piece of shit. In 1992 a teacher started yelling at me in class, literally yelling, because I was arguing with her about the Bush/Clinton election and she didn't have a calm answer for anything I said about the election.

Long story short, this story is fake and gay, as they say, but don't underestimate mothers trying to control their children, nor their children overcoming that.

KeeperOfTheGate 5 points ago +5 / -0

In highschool a teacher had us read the book “Mutant Message from Down Under” (google it). That book was later revealed to be a total fiction and the author a fraud.

The appeal of the noble savage is strong.

Ibn Khaldun was an Arab historian and historiographer. He more or less invented (or at least recorded) the idea that civilization is driven by strong tribes and men from hard environments and places, they conquer the rich and fat cities, and within 2-3 generations they are fat and weak, just like those they conquered. He believed very much in the idea of the strength, purity, and nobility of the nomadic Arab tribes.

The appeal of the noble savage is ESPECIALLY strong combined with modern post-slavery post-colonial white guilt.

KeeperOfTheGate 9 points ago +9 / -0

I saw a picture posted of Delta airport personnel going to every single airport check-in terminal and kiosk (like where you weigh your bag) and doing this manual fix.

What a clusterfuck!

KeeperOfTheGate 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wonder why Alec Baldwin isn't in the sequel? (Not really.)

KeeperOfTheGate 2 points ago +2 / -0

Now the part where his parents reported him missing two hours before the shooting? That very much smacks of him having told them his intent and then trying to have the cops pick him up while covering their own asses. That says accomplice to me.

Eh, I disagree. Highly like he sent a text message or said something like "Love you guys, I hope one day you understand what I'm about to do."

Not sure what I would do in that kind of situation?

Who knows. We lack the information to know for sure.

Didn't I read somewhere that both of his parents were social workers?

KeeperOfTheGate 6 points ago +6 / -0

On occasion over the years I will listen to Dr Laura Schlessinger (radio/XM/podcaster person). Leftists have tried to cancel her many, many times over the last 30 years.

One of her lines that I have always really enjoyed, usually in the context of mopey people feeling "guilty" about something is (paraphrase) "Don't use the word guilty to describe how you feel unless you done something illegal or immoral. You are allowed to have opinions, you are allowed to disappoint people, you are allowed to make other people upset, but guilt is reserved for illegality and immorality."

I think that's a good framework to use. The left loves to ignore the "immoral" part of that.

Saying you wish President Trump had been shot is not illegal and it is free speech. By the code of conduct that MOST of us live by, it is however, immoral.

You can say immoral things and practice immoral actions, but you may suffer the consequences. That's fair.

I personally don't care about the Tenacious D thing, the audience didn't care, and I wasn't giving them any money or listens anyway. But, I also think it's very fair that Jack Black bailed.

A functioning society needs standards that go beyond law. Christianity and a Eurocentric cultural standard played that role for many years in America. That's gone now, and we have moved into a low-trust and low-agreement society. The chickens have come home to roost for many people, and it's not pretty.

KeeperOfTheGate 4 points ago +5 / -1

I don't know how to archive Insta, so here's the link:


Kyle apologized too.

I seeth when I see apologies talking about "causing pain." Fuck "pain" from mean words.

KeeperOfTheGate 1 point ago +2 / -1

I agree with you. I'm a free speech absolutist. Freedom of speech, but not freedom of consequences.

Looks like Kyle is suffering the consequences from Jack Black bailing. That's fine too.

KeeperOfTheGate 3 points ago +5 / -2

Eh, I watched it. Gross, inappropriate, poorly timed--yes. I couldn't tell if Jack Black was or was not surprised from the clip I watched. The audience clearly didn't mind (ugh). I'd be fully satisfied if Kyle said something like "It's no surprise that I dislike Trump, I got wrapped up in the moment, and I said something that was really dumb and inappropriate. I crossed a line and I'm sorry."

KeeperOfTheGate 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ironically, in med circles, Duke Hospitals are infamous for being MBA run sweatshops. One business I work with has multiple doctors who were formerly at Duke who quit because the business arseholes wouldn't even give them 5 minutes with a patient on average. Doctors are just a profit making cog in the medical business establishment--just like you. The MBAs call the shots.

KeeperOfTheGate 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not actually sure you're right about this.

Why have the insane leftists made some quick, easy, and deep inroads into open source? Well, it was a space dominated by awkward, intelligent, nerdy, and non-physical guys. Of course there are millions of people in open source and this is painting with a broad stroke, but it's also largely true.

Some of those guys have left projects or tried to start others, and most often, those things fizzle.

The majority of the people doing the actual work in open source just keep their heads down, keep coding, they feel virtuous and like they are good allies, and they don't toe the line because they know what has happened to others.

As we've noticed many, many times, the aggressive SJW activists almost always work in community (jannies) and SOMETIMES in documentation/testing.

KeeperOfTheGate 11 points ago +11 / -0

Well, she's definitely Turkish. As a Turk who's travelled the Middle East, she could 100% differentiate between German, Persian, and Arabic (and Turkish). They are quite different and even with a small amount of knowledge you can tell the difference between Persian and Arabic.

So yeah, she was protecting her co-religionists AND her own job as a "refugee activist."

KeeperOfTheGate 5 points ago +5 / -0

The super-majority of Muslims are Arabs and they're where it spawned, Just like how you have Natsoc Japanese and Mexicans for example, yet you wouldn't say the ideation is tied to them and it's a White one, for an obvious example.

Not even close! You could say that Islam is an inherently Arab religion (and I would say that, given the huge importance of Arabic and the Arabic words of the Qur'an), but today Arabs are a minority of Muslims.

Start with maybe 250 million Indonesian Muslims, almost the same in Pakistan alone (and tens of millions more if you include India/Sri Lanka/Afghanistan). Toss in maybe 100 million Turks, 100 million Persians and Kurds, etc. Nobody knows the number of Muslims in China, but tens of millions there. Millions in Malaysia, millions in sub-Saharan Africa, etc.

Comparatively, there are maybe 300 million Arab Muslims. A big chunk, and culturally a very important chunk, but not nearly a "super majority"

KeeperOfTheGate 3 points ago +3 / -0

There are already reports about how groups of Never Trumper "republicans" are meeting with Democrats in an effort to get Biden to step down.

They simply can't be trusted.

KeeperOfTheGate 4 points ago +4 / -0

I found another article about this lady. It's talking about "indigenous academics" in Australia, and one of the pictures shows several people of different tribal groups. They are paler than I am, and my genetics score like 80% British Isles and the rest northern Germany.

Do these clearly white European people seriously believe they're abos?


Like, is this a common thing in Australia? It of course happens in American (Rachel Dolezal, Elizabeth Warren, Talcum X, etc) but we make fun of our fraudsters.

I scrolled through her Instagram. There's not even a single black person anywhere. I can't see any hit on mixed heritage in her features. Admittedly it can be very hard (or impossible) to tell by looks at times, but I would guess that at most she may have had a single great-grandparent aboriginal ancestor?? (1/16)? Or less??

KeeperOfTheGate 3 points ago +3 / -0

What is most amusing to me is that there seem to be a lot of confused people here. Accusations of sexual talk with a minor?! ((((Herschel Beahm))))?! Twitter/twitch/facebook cancel culture?! Based gamer fighting with feminists?! Which side am I on?!

KeeperOfTheGate 3 points ago +3 / -0

This meme 100% represents me.

KeeperOfTheGate 2 points ago +2 / -0

Of all of your posts, that one most deserves an upvote!

KeeperOfTheGate 5 points ago +5 / -0

I remember the stereotype of cons being filled up with fat middle-aged men dressing up like Sailor Moon.

I was in to anime for a period when Kenshin, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Love Hina, etc. were very popular. I knew people that were into Ranma, but I never followed it. Anime was then a (like D&D) often a refuge for people who didn't fit into the mainstream.

KeeperOfTheGate 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hah, I'm 40+. I've never been much of a console gamer though, and I've never particularly cared about Zelda. I owned an NES and the next Nintendo console I owned was the Wii.

I feel like the king at the end shows up in memes / forum fairly often?? Never knew what it was from.

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