AnotherSchwarzesMark 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's too big to do that. Watch as nothing will change as per usual.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 13 points ago +13 / -0

Mods are not doing anything, good luck with that.

IMHO we should just police it on our own, downvote such posts, upvote the good ones. Generally if you post an image post sauce+archive or get downvoted.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 11 points ago +11 / -0

Maybe speak the fucking language? I am almost certain no one would complain if you spoke the language to an adequate level. Since this is with google translate you can be sure that guy probably wouldn't even understand the baka gaijin he deserves.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 12 points ago +12 / -0

And, as usual governments never learning from history. Imagine some actual fascist or communist government come in power and use "emergency powers" to seize permanent control. Couldn't happen, never happened in the history of mankind. Fucking retards...

Oh, also this seems to be backwards compatible, no? The government has declared: we did nothing wrong. You're not allowed to question it and we cannot be held accountable. It's even worse.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 1 point ago +1 / -0

"friends". I have friends I disagree within a political level, they don't spam their opinion online or towards me though, we just disagree on one point and are still friends.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 6 points ago +6 / -0

I literally cannot remember any of the new stuff's ORIGINAL music and I did watch up until TLJ. They're creatively bankrupt and they know it else they would not use old music.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 5 points ago +5 / -0

Even recent videos, namely the one about chuggaaconroy was good. He's always been more left leaning but the whole Trump assassination has flipped the TDS switch it seems. Shame.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'd never buy TIME and even I would've gotten it just for holding a bit of history and I doubt I am alone in this. Welp, so much for that.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 4 points ago +4 / -0

That is ALL we ever want. Keep your insane politics to yourself, be an artist/actor/musician/etc first and foremost. I

loved Mark Hamill, even after the shit they did to him and some dumb takes but he just cannot help himself and keeps on pushing and pushing.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 20 points ago +20 / -0

After that BS right after an assassination attempt? Yea, same.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just normal Arch is fine. Thankfully there's now an install script. I had to reinstall a while ago and that was useful for not having to bother with it all again.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 7 points ago +7 / -0

Ah, secret service. I thought of the other SS, lol.

All jokes aside, you're probably right, he would've done a Teddy I feel.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 6 points ago +6 / -0

That's what happens if you DON'T investigate those tunnels. Honestly sickening.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 2 points ago +2 / -0

Always funny to see the SPD talk mad shit. They're not much better seeing how they treated people during Corona.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 6 points ago +6 / -0

You forgot the French. From my experience they not only suck in games they also REFUSE to communicate in anything but French. They KNOW English because at the end of a match you are unfortunate enough to have them as team mates they will insult you in English and leave. Fucking hell.

But yeah, turks are also pretty bad but not as noticeable as the French from personal experience.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 9 points ago +9 / -0

Will never happen. Christians are the punching bag they will never let go, without it there'd be more Christians.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 9 points ago +9 / -0

This is honest to God the worst fucking thing I've seen with her in it, could've done a real tribute yet just half-assed it.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 4 points ago +4 / -0

The state of Bavaria in Germany has done this for a long time with Hitlers book. The book was never banned, just copyright stopped it from being published. Government have used copyright for decades to stop certain things from being published, just in this case it's in the public interest to have it revealed and they will never do so ESPECIALLY because the public will turn on them.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 9 points ago +9 / -0

Do not forget anti Christian as the attack was on a private Christian school. I am betting my right nut that there's even more anti Christian texts. If it was only the already leaked stuff they would not make a fuss about it. They will never release this as this will look bad on the trannies, but pushing it on the victims families will probably mean they ALL have to agree and you can bet your ass there's someone who will not.

AnotherSchwarzesMark 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's totally fine imho. Just saying, if you want Nvidia(and I did cuz I had issues with AMD) it's slowly becoming more of an option. Since some DE like KDE want to move to Wayland full time this is coming in at the right time. I did not even notice any framedrops which is huge, suspending actually working now(might have a bit before, have tried that over a year ago and it didn't) and it's buttery smooth.

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