I don't really care what prompted it. All I know is I don't trust the creators to have limited the propaganda to just one smug negro so I don't care about any performative reverts they might make (which they won't do anyway, lets face it). Let their compromised work stand on its meagre merits, propaganda inserts on full display for posterity, and benefit from no bullied improvements.
Just reposting some quotes from the image for visibility:
He is straight and white and male and from Bohemia.
There is nothing wrong to people having different preferences and heritages but we cannot cover them all and we don't want to, we want to tell the story of Henry the son of a blacksmith from Silver Skallice, and he will be different from you, not only in sexuality but in his heritage, his looks his biography and many more
Saying 'nobody is forcing you to play a bi character' is a straight up fucking lie according to this philosophy. Henry is a fixed character. That means he's bi for everyone. Saying they didn't want to limit his character except for resource constraints is a fucking lie. They already said they told the story of him they wanted to tell.
Retconning a straight, white Christian main char to bisexuality is beyond Rowling Dumbledore levels, beyond Blizzard and lesbian Tracer levels. It's much more controversial than they're pretending.
anything short of a post saying "we heard you, the negro is gone, you were right"
That's not enough for anyone like me. I don't want them to censor their work, they just did bad, compromised work. In any case, Henry being a faggot now is just as bad. The damage is done, the cat is out of the bag and my sale is lost regardless. Until KCD3 and some kind of reassurance of an ideological switch, they're honestly better off chasing the Modern Audience by giving Henry some Saints Row 3 style sliders than looking for my sale back.
The scamdemic requires a reckoning that's incalculably bigger than just Fauci, so a skin-deep protection for him doesn't mean much - it might even help keep the anger over the covid years alive, which is important. I agree the select committee protections are the most egregious. There should be a meaningful deterrent to show trial collaborators.
TBH if Warhorse are not going to reverse the COC then they may as well do this too. The forums are not going to be kind to them when the heckin' respectful feminist black muzzie who is totally historically accurate to medieval Czechia turns out to be real.
Reading Vivek's post about saved by the bell was honestly one of the most 'radicalising' - hate that word but it does fit here - experiences for me in decades, eclipsing even much of the pandemic shit or anything written by internet nazis. It just goes to show that immigrants are generational time bombs. No matter how much they seem like One Of The Good Ones(tm), the chances are too great that at some point they'll turn around several generations down the line and attack their white host culture, even possibly without realising they're doing it. Revealing all along that their parents or grandparents didn't sail over and adopt the spirit of the host nation, they simply brought their racial solidarity and lower standard of living with them as a way of galvanising them to work cheaper than anyone in their host nation. It is impossible to separate 'working harder' from 'working cheaper' when it comes to immigrant labour, they are the same by definition.
Sam Hyde was possibly joking when he said 'everyone thought Vivek was cool, but now he said that thing and now he's gotta be deported. That's it, he's gotta be deported now.' But I actually did turn from a person who thought deporting people like Vivek was impractical pie-in-the-sky thinking, to flipping over and starting to think that actually the impractical thing is keeping these immigrant descendants around. It needs to become a slang term for a catastrophic, self-destructive mask-drop, 'to Vivek yourself' or 'Ramming the Swamy' or something.
Well it's called Dick-saw'd for a reason.
I'm also in a server with a troon. A small, near-dead server that actually extends back almost as early as gamergate, but still occasionally sees some chat. He's never mentioned ideology beyond one mention of 'non-binary gender' some years ago, which is now only a vague memory. Still he talks like a cutesy faggot and every couple of years used to post a selfie of himself, overly made-up with a thick neck and adam's apple. Caused no histrionics otherwise, even when members of the server complained about SJWs and agreed with Trump's ban on trannies in the military.
Insomuch as their attention-seeking only extends that far, sometimes forbearance is the watchword. They are damaged people and detransitioning does happen, presumably sometimes just through proximity to sanity rather than direct confrontation. Your tranny sounds like he's pushing further and further though.
Damn, nice find. Wayne Burkette again... It could have been a tweet from anyone at all and it would have been an interesting illustration of the point, but the fact that it's one of these very same boomercon caricatures from the thread is eye-opening.
And one might say - well that's just human nature. For a man to set up a challenging childhood for his son and a protective one for his daughter, that's just fatherhood focussing on the essential nature of male and female... and in isolation that part is correct. The problem is that these boomers were coached to apply their natural, instinctual mindset to a modernised society which is already running contrary to any natural order. Once feminism rules the roost and the genders are interchangeable in the workplace, the idea of 'demand the world from your son; gift everything to your daughter' just turns into 'give your daughter the job your son was due; also gift her every forgiveness and cheap advantage you robbed from him.'
It also completely forgets the idea of men creating a familial legacy to be carried on by their sons, something surely best accomplished by gaming this globalist shitshow in your son's favour, and not by chastising him for doing a 50 hour work week while Gurmeet from Hyderabad works 51 for the same wage.
BTW this isn't some pet cause of mine, I only noticed this anti-son thing today, in this thread (unless you count the wider societal anti-male sentiment, including circumcision and the tendency of harpy mothers to trannify their sons, I notice that plenty). Rando twitter accounts were pointing out this tendency I hadn't previously been able to put a shape to. Disturbing. Fucking retard boomercons, man.
Wow. That thread is an absolute goldmine for soundbites from neoliberals in conservative clothing. I keep wanting to pick one part out to repost for visibility and comedy but there's actually too many, so I was eventually just left scrolling while flabbergasted. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns a million men into nazis.
My lasting take aways:
the absolute religious fervour that the 'broadminded classical liberal' descends into once you introduce the possibility of deporting their based hardworking brown immigrants or their descendants, as with Wayne's outburst.
how all of this is enabled by latent feminism and boomers' resentment of their sons. There's a disturbing pattern, impossible to unsee once noticed, that these fucks will wriggle endlessly in order to spin a narrative of expectation management and harsh competition for men, but when it comes to women they still have the participation prize parade lined up, and suddenly you remember where all the 100k/year remote working fake corporate jobs are actually going. Rufo employing a random former pornstar is an extreme example, but this mindset of feminist boomers who hate their sons has apparently been destroying us for nearly a century.
Agreed. I'd go as far as saying they're in the running for best Batman in any media.
One thing I especially liked about the stealth challenges was that they teach you a bunch of techniques that aren't necessarily obvious from normal gameplay, eg. using weapon boxes as lures for gel, boosted remote batarangs to knock enemies off ledges & over railings, etc. Taught me a lot that I hadn't realised in my first run. I guess the Freeze fight is another one that's good for that, especially on hard. Really forces you to set up every trick.
In the conventional sense of returning to play properly, all the way through , the one game still having that draw for me is Tales of Maj'Eyal. I'll repeatedly take year long breaks or longer, without even thinking of it, then the urge will strike me to cook up another TOME character and I'll have another run or two, losing another couple of hundred hours to it. After 1600 hours and many runs there are still lots of classes and races I haven't even scratched, plus I've never tried the difficulty modes beyond Nightmare and probably never will. A true desert island game for me.
I also have a quirky tendency of returning to only a specific section or mode of a game to replay the same part over and over in a way that tickles my boredom. Back in the 2000s I would do this for certain shootouts in HL1 and HL2 to prod the AI and see what funny outcomes it would produce (although I also completed those games over and over as well), or in GTA4 to cause flaming chain reaction pile-ups of cars and see how hard I could make it for the cops to reach me through them in certain locations. Nowadays my preference is to periodically revisit a specific Batman Arkham City challenge map (Joker's Funhouse) to see if I can ever get an infinite timer reset chain going and post up a totally busted score in the hundreds of millions - I feel like I've proven I can do it in principle but it's been hundreds of attempts now and I keep making a mistake and dropping all my points at some stage.
The other game in that category now is Sekiro, funny enough, despite all the cliched claims about its lack of replay value. Since they patched in the boss gauntlets I was eager to clear them all, but a combination of ring rust and extra difficulty modifiers (demon bell, charmless, NG+2; I refuse to play it any easier) has seen me hit a brick wall at the Shura gauntlet. So every couple of months I keep returning to Sekiro to try and beat the Shura bosses, Demon and Inner Owl all in one go, but much like Batman, even though I can do them all easily enough in principle I can't string it all together. Once I do it there's more gauntlets to do and more NG runs... I unironically believe Sekiro's skill ceiling gives it a lot of replay value for non-shitters since it's simply fun.
Reminds me of the thing they were doing for a while during older elections and covid, when they would just repurpose the lyrics of some famous song into a series of political talking points and perform it on social media. Zero jokes, just adults reciting nursery rhymes to eachother to reinforce a message.
The vid clarifies it as even more of an obvious injustice because the owner apparently woke up to the bullshit of veganism in general. Whether or not she's couching financial motives in ideological clothing, I don't know, but she claims she once thought veganism was the healthier, more moral choice, but then she realised 'that's not true' and decided to support local farmers with a new non-vegan menu. So it's an indirect callout of veganism as an ideology and these protesters are probably angry not just at the restaurant but the idea of being called wrong.
That was my most prized VHS as a kid for years. That Ricky Steamboat vs Savage match...
Respond racially as a group to those attacking you as a racial group:
4chan is more captured than post-Musk twitter (which already has plenty of problems). It attracted too much establishment attention and therefore infiltration. There was a while there, post-pandemic, in the transformation period of Twitter turning to X, where /pol/ was probably the last safe space online for pharma shills to keep rebroadcasting the stale 2021 propaganda, and other boards were where sheepish normies went for the courage to vent the stuff they no longer had the courage to say to antivaxx family and friends irl.
I mean I guess reddit is technically worse but I'm not convinced there's anyone at all human left on reddit. There are still real people thrashing around on 4chan in tidepools, but the manufactured noise drowns the signal almost 24/7 now.
Past a certain point, everything is potentially a psyop and calling everything a psyop is itself the psyop. I don't remember much of this 'Hold the line! Don't split the base! It's a psyop!' shit when the UK Conservative party imploded completely under their own impetus. It resulted in an unopposed Labour party, on the surface, but I haven't seen anyone make the serious argument that the UK right wing should have stuck by the Conservatives anyway.
Fine, we haven't seen what approach Trump's admin will actually take yet - but that's no reason not to make as much noise about it as possible. This is a core, live issue. Americans should WANT as many Republican representatives as possible quaking in their boots over the idea that they're being perceived as too neoliberal, and you should want them feeling that way fast, along with Trump too.
Telegraph is a UK rag and they're trying to gin up support for authoritarian net controls. Very hard to get a loicense for the kind of speech that chatbot used in the UK, you need to be brown or ruling political caste at minimum.
This can't be anything other than latent anti-white hatred - the acknowledgement that America has cultural problems for its professional underachievement, but that they all happen to be traceable to white pop-cultural references from the 90s, which happens to be the last generational memory of a high trust, good-natured society... and the only mention of non-white culture is about the heroic immigrant families who RESISTED the poisonous mediocrity culture of their host nation at this time, enabling them to excel over whites! Incredible.
I think any brown person who snuck into a white society when the going was good and wants to continue living in it needs to shut their fucking mouth for a few years while watching out for that pendulum swing, how about that.
Also Whiplash fucking sucked, fuck that movie and fuck jazz.
Time jump to 2024, and now informing reporters of such a thing sounds like the fastest way to tip off trannifa to take advantage of it.
That's exactly how it works. 'Get Woke, Go Broke' doesn't kick in instantly. By now everyone knows you get one freebie when trashing a franchise and it's the sales for the entry after the big DEI-fest which really matter. Companies who are fully paid up to the message pretend not to know this, however.
I started the month feeling more festive and generous than I ever have done. I'm a solitary person and my gift list averages out to about 3 names, all of them elderly family by now. But this year I decided I'd get a small gift for every business in town that I regularly patronise, so I went around doing my small santa thing here and there. Don't really know what came over me.
I came off 2 months of sobriety in time to enjoy some christmas beers which I spent way too much money on, plus some Whistlepig 10 Year Rye whiskey. I'm over-indulging, to tell the truth, but this is what Christmas means to me.
I'm in a similar situation although my mother's still at home for now. My uncle and maybe my aunt (who's already in the local nursing home) will be here on Christmas Day, which is a silly and awkward arrangement since I'm an atrocious host and cook, but it's somehow become customary. I guess it beats the alternative which is zero meaningful human contact on Christmas, but I would like to have the chance to try that one year.
An online friend of mine mentioned smoking bishop the other day. I've never tried it but I'm curious. Could be a sign to mix some up for myself. You got a secret recipe?
Is Taqiyya something like 'hasbara'?
I think the thread title and OP post acknowledge that by saying it's not for us. There is still a significant chunk of the population who need to be coached into over-sensitivity towards psyops, because their natural sensitivity is zero.