ZeroPercentCamoIndex 2 points ago +4 / -2

These are Jew tourists sperging at Japanese whom they perceive (possibly wrongly) to be Palestine supporters, so I guess you can feel relieved...?

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 0 points ago +1 / -1

And whites would be right to swarm the station in protest if it happened to one of ours, especially if the offending officer was brown. Whites would still be right to show up en masse at this protest and tell those muslims to fuck off and stop acting like a law unto themselves, since it isn't their country. Basically, the process of action and reaction here is working correctly, the problem is with 3 of the starting conditions:

  1. All these muslims are in Britain in the first place

  2. British Cops are acting like niggers

  3. White British as a collective have no presence at all

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 7 points ago +7 / -0

2019 was Labour's worst defeat in 100 years and in 2024 their total votes actually went down. In the time when Tories went from 14 million votes (2019) to under 7m (2024), Labour went from 10.3m to 9.7m. Keir Starmer's own constituency returned him with 37k votes in 2019 but under 19k in 2024. Any suggestion of Labour having popular support is a lie.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 3 points ago +3 / -0

The central statement of the milquetoast tweet he was responding to was just that 'the hate for Trump and his supporters has gone too far.'

The logical conclusion of NightDive man's anger is that he disagrees and thinks that trying to kill Trump or successfully shooting his supporters in the head is not going far enough. It's generous to call it thinly veiled anything.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 1 point ago +1 / -0

I had the Powerslave and Shadow Man remasters on my Steam wishlist, removed them now thx.

It's not sad for me. As someone who considers my wishlist kind of an extension of my gaming backlog, it just shrunk.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 25 points ago +25 / -0

It immediately occurred to me. Biden is no more popular to the establishment behind him than Trump right now, to the extent that I would have bet on him being the more likely candidate for assassination than Trump before the 13th.

A fake or real attempt on Biden right now could kill three birds with one stone - Biden gets replaced (with whom is another puzzle), but also the sympathetic narrative gets wrestled away from Trump and his supporters, plus they can paint the attempt as unjustified right-wing retaliation. After all they're already pretending that the Trump shooter was right wing, so toss in another right wing shooter for Biden, then what was looking a moment ago like a big pendulum swing back to sanity suddenly becomes conditions for an authoritarian crackdown on ebil trumpservatives once more.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 8 points ago +8 / -0

I really don't want to have to climb all the 5g towers in my vicinity to reveal all my POIs.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is that from when Pham activates Countermeasure? There's so many potentially excellent moments.

The one that always sticks with me is Tomas Nau finally realising who Pham is, after almost being killed by him. Imagine venerating space-Jesus or space-Hitler for your entire life, on top of the countless lifetimes that person would need to have led, to still be alive - only to realise that the guy you thought was a weird old man is actually him, and he's here to fuck you up. Could be an incredible flashback-montage-reveal, although that scene's from Deepness in the Sky (I prefer Fire overall as a book)

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 2 points ago +2 / -0

Piggybacking this thread to recommend Travelers. Honestly I feel like it's about as good a sci fi show as you can get in this pozzscape.

There's a woke insert (probably self insert): sensitive soybeard social worker character, who develops a relationship with a previously retarded woman who becomes sassy and sexy after getting quantum leaped into by one of the main cast. But that arc is beyond parody, I mean just reread what I typed. There's also some interracialism. Otherwise pretty damn good show.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 4 points ago +4 / -0

A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge. I'm a one note shill for this book but it's also a prime candidate for adaptation with no wokeness. The main female character is a complete retard who risks the entire galaxy because of muh forgive muh friends, but I think the main male character who opposes her (and is correct) in his cynicism provides a perfect counterbalance.

I've seen reviewers complain about the sequel novel because said female character comes across as retarded. I see no problem with this. Depict her as retarded. Meanwhile adapt the prequel which shows Pham Nuwen as the badass male she should have deferred to all along.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sam Harris was saying: I don't care at all about Hunter, because he's not the candidate. He made a hyperbolic example to make that clear.

Actually he was saying that he didn't care about the laptop being covered up, which changes everything. This isn't a hypothetical world where Biden's presidency hinges on Harris' vote and where Harris' voting motives have to be boiled down to obnoxiously reductive logic. It's a real world, where he knows that the laptop getting full, free press coverage would have harmed Biden's campaign.

In this context he said that had Hunter had dead children in his basement and it had been covered up to protect Biden's campaign, then that still would have been the morally correct thing to do because of the extent of Trump's evil. It's got nothing to do with him not caring about pics of a naked guy doing blow and everything to do with him asserting that infowar is morally correct to protect Biden from Trump, even to the extent of covering up murdered kids.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 7 points ago +7 / -0

'simping is akshully good, more at 11'

Also define 'casual friend'. The thresholds put on real friendship by the general public have always been far too low imo. God knows how disposable friendships are to today's terminally online young people. Yet even they have seen fit to identify a subset of friends as 'weaker relationships' (in the study), even further downgraded from their normal idea of friendship. So it wouldn't surprise me at all if the trannies and activists they have to pretend to agree with at work and school are actually a more poisonous influence than eg. some reaction youtuber whom they watch movies together with in their head.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 21 points ago +21 / -0

lol and they have a 4-part paywalled podcast on it by now of course.

Suck it Gaiboi, hope the nasty infected groupie pussy was worth it for helping feminism to infiltrate geek spaces and eventually destroy you.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 3 points ago +3 / -0

Interesting if accurate, considering 2019 was essentially the second Brexit referendum and Labour's worst defeat in 100 years. 1% increase is laughable after that.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 20 points ago +20 / -0

Murphy was the first example I encountered in life of somebody milking black victimhood. I was totally race-blind as a kid growing up in a melting pot inner city area, with friends from Nigeria, Trinidad, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Vietnam... So it was jarring and shocking to me when I saw the cool funny guy from Beverly Hills Cop in interviews, insisting that he was looked down on for being black. I remember him insisting to an interviewer that 'when you look at me, you think "black" - you don't just see a man you see a "black man"'. It didn't make any sense at all to me as a kid.

Welp, I grew up and Eddie got what he wished for, although he helped the prophecy fulfil itself.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 12 points ago +12 / -0

I got my problems with Dan Bongino, but according to his sources the biggest roadblock to replacing biden is biden's own resistance and also that of his wife. Reportedly they are not playing nice with the idea of replacing biden, to say the least, or else it might have happened months ago.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 8 points ago +8 / -0

I think I already recommended this to Smith1980, but it's worth repeating: I think lots of girls in Japan love Natsume's Book of Friends. I enjoy it too, although I've only seen the anime. A solitary boy who can see youkai inherits a notepad full of their names, from his dead grandmother. He's educated about this notepad by a powerful spirit in the guise of a lucky cat, who becomes his grudging bodyguard and they go on to have ghost adventures together. It's like Mushishi but more playful and in my (probably unpopular) opinion better, notwithstanding a sprinkling of sappiness which should appeal to young girls.

Spooky elements are there but very mild. Natsume's growing relationship with his foster family is a background theme but it's wholesome. As family friends, they've taken him in in their twilight years, so he has a bit of a personal journey where he learns to appreciate them as parent figures who care about him rather than strangers whom he's inconveniencing.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 11 points ago +11 / -0

Played DR1 for the very first time a couple of years ago. Great game, holds up. Zero need for a remake or remaster. Don't be bilked for adulterated trash with obligatory woke inserts, censorship and Denuvo.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 4 points ago +4 / -0

When Homeworld Remastered Collection was released, Gearbox completely broke the usefulness of strategic formations due to the way they imported HW1 into the HW2 engine - or something like that anyway. I don't have direct experience because I was warned off the game by the one, sole Steam review which noticed this (the user also explained his issues in this video), as well as by remembering how much I hate Randy Pitchford and Gearbox. At that time, all the other reviews were saying how great HW:RC was.

From what I can tell, this still hasn't been officially fixed, fully, despite what the updates in that review say. I just found a reddit post from 1 year ago which says a player-made patch has to be used.

Lesson being, you can't trust when people tell you that a remaster is good, either. OG fans will overwhelmingly be blinded by their love of the original and fail to notice flaws introduced in the remaster, even huge ones. Or perhaps they simply don't care because of shiny new graphics and screen resolutions. I loved HW1 and that issue with formations would have completely ruined it for me. It blows my mind that anyone had high hopes for Gearbox's HW3, considering.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 12 points ago +14 / -2

I'm honestly surprised that Israel worked to get these bitches back rather than Hannibal Doctrine-ing them with carpetbombing. They are devastating to the Oct 7th islamic rape orgy narrative, as well as being repulsively obnoxious as people. Maybe they're well connected. And I guess they're not as uncomfortable as the kibbutz hostages who mention all the friendly fire kills and IDF tank shelling.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 12 points ago +12 / -0

Another possibility is they're so nihilistic and twisted that they just enjoy calling this imagery to mind. In the same way that commie trannies get involved in brigades posting demoralisation material online, promoting ideas of white cuckery and miscegenation everywhere, Jews and other zionists indulge their own humiliation fetishes by cooking up disgusting sexual scenarios at the drop of the hat.

One of the biggest things that pissed me off during the weekend of Oct 7 was the sense that I was being forced to listen to some cuck's jackoff material, by the WHOLE WORLD PRESS and every normie. They wouldn't stop with the rape shit. Some mud or blood on the back of some IDF's trousers was supposedly evidence of her blown-out, raped anus. I will never fucking forgive them for making me listen to this foul, made up shit.

ZeroPercentCamoIndex 26 points ago +27 / -1

The woman is Noa Argamani, huh? So that's the one who was taken while crying on the motorbike, while a tidal wave of conservative talking heads pointed at the footage and told me:


She took being raped to death remarkably well, it seems! Either that or the entire Oct 7 narrative was just another flavour of Jewish BBC fetish-posting.

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