Gayming in 2024
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Again, trannyism makes no sense in a world with magic with basically no rules. You wouldn't get surgery to look like the opposite sex, you would magic yourself into the opposite sex. Then you wouldn't be a tranny, you'd just be the opposite sex.
Excluding how retarded, degenerate, and evil trannyism in real life, it doesn't even make any sense internally to the world you've built.
It's retarded on both levels.
if trannies had the option to press a button to magically become the opposite sex in every way possible, they wouldn't press it because they enjoy the attention of being "different" and a "victim class"
Being a hideous ghoul is part of the fetish.
“Hey there smoothskin”
"dO I pAsS?,?°?" Said the ogre
There isnt a white dude to discover dna. So there isnt magic to change dna.
Girdles of Masculinity and of Femininity have been around in D&D for decades. They're considered cursed items because of their sex changing ways.
it makes perfect sense when you realize the writers don’t give a shit about games and just need it as a vehicle for their activism
They at least used to give enough of a shit about logic to have the last tranny give some excuse for not using magic. Something along the lines of it being dangerous or something.
Ok, devil's advocate - maybe a spell of sex change is really expensive and adventuring just doesn't cover the costs, but they need to let the peasants know how brave they are.
Why would a spell that manipulates your body be any more expensive than the ones you use all the time in that series? Wouldn't it be harder to generate fire, ice, and whatever the else out of thin air than transform something that already exists?
This is why it's dumb. It creates questions that don't need to be asked.
You could ask the same about technology. Why is it that we can produce a flame easily but not rewrite a whole person?
It seems completely reasonable that something that is altering a functioning living being into another form at every level, while keeping it alive, would be far more complex than generating a blob of something elemental. Especially when elemental is, by definition, the simplest form.
Just a matter of how logical you want your magic system to be vs "it's magic, don't worry about it."
Edit: But I have no idea what the garbage in OP is from, so if it's a no-rules system, I agree.
Like above, there are ways to answer the question "why don't they just cast a spell?" But they won't, because addressing it at all would mean acknowledging biological reality.
Boom. If they cast a spell they'd actually change sex just like they would actually turn a person into a crow or a snake.
But then there'd be no controversy. That person IS, as a matter of fact, the thing they changed into.
They actually enjoy the idea of pretending to be something they aren't and then either A) getting everyone else to knowingly validate the lie. Or B) you don't acknowledge them and they play the victim.
Either way they get attention and try to make others endure a humiliation ritual.
It's Dragon Age, it's the Harry Potter rule of "magic does and doesn't do whatever is convenient to the plot"
I can't speak for tranny age, but D&D has a true polymorph spell. It's not particularly expensive, though it is 9th level. Finding someone capable of casting it would probably be the most difficult part.
Short of that though, there's no shortage of cheap, cursed garments that can also do the same thing until removed. A ring would be both easy to wear and and not get in the way of whatever degenerate things they want to get up to.
Exhibit A:
That game was released on December 21, 1998. This is a solved problem, but these people are freaks and want to be freaks.
I was gonna say polymorph is for like turning into dragons (at least you can in Pathfinder). Appearing as a different sex can be done with lower level spells. But I don't think that will give you/remove a dong.
True Polymorph also lasts for an hour?
That is what it says if you don't read beyond the top of any spell summary, yes.
You can do it with lower level spells, but it's not going to be permanent.
There's also still magic items that could do similar. I don't see why it couldn't be in dragon age, where DO magic items come from? Someone made them. I don't see why you couldn't have someone genderswap with some magic bra or something. Normal people would call it a cursed item though, lol.
If writers weren't hacks, they'd make it into an interesting dilemma where in order to change your body to that extent you have to, quite literally, make a deal with the devil.
Clearly there is no agenda. I’ve been attacked or called a snowflake for “whining” about a gay character. I simply questioned the over representation. As for trans, that is a legit mental disorder and it’s seems that’s all who gets hired by gaming companies
Is not political is just basic human rights. Also everything is political and you are a bigot.
This was not made for you, get over it. Also why aren't you buying it bigot.
Exactly. I love the puzzled expression when they explain they are not being political
I know a straight, white, married father who used to have a decent gig working on a F2P game that shut down. He was out of work for almost a year.
So he changed all of his social media/work profiles, changed his ethnicity to Latinx, changed his genders to non-binary and "other", and changed all of his profile photos to a him with a trans
fagflag background, and removed mentions of his children and wife.Dude ended up with multiple offers since he had a really good resume and now gets to work from home (in a different state entirely) and only has to attend virtual meetings a few times a week.
Absolutely crazy.
He got a better gig, less demanding work environment, better work schedule, more money... Just had to pretend to be a member of the alphabet mafia.
Ridiculous he had to do that but glad he found a good job. Honestly someone needs to have the guts and point out that straight people make up the vast majority of gamers so catering to them would be much smarter
They know that but there are two main groups:
So I guess number 2 would be people who use “heteronormative” unironically not understanding that heterosexual people are the norm
I suggested he write an anonymous editorial about the experience but he laughed it off and said he's not going to be the one making waves because his old job was very specific and his new job is as well.
But his last few months out of work were rough, him and his wife were eating ramen trying to save their house. They quit drinking coffee too. Idk if it was multiple daily trips to starbucks that they gave up or just folgers, but either way it was enough that it helped them stay afloat.
They love to co-opt language. Call you snowflake, pretend you’re the one overreacting, etc.
What sane employees would spend 100’s of hours a week coding for minimal pay? Game companies are too stingy to pay good devs and usually have a ton of turnover but the people that stay for those bread crumbs are the only people thinking they are heroes on the front lines winning an impossible battle.
The companies, in turn, get to save that money that should go into a salary, good project leads, promotions for good employees, or PTO and instead promote gay slop so the employees remember how “important” they/them are so they won’t ask for more than the comfortable amount of bread crumbs.
Young starry-eyed graduates who think it's the coolest job in the world and have enough energy to work 80+ hour weeks for a lousy salary that's still better than food service.
Then they burn out after a couple years and need at least a whole year to restore their health. But hey, they got to work on a AAA title!
Yep and they just refuse to accept that lgbt pushed to a mass audience doesn’t work. A well written story with someone who happens to be gay works every now and then but just like the rest of the trifecta (lgbt/black/girl power) I’m so tired of it being pushed.
It’s over the top absurd how they see themselves as some grand heroes fighting injustice
This is kinda like the rage bait I use to mock gay leftists. “Either being gay is biological and therefore curable or it’s sociological and therefore dismissible”. There’s no scenario where you can logically have tit scars in a magical world unless you want them because of validation in your actual life. It’s inherently immersion breaking and intentionally writing something to be immersion breaking is a terrible way to write a FANTASY story. This game is going to be the “Nanette/ Last Jedi/ Witcher/ The Boys/ Rings of Power” of rpgs, where “suck it chuds” is the only coherent plot device.
They don't believe it's biological. That was solely to exploit a Liberal value of "one does not make moral arguments against those who have no agency".
Dragon Age was about fighting corruption and routing out evil.
Which is a high fantasy setting with swords and sorcery.
And also now real life faggotry.
I don't even have to check to see this game's score is inflated by everyone who is afraid to give a low score to the trans person who made it possible because you have to defend everything they do, even ruining the things that you enjoy.
Gates McFadden with pointed ears looking motherfucker.
Gates McFadden was beautiful, don't compare her to that freak.
That's on me. When I'm annoyed, I don't get my point across well. or at all.
They obviously picked someone who nerds would know, so that face can deliver those lines in a game filled with things no one wants.
I got you. Just giving you a hard time.
Transgenders, like disabilities, should literally never exist anywhere in Fantasy.
If you have the magical power to levitate, then you have no explanation why you would need a wheel chair beyond a curse planted by a deity.
A transgender would have the same problem. You would just use magic to literally become the other sex. You don't need to "live your life as the opposite sex", you just literally work to become it through magic spells, even if you have to purchase a potion.
Again, the only exception to this would be as a curse to live your life wrong, so that no magic can heal you.
What I'm saying is that fantasy only allows for cripples and trannys because they are cursed by the gods.
Depends on the power/availability of magic honestly.
Say in PF (1E) regenerate is a 7th level spell (for clerics) so you caster needs to be at least level 13. Cost of service for spells is: CL x SL x 10gp = 910gp
A trained hireling (scribe, mason, ...) costs 0.3 gp / day. So - even ignoring availability rules - it's reasonable to assume that cripples exist in the world. For NPCs.
Cause PF has a "wealth by level" stat which is a rough suggestion how rich (in magical items) characters should be. PCs at level 2 are already at 1000gp. There's no reason to not regrow your lost leg at that level.
I've been playing Pathfinder WOTR with the wokeless mod and it turns out the game is good, not perfect but very much enjoyable to the point where I'm starting to think the devs are not really woke and it was just paizo that made demands on the amount of LGBT, race diversity and strong females.
I doubt any amount of mods can save this game, it's not just the trans stuff, it looks woke in every video and screen shots I've seen.
Can you tell me how to get that mod? I got the game as a gift and can’t get myself to play past the tutorial area without pressing Alt-F4 and uninstalling the game.
Edit : direct link is broken. Go to Then Browse, then Search ( bottom left ) ''Pathfinder''.
God bless Based Mods.
And yes, it removes the shitting-up of what many players wanted to be a White European medieval fantasy setting.
Now it is fixed.
I was skeptical if the game can be fixed, hence why I'm just now playing it. It turns out that the woke stuff is mostly shallow and once removed it does feel like an actual medieval fantasy rather then modern day California but with magic and swords.
You can find it on basedmods
It removes all the gay and trans stuff and makes the paladin good looking. It does some other stuff as well.
As a disclosure, I did not take all the companions, there was this rich asimar that was a complete degenerate and this girl, that was suppose to be very smart but it made the initial dialogue seem like Loony toons and not a dark fantasy and If you are very observant there is some things that smell of wokenes but not really woke, but I'll not get in to details.
I don't know why fags put on that affectation in their voice. Ok, I do know why, but I wish they didn't.
I'm assuming you're talking about Nenio. What an obnoxious character.
Regill was the best companion by far in terms of writing. I'm not sure if the devs wanted to make him unlikable but fucked it up, or if what was delivered was the intent. It's nice to have a Lawful Evil character that's not just a dickhead lawyer-type, though.
Regill and Lann are what makes the game interesting for me. Woljif is ok in principle but the writers did not know how to make him actually funny. The rest are boring.
Ember seemed interesting at first but her "insights" seem to be inspired by "I'm 14 and this is deep"
Gotta love Regis though.
Regill and yes he is an actual great character.
Whoops, it’s been a minute.
To be fair to the writing here, he isn't written to be anything but a complete piece of shit and nobody seems to really hold any illusions he is anything but "useful for our purposes due to his power, but otherwise a net negative on all existence." Granted I've not finished the game, so this might not be true for the full duration.
I think its important to have actually "evil" companions as a choice in these types of games, otherwise you end up with something like Dragon Age where everyone has a "Tragic backstory" that you can't judge and its a huge pity party of "pragmatism versus idealism" instead of any real moral diversity.
I won't give any defense to the other one though, that's a terrible character and I hated it from the moment I met it.
It is a boring character even on an evil playthrough. Did he have any other personality except rich degenerate?
Doesn't matter, played lich and got undead companions that were way better lol
Disagree, but matter of opinion. I enjoyed having someone who is just that simple and is evil without either a "tragic backstory" reason nor "trying too hard" edgy.
I liked pathfinder kingmaker a lot, still working through it. Though it does have a whole "patriarchy can't handle stronk woman" storyline it is thankfully not a a large part of an overall really well done game.
The one bisexual character in the game is chaotic evil which is pretty appropriate and there is a dialogue option to threaten to punch him in the face after he hits on you if he does it again.
WOTR is on my backlog for after I finish kingmaker AND rogue trader (so probably not until 2030)
I couldn't get in to kingmaker at all. Maybe I'll give it a try again, I found most characters to be either uninteresting or straight up disliking them. I played with mercenaries for a while but got bored.
Also the feminism parts are just to much in your face.
WOTR is considerably worse in term of wokenes, one of the first characters you interact are an ugly black female paladin and a tranny that is in a lesbian relation but with the wokeless mode is considerably better then kingmaker. Outside of a few noticing on gender power dynamics it does feel like an actual medieval fantasy rather then modern day California with swords and sorcery.
I guess my liberalism calibration is set to the 90s so the feminism stuff doesn't bother me as much as long as it is "in character". It is true that one of the first companion characters you get lays it on thick but it is so on the nose that I just consider her a parody and it works perfectly.
I never played divinity original sin or really many other party rpgs after the 90s/early 2000s but this one feels like it most closely captures the feel of Baldur's Gate 2.
Feminism in the 90s was having some women fighters and it was not very outrageous. Like Mazzy or Jaheira having less strength then male fighters.
Here seemed very much forced, the barbarian chick tried so hard to be just a stereotypical barbarian that was just cringe. At the start you had to save people but every woman was saving herself already or how top leadership seemed to be largely women.
You can say WOTR also has some of this issues but maybe I've started tolerating them more.
Both are kind of racist as there is no white male companion in an European Medieval Fantasy section where they should be the majority of characters. This is just paizo being paizo.
The barbarian chick does turn out to be a complete fuckup and a liar, so consider my expectations subverted.
I barely noticed any gay the first time. Stronk women are in there. Narratively, there is one prominent lesbian couple.
Not only they are lesbian Anevian is a tranny as well. Probably a lot more but wokeless took that out. But it does feel like it was a checkbox that Paizo asked them to check rather then ideologically driven on part of the devs.
Getting the .005% market locked in
The IGN tranny rated it higher than wukong and bg3. LUL
Get what done? Contracting monkey pox?
Peak Clown world.
What the fuck is this?
Another man-jaw Mary Jane.
Is this real or edited? I genuinely can’t tell anymore.
Traps are gay.
Westerners laugh at the ridiculous propaganda that can be seen in places like North Korea and the P.R.C., but this antinatalist, unnatural, vile propaganda is equally bad if not worse. These additions are the result of D.E.I. hires and Blackrock-pandering, not genuine artistic choices coming from meritocratic and authentic video game studios. I feel bad for kids these days not being able to enjoy NORMAL games without these small brainwashing attempts.
Who had transgender elf on their bingo card?