everyone that's come here or been born to someone that's come here since 1965
the germans were right considering what was happening during the weimar time.
get rid of it before it gets rid of you
regardless of it happening or not, it shouldn't be a cudgel that one group gets to use to get their way in every interaction nearly 100 years after the fact.
the chinese should not be allowed to operate here in any capacity
we cannot allow a whore gap!
lmao, even
full-on "be not afraid"
"muh threats"
maybe don't do things to deserve threats, like using innocent children to promote your oikophobic nonsense?
our manufacturing base was sold off overseas and what was left has been wage depressed with endless foreigners.
said endless foreigners put strain on everything causing prices to go up.
the government is too busy playing kabuki theater with fake numbers and gay money.
he's after justice.
biblical justice.
they deserve much worse than prison.
we used to know how to deal with scum like this before we allowed communists to speak.
al they had to do was pretend for a couple weeks. couldn't even do that.
the woman, at least, has the excuse of going through probably the worst day of her life.
newscum is just a sociopath unaccustomed to getting called out.
you stupid nigger your only priority is the people in the district that elected you, not a bunch of jews on the opposite side of the planet getting bullied.
he's been doing charity work my whole life
so what tranny is this for
who's giving them money to grow water-intensive crops in a scrubland almost-desert?
they decided that having a bunch of faggots, women, and faggot women in firefighting was more important than having enough firemen, or even water to put out fires.
and the mayor was off in fucking africa. what's a mayor even doing out of the county?
which men, jeanine?
were rape gangs a problem before 1997?
why is the chief fireMAN not a veteran who can inspire others
The suggestion that sending aid $ to Israel is undermining the ability to provide aid $ to fight the LA fire is blatantly dishonest.
every $ sent outside the country is a $ that can't be spent here.
"fuck you, blow me" - american companies