you're not europeans, why would you have rights? go home.
here'ss your excuse to repatriate all the "syrians", germany.
either explain why they're wrong about the jews or you can sit and spin. you don't get to play this faggot game any more where all of society rails against heritage america but the second someone says jew it's all hands on deck.
dom is a worthless cuck faggot and needs to fuck off forever
we're putting in a pay CUT, and every time you reject it, the cut doubles.
you were "marginalized" for a reason.
why are they doing this tranny nonsense in december when june was 6 months ago?
so when was it falsified? before, or after?
rip and tear
until it is done
blatantly unconstitutional and should result in public floggings.
what? she was never the leader of any civilization.
shut the fuck up you skinsuit wearing faggot
the moneychangers need to learn their place
dom needs to go. he has outlived his usefulness.
they want the high trust society that was their birthright.
she has to go back
if you actually believed that, you'd act with more respect.
luigi's way ahead of ya
nah the whole game is fucked. tuchanka and rannoch carry it on their shoulders like atlas.
he needs to go.
funny how this wasn't a problem until recently.
shut up governor castro
so bill gates can buy the land