It's crazy how forward thinking the founding fathers were. Yes they were not perfect and should have phrased a few things differently, but what powerful statement of faith in the people the American constitution is.
They have rights on paper, but it tends not to end well when they try to exercise them.
They don't really have anything equivalent to the first amendment.
Most European born simply don't understand that. For them, it's normal to put someone in jail because one said something "islamophobic" or antisemitic, which I might not agree with, but nobody should go to jail for that, as it happened in France for instance (Alain Soral). These Europeans don't understand that, by the very same principle, it's their own speech and opinion that one day could be deemed illegal.
No country in Europe ever had freedom of speech and association to begin with, that's just the consequence of that.
I don't know a single party in Europe that has something close to the US first amendment as a political platform for constitutional revision.
This is how women take everything from the average man, let alone rich and famous ones.
Well it seems that not getting married doesn't prevent that TIMES the number of random harpies shagged.
It's called risk management. And the prenup agreement.
what is even the point of being rich and famous now if a random woman can make accusations and take everything?
Get married and don't shag random harpies. doesn't protect from rape accusations but surely it limits the number of candidates.
Not a fan of Islam, obviously... but Islam seems to have an answer to everything, ironically:
"temporary marriage" AKA Islamic sex hookup.
there is no marital rape in Islam.
BuT ShE dIDnT fOlLoW tHe GuIdE!
This same country will take away your kids if you refuse to castrate them or give them cross sex hormone. Your kid will then be placed in a group home where they will be given drugs and made into a child prostitute. A well oiled machine to fuel the Canadian sex trafficking market.
is she a (((fellow huwhite person)))?
She's white. She's a woman, that's make her more likely to be a grifter.
She didn't delete anything, merely de-activated it. She'll be fine, she probably made millions with her conferences telling people to be ashamed of the color of their skin.
I don't know what that means, but JIDF shills like yourself have no right to live, so I don't care what you say.
so jewish of you.
Yes, I am hiding from you on a public internet thread one comment removed from yours. How did you ever find me here!?
You Jew.
you are jewish
You are the actual jew here.
To avoid looking like a shill, the dude waits for 3 months between "muh Hamas" kvetch posting and then looks like a shill anyway.
yeah, and you're a coward who can't even talk to me directly. shill.
Go to hell JIDF
Go to hell BDS.
That is like saying Sadam Hussain was our enemy. He was not.
That's absurd, he absolutely was an enemy of USA. That's no reason to invade Iraq but he was actively hostile to US. Did you just create an account here to spew that crap?
Yes, they are, they'd kill you on sight.
More like Hamas victory day now. I can't believe how 24 years after 9/11, we literally have the college elite flying Hamas flags in the streets of New York. If you would have told this to anybody in 2001, people would have you committed to a mental hospital...
Do these young people not understand that Hamas would kill them on sight?
Why did Trump agree with the terms of the "debate"? It turned out to be a debate between Trump and journalists, not between Trump and Harris. Why is Trump campaign team so incompetent? They should never have agreed with that farce. They are doing the exact same mistakes as last time.
the "fact checks", my ass.
TaKe My MoNeY SoNy! says the "modern audience".
That's why the 1st amendment is so important in USA, and the second to protect the first. There is no 1st or 2d amendment anywhere in Europe.
But yes, these regimes keep on doing the exact same failed policies and don't you dare say something against it or you go to jail.
It looks bad, no matter how one frames it. Youtubers need to do a bit more due diligence before accepting money from these orgs... who founded the company? are they real people? what's the company's history?... cause it's a matter of reputation. Leftists don't care about reputation, they'll happily take CCP money and if you point that out, they'll just accuse you of 'bigotry'... but it's not about leftists here, it's about one own's credibility.
I also have a strong suspicion that the DOJ could have stopped that charade very early, but they didn't, probably to make the contributors look worse since they are the opposition...
"which banned sex-based discrimination in higher ed"
That's not what it did, it gave women special status and a bunch of privileges, explicitly, a subtle but important difference. Title IX absolutely needs to be repealed.
Don't bother, it's likely an AI bot, there is no human behind that shit account, or the several other ones that spam this sub with pedo shit, it's just a program. AI spam has become very good at mimicking actual humans. Just downvote, block and move on. The real problem is the moderation here...
I mean cops aren't vigilante, they need to enforce the law, they don't write laws, elected officials do.
If tomorrow a law is voted so that every person that wears a hat has to get arrested, they'll have to do just that...ok*r quit...
Poor sob, had he been deported , he would still be alive...