bla_bla_bla_2023 3 points ago +4 / -1

The mods can't even ban people posting pictures of female corpses... who's going to ban anything? you're delusional and the mods here are crazy.

When someone was spamming scat porn on this sub (probably a crossdresser since it happened when this sub was discussing keffals), it took more than 2 weeks for the "mod" to remove the pictures of people shitting...

bla_bla_bla_2023 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah these infamous BLM "trained marxist" leaders now living in rich white gated communities... but why? I thought they hated whiteness so much? /s

bla_bla_bla_2023 3 points ago +3 / -0

The crappy moderation here is going to become a serious issue when idiots start uploading CSAM or something like that.

And the mods refuses to promote other users as mods to clean up that mess of a sub.

This shitty picture has been staying there for more than 10 fucking hours. If you don't have the time to properly mod this sub u/DomitiusOfMassilia then delegate.

edit: 16 hours on and the post has not been removed, nor the poster banned. And OP don't you dare talk to me you sick FUCK.

bla_bla_bla_2023 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nah, they served their purpose, chaos during Trump presidency, then they were given orders by their rich democrat slave masters.

bla_bla_bla_2023 7 points ago +7 / -0

look up "transmaxxing"...

Or no, don't...

bla_bla_bla_2023 46 points ago +47 / -1

EU == soviet union.

congrats Euros, you've managed to re-invent the fucking USSR...

bla_bla_bla_2023 23 points ago +23 / -0

She was so smug at the hearing, I couldn't believe it. The perfect example of that liberal female in power who will act like she is being victimized even when she is in charge...

People absolutely need to watch that hearing. Unbelievable...

bla_bla_bla_2023 11 points ago +11 / -0

if you go to india as a woman, you're an idiot to begin with.

They absolutely hate white women in the region and want to violate them at the first opportunity.

bla_bla_bla_2023 8 points ago +8 / -0

Please mark this as NSFW.

I don't even want to watch this or care who has sex with crossdressers... can we be spared the crossdresser picture please? thanks.

bla_bla_bla_2023 2 points ago +2 / -0

fight fight fight, because your opponent will use every single tactics in the books to defeat you.

Unfortunately they have allies among Republicans themselves, like the speaker of the house... he might as well have been a democrat it wouldn't have made any difference...

bla_bla_bla_2023 7 points ago +7 / -0

it's like nobody learned anything from the soviet union fiasco but OK, carry on...

fucking stupid.

bla_bla_bla_2023 3 points ago +3 / -0

I mean he is slashing spending everywhere.

But it's not enough to attract investment.

And yes, that's what happen when left wing politicians make unrealistic promises. It bankrupt countries and someone has to take one for the team and reality check an entire economy.

But there is absolutely no miracle with the situation in Argentina, it's going to take at least a decade of hardship until things get really better.

bla_bla_bla_2023 13 points ago +13 / -0

"ain't paid to deal with this!"

"What you used the wrong pronoun? Arrest them!"

bla_bla_bla_2023 7 points ago +7 / -0

She was too pro-Palestine and anti-Israel, so she got unpersoned.

Oh, that's why? LOL...

bla_bla_bla_2023 14 points ago +14 / -0

what happened to Greta by the way? She was everywhere a few years ago... you couldn't go a week without a shill thread on reddit news about her... then... nothing... I guess she got fatter and uglier...

bla_bla_bla_2023 5 points ago +5 / -0

OK, which one of the crossdressing superadmin at reddit did that?

bla_bla_bla_2023 23 points ago +23 / -0

Biden is simply an embarrassment at the top of the US, because he is clearly not the real president right now, and I know, it's not the first drone in the white house, but he literally cannot do his job, how could he?

So the question becomes WHO ACTUALLY TAKES ALL THE DECISIONS? I doubt it's Kamala, she's an incompetent. No it's someone cunning ...

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