GoldenInnosStatue 11 points ago +12 / -1

Do you know how amerimutts came to be?

they were anglos once... taken by the (((dark power)))... tortured and trannified... a ruined form of life... now perfected

my fighting amerimutts!

GoldenInnosStatue 29 points ago +29 / -0

man the bitches are so fucking ugly i legit can't tell if they're trannies or not

GoldenInnosStatue 2 points ago +2 / -0

gameplay-wise its a very decent game, esp after a shitload of patches that actually fix poise (it works now) and make match-making snappy (now you can even match up against console-fags, making invasions a breeze)

do i recommend financially supporting the developer? eh... the game is mostly pozzed so probably no, but if he unpozzes the game then yes.

GoldenInnosStatue 2 points ago +2 / -0

Polls about attractive male and female leads

bro all the women in LotF2 look like trannies, if actually wants to stick to his word now would be the time

GoldenInnosStatue 9 points ago +9 / -0

wait wait wait... you're telling me got he got banned, from the subreddit of HIS OWN GAME for removing tranny pronouns????

GoldenInnosStatue 4 points ago +4 / -0

I put it in the same bracket of RDR2

a game so cucked, that requires at several mods to remove all the cuck shit, it still sucks ass because all the story-content is woke as fuck

however, for just roaming, hunting and just shooting shit for fun its decent (mainly due to the physics)

however i play vidya to immerse myself in a setting, if a game contains modern gay shit it is immersion shattering and thus, ruins the experience

i will commend warhorse for making the combat a little more refined and the OST a little less repetitive, but frankly everything else feels like a downgrade, including the A.I (you can literally afk shoot bandits while crouching and they will not fucking react until the third shot, and even then they'll lightly jog towards you rather than sprint)

GoldenInnosStatue 1 point ago +1 / -0

i believe AFTER the wedding you can kill both the smith and the Miller (essential tag is removed from said NPC's)

so yeah, its possible.

GoldenInnosStatue 17 points ago +17 / -0

the straight Romance scenes are also short and feature no nudity whatsoever (in stark contrast to the gay ones)

its very, VERY obvious they had some fag or a jew (or a jewish faggot) dictate what is encouraged and what isn't.

the game itself feels massively CUCKED in comparison to the the first

like the sex buff description feels like it was written by committee of fags

You've had some sweet moments which no one can take away from you.

you feel refreshed and invigorated.

your strength, agility and vitality are temporarily increased by 1

compare that with KCD1's "Alpha male buff"

Your needs have been satisfied and it shows. You're feeling self-confident. +2 Charisma

you can tell KCD was a product written by MEN

in opposed to KCD 2 which was written by a committee of FAGGOTS (and i don't jest, since you the gay romance grants you the exact same buff, hence the gender neutral langauge)

GoldenInnosStatue 21 points ago +21 / -0

Diversity=No more White men, at all.

Total diversity means every character gay, jewish (or muslim) tranny or feminist, and black (ofc)

GoldenInnosStatue 7 points ago +7 / -0

The gypsy camp is entirely pogrom-able

but most (but not all) jewish NPC's are tagged essential and therefore unkillable

GoldenInnosStatue 6 points ago +6 / -0

he is literally an unkillable NPC

the worst thing you can do is refuse his questline and that's it (and pickpocket him, i guess?)

because he's a major essential character, even if you do the Blacksmith quest you still see him in the wedding.

GoldenInnosStatue 24 points ago +24 / -0

you might be suprised, according to gamers the Romance with Katherine (the girl who you saved from being raped at the Pond) involves hardcore cuckholdry, what do i mean by hardcore cuckholdry?

she cheats on you with Musa of Mali, and the only way to advance her romance is to forgive her for her "mishaps" with the nigger

trying to frame him for a murder as a way to get back at him will cancel out her romance questline

while it sounds outlandish and insane, reminder that this game has jews, niggers, transvestites and all sorts of DEI creatures lurking in the second half of the game

i'm honestly baffled how much literal KYKERY they managed to cram into this game, its even more than than Red Dead 2, and that one was a literal DEI project from beginning to end

GoldenInnosStatue 18 points ago +18 / -0

bro the game is DRM free, literally just take your pick there is also Kaos repack

don't be deterred by the 80GB size, installing it is a few minutes at best.

GoldenInnosStatue 23 points ago +24 / -1

i'd recon anyone with above double digit IQ did the blacksmith (the straight and narrow questline of doing honest work, in opposed to thievery and sneaky shit) questline instead of the Miller one

its funny how in their semitic quest to make the game more diverse they actually make the jew look guilty as hell of being what he is

because the gypsy camp is the only camp where you can sell stolen goods without a fus, and that one too has a Mordecai in it...

GoldenInnosStatue 26 points ago +26 / -0

the quest goes like this: you begin the fist-fighting quest with the tavern owner

then she approaches, asks you to beat some dude who's been groping her and tells you she'll reward you

you do the quests, beat up the dudes and tell the groper to stay away from this girl, or else

you get your shekels from the tavern keeper and go to her

your reward choices are the followed: ask for sex--negative rep and a condescending remark, she will offer to teach you how to repair your own gear

if you double down, you get nothing and double negative rep

if you agree to her initial reward suggestions are the following: either maintaince exp or a one time cloth wash and repair (only garments, gambesons and things that use the tailoring kit) for free plus positive reputation

its seems by design, the quest-designers are cucked

unlike Witcher 1 back at the day, where saving a girl from a rapist or a trouble-maker would result you getting 🐈

but in today's gay (((modern dev))) standards, you can only fuck her if you pay her female pimp (the bath-house proprietor) 60 grochen for a full service (cleaning, healing, and shagging) which results in a 1+ charisma buff that lasts for 24 hours, which completely sucks money wise (since mintha perfumes can do a lot more and you can craft them for free)

GoldenInnosStatue 4 points ago +4 / -0

this nigger (or jewish writer) never heard of garlic or mustard???

GoldenInnosStatue 6 points ago +6 / -0

instead of deporting them to arab countries (or just... not genociding them) they want to use them as bio-weapons against US

the only question is... are they willing to be an instrument of the jews?

GoldenInnosStatue 26 points ago +27 / -1

yeah the second half of the game got jew'd hard, and i mean literally

you have to work for jews to progress the story, you have to do the nigger's questline

you have to assosiate with degenerates, feminists and foreigners

while the first half of the game is relatively unpozzed, the second half is probably not even worth playing aside from basic exploration...

GoldenInnosStatue 12 points ago +12 / -0



Scholarz n shieeeet

GoldenInnosStatue 9 points ago +9 / -0

from what i've seen, the "nomad camps" (gypsy camps) are the places where you dump your stolen goods and stolen horses

i dunno who has the essential tag on, but the random gypsies in the camp can be killed.

GoldenInnosStatue 17 points ago +18 / -1

as if these jewish developers allow us to harm the "chosen people" of Kutna Hora

but i'll find out soon enough, the release is almost upon us

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