GoldenInnosStatue 4 points ago +4 / -0

God, what a fucking faggot.

if i was his dad i would "fix" the mistake before it continued embrassing itself

GoldenInnosStatue 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah those titles you mentioned bore fruit, but there have been many other projects there remained on perpetual early access (Hellish Quart is another fine example of a promising game selling well before its even finished, thus the devs lack the "encouragement" to actually finish the damn game)

i'd rather wait, and play a polished/finished product than be a "tester" to play early, regardless its just a matter of preference really

if i'm still unsure about it, again play-test it on the "one-eyed" sites and then decide if the game is "finished enough" for me to dip into the early access plan

because as you just said, its an investment.

GoldenInnosStatue 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dykes beat each other regularly

its no suprise their "relationship" is very, very toxic.

GoldenInnosStatue 1 point ago +1 / -0

spent over 300$ for a random tranny to meet their kid

what the fuck is wrong with normies? why would anyone waste their money on this dumb shit

GoldenInnosStatue 2 points ago +2 / -0

Twitter faggots like off drama & attention

these kinds of posts are meant to bait out a response, the best course of action is to simply ignore them, even going to call them a faggot is going to give them what they want (attention)

GoldenInnosStatue 1 point ago +1 / -0

obviously steam is better for auto-updating but frankly i'd probably wait until the game is finished

if you're unsure you could always "play-test" the game on 1337x and then decide

GoldenInnosStatue 2 points ago +2 / -0

the mount and blade early access model

it was one of the only early access models i actually invested money in, mostly because i saw gradual updates and the progression reached its conclusion in about a year or so

hell warband alone i dumped like 1000+ hours into like 2 dozen different modules (particularly The Last Days of the third age, Sparta, Renassiance, Chronicles of Might and magic and so forth)

deep discounts to those who take the risk

they already do this but the discounts are not big enough (they're around 10-20%, it should be like 40-50% in my honest opinion)

GoldenInnosStatue 2 points ago +2 / -0

It looked impressive but unfortunately i refuse to dabble in early access

if the project comes out complete then i will play it, i wish the devs luck in their endevours

GoldenInnosStatue 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think somewhere around 2016 they relocated their headquarters from japan to (((California)))

ever since then Sony has been on the path of faggotization, Niggerization and general jewry as seen in the last of us 2

GoldenInnosStatue 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't date Whores

Women FUMING with rage

to be fair, Lauron simonson is a jew and her friends are probably jewesses too--which explains the rotten whore behavior

still its a definite eye opener how Women get offended by Men who refuse to date whores, its almost as if... they're all Whores to begin with?

GoldenInnosStatue 7 points ago +7 / -0

same with river fish like salmon

it used to be the protein of paupers, but now? river caught fish is like gourmet delicacy, almost as expensive as beef!

GoldenInnosStatue 2 points ago +2 / -0

Try out Chronicles of Mrytana if you haven't already, its the best Gothic game i ever played since Gothic 2, keep in mind its a fan-game so there is no english Dub, only Polish dub, German Dub, French Dub, and Russian Dub

GoldenInnosStatue 2 points ago +2 / -0

You don't have to "buy" video games if you get what i'm saying

though if KCD2 comes unpozzed i might legit buy it full price, but its a longshot knowing (((Embracer))) history...

if you didn't know, Embracer bought the Gothic devs sometime in 2019 and after ELEX 2 recieved EU funding their fate was already signed and sealed

ELEX 2 was THE MOST POZZED GAME i ever played in my life, like legit all the women look like trannies, niggers everywhere (there was not a single nigger in Magalan in ELEX 1) absolute dogshit writing, women cussing like men, women being in charge of position of power (even in the fascist faction) and the forth faction being some retarded redditor fan-fiction

not to mention the "villains" of the story are like this non-binary alien threat that are literally just reskinned monsters from the overworld (same animations as well)

thankfully i didn't buy the game but even still, i regret pirating that pile de merde

and now knowing that THIS (((publisher))) owns warhorse studios feels me with dread, i KNOW they are going to shove a few schwartzes and stronk wimminz to please the kosher shareholders of the company

GoldenInnosStatue 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yup, look up popular company

use key-words like BLM, "Pride month" or "LGBT" "diversity" and stuff like that and you're bound to find some subversion

at this point i'd be more suprised to find a company that ISN'T jew'd to the bone and is actually based, unfortunately the last one was Warhorse studios and they've been bought out by Koch Media... which is owned by (((Embracer))) [who was formerly known as Nordic AB, a swedish megacorp]

though fortunately they're owned by a subsidiary of a subsidiary which means they got more artistic freedom to do whatever they liked, and keep the same employees of the previous project

however i'm expecting some (((concessions))) to be made to get the journos off their back, similar to the whamminz lot DLC (which released AFTER the company sold to Koch Media/Embracer)

GoldenInnosStatue 4 points ago +4 / -0

you can tell its an ungodly tranny by the ungodly amount of fakeup he's wearing

GoldenInnosStatue 4 points ago +4 / -0

are they gonna rig em in favor of artificially generated schwartze women or are they gonna keep it legit?

GoldenInnosStatue 3 points ago +3 / -0

these are from almost 8 years ago, i hope he hasn't cucked since

GoldenInnosStatue 5 points ago +5 / -0

errr i'm not sure it would be "within character" to simp for prostitues or even bed them

similiar to that Priest from Gaza who went to egypt to preach to Whores about the "rightious path" (and of course some people assumed he was just fuckin the whores so they killed him)

granted i didn't live in that era and i didn't know them in person so its all hear-say from my point of view.

GoldenInnosStatue 7 points ago +7 / -0

is this like a bad joke? or are you serious?

GoldenInnosStatue 3 points ago +3 / -0

Does jesus love coomers? i doubt that very much.

GoldenInnosStatue -2 points ago +2 / -4

Bruh, they literally just shot down a bunch of drones, not a single rocket hit tel-aviv today

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