Guy_Incognito76 5 points ago +5 / -0

If he wasn't a glowy shill he would have been cancelled long ago

Guy_Incognito76 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wrong. 3.5/5

-climate plot-- nope. I was wrong

-Angry hectoring scold - yes. She's passive aggressive instead of angry, but still lectures people, and journos wrote exactly those articles.

-Solves easy problems and gets called a genius - yep

-black guy is super smart genius -- eh, I guess not. But he does get into interracial relationship with the girl. 1/2 point

-brotherhood fascist - big yep

Guy_Incognito76 20 points ago +21 / -1

Its trade competition. An only fans girl is benefitting from her sexuality. A man drawing a sexy girl is "stealing" from the only fans girl. Women often compete by sabotaging each other. Every woman thinks men should date women as young as her, but no younger. That's "creepy." If every other girl is fat, then the skinny 5 becomes a 7.

This just shows that women have the power in our society.

Guy_Incognito76 11 points ago +12 / -1

When the money collapses, they'll introduce a new digital currency, and this will be the price: everything you own, forever.

Guy_Incognito76 2 points ago +2 / -0

JD Vance doesn't seem to poll well with women. No alpha vibes like Trump.

Guy_Incognito76 -2 points ago +2 / -4

Just makes me think he's a dumbass, how could anyone ever think puberty could be "paused"?

Guy_Incognito76 17 points ago +18 / -1

Not dealing with sane or rational people. They stole an election, Dave'd the president, and tried to shoot his rival. Why wouldn't they keep lying?

Guy_Incognito76 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder who on his staff went turncoat on him. Well, this will only make the eventual fraud even more blatant.

Guy_Incognito76 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wasn't that the counter sniper returning fire?

Guy_Incognito76 1 point ago +1 / -0

The question is how many customers will they have left by next week?

Guy_Incognito76 7 points ago +7 / -0

Wasn't this the show that attracted a 'based' fanbase despite being "a satire" that is "making fun of you" like Fight Club or Starship Troopers? And the creators were mad the fans liked it for the "wrong" reasons? This is clearly an attempt to correct that.

Well I've never seen an episode and I won't start now.

Guy_Incognito76 6 points ago +6 / -0

"Legal rigging" is an interesting take.

For a fact, most of the states (but not all) had laws against changing election processes too close to the election, and against sending out mail in ballots without signature verification. In most cases these laws were ignored "because Covid" and went unchallenged. (Texas challenged this and won every single case against it)

So the question is, if someone breaks the law but isn't punished, is that ""legal""? Especially if someone else was punished for breaking the same law in another jurisdiction. What does "the law" even mean in this context?

There's also the question if a clearly unjust law that does not serve the public interest is a valid law? In my state, what happened in 2020 was fully legal, but hardly moral, just, or right.

Guy_Incognito76 5 points ago +5 / -0

"Most X ever" is a classic lying tell.

If I said I was a good shot with a bow, or even that I was in my school archery club and won several state competitions, you would have no reason to doubt me. But if I told you I was THE BEST archer in HISTORY, you immediately know I am lying.

If the 2020 election was safe and secure, fine. But the MOST SECURE? They stole it. Period.

Guy_Incognito76 6 points ago +6 / -0

The left's response to the assassination has been textbook female. Trump's blood wasn't even dry, an innocent bystander got his brains blown out, and the left was saying, "You need to lower your voice. Stop yelling at us!" It's just like arguing with a woman when you caught her red handed doing bad shit. She knows you got her, so she attacks you for the act of confronting her.

Guy_Incognito76 6 points ago +6 / -0

Removing the nonsensical "actual malice" standard would go a long way. The current SCOTUS has indicated it is interested in overturning this, but not on behalf of thought criminals like Jared Taylor or Peter Brimlow.

Guy_Incognito76 12 points ago +12 / -0

Free speech was never meant to cover lies. The founding fathers believed strongly in libel and slander laws (which were seen as more civilized to public dueling, the previous way you punished someone for lying about you.) Since libel and slander have become effectively legal, cancel culture is the only thing left.

If we restore free speech to the pre-Sullivan standard, where truth is always a defense and lies are illegal, I'm fine with Carmack's view.

Guy_Incognito76 4 points ago +4 / -0

The issue was always one of moral standards. The left cancels people for saying true facts like "men aren't women." We're going after people who are saying "DIE DIE DIE WE WANT YOU TO DIEEEEEE!"

Societal morality needs to be corrected.

Guy_Incognito76 1 point ago +1 / -0

I doubt this is what people think it is. Microsoft is a pajeet company now, DEI rules are meant to undermind the ruling group so they're getting rid of them. They're not going to magically start hiring meritocratically, they just don't want white people deploying those weapons against them.

Guy_Incognito76 5 points ago +5 / -0

You're the typical "leftism but slower" conservative who would shoot your own side in the back for the crime of returning fire.

Guy_Incognito76 1 point ago +4 / -3

That dude is a shill. No one on our side uses the term fascism unironically. It's just an enemy buzzword. He's a typical entryist meant to shame and attack us.

Guy_Incognito76 4 points ago +7 / -3

Found the shill

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