I honestly don't understand what he gains from this.
Surely the ad revenue Brazil brings, can't offset the cost of all the extra legal bullshit.
Lowkey surprised this isn't about a new Knives Out movie.
The same reason they make their censorship so obvious. They could do anything else, but they opt for a completely differently coloured cleavage triangle, so that you know they fucked with it and so that they can rub it in your face.
Hot damn. I'm wayyy out of the loop. I stopped watching him, when instead of content he just posted videos, whining about how bad his mental health is. Didn't even realise it's been that long.
Wait what. I knew he was a leftoid nutcase, but I didn't know he was that far gone.
Looks like in this case it will at least be easy to spot the netflix rips. I saw the first ep. yesterday on a streaming site and ho boy, the subtitles are so small, they're fucking unreadable on anything less than a 65" TV.
I hope this is true, if only because it will make Disparu the happiest little boy in all of Britain. He's been making this kind of joke in every single S2 review video so far.
They already want abortions up until labour.
Loving that first sentence.
Our community manager said some shit and people answered in kind. How dare you!
A lot of them tend to be a bit more based, when it comes to the rainbow mafia, especially transing kids, than English speaking countries (not a lot, sure, the mafia is trying their damnest, but still). However, yeah, when it comes to welfare they are a lot more left, than American parties. They used to be a lot more left on the immigration issue as well, but the population is finally fed up with all the bullshit, so it has become more of a concern for the parties.
A far-right party founded by former Nazis
Wow, I wonder what the journo's politics are. That aside, wow I really wonder how it could be that a party formed in 1955 could have had nazis in it. Could it be that Austria was one of the countries under National Socialist rule and almost anyone living there was a nazi? NoooOooo surely you jest.
Also the FPÖ are centrist at best. Austria doesn't have a right wing party.
I saw some footage from a supposed female custodes that looks like handsome Squidward in a wig, but I don't know, if it was from this game or something else.
I thought, aw come on, I can think of plenty! But then every example that popped into my head was from anime/manga.
[shizo mode activate] So the reason they're finally going after Diddy, after years of not giving a shit, is because they can use it to make Trump look bad.
Good god that show looks like shit.
Oh please, as if the goal ever was to prevent white, Christian children from being murdered. The FBI agents probably crank their hog at the mere thought of it. They just hid it, because it might make parents think twice about letting their mentally ill child cut off their genitals.
"Why have ticket prices gone up again???" ... "Ah."
The question is, does it have a caveat baked in? Because technically Austria has freedom of speech in its constitution as well, however it comes with the tacked on "except muh hate speech tho".
Just dump your waste next to it, instead of inside the facility.
In 2021, Lindell offered $5 million to anyone who could win his “Prove Mike Wrong Challenge” by disproving data related to his election fraud claims. In February, a judge confirmed that Lindell had to pay $5 million to a computer forensics expert who successfully took on Lindell’s challenge.
Okay, I don't wanna give Yahoo any clicks and I'm too lazy to google, but what. Since when are those stupid meme challenges legally enforcable contracts? (I mean, I know the real answer is, since a rightwinger was the one issuing it, but still.)
Would also be lowkey interested in what data was actually "proven", but then again, don't want to click.
I thought they kicked out the soy cuck for being a sex pest. He's still there to fuck up the company? Or is the entire thing just so pozzed that it went on as usual after he had to leave? (Okay, that was rethorical.)
I always love it, when you can immediately tell, whether or not the designer/architect does their own cleaning.
Nowadays, for fun and relaxation, which is why I hardly do achievement hunting anymore and have developed a liking for those dogshit hidden object games.