I'm surprised the page didn't start with "Rural purge is a debunked white supremacist conspiracy theory" like other wiki pages do when people notice things.
What could possibly go wrong?
I'd rather read about a plot where the safety of planet Earth was somehow tied into the Human Torch being denied a bank loan.
That tells me despite all the ballot rigging that will happen, the deep state is genuinely afraid Trump will win.
It's a tactic of evil that has gone on for millennia. I recently learned from an archaeological study guide that when Jesus' apostles began their ministry after the crucifixion, Hellenists infiltrated the early Church and misled souls into false doctrine (and getting the devout who pushed back arrested). It didn't help that many converts were polytheistic like their ancestors, and changing to monotheism was already a difficult leap for them.
Well, that and a lot of people who call themselves "Christian" don't make Jesus their Lord.
That picture of Trump looks hilarious to me for some reason. They have to be so desperate and full of hate to come up with that whole story.
And I defy anyone in their newsroom to look nearly as good when they're in their 80's.
Two days ago a Delta plane clipped the tail of another airliner in Atlanta. Only a matter of time before a head-on collision now.
I am trying to get word to Peter Adkison that I'd like to meet with him, casually, privately and honestly.
Translation: "I will be harassing Mr. Adkison and getting as many people as possible to help me until he meets with me in private. Then if he doesn't reverse course I will make false accusations about things he did not actually say to me in our meeting which he cannot defend himself against."
I can't even run Windows Update on my laptop anymore. It tries to run the update, then rolls it back and gives me some cryptic error code every time. When I search the web for that code, the first dozen results are either Microsoft forums where the "MVPs" tell you to reinstall Windows, or shady websites that list five different things you can try; that is if you can find them behind all the ads.
Screw Microsoft. I'm not wasting one more minute of my time trying to solve a problem they created. But the problem isn't going away because Windows will be like "OMG you haven't run an update you're going to get viruses and your computer will die!!! Here, let me forcefully try to run updates for you until you enter an infinite loop you can't escape."
I want people who think the traditional family is outdated, bigoted and even abnormal to explain to me how shit like this is not only better but also more necessary to maintain a perfectly healthy and happy society that will survive for generations.
He's holding out until 2028 and then he'll say he's sorry again. I hope that if Trump wins, something happens that indeed makes Zuckerberg sorry.
Miyamoto says they want 30 Million+ style game every few years as a goal.
Nooooooooooo you need to spend 10 years and $500 million dollars on a single game to score that sweet $1B payoff!
"Here are twenty reasons why you should never let your child play outside; not even in your own backyard..."
Hell yeah!
When a co-dev creates content, it usually has to get signed off on by the lead dev. With each person in the loop, the amount of time it takes to approve seems to increase exponentially. You also don't see the content that was approved and later thrown away. Another thing is that all manner of systems like combat and interaction and inventory and environment and AI seem to get reinvented with every game because every game has its own very specific nuances and because devs who did it for the last game have moved on.
Even with all that you'd think it only be a couple years tops...but developers can take an absolutely painful amount of time designing things, rigging things, polishing things, and fixing things in projects with large scopes. There's also resource contention; an engineer needs an asset but the designer needs it and the artist is waiting for the designer. And the time just flies.
If I were them I would desperately convince the shareholders that they at least have a viable FPS engine which they could skin a new F2P shooter with after all the negative hype dies down.
If any anti-Democrat movie were set to release 30 days before the election, no mainstream theater would carry it and the director would eventually be arrested.
I don't know what's more frustrating: My tax dollars being spent on this, or when people do mental gymnastics to explain why it's not only a good thing but that it's even more essential than something like funding the military.
WTF is my government doing paying for that trash? Or any other government for that matter??
They know nobody will read their own stories. That's why they have to appropriate a well-known IP.
I don't think he's the only one either. Put it all together and this site looks to me more and more like an effective alternative to reddit. We're well past "go find your own message board, bigot!" and into "noooooooo you weren't supposed to find your own message board, bigot!" territory.
"If there's a steady paycheck in it...I'll believe in anything you say."
-- Winston Zedmore
And they "procreate" by indoctrinating the young through social media.
I guess sometimes "data isn't beautiful" on reddit. Go figure.
Our elections are secure as in "democrats have secured supremacy of the federal government."