KekistanPM 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's been going on for decades. Rush Limbaugh delighted in pointing out on his show when the New York Times did it. The paper never issued any corrections, of course.

KekistanPM 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don't get it; who doesn't want to spend $70 on a mediocre game with development costing six years and $200M? Am I so out of touch?...

...No. It's the gamers who are wrong. /s

KekistanPM 4 points ago +4 / -0

I prefer those commercials over the ones I get on Amazon's free programming. They're always the same -- Something something Mr. Beast, followed by Obamacare, followed by "take these pills if you like having lots of uncontrolled gay sex." Not joking.

KekistanPM 8 points ago +8 / -0

Sheesh, I got a pin for good behavior just two weeks into working at Hardees thirty years ago. Degrees weren't on anybody's radar, not even management I don't think.

KekistanPM 6 points ago +6 / -0

And if a content creator makes what they consider a ridiculous character, someone sooner or later is probably either going to assume they're woke or report them for mocking trannys.

KekistanPM 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well billions of dollars worth of property may be cinders now, but hey at least they have a solid bureaucracy!

KekistanPM 2 points ago +2 / -0

They push it on the mobile version Monster Hunter Now too. If you don't fill it out, then the notification badge will permanently exist on your main screen. And if you do fill it out, chances are a major update down the road will reset your choices and require you to fill it out again (I've heard it happening before).

KekistanPM 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know someone who passed away in their 70s. When people say "They were so young" I just have to shrug.

They were not young. At all. They were almost at life expectancy. Whatever hairs were left on their head were gray. They could barely even get out of bed. They didn't want to go on a hiking trip. They didn't want to play football in the backyard. They didn't want to go speedboating in the gulf. They didn't want to jump in the car with their buddies and paint the town red and woo the girls. They just wanted to sleep all the time and eat nothing but a small sandwich per day.

KekistanPM 4 points ago +4 / -0

The only world salad I'm seeing is "woke right." It's a forced meme that makes no sense in any way.

KekistanPM 3 points ago +3 / -0

"It's civilization's fault"

Will have to add that to my bingo card along with "Climate Change," "The pumps weren't running," "All the pumps combined caused low water pressure," and "It's Trump's fault."

I guess we should only build civilizations where there is never a wildfire, hurricane, tornado, sandstorm, or blizzard. So...nowhere ever.

KekistanPM 26 points ago +26 / -0

They're definitely seething; social media lefties are calling all of this proof that Trump is above the law.

If Trump follows through with the appeals process and actually goes after activist judges and lawyers, the seething will get much worse because that will be their "proof Trump has an enemies list."

KekistanPM 4 points ago +4 / -0

Surely they were lying. I once saw a redditor post that they broke their leg, went to a hospital, got taken in immediately, got all fixed up, and left without paying a dime.

And because that one unverifiable post must be true, and because it only affected one person, then the entire NHS must be functioning properly and anyone who says otherwise is a liar and a literal hitler who thinks health care isn't a human right.

(/sarc, but I believe there are people out there who genuinely think like this.)

KekistanPM 2 points ago +2 / -0

I want to see someone born after 1990 review an old Charlie Chan detective movie with Birmingham Brown in it. The reviewer would absolutely launch into the stratosphere about how racist the writers were for having a black actor play a bumbling fool. In reality, that actor Mantan Moreland was a very popular and successful comedian in his time.

KekistanPM 4 points ago +4 / -0

I did. Had no idea there were so many settled lawsuits over his tenure. And he and his family definitely crossed lines I never would; but hey he got those sweet ratings.

KekistanPM 4 points ago +4 / -0

They lost me when they started having fights outside the ring; like in parking lots or offices. I guess it helped their ratings, so I'm probably in the minority thinking that way.

It was only a matter of time before DEI got into the ring though, given how WWE is a performance show designed to maximize profit (and who has deeper pockets than the DEI collective?).

Also pro-tip for OP: Please wait for the archive to finish and post the final link instead of the wip link.

KekistanPM 18 points ago +18 / -0

20 years ago I would occasionally go to /b/ to see people get into real life mischief, and to be amused by meme threads like Breaking Bad and Dwayne Johnson verticals, and otherwise incredibly autistic conversations.

I don't go anymore because it's mostly porn peppered with a few political propaganda threads mixed in. I'm convinced the porn is intentionally posted to condition young people to not form a healthy sexual relationship with a single mate for life, and to promote a tolerance of sexual deviancy of all forms including pedophilia.

KekistanPM 5 points ago +5 / -0

Their top post begins with: "Probably not related..." Pretty much admitting flat out the post is a distraction designed to turn the entire thread into a two-minute Trump-Elon hate.

KekistanPM 8 points ago +8 / -0

This is why they want internet archives taken down permanently.

KekistanPM 1 point ago +1 / -0

How about a campaign where gatekeepers defend what they value from monsters that only seek to corrupt all creation?

KekistanPM 9 points ago +9 / -0

They're on the phone saying "Maaa'AAAAAAAMM!?!?! Do not redeem that!! DO NOT REDEEM THAT!!! YOU WASTED MY CARD!!! ARE YOU PROSTITUTE!?!?"

KekistanPM 8 points ago +9 / -1

They could have just done a reboot of the Tuskegee Airmen, Netflix style: The entire show would be about white men trying to ground them and sabotage their planes. Then as the war in Europe is concluding, the airmen fly to Hitler's bunker just before he suicides. After busting down his door, they say "Black. Lives. Matter." and shoot him with his own gun.

This earns them a visit to the White House. When they enter the Oval Office, they see a black man sitting at the desk with the President standing next to him. The captain says "But, you're not the President!" to which the man replies "The President answers to me. You don't really think a white man would have let you finish off Hitler, do you?" Then everyone in the room raises their fist and shouts "Wakanda forever!"

KekistanPM 1 point ago +3 / -2

We shouldn't accept any immigrants until we have the space to take in more. We're barely able to handle everyone already here; the Texas grid alone nearly collapsed because of demand during a winter storm. And then there's the water shortages...

KekistanPM 4 points ago +4 / -0

They rightly understand that those who control the past control the future. But unlike the right, they are constantly trying to rewrite the past so that they are in the best position to manipulate people in the present.

The other thing they rightly do is circle the wagons around those loyal to the cause. Before Trump, so many people on our side of the aisle would run away at the first sign of one of their own being politically radioactive. The left on the other hand would go on both offense and defense.

I suspect I'm not citing things that properly fit OP's context; but the question made me think about these things.

KekistanPM 4 points ago +4 / -0

They act like the counter-culture and the oppressed when the reality is the opposite. After decades of infiltrating HR departments and financial powerhouses they even got a "pride month" to push their depravity onto the country; and instead of being thankful, they complain that it's only one month.

And if I may be permitted to rant just a little longer: In my blue city they have not one but at least three pride parades during that month where people in sex play gear approach children and even toddlers. And every calendar day is a new day to go a little deeper into depravity. I suppose that's true to a lesser degree the rest of the year too.

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