Vent post inbound:
I want to pimp slap the FUCK out of every dipshit barking "FED!" like the fucking trained seal they are over the recent PF march around Nashville.
In a legal environment that can see federal police arrest you and send you to prison for praying outside an abortion clinic, why is it any surprise that right wing marchers have taken measures to protect their identity by wearing masks, and wearing similar business casual attire?
If you still think that "real MAGA doesn't wear masks," you are both terminally stupid, and totally fucking oblivious to the legal environment at large. I want nothing to do with you, or anyone else who thinks like you, because you are a liability to any real right wing protest movements.
Dumbasses like you are not smart enough to do anything but sit on your fucking couch and drink beer while watching sportsball. Your lack of OPSEC would get any group you came anywhere near rolled up in their entirety. That you are a dissident in your own fucking country hasn't even occurred to you, much less made you get off your fat ass and do something about it.
I don't give a shit if they are infiltrated by Feds, or have Fed informants, PF still goes and does marches. They do something, and learn operational experience, something the right does not have, and is FIFTY YEARS BEHIND THE LEFT ON.
/rant mode off
I swear, if any of you come at me with black pill despair, you get blocked. Come at me like one of the above trained seals I just ranted about, get blocked.
I don't think people scream Fed over masks, the famous image of a bunch of buzzcut dudes in shorts that everyone called Feds showed otherwise.
Its usually the fact that many of these groups seem to exist outside the actual ecosystem of the Right. They show up, often with weirdly coordinated signs, symbols, and other performative acts that are clearly meant to be seen by the media more than accomplish some actual goal. Things like perfectly creased brand new flags, lack of actual slurs in their "hate speech," and often perfect OPSEC to the point where no one knows a single person in them despite being in anonymous forums where they'd more than likely have a few.
Maybe they are legit, and power to them if they are. I have no interest in getting in any of their ways on the chance they are. But there is a lot more to why people don't trust most of these groups than just "masks."
Though threatening to block people makes you sound like a fag, man. Come on now.
I agree. If they're legit they're doing something right by never getting their identities outed, but they do seem artificial in a way. You would think at least a few would pop up from time to time on various forums, not as advertising but more "hello, we exist and are on your side", yet I've never seen anyone figure out anything about them. You would think the perfect situation for a bunch of anonymous young men in a group like it would be to provide barriers for speakers at functions to prevent violent mobs from attacking the figure of importance, like a bodyguard. Instead they show up, march around in front of TV cameras for 5 minutes and then disappear into the middle of the night without a trace.
They're identities aren't being outed because they are being actively protected by law enforcement. The left will stalk children, and leak supreme court decisions, but they can't associated names and faces?
They do sometimes get arrested in big public displays that make LE look good (when they are not being ushered into Uhaul trucks by said LE), and weirdly we don't get any information from their arrests. No pictures, no names, nothing.
The only time we get information on their identities is when the fucking Proud Boys physically accost them, rip of their masks, and identify them as members of the local police explorer program from the local college.
Of course the fed op group would try to honeypot on the fucking fed op board.
>Things like perfectly creased brand new flags, lack of actual slurs in their "hate speech," and often perfect OPSEC to the point where no one knows a single person in them despite being in anonymous forums where they'd more than likely have a few.
that "perfectly timed" video clip with the guy saying "sieg fucking heil" comes to mind.
or the one that was unmasked being an aspiring fed.
You say that like it's a bad thing. The last thing we need is more "people" like Ben Shapiro.
I don't mean the industry losers like Shapiro.
I mean they somehow have the ability to recruit, organize, and appear in large numbers without anyone actually seeing them do it across any of the actual places such a guy would be found. From gun forums to actual Stormfront type hangouts, nothing.
Which means they either have perfect OpSec and 100% accuracy in recruiting, or they aren't actually recruiting organically and something fishy is going on.
Yep, literally NO one knows wtf they are, where they hang out, or how they recruit should be a huge red flag. The fact they seem to wear all the same things should be another.
Hitler's brown shirts all wore the same things. That doesn't mean they were feds of the Weimar government
Japan's Shield Society (Tatenokai) movement also all wore the same things. They were not feds either.
And that level of coordination usually leaves a trace and mark of an organization's existence.
That's the part that makes everyone suspicious, that these guys are literal ghosts until the exact moment they appear with lockstep coordination of their custom, high quality uniforms that are tailor made for photo ops in the media by making sure to not use any slurs or anything else you can't go 3 seconds without someone on the in the "alt-right" saying.
they all jump into the backs of u-hauls and clean up after themselves in a coordinated fashion, and the police do nothing.
People have seen actual right wing protests. They're not any fatter than the average american, much less so the average leftist mob. In general, they do not wear all matching shirts.
I thought you were gonna block anyone disagreeing with you, homie. Really poor show about your ability to follow through on threats after you preened like a faggot about it.
Hitler's brown shirts were also drinking buddies and people could recognize them as "that's Hanz from the beer hall, he was ranting about some guy called Hitler and National Socialism last week"
No one knows where these guys come from.
Different cultures that you cannot relate to America.
Germany and Japan have a large conformity bias in which people are more inclined to be swallowed up by the group. There's a reason Germans are stereotyped for being stiff emotionally and the Japanese are seen before and during WW2 as religious zealots and then after very subdued.
America never had that, you ALWAYS had outliers regardless of group from the one guy that loves to wear a cowboy hat everywhere to the existence of the E4 mafia within the military. So having a supposedly 'right wing' group show up, all the same, match in unison with not ONE outlier raises too many red flags of a psy op both domestic or foriegn.
in today's day and age, everyone is a special snowflake. look at the Charlottesville riots for instance, the only thing consistent about that demonstration was the tiki torches. everyone had their unique clothing, and during the street brawl the next day everyone had their own gear on both sides.
PF have straight up uniforms, as well as seemingly mass-produced paraphernalia. that's a ton of coordination for a supposedly grassroots group. combine this with their complete and utter lack of visibility on any of the regular complete and utter lack of visibility on any of the regular forums and it just screams fed.
And the other points? People knew the brown shirts and how to recruit them, same thing with the shield society where people knew the originator and how they came about. Do you know anything about the front?? Where they are, where they recruit from?
Well Patriot Front has a channel on Odysee
Sus view numbers
They have a fucking recruitment link on their website. Why should they advertise to a people anything more than that. You've all shown you'd rather hide and yell fed than do anything else lol
I agree, but you'd think they would actually try to do something more than march in a circle in front of TV cameras, right? At minimum a group like that should probably be providing a bodyguard to actual right wing, populist speakers and figures.
I've seen footage of them doing disaster relief and community work.
But that stuff doesn't go viral.
Badjacketing/Fedjacketing is a well known Fed tactic.
However I see no reason why anyone should inherently support a group like PF. From what I can tell, this group's accomplishments are basically: Giving the Regime free photo ops.
I don't think this group does anything worthwhile. If they wanted to effect real political change I can think of countless examples of behaviors that are more consequential and less counterproductive.
You assert that they're needed, but you're not providing any evidence.
I think there's plenty of real RW activities happening that don't involve dressing up, marching with flags, or otherwise handing ammo to the Left on a silver platter.
Is it possible to organize, spread messages, build networks and power without marching around like goons?
Yeah it is.
This activity by PF is stupid and counterproductive. Whether they're acting in good faith or are compromised by bad actors is irrelevant to me because they are a net negative when they do this stuff.
This is precisely the level of Fed Posting that I would expect from glow-nigger.
"Hello, fellow dissident rightists! Yes, we can encourage our fellow patriot comrades at Patriot Front to be more violent! I like the way Mr. Snrub thinks! Can you provide me with your IP address?"
Speak for yourself. You are advocating for political violence and indicting the rest of the political right while we are fucking winning.
Your purpose is to suicide bomb the right. That is what I'm adding.
I think the right is winning, in a half-dozen countries. That's what you're crying about.
Yeah the right totally bites the hook of the left with "why are you wearing a mask are you ashamed." While their guys are lolzing throwing molotovs wearing so much clothing you can't even tell skin color.
And we've seen them arrest people who did no violence on 1/06 so why would you trust them with your identity?
Literally never heard that argument. Where do people say they are feds "because they wear masks"?
That's not what I said. I said right wing protesters don't wear mask and get doxxed, lose their jobs, get hassled and instead of wearing mask like the leftist do, they fall for a line about hiding your face because you are ashamed. Meanwhile leftist hide their faces and face less payback
I don’t recall any of the 2020 riot thugs facing any consequences but heard about people getting in trouble at work for even expressing a mild opinion that was unflattering about the rioters/floyd
Much of France claims to have been in the resistance, very few actually were. Those that were often felt the ire and anger of those who claimed to be a part of it.
Much of the French revolution was two blocks in Paris. Outside of it, people went to work and shopping like normal. Heck, they continued to invent and create throughout that time. When we study history, it's as if those two blocks covered the entire world.
There was still international mail during both world wars. My family was mailing each other during that time, and only stopped when the bombs destroyed them.
Most of the people in the colonies in the American revolution didn't know it was happening or care. Even people fighting in it would go awol to plant crops.
That's the thing about war, we love to read about it in history books and imagine it as this big thing. The reality is most people, even nearby had, had nothing to do with it. Just know that when the victory is won, the people will claim to have always been on the winning side.
The French resistance was wider than that, but was much more disorganized.
The Dutch resistance on the other hand, was both wide-spread and well organized. Too bad Monty and Ike didn't listen.
I'll look into the Dutch Resistance.
Three blocks from the guillotine was the first major retail store. It started during the revolution. That's why history is so much fun to study.
Patriot front does marches and spouts racist bullshit so that """"journalists"""" can point and say
it is a Fed op, organized by feds, run by feds, and only benefits the feds. they are counterproductive, and faggots of the highest order.
they also got their asses deservedly kicked by the proud boys where several were outed as literal feds.
they are very obviously feds. They literally only exist to leak videos where they accidentally reveal themselves as Nazis. They're basically preening fags giving the establishment every Nazi boogeyman they want. They accomplish nothing else.
The entire org is a fake hit job. They only show up to act like a cnn caricature of their imagined far right.
Even Richard Spencer held his tongue until the thought no one was recording before he made his Red Skull speech.
When PF was in the news last year (year before?) I asked over on ConPro what their bona fides were. I was pointed to PF's "official" video channel, which was dozens, if not hundreds of two minute clips. They were all shaky, handheld shit of someone tagging a concrete wall. The titles all mentioned different cities, but they all could have been different edits of one guy spending a half hour at a single semi loading dock.
I don't know if PF are feds, I just know they aren't legit.
yes in a legal environment where praying or walking through a govt building gets you arrested, groups of physically fit young men are allowed to walk through democrat cities with no issue, because they wear masks apparently. form communities and have a bunch of kids, but dont risk it by marching through enemy territory for no benefit.
You know why? Power. If you are powerful the police will leave you alone. It's that simple. And pf is huge and intimidating in the streets.
The reason everyone suspects them of being a Democrat false flag is because we only know about them from when they show up for Democrat photo shoots. If they are actually doing something to advance the conservative cause, I'll stand corrected, but being OPFOR in the enemy propaganda isn't it.
Can you link some of this stuff?
That would have been great information to include in the original post. Along with some links to at least attempt to verify that it's true.
And no, I don't want a link to an Odyssee channel; give me a link to a specific video. I'm not going to go digging through shit to find the nugget of gold that you swear is there.
It doesn't matter whether or not they are fed. Your performative need to virtue signal that you don't tolerate right wing protest works to PREVENT further right wing protest, from Patriot Front or anyone else.
Why would anyone ever put their reputation or life on the line for ungrateful backstabbing scum like you? You'll just call them feds, and then whine that you are always losing.
Until you learn to stop calling any rightwinger that stands up feds, there is no reason for anyone to stick their neck out.
So no, it doesn't matter if they are feds or not, because YOU DO NOT KNOW. STOP PUNCHING RIGHT.
I didn't call anyone a fed; you're the one who said, "It doesn't matter whether or not they are fed."
Cato is a fed, or at least a retarded lefty. All the conpro maggots are leftist forum sliders - either because they're dumb enough to follow the chain of "cnn called nazis right wing so nazis must have been right wing" or they're just typical disruptors.
The entire push to claim nazis as right wing is a massive psyop to cover up the fact that leftism is evil, and led to all the atrocities of the 20th century.
Comment Reported for: Rule 3 - Harassment
Comment Approved: This isn't really harassment because he's not actually following Cato around unprompted. This is part of a thread in which Cato's objections are being laid bare. This kind of 3rd Party injected criticism seems to happen a lot with controversial statements.
And you still don't get it.
lol ill punch whoever the fuck I want, faggot
Ooh ya I'm sure lol
no. the last thing any movement can survive is the public at large being convinced that they are something they are not. we aren't nazis, Nazis are faggots and counter-productive to everything the American right actually wants.
PF are actual nazi larpers, most likely deployed to scare normies. they will only show up during election season, and all they will succeed in doing is marching around like geese, as well as probably getting caught on camera punching a black person.
fuck them and their handlers
right wing politicians want that, but not the American right. the American right wants law and order, fiscal responsibility, to uphold traditional values, and economic opportunity.
Nazis and neo-nazis want uniform conformity, command and control economy, the erasure of tradition in favor of a new tradition, and the total advancement of the state. Nazis are leftists who are just slightly right of Marx.
Traditional Judeochristian values hallelujah!
Well said.
Remember when some random black women approached a group of MAGA supporters back on January 4th / 5th, shouted that they should go to Black Lives Matter Square and started wandering off with a dozen or so people in tow before 3 Proud Boys jumped in front of them and started controlling the crowd? Remember how dozens of random, innocent, MAGA supporters were being beaten in the streets before the riot because they went down the wrong road, or were cordoned into Leftist mobs intentionally by the police.
Yeah, it matters if they are feds. It matters when their sole purpose is to destroy the political right and get people hurt, imprisoned, or killed.
You're better off telling people not to punch right towards Ben Shapiro than you are Patriot Front.
So the Tea Party (2009) were feds, the Proud Boys were feds (actually true in this case), Patriot Front are feds, every Militia are feds, every non-republican group are feds. And when the next group comes along you are going to clap "FED! FED! FED!" like the trained seals you are. When the heat death of the universe happens you are still gonna be barking "FED! FED! FED!"
Do you not see where that leads? Or do you just not care?
You're just making shit up.
The Tea Party were not feds. That's why the Republican Establishment co-opted them with the Tea Party Express, and proceeded to fundamentally castrate, exhaust, and destroy them.
The Proud Boys were mostly not feds, but were merely infiltrated by a couple, and monitored by them.
The Militia that was implicated in the Whitmer hoax assassination, was originally a legitimate separate organization, which was then infiltrated by federal agents, and then used party politics to secure control over the organization, pushed it into violent radicalism, and then nearly coerced the few remaining original members into participating in a ride-along that was presented as an assassination.
The Patriot Front is a whole different problem to all of these. They are a fully fabricated organization. The KGB actually did something similar and founded the single largest anti-Communist organization in Russia, and used it to monitor, control, manipulate, and subvert any and all internal, anti-Communist, Russian efforts. Every single leader of the organization was directly under the authority of the KGB, and the group itself was funded by the KGB. This is what Patriot Front are. An explicit controlled opposition organization solely dedicated to controlling, observing, surveilling, and imprisoning the right. Thankfully, they've gone full "White Nationalist race war" because the Left are fucking stupid, and have limited their ability to damage the rest of the dissident right... for the moment.
The last thing the political right needs is people advocating for an organization that is dead-set on suicide bombing the political right.
And considering the Alt-Right and White Nationalist movement have a penchant for aggressively working to destroy the dissident right by associating only the stupidest possible positions with them, followed by the most extreme rhetoric.... it's not a surprise that the Alt-Right are fucking littered with Feds. Ask James from The Red Elephants how fucking bad it is.
EXACLTY! But people like you called them feds.
Everything you accuse PF of doing, the PBs did. FFS Enrique Tarrio, the Chainman of the PBs, is more of an open a federal informant than Ray Epps. "infiltrated" is the understatement of the century.
What you don't get, what you refuse to see, is that attacking those people on the right who are putting their necks out there makes OTHERS less likely to do ANYTHING in the future. And why should they? No one likes daggers in their backs.
No, I didn't call them feds. They were obviously normal boomer cons both at the time, and now, and at the time I would have considered myself center-left.
No, I didn't accuse PF and PB doing the same thing. Enrique Tarrio worked with Federal Agencies to prevent violence. PF are explicitly federal agents, who are seeking to justify all available establishment narratives. They will cause violence when necessary to complete that mission, and will not engage in violence when it is necessary to complete that mission. There's a reason that PB are physically attacking members of PF: the vast majority of PB are not federal agents and know this. Whereas, the vast majority of PF are explicitly current law enforcement or confidential informants.
A) Patriot Front are not of the right. They are of Left-wing political enforcement regime.
B) Good. I want law enforcement to stop acting as political enforcement, and not engage in sabotaging the political right. I don't want Patriot Front to have rallies. I don't Patriot Front supporters to have rallies. I don't Patriot Front to engage in politics, and I don't want Patriot Front supporters to engage in politics. I certainly don't want their support because they are explicitly my enemy. Either because the Useful Idiots are too stupid to be trusted as allies, or because they are literally my enemy wearing an American flag that they would otherwise burn.
I said people like you. All the former military guys on FreeRepublic were saying "Don't go to TEA party rallies, they are there just to entrap you". It's the same shit from a different era.
So when the next group comes along and says deport the immigrants are you going to call them feds too? Are you going to call anyone that marches in a uniform feds? Where does it stop? What sort of action is not against your Rules of Engagement? Is voting the only thing allowed?
Don't even label those goons "alt-right". They aren't. That's the leftist warping of language.
Fair enough.
You aren't right, you're an open socialist wehraboo. You're even using leftist language in this post. Fag off back to your containment board, you fucking maggot.
Are you a genuine retard, a true believer who has fallen for the fed op? Or are you just another forum sliding faggot working for some shareblue subsidiary, trying to disrupt any actual right wing forum?
Comment Reported for: Rule 15 - Slurs
Comment Approved: You're allowed to call each other retards.
You are just making shit up and lying about me, but I expect nothing less from an anarchist lolbertarian who would love to fuck children (as long as it's legal).
See how that feels, when people are lying about you?
I have never defended anarchism or pedophilia. You have constantly simped for socialist, strong central authoritarian government (leftism) and goblinoid 70 iq idpol where skin tone matters MORE than ideology. You'd take a commie faggot from portland that is white over Clarence Thomas or Thomas Sowell who have done more for the country than your entire family. That alone makes you retarded beyond acceptable levels.
You are a faggot who is offended at being correctly identified. What does that remind you of? Call a socialist a socialist and they cry out.
You have negative value to the right. You don't get to pretend you're one of us. You never will be. Even if you conpro goons and your fed masters shitpost this place into oblivion you will never win. When you end up getting put against the wall by your own masters, like every leftist useful idiot class before you, you will die a faggot.
Well if the totalitarian side is left wing, then that must mean the right wing side, aka you, are anarchist. And the inevitable result of anarchism is pedophilia and worse.
You make this too easy.
You are beyond retarded. Explaining a scale is not endorsement of the most extreme endpoint of it, you goblin. You act exactly like the conniving stereotype jew you describe so often - because those stereotypes are more accurately described as leftist behavioral traits.
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Comment Approved: Retards & goblins are not an identity group, really.
Masks don't really matter given today's technology means if they WANT to find you they can, masks alone just delay that a bit.
The weirdest thing is their tactics as being all in a group, in uniform marching in unison, doesn't fit the American culture. If we were going to get anything with masks we should see more diversity in outfits as even antifa has that masked. What dud patriot front do, commission a mass order for uniforms? That should be easy to track.
The second is that this doesn't fit the paradigm that the right works under. They protest as civilians to show other people that there are those that oppose the system, the uniforms disable that. If anything, if there was a uniformed group more right leaning in the US, I'd expect it to go more like the IRA as that means they've committed to a cause where they believe being a civilian cannot bring the change they seek.
Lol imagine thinking that dressing in a uniform as a group is un-American.
They rightly would as after this many years and experience since the recent wars, they'd know that uniforms in a civilian setting isolate you from society.
You want to show numbers yet not be identified, you essentially copy Taliban tactics of being able to blend in plain sight so civilian clothes but faces covered, that's MORE effective as you can easily disappear into the background when required, sort of like some antifa. Given Patriot Fronts uniforms, you expect me to believe they aren't being tracked easily, especially since America (and even Ukraine) have an AI currently working that can track targets using their uniforms?
It's a protest not a fucking guerilla war
Bravo and well said. Nobody here knows for a fact what PF is. But the cowardice of the right is apparent. I guess a small forum of video game players is probably not the spear head of the revolution but it's pretty sad to see how limp wristed kia2 users are. I'm no hero or whatever but these guys will opticscuck until they are dead. Just like they rally around their uselessness as a defining trait and get angry at anyone who suggests otherwise.
Like you said, the bass boat is more important than making a future for our children.
its not the masks, that's a stupid point yes.
There are 200 other suspicious things though, they are more obviously feds than even that bunch outside the justice 4 jan 6 rally.
No, they ARE feds.
Yes. Because they're feds.
Is because we have nothing to hide, because we're not feds. Nor are we the monsters the feds want to will into existence.
You're like Homer trying to be an informant, and Lenny, Karl, Barney, and Moe keep talking about crimes Homer committed.
Marching is masturbation. It does nothing.
No, masturbating alone in your room does nothing.
They do nothing. They look like idiots. Even if they weren't an op, they have no effectiveness or message.
I'm undecided about PF. But a prominent Canadian social media dissident often makes the case that PF is legit (and interviewed their leader), which at least makes me pause 🤔
Tweet of 31 mugshots from 2022 but no names
Article mentioning two other arrested PF members other than Rousseau but strangely don't identify the other 27-28
Tweet with Telegram link to Disaster Relief updates
I can see this post from space it’s glowing so hard.
Add me to your ban list cause either you’re too naive to see it or too retarded to understand it.
You're a retarded faggot and they're fed fuckbois.
Lmao you fucking moron they're not feds because they wear masks, they're feds because the Feds hunted down every single motherfucker in a 10 mile radius of the Capitol on J6 and jailed them, but somehow violent Neo Nazi white supremacist khaki wearing douchebags have never been unmasked or shamed or arrested or jailed.
They're trying to bury Trump for fucking a whore and you think these mfs are getting away with acting like Nazis for free?
Were any of these guys in the 10 mi radius? Were they hunted down? PF groups have been jailed. And unmasked.
They certainly wish they had the capacity for that. No, J6 terrified the establishment because there were a MILLION people there that day. It's been downplayed and covered up, and they definitely ran an op to use as an excuse to demoralize people. Their public pants shitting over J6 was so extreme because the J6 protest was an actual protest, the massive propaganda and disinfo campaigns around it are proof it was effective.
Meanwhile PF. Fedboi's frozen tv dinner faggot patrol shows up exclusively to bolster leftist causes, and you're 100% right that's proof they're fake. The only time they've been opposed is by actual right wing elements.
You couldn't be more retarded and more deliberately misinterpreting my post if you tried, you dim faggot.
They're fake. You're retarded, or a fed shill yourself.
I'll say it. You're a fed. You have taken the most obvious of setups, focused on the distraction issue (the masks), and boosted the irrelevant bright glowing honeypot from the dungheap we were all willing to let it fester on. Had you been genuine you would have just ignored them. You're like that other guy that tried to pretend Fallout 4 was the best one, or the guy that tried to pretend Destiny wasn't taking paychecks directly from ActBlue affiliates. The internet is fake and gay, and each passing day it gets faker and gayer.
This isn't black-pilling. This is literally genuine controlled opposition, built and run by the federal government, for the federal government, with the exclusive purpose of destroying and discrediting the political right in this country.
They don't do anything positive. They only agitate the political left by legitimizing their narratives about the political right, and support the mainstream media. They have operational experience because they are law enforcement.
Yes, the dissident right can't continue to use masks or avatars. There is a ceiling to that level of effectiveness. You're going to actually have to voice your opinion in real life, to your real social group, regardless of the consequences.
You want to """"do something"""" go take some lessons from Brandon Straka.
What and not let them partake in the longest standing tradition of conservatives: Backstabbing? Perish the thought.
Really your entire post can be summed up in one simple phrase: STOP PUNCHING RIGHT. But I doubt any of the MIGA's will actually understand that.
No friends to the right, no enemies to the left.
Now if the right could reverse and apply that.
You are fucking retarded. It's not that they act or the masks. It is the obvious, wearing near identical clothes, acting like a strawman caricature what the average dimwit lefty THINKS the "far right" is, popping up at perfectly convenient times for the left. That is what outs them as feds.
They do not actually promote right wing causes. They are quite literally a goddamned fed op. They get massively astroturfed media attention because they are a fed op. They are a bunch of goon squad faggots that don't act like real people, they act the roles they are meant to play. If you can't see that you're blind.
Real right wing protests get downplayed until it's convenient to fear monger. Jan 6th was downplayed as a five digit number protest, when it was likely over a million people.
They are feds because real right wing values include: sending Israel more money, importing our replacement population (legally of course), and eating processed goyslop while prepping to invade some random country in the middle east for Israel.
From what I've seen, this Patriotic Front does a good enough job of dividing the right than antifa or MSM does. And I do want to know what else did they do beside marching on the street? I want to know did the Patriotic Front do anything meaningful to slow the left or stop them from something? I genuinely want to know because I don't have much idea about them.
No one on the right is divided on Patriot Front. They are a front organization for federal agents. There are fewer federal agents on the god damned Alt-Right, and the alt-right are swarming with them.
And what meaningful thing has the front done? Just out of curiousity. Have they saved any statues? Stopped any riots? Or just patrolled like Rittenhouse or signed people up like pressler?
They've shut down groomer reading time multiple times.