SendTomBoys 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think women are retarded children in adult bodies and need to be treated as such.

Imp thinks they're demons wearing peopleskin who want to eradicate men.

We are not the same.

SendTomBoys 9 points ago +9 / -0

There's a difference. Men are capable of admitting they're doing a bad thing.

Most roid user are honest about it and don't recommend others to do it.

Women just lie and pretend they haven't done anything at all and then out the other side of their mouths proclaim that all that shit is ok and encourage it

SendTomBoys 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm seeing that. Apparently he has no issue with collectively bashing women and communists.

Which, I'm fine with btw, but since he's the one crying about people being too low IQ to sift through the hordes of unwashed savages to find a couple good ones, I think that faggot should keep the same energy and soft through all the communists and women until he finds the handful of decent ones.

But again, it's subversive joo faggotry most likely, so being held to the same standard he holds us was never in the cards.

Also, lol at him saying that anyone who says "da joos" or has a problem with nigglets is a forum sliding tourist. Sounds like projection. I and many people here have been around for years, tho some like me have different names for anonymity reasons or got banned for being too inflammatory for reddit so created a new user for this site.

I was there since at least the 2016 election season, probably a little earlier. Not an OG, but in 2012 I was a junior in High School. Not quite a culture warrior yet.

SendTomBoys 7 points ago +8 / -1

Why are you collectively bashing communists? Are you too low IQ to differentiate between the good and the bad ones?

Or, hear me out, have you noticed a pattern in them and have decided that it's fine to generalize the whole lot of them because the actions of most are disgusting?

Funny how it's ok when you do it, but when I and other people here do it, you have a cry and throw a tantrum.

Keep the same energy or shut the fuck up you faggot.

SendTomBoys 12 points ago +13 / -1

Boh fuck off you pussy, niggers, joos, Muslims, indians, Latinos, hell even women as a collective, literally every other race or religion out there will universally defend each other regardless of how fucking fucked the thing they're defending is.

Stop being a coward. Defending whites and socializing with whites and having an in-group preference is only as evil for us as it is for everyone else in the entire world that also practices it.

SendTomBoys 15 points ago +16 / -1

I faced this upwards of 10 years ago working at Target when I had just graduated Highschool and was attending trade school at night.

I had to be at Target at 5am to unload the trucks every morning. Prolly half the employees on the shift were women.

For some reason, even tho we all had the same job title, women never got picked to unload the trucks and instead got to mill about on the floor, putting clothes on racks and shelves.

Which mind you, wouldn't bother me since they're weak and the physical labor of throwing boxes off of a full semi trailer is hard, but they got paid more than the men almost universally (we asked around how much they made as they were friendly sorts, I don't blame them for the situation I blame management) while doing much less important work.

The Store Manager was a 40 something year old, childless, bitter wench. Because obviously that's how the situation came to be. A man hater put in charge of 50/50 men and women heavily favored the women, big wow

SendTomBoys 11 points ago +11 / -0

I mean, can we euphemize them?? "Slave gulag" sounds icky. I prefer "employment opportunity camp"

SendTomBoys 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's an impossible shot unless you mean hitting a man sized target in general. A shitty DPMS rifle with a zero magnification sight on it is fucking useless from that range beyond putting shots relatively on a human sized target.

You're not hitting a fucking EAR, ON PURPOSEz from 150m with a knockoff eotech on a $400 pile of shit, and this kid isn't an average conservative who's plinked on the range every so often, or gone on hunting trips for deer/elk/moose, or actually served in the military and killed some people. This is some dumb soycunt from a soy college with no prior experience actually shooting living things.

SendTomBoys 1 point ago +2 / -1

Lmao you fuckwad, the game is NOT doomed, just like this years CoD isn't doomed no matter how shitty it looks or actually is.

Ubisoft has perfected the art of making mid games for casuals who will buy the yearly release just like CoD or any sports game like 2K or FIFA or Madden.

SendTomBoys 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Rock is/was speaking at an event held by Patrick Bet-David (no idea if it's happened yet) and he seems like he's cozying up to the Right side of things (yes he's a grifter but still) so I'm not sure if he would do that.

SendTomBoys 13 points ago +13 / -0

It's ok OP, SFO used to make somewhat useful content.

His deep dive videos on Communism were pretty great. The one going over Gramsci was nice.

I used him like most political grifters: some content has its uses, the rest is drek to be ignored.

Now you can just ignore all of it.

SendTomBoys 1 point ago +1 / -0

Take your own advice and try not jorking the shmeat of joos like your life depends on it every time the subject comes up

SendTomBoys 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anything to watch that jewsucker squirm

SendTomBoys 12 points ago +12 / -0

I have a friend I'm struggling with right now who just went full mask off over the Trump assassin event.

He was usually a "I don't like politics or politicians" type of guy but he also didn't comment on stuff or cry about things he didn't like. He was definitely left leaning because he is an effeminate little Asian guy that has probably touched a weiner before even tho he has a girlfriend.

This assassination attempt has him completely unhinged however. He's calling Trump a pedophile repeatedly and is claiming he deserved to be executed and wishes the guy hadn't missed and someone should try again yadda yadda.

I would hate to cut the guy out as we've been friends for years and he honestly didn't have TDS before this. He had a general disdain for any and all politicians without bias which was good enough for me. But this new sudden derangement is weird and I'm getting sick of his outbursts.

Sorry, I didn't really have anything relevant to tie in to the Crooks kid beyond venting about my friend. Felt good to type it out.

SendTomBoys 12 points ago +12 / -0

I mean shit nobody with 2 braincells thinks those guys are anything but undercover Democrats

SendTomBoys 0 points ago +4 / -4

Idk man the best countries in history were built on a foundation of TRYING to live by those standards.

SendTomBoys 6 points ago +6 / -0

Kinda like how a lot of people are deciding Nickelback wasn't the worst band of all time just because some weirdos were asserting it was.

I'm still not a fan, I don't do that kind of like, dad rock, but I never thought it was the most heinous shit imaginable.

SendTomBoys 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's most likely a white soy Leftoid. They're well known for being purveyors of all things pedo. You can look up stories about how they'd post CP shit on reddit subs they don't like to get them banned.

SendTomBoys 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yeah the 3 different "you're mad women won't fuck you" is the huge mark of it.

Because deep down, all women know that their only inherent value is that of a fuckable piece of meat

SendTomBoys 13 points ago +13 / -0

Lmao trying to figure out if this is a mask off moment or if you know something about this guy that we don't.

Is the assumption that he's white? Or what? And what does that make you? Europeans are infamous for having inbred cousin fucker bloodlines. Or are you some shitskinned faggot and this really is your mask off moment?

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