Happygo 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'll be honest moving to the third world sounds like a bad idea. Stay near family and friend networks.

Happygo 2 points ago +2 / -0

You just listed a bunch of caucausoid nations lol.

Happygo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because lines on a map mean more than the blood you share with your kin.

Happygo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think we need to embrace the fact that niggerspeak American English is different than legacy American English. It's important to distinguish between the two.

Happygo 4 points ago +4 / -0

They want us all dead. Only the priest class can have access to books

Happygo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tbh I don't really care about your opinion on this. I've heard the same crap on all the mgtow channels for years. And when I go look them back up it's still the same crap and they whine about women constantly. If you go mgtow fine, but mostly it's just whining about how hard it is to meet women. Ya we know.

Happygo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha well that was a thing many men have resorted to in the past. But chances are if you're reading this you're in the top 10% of men worldwide regarding income. Things aren't that bad. Unless your serb or something then ya pm me for donations

Happygo 8 points ago +8 / -0

Most usually elder abuse and neglect. I'm in the south so lots of blacks and white trash take advantage of social security etc to keep their grandma alive and under their control to collect. The conditions of these people in homes and at understaffed nursing homes is basically prison conditions. Most patients are mentally deficient and totally dependent.

Regarding actually poisoning and murdering I will admit I've only had 1 patient that was actually convicted of neglect of elderly until they were dead and she ran multiple nursing homes basically just cashing checks while residents barely ate or moved.

Happygo 2 points ago +3 / -1

True. So what will you do anyway to create a family?

Happygo 2 points ago +6 / -4

I understand men's frustrations, I share the view modern women are pretty trash. But any man who jerks off to porn knows it's wasting away their energy. It's pitiful and it sets you up for failure with real women.

Men need to encourage and help each other get away from porn, not languish in it. Porn is actively making you worse. It is not your friend. You are addicted and porn is a big reason why men stay single. It's numbing your pain for a moment, warping your view of sex for the worse, and weakens your resolve and ambition.

Without porn men would accomplish things but with porn men can trick their brain into thinking they are having sex and thereby destroy the motivation to actually have the real thing.

No woman worth a damn, and they do exist and are out there, will tolerate a porn addict. No man can rely on his friends if they are too busy blowing loads to computer screens and resting in their filth. No son wants to have a dad beating off to egirls and whores.

Happygo 24 points ago +24 / -0

I think you're correct about political stuff limiting people's social circles. The purity testing and antagonistic nature of social media culture also drives people apart.

Being good looking is important for sure. Status is important too. But I think mostly men are afraid of even trying anymore. They are afraid of being rejected and so they hide away and defer to women for guidance and judgement. Also porn really undercuts the male drive to find a sexual partner.

Happygo 33 points ago +34 / -1

This is a great comment. You've encapsulated the lack of purpose. Materialism and consumption and globohomo is not motivating people to sacrifice for each other. Not even within families. This is a form of late stage industrialism.

For me I was blue pill, red pill, then found an amazing woman and have a family and my life is absolutely envigorating. I love it. Men need community and they need families. The most important thing men need to realize is we have to be striking, shrewd, and aggressive. Life for men is about carving out success for yourself. Life is not a game. It's about survival. Most men live in fear of society and never realize their potential because they want people's approval. The way of a man is to be rowdy and aggressive and have comraderie.

It's hard to have these things when you have products to consume, porn to jerk it to, and overwhelming nihilism online.

For anyone reading this: have humility and learn how to ask for help, admit your mistake or error, ask people how to learn new things earnestly, BUT never NEVER simp for bad women or roll onto your back like a coward.

Happygo 10 points ago +10 / -0

There are very few men having families that are not religious.

Happygo 13 points ago +15 / -2

National socialists vs

Globohomo communism.

Very different.

Happygo 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a white/ne asian thing. Working together so closely. Double edged sword I guess.

Happygo 19 points ago +19 / -0

Jews own everything on the internet from meta to yandex to Google to YouTube.

Happygo 13 points ago +13 / -0

Lots of Christian zionists as well. My old roommate was one. I was really confused but he explained he supports Israel so the final world War against them will begin as told in revelations.

Happygo 4 points ago +4 / -0

I imagine this will be like the Trump charges. 34 felonies convicted but he's still puppeting up on stage. It creates the idea of persecution of these pseudo right wing candidates so people stay outraged and will vote for them again.

Happygo 0 points ago +12 / -12


Wowzers a jew who was for integration and getting Americans hyped up with comic books to go fight Hitler to save the schlomos. I'm done worshipping jew media.

This is why you funko pop loving man children won't ever understand why your beloved series are shit. They always were jew propaganda from the start. The forced diversity crap, the tearing down of American culture to turn us into an "anti racist" melting pot.
They always were about dismantling White America, the only difference is back then we were majority white so all the garbage we see now was just a theory. Its easy to decry racism when you live in a white bubble. Just because he kept some nerdy white dude as white in a comic book doesn't make him a chad.

Happygo 2 points ago +2 / -0

They've shut down groomer reading time multiple times.

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