posted ago by AlwysHideUrPowerLevl ago by AlwysHideUrPowerLevl +90 / -0

We keep posting the same articles over and over about how the left does something stupid/racist/hypocritical to advance its agenda.

It's so damn obvious that I can read the article and predict all the responses before even entering the comment section.

Yeah, the 2020 election was most likely rigged. Yeah, Antifa/BLM gets away with months of terrorism while people defending themselves (Rittenhouse) get shit on for existing. Yeah, Covid is blown way out of proportion. Yeah, the vaccines are at best a money making ploy, at worst literal population control. Yes, western nations are deliberately being subverted and destroyed with mass immigration. Yes, the schools and the media have largely been taken over by leftist ideologues. Yes, man hating feminists are intentionally pushing policies to make it easy to destroy men with simple accusations. Yes, powerful groups of elites are rewriting history to their own benefit.

It's so damned obvious to anyone paying attention that its almost redundant to keep talking about this.

I am not down playing any of this or saying it should be ignored. What I am saying is that we keep repeating this over and over and nothing is coming from it.

What the hell are we supposed to do?