throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you're only looking for English-speaking media, the only recommendations I can think of is Bull (2021) and.... hmmm... let me take a look....

Oh, here are a few more....

  • Arcadian (2024) , stars Nicholas Cage and is a good picture with a strong father figure centering around raising two boys in a post-apoc setting.

  • The Channel (2023) , bit of a low budget heist flick but it has some extremely well designed and staged action scenarios, about two brothers trying to pull off a heist and get out of town while everybody is after them.

  • Corner Office (2022) , zero wokeness here. This is an extremely understated film with stark but witty comedy. Whilst it's not a film for everyone, if you're a fan of Jon Hamm it's well worth a watch.

  • Old Henry (2021) , absolutely right proper badass film starring a straight White male in an uncompromising story.

  • Mad God (2021) , not for the weak-willed or easily disturbed. If there was ever a visceral and visualised depiction of the worst possibilities imaginable in hell, this is that film.

  • Pig (2021) , another Nicholas Cage film. This is a brilliant film. It's odd but sensible, and heartbreaking, and engaging, and Cage turns in an actual award-worthy performance here. It's a great film. Don't let anybody spoil it for you and don't read any descriptions before you watch it. Just go in blind.

  • The Tax Collector (2020) , this is a gruesome but interesting flick about the cartel underlings responsible for collecting fees from gang districts. It has some disturbing imagery and violence at times, but it's also a pretty good film, very similar in tone to Harsh Times.

  • Underwater (2020), very mediocre lovecraftian horror flick, but surprisingly not woke. Unfortunately it stars Kirsten Stewart. But, she doesn't have to do much acting since most of the time is spend attempting to run or swim away. Reminds me of a modern version of Deep Star Six with a Cthulhu twist.

  • Wrath of Man (2021) , absolutely superb Guy Ritchie film, which is a remake of the 2004 French film Cash Truck starring Albert Dupontel from the excellent Chrysalis and Irreversible, and Jean Dujardin who starred in the OSS 117 films; ironically the French film is also a remake of the Australian film Money Movers from 1978. All three films are excellent, but I think Money Movers is probably the most tension-ridden of the three, and it's just as violent as Wrath of Man. Both are well worth a watch.

Now if you don't mind non-English films, those are available aplenty. Lost Bullet 1 & 2 are both decent films, I prefer the sequel with the souped up turbocharged Renault; it's such an awesome car that really steals the show.

The Roundup trilogy starring Ma Dong-Seok are some of the best crime-thriller-mystery-action-comedy films made. I have a hard time deciding between which of the three films I like most, but they're all really well done and extremely satisfying.

Sputnik is also a pretty good Russian sci-fi mystery horror film, and Enforcement is a Danish film that is basically a modern version of Walter Hill's The Warriors but from the police's perspective set within a Muslim community as they are on the verge of rioting. It's an awesome film that basically highlights that stereotypes exist for a reason and that those same stereotypes will likely save your live.

Also, All of Us Are Dead is a good South Korean zombie series, well worth watching. Hunt (2022) and The Killer (2022) are also really good films as well; I especially liked The Killer, as the main character was just no-nonsense and badass, and it reminded me a lot of the 2017 film Paradox starring Louis Koo and Tony Jaa. But Paradox takes some serious twists and turns, whereas The Killer is a lot more straightforward.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and minor shoutout to Mosul (2019) , almost forgot about that one. Pretty good film from a unique perspective that... well, I don't want to give anything away, but it's about some guys hunting terrorists, but there's a lot more to it than that. It's definitely badass and uncompromising, though.

throwawayaccount2037 4 points ago +4 / -0

Kind of puts into perspective the convenient removal of Dr. Disrespect, since he obviously was not a Lefty. They could have taken him down at any point since the scandal first happened, but conveniently decided to do so this year, just ahead of the ramp up of the American election season.

throwawayaccount2037 5 points ago +5 / -0

I almost... ALMOST pre-ordered EDF 6. I have been replaying EDF 5 in the meantime and figured EDF 6 is just an upgrade over 5.... right? Right? But that inner voice told me not to pre-purchase and just wait it out a bit. Turns out it was right. Whilst I'm sure Sandlot will get things sorted eventually, you're absolutely right that 2024 is the crap cake that just keeps on giving.

throwawayaccount2037 11 points ago +11 / -0

They make no effort to hide the fact that that is exactly how they want him to be perceived.

throwawayaccount2037 5 points ago +5 / -0

It is. Back in my time there were no "game developer" studies, just computer science, which encompassed information systems and programming.

For game development back then, all you had to do was know how to code moving pixels to the screen using Basic or QBasic, and go from there.

throwawayaccount2037 3 points ago +3 / -0

As Soctactic said, some people still want to separate what's going on from the religious aspects. It all converges whether people like it or not.

All you can do is say your piece, keep your peace, and move on about your life.

throwawayaccount2037 6 points ago +6 / -0

Lot's of people have been praising God, and for good reason. This was a miracle, whether someone takes that to mean from God, or the more mundane and colloquial sense

Watching some of the coverage had YouTube recommend this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCGfE9yMnXc

It kind of makes you think...

throwawayaccount2037 6 points ago +8 / -2

Don't be surprised if Ben Shapiro funds a feminist movie about the female secret service agent who "saved" Trump's life.

throwawayaccount2037 3 points ago +3 / -0

Maybe someone grabbed a cache on bing or yandex? Google has made it difficult to get cached articles this days.

throwawayaccount2037 8 points ago +8 / -0

do not underestimate how retarded normies still are

I learned this the hard way by dabbling in normie spaces. It's bad everywhere, really. Normies really are more retarded than people think, and it's especially bad in female spaces; listening to the average wench open her mouth reveals that however bad you thought it was, it's actually worse than that.

TL;DR: Listening to normies prattle on about the state of affairs is the true black pill.

throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is precisely why you fail. If you can't incentivize her, it's because she's unattracted to you.

Right, because most dating sites unanimously indicate 80% of women are attracted to only 20% of men:

That goes back to my Chad/Tyrone references: Most guys getting married these days are not the men that women want to marry, but the men they marry for resources and stability, and nothing they do will ever win the woman over because she simply does not have a "genuine burning desire" for you, as Rich Cooper says.

All available data suggests that married couples have more sex than unmarried ones.

You're actually right about that: while one-third of all marriages are sexless... https://www.statista.com/statistics/1367096/us-sexless-marriage-by-generation/

....66% of men have gone a year or more without any sex: https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/3868557-most-young-men-are-single-most-young-women-are-not/

I'm incensed that you are shooting yourself in the face so you can guarantee your immiseration. You are doing this to yourself.

Personally, I have never had trouble getting women -- and ironically, more than not, they have not entirely been like most of the data suggests (I guess that would put them in the 20% range?). However, it doesn't change the red flags present, or the risks men run in the long run on average.

Also, you mentioned about women with kids not giving up the cushy life to cheat? I recently recall this story here... https://youtu.be/NE_Fw5bvyfA

A woman in the cushiest of life-styles cheats on a husband who works all day, helps with the kids, is -- in her own words -- practically perfect, save for that he doesn't spend enough time with her because he spends his free time doing charity work. He makes sure she has enough money to go on her "girls' trips", and provided her with a high-end lifestyle.

How does she repay him? Well, because he didn't kiss her goodbye at the airport, she was emotional and angry and let a man woo her and do her on the trip.

This goes back to what I said before... all it takes is one gust of emotional wind to change her mind about you at any one time; she's not yours, it's just your turn.

throwawayaccount2037 -6 points ago +2 / -8

Sorry, but any woman who claims to be "born again" I immediately discount all of her opinions.

It means she wasted the entire portion of her life before her alleged "redemption" being a typical slattern, and now wants to cash-in on people looking to applaud a "based" woman for rekindling traditional values.

All of these "born again" types have had sordid pasts in one way or another, and only one of them (that I have come across) has admitted to feeling open shame about her past and noting that feeling shame is good (which is the correct way to view their past).

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

You actually have to understand how a relationship works and feels for you to compel her and for her to compel you. That which is free has no value.

And nothing you give is worth whatever they give in return, because the juice isn't worth the squeeze. Whatever you give is pointless given that they are incentivised to take, and take, and take, and have zero reason to give in return because there is always another sucker or simp waiting around the corner thanks to no-fault divorce.

Any guy wasting his time trying to play these silly games of ebbing and flowing with another human being is just wasting his time. That's precisely why I suggested able men find a proper conservative wife in a place where they know their role without any of the silly games Western men have been brainwashed to believe they must play to attain a woman.

And instead you've completely poisoned your own perspective to the point you will never have a loving, long-term, relationship;

No, reality did that. It's called pattern recognition. Rich Cooper, Michael Sartain, and SSM consistently point to their own lives and plenty of men writing in that highlight a lot of truths that men are uncovering for themselves through hurt and heartbreak. When the stats, anecdotal and empirical evidence all point to the same thing, it's time to stop playing a rigged game. I get where you're coming from, but it's a position of naïveté.

It's funny because one guy followed all of SSM's red-flag checks, had been with his wife for years, and she still cheated on him. Turned out she had a secondary phone she was using so when he checked her main social media account and main phone, he couldn't find any red flags.

One-third of all marriages are sexless, and one-third of all men who take paternity tests find out they are not the father: https://dnatesting.com/30-of-men-not-the-father/

The reality is that most Western women out there marry their beta male for security/finances (a retirement plan basically) while cheating on him with Chad/Tyrone.

You can be incensed at the reality of it all, but it doesn't change reality.

GTFO of here. No, most women do not have any 'back-up' partners if they are in committed relationships already. Especially if they are pregnant or have kids.


throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree, but there are no good solutions in today's modern era if you want to start a family.

throwawayaccount2037 3 points ago +3 / -0

You need to be a strong, masculine, man who can provide, protect, and cherish a woman so that she can inspire, rejuvenate, and satisfy you.

Those are all the exact same descriptions men use when they describe what their relationship was like before they found out their wife cheated on them.

Basically, the men who put in the most effort to keep their wife seem to be the ones who get cheated on the most.

Especially when she has kids, and eventually grand kids.

You should really start watching SSM, there is about an equal amount of stories of seemingly stable relationships where the man does everything right, has kids, takes care of the household, and the wife still cheats. It's quite an eye-opener. Troy has multiple channels, thousands of videos, and it's rare that the guy who gets cheated on is some scumbag who was failing at his manly duties -- it's always the guys who give it their all to try to please their wife.

But your perspective is going to poison your relationships going forwards if you keep it up.

Not at all. It's actually helped me reflect on some major bullets I dodged in the past and put into perspective that had I married some women decades ago I would have likely ended up on channels like SSM crying about being cheated on, because I used to have the same blue-pilled outlook on how to treat a woman and manage a household.

EDIT: I should also point out that 70% of women in relationships are already courting multiple other suitors, and 50% of "happily married" women already have a backup replacement for their husband: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/relationships/love-sex/50-of-women-in-relationship-have-a-backup-partner-heres-what-you-need-to-know/photostory/105627606.cms

So basically, in today's Western society, no matter what you do, she is not yours, it's just your turn. Given your perspective on today's relationships it doesn't sound like you're married, though.

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

Me, personally? Way too old to be starting a family, and I have neither the energy, the patience, nor willingness to invest in the resources to do so.

However, for the young lads out there who care about starting a family as Socalwackjob mentioned, they will have to gather their wits about them and work hard to build resources so that they can get out of Western countries. If you're in the U.K., head east to Poland or Hungary before globohomo completely takes over there (there is still some hope in the Eastern European states).

If you're in the U.S., save up and head to the Philippines -- while there are some cases of passport-bros being murdered, led astray, or swindled, it requires the same sort of diligence and intellectual wherewithal as anywhere else. Be smart about where you go and smarter about who you court.

But as others have said, there is no hope of casually finding a mate in the West. They are far too corrupted. Some men may get lucky and find some lass in the countryside of Wales, England, or Scotland, or somewhere in a remote mid-western town in the U.S., but otherwise the pickings are too slim, and the juice simply is not worth the squeeze.

So in this case, the classic saying 'Go west, young man" needs to be inverted to, "Go east, young man".

throwawayaccount2037 15 points ago +15 / -0

Men need community and they need families.

Sure, but the laws prevent that from being possible in the West, and most young men cannot afford to uproot into another country without sizable resources.

The problem is that no-fault-divorce means every man who gets married is at risk of losing who he marries to a whim of her feelings, and these videos of women abandoning their husband over a moment of "feelz" are widespread and growing.

80% of divorces are initiated by women, and marriages these days are designed to reward the most disloyal of the two partners, which majority of the time happens to be women.

There is too much access to monkey branching suitors as well. Practically every woman has been convinced she can "do better", even when she can't. And so they all chase after the same top 15% of Chad/Tyrone whenever the opportunity arises, and every woman on social media basically has that opportunity presented to them constantly.

You are right that men need community and they need families, but you need an actual woman willing to start a family for that to happen. The thing is, a loyal wife who actually loves her husband is an absolute rarity; a unicorn in a sea of donkeys.

throwawayaccount2037 4 points ago +4 / -0

same for Red Dead Redemption 2

I could have tolerated the absolutely boring mission structures (all the open-world stuff was a lot more fun than the missions themselves, especially the hunting) with the slow walking/riding while listening to people prattle incessantly, if they had at least stayed true to the era. But the anachronistic liberalism depicted throughout the game -- and having Arthur always side with progressive standpoints despite having no reason to -- completely put me off the game.

Also, the atrocious gun combat made me never want to play it again. Who thought it was a good idea to prevent players from properly running and hip-firing? Or why do they auto-switch you off of melee weapons after doing a takedown attack? There were some bizarre design decisions in that game that frustrate me even to this day because they got so much of it right and yet the core of it is just extremely upsetting. I really wanted to go around axing people, but the auto-switch off the melee weapons after finishing an attack was ridiculous.

throwawayaccount2037 11 points ago +11 / -0

Except that's never actually explored -- they make it seem cool and trendy, as opposed to it actually being dehumanising. The anime, strangely enough, actually went into the dehumanising aspect and that's why people liked it so much, because it actually explored the lore surrounding the human condition that the game completely forgot about.

throwawayaccount2037 2 points ago +2 / -0

This has been my experience whenever I dabble in normie spaces as well.

They recognise that something is amiss, and very lightly crticise that it is happening, but refuse to acknowledge the sinister motivations behind the push.

throwawayaccount2037 1 point ago +1 / -0

Any party claiming to represent the plebeian with a woman at the forefront is controlled opposition.

throwawayaccount2037 8 points ago +8 / -0

I was just about to type this out. Back in the day splash screens were also loading screens.

The only splash screen I used to enjoy watching was Interplay's old laser etching FMV. That was a really cool screen and it also completely matched the vibe of games like Cyberia.

Video for reference: https://youtu.be/ZG1wP9fSYBs

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