SarcasticRidley 4 points ago +4 / -0

The concept of forgiveness is a cudgel that the left uses to beat the right over the head. If conservatives were willing to be more vindictive they would win more often, but they act as though god will cast them out of heaven if they harbor ill will toward people who literally want them extinct.

The perversion of the Christian faith that has occurred in the last century or so has done catastrophic damage to us, and it will continue unless we grow a spine and stand up for ourselves instead of taking the coward's way out.

SarcasticRidley 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dom won't do shit about pedopajeet spam, but he will absolutely ban you for calling people names, especially protected classes.

SarcasticRidley 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh no, the stasi is here to make sure I can't put retards in their place.

SarcasticRidley 14 points ago +15 / -1

Hey niggerfaggot, the comparison is about which search engines return the most precise results, not whether the results are nice or not.

If this confuses your sub 90 IQ brain, then by all means screech some more.

SarcasticRidley 50 points ago +50 / -0

jojofromjerz is a paid shill account like brooklyndaddefiant and jefftiedrich.

SarcasticRidley 1 point ago +1 / -0

insert DBZA Vegeta and Cell agreeing with each other clip

SarcasticRidley 3 points ago +3 / -0

My 1DC goes to 1/8000th and it's designed for action photography. I've used it at high shutter speeds combined with the 14 fps burst function to get shots of birds.

This guy is a very experienced photographer, and it doesn't surprise me in the least that he was able to capture this. The only surprise is that he was lucky enough to press the shutter button at the right time.

SarcasticRidley 9 points ago +9 / -0

You don't have to religiously follow celebrities to be aware of who they are.

Anyone who has seen Silence of the Lambs (a very popular film) knows who Jodie Foster is.

SarcasticRidley 3 points ago +3 / -0

cos you know women were like chattel and stuff

Well they certainly behave like it.

SarcasticRidley 10 points ago +10 / -0

It might be worse, but hopefully it's at least not gay.

SarcasticRidley 7 points ago +7 / -0

mmm yes, let the mob of negroids surround your car, drag you out, and beat you to death.

SarcasticRidley 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think this might be the most engagement kia2 has had in years.

SarcasticRidley 15 points ago +15 / -0

If I had to pick a team to lower my casket into the ground, I would pick my ranked teammates. No one else could let me down like them.

SarcasticRidley 3 points ago +3 / -0

When I first watched House as a teenager I had no idea he was British.

As an American, his accent was pretty believable.

SarcasticRidley 16 points ago +17 / -1

It's about two hours long, but I think we have found a unicorn.

The beanie man and his liberal buddy get rekt for the entire show by Rachel Wilson (I think that's her name). I have never heard such based statements coming out of a woman in my life. She even quotes Aaron Clarey for god's sake.

Perhaps we can cure Imp with this.

SarcasticRidley 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks to a funny quirk of fate I happened to be celibate for over a decade now

Same bro

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