Female teachers are getting there. The incidence of female teachers sleeping with young teenage students is many times higher than male teachers, per capita.
Notice she doesn't say fighting at all, they are coordinating to "sort things out." Its a Lysistrata gambit where they intend the nag and deny sex long enough to force men to do their bidding. Like an HR department but for the world. The "combat trousers" are just her falling back to old feminist talking points about putting on pants to be seen as tough and independent.
Its almost a perfect example of womanspeak and how it misdirects your assumptions to hide how pathetic it really is.
For all their "WE ARE STRONG WOMEN", these feminists really just want to be men.
This is a foundational aspect of the feminist movement. It is (IMO) based on a very special blend of the apex fallacy and penis envy.
When the Declaration of Sentiments was written in 1848, women were a protected class. Men had legal obligations to pay her debts, feed, house and clothe their wives and daughters. There were legal repercussions for failing to do these things.
Divorce (which was always with cause) when won by a woman allowed her all of the benefits of marriage without any of the obligations. She was entitled to a house, food, etc. for life while her husband got nothing from her. Things were pretty sweet, as long as a woman got her shit together to pick a good match and build a life with her husband. The Feminist political movement repainted this situation as "absolute tyranny over [women]."
The Feminist political movement has imagined that all men are pussy-slaying Giga-Chads and applied political, legal and social pressure to get that for themselves.
A big part of the resentment that Feminists harbor is truly against the biological imperative to bear children and to raise them successfully. After the sexual revolution, they just ... don't really do that anymore. Women take hormonal birth control pills, pursue a career in an office and fuck every chad in 200 kilometers, starting with her collage campus. At 40 when the opportunities to party have dried up, she decides to enjoy the benefits of family and children; except she can't, so she buys cats.
I think it would be more successful to threaten to have sex with men if they don't get their way.
Unfortunately there are still a lot of touch deprived men who'd buckle and fall easily if offered a crumb of intimacy, even from someone who hates them.
In fact, its the middle aged woman in combat trousers with rage in prior decades that created the very cycle of married men never having a hint of love or sex in their life unless it was used to manipulate them into servitude.
Why put leftist? That's just a woman thing. They've been sitting back and reading the rewards of the meat grinder for thousands of years.
They love it when the village is raided and the barbarians take them away as fuck slaves or marry them off. Women literally say dream about that, and write about it in their smut.
The issue is complex, both men and women have been subjected to decades of media manipulation with women being more predispose to it. Another is that we've stop enforcing moral lessons on kids, even religious parents are reluctant to enforce their religion. This one reason that Islam is successful.
The father issue is interesting, even with the father away to work most of the time, the mother would present him as a great man, greater then he was, Now the father can be in the picture and the mother will present him as week and useless, that needs to clean the house more, needs to wash the dishes on top of taking care of the yard, the cars, fixing up the house and accumulating wealth.
Islam still has problems controlling women, I have friends in that world and female nature still rears its ugly head in the form of promiscuity and delusions.
For example, covered women like to doll themselves up for social media, when men tell them this is bad behavior, their witch coven rolls in, blaming the men for staring.
You are correct. In my experience it is without fail because they had a good father whom they could rely on and respect. If they spent their entire childhood trusting and loving their father, of course it's a lot easier for them to trust and love a man in a marriage.
The guy were talking about 'all of history'. It may seem remote, but there was a time there were no 'spicy' books. Also, I'm not sure how many of them describe a guy coming in, slaughtering your family and abducting you to be his slave.
Tony, do you want me to point you to the seamy side of reddit where thousands of women have the specific fantasy about being sexually abused by a MAGA 'fascist"?
Why on earth would you think what women wants has anything to do with reality? In general women think with their feelings and vote accordingly. In general, women are selfish, self-centered hedonists being lead around by their pussy. In 'all of history' women have never been more promiscuous.
Huh, I guess you do believe that men and women are alike.
Sort of? Men have far more motivation to find self-awareness because being a male is performative. Men are men because of what they do; and the benefits of their actions peak much later. Men who are effective gain resources and social status.
Womens' social value peaks at about 18 and their marriage value (sexual marketplace value) peaks at about 22. That gives them the most opportunity while they are still relatively immature.
It takes effort and discipline for people to develop their thinking and sense of self through the 7 Levels of Consciousness and (IMO) women get stuck more often at about level 3.
Christianity places an emphasis on moving up through the levels, and holds up Christ as an exemplar of the seventh level of consciousness. We both know that Christianity is out of fashion and often attacked by the media machine and the Neo-Marxist 5th column in the Academy.
To sum up: Men and women are more alike than different. Men are much more motivated by circumstance to become self-aware and to mature, mentally. Women can get plenty of rewards just by being pretty and hedonistic, having successfully removed all of the social stigma that used to be attached to slutty behavior.
And for the record, I have always thought promiscuity was bad for men too.
Doesn't surprise me. But what OP was claiming is that women like having their families slaughtered and to be made the sex slave of some 'barbarian'... because romance novels.
As evidenced in literally any video where something unexpected and/or dangerous happens, the women invariably shriek their heads off. An instinctual response intended to summon the men to actually do something about it.
I know the entire premise is laughable at the outset but imagine thinking "rage" is an appropriate mental state prior to "sorting out." Lady, if things get worse, stastically and historically speaking you're going to be a streetwalker before a revolutionary.
A "global army of middle-aged women" is what got us here.
I can't think of a group with less intelligence and less critical thinking skills, but has the same amount of money and influence. Basically every shitty public policy dating back to Prohibition came from the minds of middle-aged women.
'Combat trousers from the 90s'? Is that supposed to mean surplus BDUs, or is that third wave femspeak for a pair of pants they wear for doing mundane physical labor?
I thought the prog consensus was that 90's were horrible and misogynist and oppressive because businesses understood sexy bitches were an effective marketing tactic.
For one thing she's British and a useless NHS "administrator". So she's Starmer's cross to bear.
That said, her timeline is full of her banging on about being "neuro divergence". So I'm guessing her idea of "sort everything out" means she's just going to stand out on the sidewalk screeching like an banshee and wetting her knickers.
When British native men are told to "fight for democracy" by being drafted to Ukraine for Starmer's "peacekeeping mission", you can bet this "army" of "middle aged women" will somehow exempt themselves from going.
Let's assume that this is a movie, it is just as plausible that the superhero did arrive. Would that not fit in a three act structure.
Underdog hero gets started out. Has his wind taken out by the villain and has to retreat. Comes back better prepared and wins the day?
It's childish to make these comparisons to reality but if they want to make them, they should at least have the mental capacity to consider it from both sides then and the film structure seems more befitting what we see then right?
Their idea of sorting out the dating market is expelling 70-80% of men out of it, sleeping with the top tier men then complaining on TikTok that he won't commit or be a father to their child.
So you'll have to excuse me if I doubt their credentials to "sort everything out" when they can't even keep a "good man" around.
The Mexican state of Oaxaca had a bullshit election filled w fraud a few years ago, and the mothers there just said ,"no" and opened the schools for a new clean election that they oversaw instead. Been done. Americans are not half as free as Mexicans though.
We talking about the Mexico that had 39 presidential candidates murdered? The Mexico with the federalized police? The Mexico ran completely by cartels?
Obviously not completely bc in Oaxaca an ad hoc organization of middle aged women cancelled a fake and gay election and then sponsored and ran and protected another.
So we've got one counter example of women doing something good, and a pile of examples dating back decades of them fucking it up royally to the point where most modern ills can be blamed on women being allowed to vote in the West.
That's a real woman way of looking at things. This random exception exists, so that means everything else is invalid.
Correct, exactly that. Maybe you are instead cramming confirmation bias headlines into a hastily packaged shit worldview while ignoring many other such data points.
You have such a total vacuum of any idea of the right power of motherhood that you just utterly dismiss and profane it. You don't even know that you're saying, "kill our own mothers and we don't even give a fuck." It's a totally degenerate and demoralized and shameful state.
Solipistic hubris and modern women, name a more iconic pair.
A certain group and pedophilia?
Could you narrow that down a bit?
I can come up with like 10 groups off the top of my head that you might be referring to.
Feminist, Muslims, Jews or Gays. Pick your choice
Female teachers are getting there. The incidence of female teachers sleeping with young teenage students is many times higher than male teachers, per capita.
"per capita"
Hey, don't be racist.
All of the above.
Women will vote us in communism. It's unavoidable.
Interesting she does not plan on fighting but to "coordinate", such a leftist woman thing to say
War brides and rape slaves are a kind of coordination, I guess.
Notice she doesn't say fighting at all, they are coordinating to "sort things out." Its a Lysistrata gambit where they intend the nag and deny sex long enough to force men to do their bidding. Like an HR department but for the world. The "combat trousers" are just her falling back to old feminist talking points about putting on pants to be seen as tough and independent.
Its almost a perfect example of womanspeak and how it misdirects your assumptions to hide how pathetic it really is.
With these people, I think it would be more successful to threaten to have sex with men if they don't get their way.
For all their "WE ARE STRONG WOMEN", these feminists really just want to be men.
This is a foundational aspect of the feminist movement. It is (IMO) based on a very special blend of the apex fallacy and penis envy.
When the Declaration of Sentiments was written in 1848, women were a protected class. Men had legal obligations to pay her debts, feed, house and clothe their wives and daughters. There were legal repercussions for failing to do these things.
Divorce (which was always with cause) when won by a woman allowed her all of the benefits of marriage without any of the obligations. She was entitled to a house, food, etc. for life while her husband got nothing from her. Things were pretty sweet, as long as a woman got her shit together to pick a good match and build a life with her husband. The Feminist political movement repainted this situation as "absolute tyranny over [women]."
The Feminist political movement has imagined that all men are pussy-slaying Giga-Chads and applied political, legal and social pressure to get that for themselves.
A big part of the resentment that Feminists harbor is truly against the biological imperative to bear children and to raise them successfully. After the sexual revolution, they just ... don't really do that anymore. Women take hormonal birth control pills, pursue a career in an office and fuck every chad in 200 kilometers, starting with her collage campus. At 40 when the opportunities to party have dried up, she decides to enjoy the benefits of family and children; except she can't, so she buys cats.
Unfortunately there are still a lot of touch deprived men who'd buckle and fall easily if offered a crumb of intimacy, even from someone who hates them.
In fact, its the middle aged woman in combat trousers with rage in prior decades that created the very cycle of married men never having a hint of love or sex in their life unless it was used to manipulate them into servitude.
Taming of the shrew did not work in the direction expected?
In actuality, it'll turn out a hell of a lot more like Assemblywoman.
Why put leftist? That's just a woman thing. They've been sitting back and reading the rewards of the meat grinder for thousands of years.
They love it when the village is raided and the barbarians take them away as fuck slaves or marry them off. Women literally say dream about that, and write about it in their smut.
Leftism is womanhood taken to the most extreme
Right-wing women do seem to have a bit of backbone. But you're probably correct
It would be very interesting to find out what causes a woman to be self aware and to value marriage and men in general.
I'd bet that it is more common in women who were raised with a positive father in the home, something which is becoming vanishingly rare.
The issue is complex, both men and women have been subjected to decades of media manipulation with women being more predispose to it. Another is that we've stop enforcing moral lessons on kids, even religious parents are reluctant to enforce their religion. This one reason that Islam is successful.
The father issue is interesting, even with the father away to work most of the time, the mother would present him as a great man, greater then he was, Now the father can be in the picture and the mother will present him as week and useless, that needs to clean the house more, needs to wash the dishes on top of taking care of the yard, the cars, fixing up the house and accumulating wealth.
Islam still has problems controlling women, I have friends in that world and female nature still rears its ugly head in the form of promiscuity and delusions.
For example, covered women like to doll themselves up for social media, when men tell them this is bad behavior, their witch coven rolls in, blaming the men for staring.
You are correct. In my experience it is without fail because they had a good father whom they could rely on and respect. If they spent their entire childhood trusting and loving their father, of course it's a lot easier for them to trust and love a man in a marriage.
Yeah, the life of a sex slave is very glamour.
To a naive fool who believes she will be treated the way her "spicy" books and fantasies tell her, it is.
The guy were talking about 'all of history'. It may seem remote, but there was a time there were no 'spicy' books. Also, I'm not sure how many of them describe a guy coming in, slaughtering your family and abducting you to be his slave.
Tony, do you want me to point you to the seamy side of reddit where thousands of women have the specific fantasy about being sexually abused by a MAGA 'fascist"?
Why on earth would you think what women wants has anything to do with reality? In general women think with their feelings and vote accordingly. In general, women are selfish, self-centered hedonists being lead around by their pussy. In 'all of history' women have never been more promiscuous.
Huh, I guess you do believe that men and women are alike.
Yes, so why is this guy making dumb claims about all of history?
Sort of? Men have far more motivation to find self-awareness because being a male is performative. Men are men because of what they do; and the benefits of their actions peak much later. Men who are effective gain resources and social status.
Womens' social value peaks at about 18 and their marriage value (sexual marketplace value) peaks at about 22. That gives them the most opportunity while they are still relatively immature.
It takes effort and discipline for people to develop their thinking and sense of self through the 7 Levels of Consciousness and (IMO) women get stuck more often at about level 3.
Christianity places an emphasis on moving up through the levels, and holds up Christ as an exemplar of the seventh level of consciousness. We both know that Christianity is out of fashion and often attacked by the media machine and the Neo-Marxist 5th column in the Academy.
To sum up: Men and women are more alike than different. Men are much more motivated by circumstance to become self-aware and to mature, mentally. Women can get plenty of rewards just by being pretty and hedonistic, having successfully removed all of the social stigma that used to be attached to slutty behavior.
And for the record, I have always thought promiscuity was bad for men too.
You know that rape fantasies are just about the most common fantasies amongst women, right?
I don't mean the actual reality of terrible, brutal rape. I mean what they imagine it is like to have a hot, strong Chad not take no for an answer.
The more "liberal" a woman, the more common the fantasy. There have been studies on it.
Doesn't surprise me. But what OP was claiming is that women like having their families slaughtered and to be made the sex slave of some 'barbarian'... because romance novels.
Middle age women are the least intimidating and combat efficient group on the planet.
I don't know man, their screeching is pretty annoying.
As evidenced in literally any video where something unexpected and/or dangerous happens, the women invariably shriek their heads off. An instinctual response intended to summon the men to actually do something about it.
In emergencies, why do they say women and children evacuate first?
To give the men some peace to think about a solution.
''Stop trying to fix the sinking ship. I want you to listen and understand my feelings, don't try to fix everything and listen.''
maybe 1% of these flabby bitches could fit into the same pants from the 90's.
Good point. Even "stretchy pants" eh?
Oh boy, managers are going to be working overtime soon
And no husbands or children to slow us down!
opinion discarded
"Meet at our Starbucks headquarters. Chai latte please!"
I know the entire premise is laughable at the outset but imagine thinking "rage" is an appropriate mental state prior to "sorting out." Lady, if things get worse, stastically and historically speaking you're going to be a streetwalker before a revolutionary.
A "global army of middle-aged women" is what got us here.
I can't think of a group with less intelligence and less critical thinking skills, but has the same amount of money and influence. Basically every shitty public policy dating back to Prohibition came from the minds of middle-aged women.
Same energy as all the leftists that want civil war. It would…uh…not end well for them
'Combat trousers from the 90s'? Is that supposed to mean surplus BDUs, or is that third wave femspeak for a pair of pants they wear for doing mundane physical labor?
These assholes love the 90s.. like they keep remaking shit from the 90s, but make sure to discard all the cool shit from the 90s.
I thought the prog consensus was that 90's were horrible and misogynist and oppressive because businesses understood sexy bitches were an effective marketing tactic.
For one thing she's British and a useless NHS "administrator". So she's Starmer's cross to bear.
That said, her timeline is full of her banging on about being "neuro divergence". So I'm guessing her idea of "sort everything out" means she's just going to stand out on the sidewalk screeching like an banshee and wetting her knickers.
When British native men are told to "fight for democracy" by being drafted to Ukraine for Starmer's "peacekeeping mission", you can bet this "army" of "middle aged women" will somehow exempt themselves from going.
White FeathersEmpty Egg Cartoon mouvement.“CAT LADIES, ASSEMBLE!”
Easiest lives possible but still full of rage
They are the cause of the problems with Western Civilisation.
The less their life feels like a movie, the more they panic.
No superhero has that haircut, if you can call it that.
you have combat trousers from the 90s that no longer fit your fat ass.
Let's assume that this is a movie, it is just as plausible that the superhero did arrive. Would that not fit in a three act structure.
Underdog hero gets started out. Has his wind taken out by the villain and has to retreat. Comes back better prepared and wins the day?
It's childish to make these comparisons to reality but if they want to make them, they should at least have the mental capacity to consider it from both sides then and the film structure seems more befitting what we see then right?
These women should be excited for either their (n)th child being born, or a grandchild being born.
Instead they agitate for the destruction of their people.
Women have been one of the main driving forces destroying America
Their idea of sorting out the dating market is expelling 70-80% of men out of it, sleeping with the top tier men then complaining on TikTok that he won't commit or be a father to their child.
So you'll have to excuse me if I doubt their credentials to "sort everything out" when they can't even keep a "good man" around.
hrhr that I wanna see
If we're being honest, we should call them elderly, since women age so much faster.
The Mexican state of Oaxaca had a bullshit election filled w fraud a few years ago, and the mothers there just said ,"no" and opened the schools for a new clean election that they oversaw instead. Been done. Americans are not half as free as Mexicans though.
We talking about the Mexico that had 39 presidential candidates murdered? The Mexico with the federalized police? The Mexico ran completely by cartels?
They weren't presidential candidates, they were local office candidates.
Oaxaca had vigilante groups that fought against narcos to protect their communities until the government started cracking them down
Obviously not completely bc in Oaxaca an ad hoc organization of middle aged women cancelled a fake and gay election and then sponsored and ran and protected another.
It was like 8 years ago? Longer maybe,.or 4- they do cool shit down there historically
Yeah women fucking donkeys and entombing people in drywall is cool as shit
Lol wut
Middle aged Mexican women disregarded a fraudulent election, declared it fake and gay, and hosted a real, new one.
I'm not sure you understand how this 'election' thing works.
Mexico is a 4th world shithole ran by cartels. You're a faggot.
And yet the mothers of that city said, "nah that was fake and gay and we do not accept it." You think they don't know about the cartels?
So we've got one counter example of women doing something good, and a pile of examples dating back decades of them fucking it up royally to the point where most modern ills can be blamed on women being allowed to vote in the West.
That's a real woman way of looking at things. This random exception exists, so that means everything else is invalid.
Correct, exactly that. Maybe you are instead cramming confirmation bias headlines into a hastily packaged shit worldview while ignoring many other such data points.
Come on, you can do better than that.
You have such a total vacuum of any idea of the right power of motherhood that you just utterly dismiss and profane it. You don't even know that you're saying, "kill our own mothers and we don't even give a fuck." It's a totally degenerate and demoralized and shameful state.
I can't imagine being this deluded.
I can, but I have a REALLY wild imagination! 😸
It happened just like that though and other such instances are common there.