For all their "WE ARE STRONG WOMEN", these feminists really just want to be men.
This is a foundational aspect of the feminist movement. It is (IMO) based on a very special blend of the apex fallacy and penis envy.
When the Declaration of Sentiments was written in 1848, women were a protected class. Men had legal obligations to pay her debts, feed, house and clothe their wives and daughters. There were legal repercussions for failing to do these things.
Divorce (which was always with cause) when won by a woman allowed her all of the benefits of marriage without any of the obligations. She was entitled to a house, food, etc. for life while her husband got nothing from her. Things were pretty sweet, as long as a woman got her shit together to pick a good match and build a life with her husband. The Feminist political movement repainted this situation as "absolute tyranny over [women]."
The Feminist political movement has imagined that all men are pussy-slaying Giga-Chads and applied political, legal and social pressure to get that for themselves.
A big part of the resentment that Feminists harbor is truly against the biological imperative to bear children and to raise them successfully. After the sexual revolution, they just ... don't really do that anymore. Women take hormonal birth control pills, pursue a career in an office and fuck every chad in 200 kilometers, starting with her collage campus. At 40 when the opportunities to party have dried up, she decides to enjoy the benefits of family and children; except she can't, so she buys cats.
This is a foundational aspect of the feminist movement. It is (IMO) based on a very special blend of the apex fallacy and penis envy.
When the Declaration of Sentiments was written in 1848, women were a protected class. Men had legal obligations to pay her debts, feed, house and clothe their wives and daughters. There were legal repercussions for failing to do these things.
Divorce (which was always with cause) when won by a woman allowed her all of the benefits of marriage without any of the obligations. She was entitled to a house, food, etc. for life while her husband got nothing from her. Things were pretty sweet, as long as a woman got her shit together to pick a good match and build a life with her husband. The Feminist political movement repainted this situation as "absolute tyranny over [women]."
The Feminist political movement has imagined that all men are pussy-slaying Giga-Chads and applied political, legal and social pressure to get that for themselves.
A big part of the resentment that Feminists harbor is truly against the biological imperative to bear children and to raise them successfully. After the sexual revolution, they just ... don't really do that anymore. Women take hormonal birth control pills, pursue a career in an office and fuck every chad in 200 kilometers, starting with her collage campus. At 40 when the opportunities to party have dried up, she decides to enjoy the benefits of family and children; except she can't, so she buys cats.