I think it would be more successful to threaten to have sex with men if they don't get their way.
Unfortunately there are still a lot of touch deprived men who'd buckle and fall easily if offered a crumb of intimacy, even from someone who hates them.
In fact, its the middle aged woman in combat trousers with rage in prior decades that created the very cycle of married men never having a hint of love or sex in their life unless it was used to manipulate them into servitude.
Unfortunately there are still a lot of touch deprived men who'd buckle and fall easily if offered a crumb of intimacy, even from someone who hates them.
In fact, its the middle aged woman in combat trousers with rage in prior decades that created the very cycle of married men never having a hint of love or sex in their life unless it was used to manipulate them into servitude.
Taming of the shrew did not work in the direction expected?