The guy were talking about 'all of history'. It may seem remote, but there was a time there were no 'spicy' books. Also, I'm not sure how many of them describe a guy coming in, slaughtering your family and abducting you to be his slave.
Tony, do you want me to point you to the seamy side of reddit where thousands of women have the specific fantasy about being sexually abused by a MAGA 'fascist"?
Why on earth would you think what women wants has anything to do with reality? In general women think with their feelings and vote accordingly. In general, women are selfish, self-centered hedonists being lead around by their pussy. In 'all of history' women have never been more promiscuous.
Doesn't surprise me. But what OP was claiming is that women like having their families slaughtered and to be made the sex slave of some 'barbarian'... because romance novels.
Yeah, the life of a sex slave is very glamour.
To a naive fool who believes she will be treated the way her "spicy" books and fantasies tell her, it is.
The guy were talking about 'all of history'. It may seem remote, but there was a time there were no 'spicy' books. Also, I'm not sure how many of them describe a guy coming in, slaughtering your family and abducting you to be his slave.
Tony, do you want me to point you to the seamy side of reddit where thousands of women have the specific fantasy about being sexually abused by a MAGA 'fascist"?
Why on earth would you think what women wants has anything to do with reality? In general women think with their feelings and vote accordingly. In general, women are selfish, self-centered hedonists being lead around by their pussy. In 'all of history' women have never been more promiscuous.
Huh, I guess you do believe that men and women are alike.
Yes, so why is this guy making dumb claims about all of history?
You know that rape fantasies are just about the most common fantasies amongst women, right?
I don't mean the actual reality of terrible, brutal rape. I mean what they imagine it is like to have a hot, strong Chad not take no for an answer.
The more "liberal" a woman, the more common the fantasy. There have been studies on it.
Doesn't surprise me. But what OP was claiming is that women like having their families slaughtered and to be made the sex slave of some 'barbarian'... because romance novels.