aloha_snackbar22 6 points ago +6 / -0

The world needs a few new Adolfs. One is not enough.

aloha_snackbar22 3 points ago +3 / -0

The NES too.

And you had to put it in in such a way that a tiny bit of the plastic shell sticking out so it clicks when you push it down.

aloha_snackbar22 21 points ago +22 / -1

Not a single fuckable girl in that picture.


aloha_snackbar22 5 points ago +5 / -0

LMFAO. Who the fuck is that shaniqua? Is she an actual character? I haven't not seen one minute of this show, so i don't know.

But boy does she look fucking retarded.

aloha_snackbar22 13 points ago +13 / -0

(UPDATE - 1.a. NO LONGER VALID DUE TO POPULAR DEMAND)1.a. I.e., “Mist” means “dung” in German, therefore it is okay to switch the name to something more appropriate for the territory.

Wtf is this shit? So what if the name Nigero, Negroni, etc. So its okay to change it? Fucking worthless. This just leaves the door open for activists to exploit it. You can't give them an inch.

aloha_snackbar22 5 points ago +5 / -0

There are already plenty of niggers in Japan, specially in Tokyo where they show up at night and lure tourist to get robbed / scammed. Oh look! niggers do nigger things regardless of the country.

aloha_snackbar22 6 points ago +7 / -1

You need proof of niggers behaving like niggers?

aloha_snackbar22 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wonder if they will leave her medical history files where it heavily implies she was getting butt fucked by the bad guys.

aloha_snackbar22 13 points ago +13 / -0

Don't know anything about this "game" but nig = instant pass.

aloha_snackbar22 14 points ago +14 / -0

Brook Cheuvront, 20, was reported missing Saturday from Table Mountain in Cape Town — where she was studying

Imagine traveling to the other side of the world to be around niggers. TO CHOOSE TO BE AROUND NIGGERS.

EDIT: Found this in the article comments:

...her parents were liberals. The Dad is a lawyer and his Facebook page is politically pro-democrat, and the teacher mom calls herself a climate activist. She sadly learned from them.

Has her parents come out wishing she was killed by an old white guy instead?

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