A survey by the GDC claims that 25% of American game developers identify as LGBTQ. For devs age 18-24, this figure jumps to 43%.
Read that again. Almost half of young American game developers are LGBTQ.
33% of American game devs identify as female or non-binary. This number is up from 25% in 2022. That’s an 8% shift in just two years.
From the article:
35 percent of all respondents were white, male, and not part of the LGBTQ+ community. It shows that while strides have been made to diversify the industry, there is still a little way to go
“Perfect diversity” will only be achieved when straight white men are gone.
Western game dev is just super feminine, super gay, and blatantly anti-white. That’s it. That’s the whole issue. It’s a traditionally male industry being overrun by lefty gays, trannies, and feminists while their customers are still very white, very straight, very male, and at least as conservative as the general population. You really don’t have to look any further than that to explain the ongoing conflict between devs and players in western gaming.
This ideological and cultural disconnect is the inevitable result of an engineered demographic shift in game dev. The people who are now in charge of making video games actively despise the demographics comprising most of the people who actually play video games. It’s completely untenable and unsustainable.
It’s too bad they weren’t stupid enough to collect overt political data. With what we know about correlations between ideology and identity, what percentage of game devs must be literal communists?
0 straight white males is perfect diversity.
I like all the typical guy stuff but enjoy a romance novel or movie every now and then. I can’t help but be a little annoyed that the romance industry makes billions by providing content that women want to see (man and woman falling in love), but it’s so controversial if you make something that appeals to guys.
I'm still shocked at the level of disgust you see from most of media at the thought of making something that would appeal specifically to men. Is like you commit some great sin
I know. Or they act like it’s a shock that men want to see attractive women
Take a game like DoA Xtreme. Fat ugly women hate it because they can’t look like that. Trannys hate it because they look like a temu version of Sloth from the Goonies to begin with and despite what the internet told them putting lipstick and a lingerie on doesn’t suddenly make them desirable with their male pattern baldness, Adam’s apple, and 5 o’clock shadow. Last the pasty fat white progressive beta males hate it because all the attractive girls they know friend zoned them and would rather be getting railed by Chad and Tyrone. It’s just another flavor from the variety pack that brought you daddy issues and I hate all men.
You know what's even funnier? Normal women who don't get offended by DOA actually like XBV because it's kinda like a fashion/shopping simulator. It's not a fighting game, it's really casual, and you get to dress yourself up. It's kinda like an adult version of Barbie toys, but with tiddies.
I am shocked. SHOCKED! Well, not that shocked.
That always annoyed me. Female porn is sold at Walmart in the book aisle. Male porn is tucked away behind the counter at gas stations (obviously this was before internet)
Female pron is in every library in full access of children too. Video games and male centered movies require an ID to even look at, not even sexually explicit material. And the average religious folk will die on their hills to defend that status quo.
People are more touchy about explicit visuals than explicit words because no one is accidentally reading a page of 12pt text from across the room. Pretending that's a male/female thing is some "disparate impact" level reach.
it can be both.
Part of it can be a fair disparate treatment given that one is more discrete.
But on normal bookshelves at walmart is a bit much.
It doesn't help that women's porn has no concept of soft/hardcore. We all know what both of them would entail, but something softcore like Twilight (a general romance story) goes on the same stocking area as something hardcore like 50 Shades.
What’s really infuriating is the widespread acceptance of hardcore pornography, which is ostensibly “something that men want”, while more traditional and respectful masculine desires have been systematically demonized. You want a kind, soft, attentive, loving, loyal, feminine wife? You want a traditional family? You want a place of importance in your community? That’s all evil toxic masculinity. Definitely 100x worse than <checks notes> supporting empowered female sex workers via onlyfans subscriptions. And don’t you dare pursue young attractive women! They are supposed to be selling pictures of their buttholes on the internet for $5, not having children with a loving provider husband!
Very good point. Crazy world
The entire Anglo christian world is a giant gynocentric society. It shouldn't come as a suprise.
Anime like My Dress-up Darling, male-target-audience basic romance stories, get so much hate whenever they're made like once every three years, when the exact same anime but just for the female gaze is made like 3 times per season.
How to write a male-gaze romance: "He fell first, she fell harder" is the guiding principle, one or two lingering gazes, a token show of support for an unusual hobby, the guy improves his life outlook in some minor way due to the efforts he puts into his personal relationship, a kiss on a season finale ideally during a fireworks festival. And then most importantly, get cancelled on Twitter and have a hate-mob try to ban your show for daring to show male romance.
So what happens when all the straight white men are chased out of the profession. Do they go invade somewhere else that they think is problematic? I’m curious as to what the next step in their grand scheme is
Problem with the white males in tech is that they are also leftists. They will literally cheer for increased diversity while also being smart enough to realize that the only way that is achieved is by discrimination against them.
Try talking to one and ask him the percentage of girls were in his class and the percentage of girls at work and they short-fuse trying to explain why discrimination is good.
There is no invading anything, they just move around or change fields. I'm so glad I never got to work in gaming. I dreamed of working for Bioware but ended up working for a large IT company and moved in to that direction. For years I would have moved to Bioware. Thank you God that never happened.
I saw that and that is completely at odds with those who play the games. Maybe a bad analogy but isn’t that like a bunch of vegans taking over a bbq place and getting mad when customers leave because they want real meat? Also reminds me of a time when I was a kid and my friend and I were playing with GI Joes and making them have a huge war. His little sister wanted to play but she wanted to play “family” and have her Barbie dolls couple with the joes and have a family. We told her no and then she came back with his mom and his mom forced us to play how she wanted.
All that rambling to say that whatever idiot thought that ignoring what men like to cater to women who don’t play video games or the small percent of lgbt is a world class fool
It’s exactly how it is. They got butthurt most people liked games and not their gay fan fictions so they forced their way into entertainment industries. Look up any of the writers that had zero writing experience. All of them were (erotic) fan fiction writers.
The whole “adaptation” grift is one gigantic motte and bailey.
“We need to make changes for the new medium.”
Translation: I could film this faithfully, but instead I’m going to insert my personal politics into your beloved IP and pretend it “had to be done”.
“We want to put our own spin on the story.”
Translation: no one liked my stories, so I’m gonna hijack you’re favorite IP in order to sneak my unpopular ideas into franchises that are too big to fail.
George RR Martin recently called out this grift directly. We have - as you’ve identified - terrible lefty fan fiction writers who are somehow finagling their way into stewardship over huge classic franchises, and “muh adaptation” is just the plausible cover story.
There is no such thing. They made the very biggest franchise there ever was fail completely and turn utterly worthless, and it only took 8 years or so.
You’d think Star Wars is, but it isn’t.
Pokémon surpasses it in revenue because of all the merch like plushies and whatnot
And kids are typically oblivious to ideo-political propaganda and parents don't always have the time to screen every episode, movie and game.
I mean eventually all the paying customers will be gone and then they’re forced to rely on the 7% of the population that’s mentally ill.
So when the money stops and everything collapses, they can just move on to destroy something else
Coincidentally, none of the games I currently play have been made by American, or even Western, devs.
Every American game I've enjoyed for years now have been indie games.
Well, there is one game I play like crack called HoloCure - that's made by an American developer, technically, but it's based off of entirely Japanese IP and culture-related shit, so idk how to classify that lol
Great game
Even a game based on a purely American franchise like Marvel Rivals can only be made by an East Asian studio right now, there's no way any studio in the US could produce Rivals Psylocke, Sue Storm, or even PAWGed up Squirrel Girl.
i get why it's appealing to run away to the japanese (or whoever else) for games that appear to be better, but you should keep some things in mind:
you should watch out you're not just falling for eastern degeneracy instead of western degeneracy. japan suffers from a softcore porn culture the same way we suffer from an ugly gay culture.
another thing that western woke culture wants you to do is to forsake the western culture that preceded it, which is what you are doing when you're giving up on the west and heading to other nations. instead, you should find non-woke western artists and media creators to support and, if possible, fund. i can tell you that we're out there, but it's hard to be visible when you don't have ESG money and implicit elite support.
I'm beginning to suspect that video games as a whole need softcore porn culture just to keep the normies out.
It’s come to the point where I have to fight alongside the feet people? Yikes
This is sad but valid. A homely female character is a reliable indicator of leftist game and narrative design.
Good recent example: the female leader of a settlement in path of exile 2 is a hot chick wearing basically nipple pasties. No immediate worries about that game going woke lol
I would like to play a video game featuring women who are neither overpowered feminist cunts nor slutty OF thots. I don’t want to see a 120lbs woman effortlessly beat up everyone while sassing every man in her life. I also don’t want to see blatant tits and ass everywhere like I’m throwing $20s in a strip club. In real life, I avoid both of these female archetypes like the fucking plague, yet they dominate most media in 2025.
It is a true shame that every female character is either a horrific whale or wearing fewer clothes than a porn star.
Not-so-based tentacle monster.
Commenting myself to add: there’s a common narrative that woke retardation comes mostly from the top. That woke executives are mandating all this bullshit against the wishes of employees. In the gaming space, you will see people defend the “rank and file” as victims of bad management.
In reality, western game dev is lousy with degenerates, subversives, and activists who put their own fetishes, self-inserts, and personal politics ahead of making games. These people are the controlling majority. So when you see a studio close down or a bunch of devs get laid off, your only reaction should be elation.
Subversive hiring practices changed the industry. Now it's coming from all sides
Yep. The high end executives don't care about the product and let diversity hires take over the hiring process. They proceed to unjustly punish the actual people working and hire any "diversity" they can, because they just hate white people or want more of their own ethnic kin working there.
Actual workers get squeezed from the top and bottom and the final product suffers. Customers don't realize the company they used to love has been replaced 'Ship of Theseus' style over the last 10 years and it takes them a while to realize nothing they love is still there.
Always has been,
Not really always, but for many years at this point.
They only became a majority because (((venture capital))) started only funding fags, feminists, etc for startups. And hedge funds brought ESG to big companies. And jews had infiltrated universities decades before that, and used their tenured professorships to brainwash decades worth of college students. And they started with education majors, flooding K-12 with brainwashed teachers as early as the 1970s, and those teachers groomed children for as much degeneracy as they could.
They do recruit the C-Suite via propaganda retreats, indoctrination, and lies from marketing & advertising firms.
However, their primary goal is to insert themselves into keystone positions of power.
Like I've said before, they're basically school shooters. It's no different from a principle making Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold hall monitors. We are better off just bulldozing the school with them inside, and hoping we can get some people out. That's it. They'd rather die than give up any amount of power, even for a moment.
I liken every leftist in a position of power or authority to a sleeper agent. It doesn’t matter how small the job or role. All that matters is that the leftist will invariably apply whatever leverage they have against their political and cultural enemies - and without prompt. You don’t have to order the leftist bank teller to harass the conservative customer because the teller was always a loyal soldier to the revolution simply by din of being a leftist.
This is why I don't like the term "Totalitarianism", and prefer the term that it originates from in China: "Mental Totalism". People forget that "Brainwashing" was not a word with a negative connotation in China. It was literally "Mind Washing" like "Thought Cleaning". As in "removing negative thoughts".
People don't really understand the mentality of an ideologically captured Totalist. There isn't anything outside the ideology. This is why they are not mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, sons, daughters, friends, or co-workers. They are only Communists, because that is all that there is for them. Everything else is secondary.
Yeah, given how much they flopped last year, that was a given..
Lame and gay.
Put a chick in it! 😂
And make her lame and gay. Its not even a chick thats a problem. I play plenty of games with female chars. I only make female chars in mmorpg for the tits and ass. 6000 hrs in skyrim, only had female characters and female followers.
I think i read something interesting the other day. Why play as a character (that is lame and gay) that you want to see fail and die? Why buy a game with such characters? Im sure when we all saw saints row reboot, we want to see the protagonists fail and get their heads stomped in by rival gangs. But obviously not enough to actually buy the game.
That’s one of the biggest issues with “representation”. I’m well aware that all different kinds of people exist, but that doesn’t mean I want to spend time with all of them. I know ugly turbo cunt feminists exist in real life, but I’m not interested in their stories or their point of view. I try to minimize my exposure to them in real life, so why would I spend my free time and my money on media that forces me to play with or as such insufferable harpies?
DBZ being a literal cultural icon of both Mexican and Black culture shows that representation is a meaningless issue that they created to sell us the cure to.
As long as people don't see their "kind" being constantly cut down, shit on, and destroyed in media then all the issues representation claims to cure would disappear without any need to also give "positive" versions too. Which I think is a fair request to not completely treat any group as a punching bag if you want them to play ball with you.
But the Left doesn't actually care about fixing issues or even helping people. They create these things to hurt and use the "help" as a cover for that.
"We're not trying to take your games away"
Might not have been the goal (it was) but it sure as hell is the outcome.
The purpose of a system is what it does.
I know. It's just what they kept saying.
Almost like they always project or something.
How many of those are practicing faggots, and how many are just claiming to be faggots because they need diversity credentials otherwise they'd be passed up for employment and advancement opportunities?
We need another AIDS epidemic.
The HIV epidemics never stopped in certain demographics ( mostly sexually active gay males ). They are just a pharmaceuticals mass shortage away from being back on track to exhausting their immune system,developping AIDS, and dying.
It's sad for the innocent victims. Children born from infected mothers, rape victims, and innocents infected by their cheating partner.
I had forgotten about the innocent people affected. It was a knee jerk reaction to the lghdtv community.
You don't need a study, you can just look at modern games.
When I was preparing for my Computer Science degree, I had a passing idea of going into game development, as I think any young nerd did at some time or another. I loved playing games, why wouldn't I like making them?
The advice I got from those more experienced than me was not to touch the games industry with a ten foot pole. The games industry was a machine for squeezing the enthusiasm out of young, naive idiots and tossing them aside when they had outlived their usefulness. They said that you can make a lot more money with a lot less effort programming for businesses. Based on the stories of crunch I have heard from inside the industry, I believe I made the right decision.
This was around 2015-2017, but I think the advice had been the same long before then. That might be part of the reason why the games industry is less white, straight, and male than it used to be. Besides the hostile culture, the big studios simply aren't willing to offer quality devs the kind of salary and benefits they can get elsewhere.
A good friend of mine reverse engineered the Warcraft RTS map files (and other data files) and wrote some widely used (for the Internet of that era) editor software. This was back in the 90s/early 00s.
Blizzard was impressed with him and flew him out to Irvine to interview. He had just finished graduate school (not computer science), and he was in his mid-20s. He was already like 5 years older than the average programmer at Blizzard, and his impression at the time was that Blizzard had such a strong reputation they would bring in hotshots, work them to the bone, chew 'em up and spit 'em out. He had no interest in that.
Smart man.
Because you wanted to continue to love them. There's no quicker way to grow to hate something you used to love than doing it professionally [for someone else].
Gaming has always had a history of corruption, abuse, and criminality if you look into it; going all the way back to mafia owned pin ball machines in Atlantic City.
People are better off building their own games than working for the major developers.
It’s true that leftist activists will take less pay in exchange for an opportunity to promote their ideology. I think diversity hires are putting even more pressure on competent (mostly white, mostly male) devs to deliver functional products for even less pay.
I can't even remember the last AAA western game i enjoyed was, at least not since the Xbox 360 era. Hopefully another big crash is imminent
Play retro games. 0 the message, 0 rainbow cult propaganda, 0 feminist bullshit, and 0 trans bullshit.
I don't care that Gauntlet had a Valkyrie character, or that Kitana could defeat Liu Kang.
I would care if the Valkyrie continuously shouted about how men suck and can't handle a strong woman or if Kitana whined about how she was being objectified by the male gaze.
Problem is, those are the first steps needed to lead to the problem you decry.
Think of it in groomer methodology. They don't just whip out their dick day one, they sell you acceptable little bites and then slowly crank the line that would offend you further out by boiling the frog slowly. Its literally foot in the door marketing.
I also don't care about females existing in these games if they aren't ugly, are fun, or just generally not a drag on it. But that's already a compromise that means the leak towards Feminist nonsense is made easier instead of a hardline stance of shutting the door entirely on it.
I wasn't necessarily disagreeing with you, but you could certainly provide some counterexamples if you felt like it.
Could you give a little detail?
This woke cancer is why America will lose to Asian development studios, and already are. I want my country to succeed so this troubles me. I don't need every female character to be wearing basically nothing with DDD tits, but I don't want the woke opposite either.
Sexualized female protagonists aren't essential, but nowadays it's a big indicator that the devs aren't completely compromised. It's sad it's come to this as decades ago I'd give most games from major studios a shot if it was a genre I enjoyed.
It's always funny when the people who claim gender is a spectrum immediately stake out purely binary, black and white positions on every single other issue. You don't want to play games with ugly characters? You must be a pervert who has to constantly jack off to video games, etc.
it doesn't help that many of the games said to champion the anti-ugly movement are in fact full of chicks wearing nothing with DDD tits, though. we also have many people on the anti-woke front lamenting things like a couple extra inches of cover on a still-sexy swimsuit in Stellar Blade, which can only be construed as them really wanting gratuitous sex appeal in their games and not just "pretty women".
we've really lost the art of being in the middle on a global scale, i guess.
Big studios that hire university graduates with a DEI policy filter are doomed.
Independant small studios still produce gems. They tend to be staffed entirely by White and East Asian males.
It's art school kids who are taking over an industry. They want to make 'art' and are bringing the entire art scene with them into it.
Feminists and leftists conquered the arts first.
Everything woke turns to shit.
How much is this sheer unfettered conformism from spineless nerds and industry tourists orbiting the arbitrary generational pop fad? If they separated the T+, the artificial self-reported statistic would be irrefutable
How many of those "females" are trannies and how many are biological women?
gosh it's almost like we're right about why modern games are shit.
Other tidbits that indicate a desperate industry:
One bright spot:
Get fucked console peasants. PS5: 38%, Xbox: 34%, Android: 29%, iOS: 28%, Switch: 20%. 1% Playdate (kek)
Hm. In unrelated news, 59% of respondents were White and 9% were Asian. Clearly, there are not enough Asians in video game development. Maybe someday Japan can try their hand at videos games.
32% of their respondents were indie devs. So you can already tell that there is some huge sampling bias at play.
Vaguely interesting, generative AI tool policies:
Unity and Unreal in a dead head with 1/3 of the engine market each.
69% of 18-34 year old support unionization. It's mostly supported by Narrative roles (89%) because people with technical skills generally aren't retards.
Buckets and buckets of future fail.
What kind of female?
There's female and there's degenerate male who gets his jollies off of pretending to be female.
Misread the results as "gamers" and was about to call a flag on the play, then read the rest and it all made sense
The echo chamber proves why they literally can't make games to appeal to the general audience. They literally don't know anything about the lives of their general audience.
I'm not someone who thinks that you can only write things you physically are (no man can write any woman, no woman can write any man), but you're talking about a group of people that, for example, are men that literally aren't attracted to women. By definition, if you have 6 exclusively gay men in a room, how the hell would they know anything about (for example) romance, or relationships. Yes, they could read good work, but they've already proven over the past several years that they are unwilling to read, and many think older works are "Fascist", "Misogyny", "Racist", "Transphobic", "False Consciousness", etc. So, now that literally no one there understands basic human interaction outside of their ideological echo-chamber, nor do they have any references to it, then how the hell can we expect them to write any work that isn't exclusively for themselves.
I warned about this with Forza Horizon 4. The game was basically exclusively for Southern California. The setting was "Cochella, but cars", and every character in the game was a Southern California hipster. They were already blindingly isolated by culture and ideology. If you isolate them out by demographics, really the only choice is to simply reject all game development from unfiltered developers.
What % are straight guys claiming bi so they could keep their jobs in the industry?
This is the result of DEI / ESG hiring practices. Hope these studios with woke feminist trash burn to the ground
And increasingly lame.
Oh so that's why the games are all buggy, fugly dogshit.