Nikolai bankrupted the country and instead of dealing with the IMF and making cuts and economic reforms he decided to do it all himself without their emergency finance to tide the country over.
a translation: nicoale loaned from the IMF to build industry to the point of replacing the horses on the capital roads with locally-produced automobiles, and instead of then selling those roads to the IMF to pay for the loans, he made cuts and economic reforms to pay them back the regular way.
after the "revolution", despite romania's debt being a square 0, all the industry was turned to scrap, all the natural resources were sold off to canada and others, and now the french own Dacia. go figure.
- they have 0 proof. you know, as usual. the closest thing they have to proof is along the lines that we, posting here, are obviously foreigner russian trolls rigging the election by swaying the popular opinion.
- actual russian puppets are fine - they need the other side in force so WW3 can kick off and as many Whites can be thrown into the meatgrinder as possible, so Romania being on the 'wrong side' would've been fine.
honestly before this i had still thought it was all just theater and circus, but now that they're actually just calling it quits on their "democracy" just to get rid of this Georgescu guy i'm beginning to believe he's not just another politician. i wonder how many people will die in this little game. they already have the young college generation ready to die for a dumb broad who made toilet seat cover commercials.
man are they some fucking morons, i don't believe in voting, but the raw visceral reaction and the instant paid-for protesters that showed up when he seemed to be winning inspired me to give him a try, which will only make it harder for em to rig anything.
they also definitely do not want a 50/50 half-the-nation-hates-the-other-half situation in Romania. we don't worship people's right to the wrong opinion here, things will get ugly.
Capitalism is literally just an anti-jewish slur invented by Karl Marx.
i couldn't come up with a phrase more gibberish if i tried. karl marx and nearly everyone who politically idolized him in the coming rise of communism was jewish, and the term was (and is) most commonly, famously, and effectively used by jewish communists as an excuse to vilify and kill Whites. if "capitalism" is a slur against any race, it's against Whites.
i mean, it's obvious they are doing it as some sort of rich person commie tax, but on the other hand, people being able to delude themselves into thinking that fleeing problems solves them has been a great reason as to why nothing's getting better in the western world... so, frankly, i approve. let the dutch stay amongst the dutch and sort this out if they're so mad about it.
wow, tourist. everyone knows My Cute Little Sister's 7th Grade Gooning Adventure is actually a kino story about discovering how to slay demons using the power of the gods and sexy thigh-highs on children. you just can't appreciate fucking art fucking libtard puritan degenerate who is actually a child predator because being against pedophiles obviously means you are one and i can't make up my mind about anything. just let people enjoy things, okay?
i'm not Catholic, which sorta throws a wrench into your strange message... anyway, we will never win anything by letting pedophiles make our culture. that cannot be debated unless you are a silly person. go and make something of your own, man. team up with someone and create something. it's not hard if you're willing to put in the time. i'll even help if you get far enough along and need it.
You either claim its existence to spread your own message or your enemies will do so for you.
or we grow a pair and start making our own culture to claim without any degeneracy behind it. that's what i've been striving to do and i have no qualms with ignoring yet another anime girl. you guys are free to take luce and put her in the funny memes, but don't delude yourself into thinking you are the smartest, cleverest philosophical warriors to ever grace the Earth. that will only happen when you can start acting like the Good you claim to be and start creating culture, unlike Evil who can only appropriate.
ticking invisible AI along in the background is possibly the least CPU intensive feature possible. what makes AI in games expensive is that you potentially have to process a lot of sensory input very rapidly, and the offline AI of A-Life is the opposite of that - they just run random chance events among entries in a table every few seconds/minutes. it's intensive only in the imagination required to develop complexity into it.
they removed it because they're kinda shit devs, and probably because Saint Capital or whoever else demanded all their budget go towards the latest graphics rather than any notion of actually making a good game. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 isn't a tragic indie shortcoming, it's just more AAA slop.
the first one, somehow, by some miracle, made up for its lackluster story and characterization by revealing the plot in really, really interesting bits and pieces. i usually hate AAA slop like anyone else, but it had me running around the plot mission areas looking for all the audio logs i could find because i actually wanted to hear them.
the second one, having no plot to reveal, relied entirely on its shitty story and shitty characters. i finished it only because of the robo dino hunting, which is probably why anyone even gives the two games the time of day.
so basically anyone who posts a child, a drawing of a child or someone "child-coded" can be accused of pedophilia and arrested, how fucking dystopian.
it amazes me how you can type this out and not feel like a leftist pedophile.
no, retard, i like them woman-shaped. there is a big difference between "woman", which can be very easy on the eyes, and "15 year old's 3d sfm porno dream", which i find viscerally disgusting and perhaps only appeals to the sort of niggers who think a fat ass jiggling is about the most sophisticated, pleasurable thing in the world. sorta like you.
don't worry, kcd2 will have a few more faggot priests and maybe a negro or two. jews always hook you with an enticing first entry then fuck it up in the sequel: just look at TLOU1 vs 2 and the show. they get off on corrupting so much, sometimes they create things just to corrupt.