Women seek long term relationships and will engage in short term behaviour to snag a high value man. When she realises he does not need to commit because he has options - younger, fitter options - it is no surprise you see all these articles complaining about Chad not committing.
It's baffling how women managed to collectively deceive themselves into believing that men actually respect sluts. There is a reason why no culture in human history treated such women well and this one just found out.
Almost all the guys I grew up with had a moment in their 20s when they realized the only options for "pleasing" women needed them to banish their own personal restraints and disgust and actively treat them like shit in bed, or else should would be dissatisfied and go find a new guy. Some took to this a little too well, others struggled with it incredibly.
So its once again the never ending cycle of "women train men to be shittier, surprised when men treat them like shit."
I wonder if this phenomenon is similar to the female preference for dark triad personality traits i.e. confusing sociopathy for dominance and value. An alpha male chad is so high value that he can get away with treating a girl like a fuckdoll in bed. Ergo, if a guy treats a girl like a fuckdoll in bed, then he must be an alpha male chad!
Reversing cause and effect in this fashion is a hallmark of the fairer sex. Emotional reasoning is an oxymoronic concept.
It probably is a major factor, but I find that puts too much responsibility on the men for this being the case.
When an equally large factor is women's own low self esteem. She knows she is a fucking whore, she knows what a whore's place is in society, and so she wants a man to understand that and treat her the way she deserves.
Men who don't understand that have made it apparent that they are below gutter whores in the hierarchy of society, and thereby worthless.
And for anyone else's information that needs it, doing that shit TO them doesn't keep you clean.
I've had degen fantasies for years involving women because my first two gfs were hidden whores and I was young and naive and just went along with the choking, slapping, and damn near beating them senseless because they swore up and down it was fine and normal.
It's not, and it led down more disgusting paths I wish I hadn't gone tbh.
Whores can be fun but they will leave lasting damages on you even if it doesn't feel like damage at the time.
Ya it's pretty fucked up for both men and women. When you have sex with your wife and make a family with her you see how sex is supposed to be. Not just a pointless orgasm hunt.
guys I grew up with had a moment in their 20s when they realized the only options for "pleasing" women needed them to banish their own personal restraints and disgust and actively treat them like shit in bed, or else should would be dissatisfied and go find a new guy.
I casually dated a 19-year-old girl when I was in my late 20s, and she legit wanted me to beat her during sex. When I say "beat" I don't mean spank or slap, I mean she wanted to be hit, closed fist, in the torso and face. I was so far beyond uncomfortable with the situation and told her as much, and her response was to insult me and cut off all communication. That was actually a relief.
Been there. I remember the first time I had to have the "no I will not choke you unconscious, one slight mistake and its a fucking felony" talk with a girl.
Its up there with the "I will not rape you on the off chance you like it, what the fuck is wrong with you" talk that way too many men have to have.
That article is cancer. Here's a summary of the parts that relate to the title so you don't have to read the whole thing.
The second date also went swimmingly, until they went back to Jack's flat, where things took an odd turn. Once they'd had sex, Jack turned to her and asked casually if she wanted to join a religion he was founding. As she mumbled a polite reply, Ruskin wondered whether she had inadvertently just agreed to join a cult. When she left the next morning, she was determined not to see him again, but felt pressured to go on a third date when he said he'd bought concert tickets for them both.
And then the date ended with his hand around her throat. 'It probably only lasted a couple of seconds, but they felt agonisingly slow. I couldn't breathe, and my feet weren't quite on the floor.'
Another encounter:
... She had a single vodka and coke — and then blacked out, something which didn't normally happen after two or three drinks. Had her drink been spiked? She doesn't know. When she came round she was lying in the back of a taxi next to Conor*, an auburn-haired man she had been dancing with in the bar. Although she couldn't remember telling him her address, they were on the way to her flat. Once they were inside, he carried her to the sofa, tore off her clothes and, although she was far too drunk to consent, had unprotected sex with her. The next morning he seemed quite unconcerned by what had happened.
Women can decide it was rape whenever they start to feel bad.
Months later, she was walking through London when she started crying uncontrollably, unable to shake off flashbacks of Conor forcing himself on her. She came to the slow, agonising realisation that she had been raped. 'My mind was slow to accept that my body had been raped because of self-defence,' she writes. 'After something traumatic happens, you don't want to acknowledge that it's happened. You don't feel ready to face it, or capable of admitting it.
'That's why I feel angry when I see comments online about it 'taking so long' for victims to come forward,' she goes on, 'as if that negates their claim. It can take weeks or months or years before you're even cognisant of the fact that you've been raped. 'People who haven't experienced rape will never know this, but it doesn't make it less true.' She was also reluctant to acknowledge the rape because 'I wanted to believe that women could have casual sex … without the threat of rape or assault. That they could be as liberated and fearless as they liked. The alternative was too bleak to consider.'
It's the porn what's wrong with men.
A large part of the problem, she believes, is the ready availability of pornography on the internet, where men 'can scroll through an endless stream of videos in which women are hurt and humiliated, in which men are aggressive and entitled and physically abusive. The existence of these videos on porn sites suggests that these things are sexy.
'Ethical, feminist porn does exist, but there's also some very dark pornography out there, and a lack of consent is regularly normalised — even glorified.'
Another encounter:
Scrolling through Hinge and Tinder, she spotted James*, who was 'almost ethereally beautiful'. When they first met he was strangely gloomy, 'a human raincloud', but as the evening wore on he changed, becoming funny and likeable. 'James wasn't like anyone I'd met before … all of a sudden I wanted to fall deeply and blindly with no hope of return.'
After they slept together for the first time, she almost floated home on a cloud of happiness. When they met up again, they kissed under a streetlamp, 'a perfect kiss: tender and affectionate and blissfully romantic.'
But back at her flat, he suddenly seemed overcome with anger. Pinning her to the bed, he grabbed her roughly, then began having sex with her. 'Wait a second,' she told him. 'Condom.' To her shock, James didn't stop. She blinked. Was he ignoring her? 'Condom,' she repeated, clearer this time, but he didn't stop. She never saw him again, and it took several months for her to admit to herself that she had been raped again. Being raped twice in one year brought 'an almost unbearable weight of grief'.
After all that, the evil rapists must be pleased with themselves and have moved on to their next conquest, right?
Many of the men who mistreated her over 2019 didn't seem to be aware they'd done anything wrong, 'requesting further dates and reminiscing about the 'great time' they'd had.' 'Is misogyny so ingrained that these men didn't care if they made me uncomfortable?' she asks. 'Has violent porn convinced them that rough choking is what women want? Is it a matter of cruelty or a matter of ignorance, or both?'
But the pièce de résistance quote has got to be:
"You shouldn't have to get to know a guy before having sex with him, to give him the all-clear before letting him into your bedroom."
Other than that there's a lot of "he stopped texting me!" or "I was starting to feel for him and he dumped me!" as examples of bad men, completely ignoring that women do that all the time.
She got drunk and flirted with a man, invited him to her appartment, kissed him and moaned of pleasure as they undressed and as he fucker her. She blissfully fell asleep next to him. In the morning, the beer-googles were off. ''Oh no.''
Months later, after re-inventing and ''re-contextualizing'' the encounter so many times in her head, fabricating more and more parts of it, dozens of time : ''OH I JUST REALIZED I GOT RAPED.''
Give it a few years and she will ''remember'' she totally had a drink spiked. A few more years, she will ''remember'' the hospital toxicology report confirmed it. And asking for evidence is part of mysoginist rape culture.
This is why people with a brain don't believe women who cry rape months, years, decades later.
If you followed the Ghomeshi trial, the 3 accusers had ''vivid memories'' of things that never happened or weren't there and unfortunately for them, Ghomeshi had truckloads of evidence and never-deleated e-mails and text messages to prove they lied or accidentally made-up fake memories they ended-up sincerely believing after dozens of times re-thinking about them.
Precisely describing objects ( that weren't there ) in the room of Ghomeshi's appartment when ''it happened''. Precisely describing a car that Ghomeshi didn't own at the time. Stuff like that.
These women were heavily coached for the trial, too. The judge ended-up ruling basically : ''Ladies, I really want to believe you, I tried very hard to believe you. But every single thing which could be verrified, you lied or remembered wrong, and two of you had exchanged thousands of messages about Ghomeshi, yet had your lawyer went with the legal argument that multiple independant testimonies painted a pattern of behavior from the accused. There is no way your lawyers didn't ask about prior communications before doing this. So, Not Guilty. I'm so sorry ladies.''.
P.S. : Lady, if you bring a man you barely know back into your home to have sex with him and he dosen't want to put a condom, get a bit assertive and say ''I don't want to have sex without a condom'' or ''NO'' instead of ''condom''. You can bet she said ''condom'' with a question inflection too.
And finally, on a scale of ''LMAO'' to ''she filed a police report for rape'', I rate these a ''LOL''.
"You shouldn't have to get to know a guy before having sex with him, to give him the all-clear before letting him into your bedroom."
You should have to get to know anyone before inviting them inside your home alone, or going into theirs alone. Don't be a retard. Imagine this : you could accidentally touch, kiss or fuck a feminist and get falsely accused of rape 10 years later.
Hasn't Canada changed the rules because of this trials. As in: With the new rules Ghomeshi would have been guilty of rape.
Girlwriteswhat covered the trial and the fallout. As far as I remember (couln't be arsed to research it while at work) defendants aren't allowed to point out all the things you described above, anymore. Especially the collusion-part.
[EDIT]And something about not being allowed to introduce evidence in favour of the defendant without sharing that evidence with the prosecution so they can coach the "victims" better[/EDIT]
Yes, Canada now has kangoroo courts with different standarts and special ''education'' to judges for accusations of sexual crimes.
''Education'' such as ''just because the accused can prove via text messages the accuser kept pursuing him for sexual encounters after the alleged rape dosen't mean anything.'' That evidence might also be banned from trial.
Court guidelines to tip-toe around suggestion that the accuser might have wanted it because ''OMG THAT'S SAYING SHE WANTED TO BE RAPED!''.
Basically a presumption of guilt ( they frame it as ''believing victims who come forward'' ) and a re-interpretation of every inconsistency, incorrect/impossible descriptions of events, lie or further pursuing or intimacy by the accuser, as a result of ''trauma''.
So the courts are teaming with the prosecution coaching the accuser... during the trial.
One guy was accused of rape and the medically-documented fact that the accuser was a pathological liar was not allowed to be mentionned at the trial. I think the accused won on appeal overturning his conviction.
All evidence presented in court has to be avaliable to both the prosecution and the defense. That's normal. Well unless you're the feds arguing ''national security'', then the accused sometimes isn't even told what he's accused-of, or shown evidence. ''Trust us bro-judge.''
Once they'd had sex, Jack turned to her and asked casually if she wanted to join a religion he was founding. As she mumbled a polite reply, Ruskin wondered whether she had inadvertently just agreed to join a cult.
Remember, though. Women have agency.
When she left the next morning, she was determined not to see him again, but felt pressured to go on a third date when he said he'd bought concert tickets for them both.
Remember. Women. Have. Agency. #ClapClapClap
As expected, this is a string of failures from a woman, who takes not accountability whatsoever, and tried to blame everyone else.
Although she couldn't remember telling him her address, they were on the way to her flat. Once they were inside, he carried her to the sofa, tore off her clothes and, although she was far too drunk to consent, had unprotected sex with her. The next morning he seemed quite unconcerned by what had happened.
Was he hot?
'That's why I feel angry when I see comments online about it 'taking so long' for victims to come forward,' she goes on, 'as if that negates their claim. It can take weeks or months or years before you're even cognisant of the fact that you've been raped.
If you're a damn child, sure. Adults should be able to determine whether or not they've been raped.
Women. Have. Agency.
'People who haven't experienced rape will never know this, but it doesn't make it less true.'
Rape is terrible, but it's not magic.
She was also reluctant to acknowledge the rape because 'I wanted to believe that women could have casual sex … without the threat of rape or assault. That they could be as liberated and fearless as they liked. The alternative was too bleak to consider.'
The alternative of not being a whore? Is that really "too bleak to consider?"
'Ethical, feminist porn...
You couldn't fucking pay me to watch it.
But back at her flat, he suddenly seemed overcome with anger. Pinning her to the bed, he grabbed her roughly, then began having sex with her. 'Wait a second,' she told him. 'Condom.' To her shock, James didn't stop. She blinked. Was he ignoring her? 'Condom,' she repeated, clearer this time, but he didn't stop. She never saw him again, and it took several months for her to admit to herself that she had been raped again. Being raped twice in one year brought 'an almost unbearable weight of grief'.
Even in their own stories, women can't fucking communicate. "Condom," are you serious. "Wait a second," seriously? I'm not even saying he would have stopped, maybe he wouldn't have...but at least tell him to stop, you retard! Arg.
Many of the men who mistreated her over 2019 didn't seem to be aware they'd done anything wrong, 'requesting further dates and reminiscing about the 'great time' they'd had.' 'Is misogyny so ingrained that these men didn't care if they made me uncomfortable?'
Did you tell them? Anything? "Hey, let's have sex." (Oh man, I don't particularly like this sex, but I won't say anything.) "How could men do this?"
"You shouldn't have to get to know a guy before having sex with him, to give him the all-clear before letting him into your bedroom."
Reminder that in every study on "spiked drinks" the overwhelming consensus has been that it basically doesn't happen and the majority of instances of it were literally them blacking out from straight alcohol consumption.
Even in this little instance of her accusing him of it, she only drank one drink. Which we know is never enough to make a woman have low inhibitions and bad memory, and women are always right when they claim how hard they can drink.
I'd say she'd certainly claim she was 32 lol. She has that same facial structure that what's her name from Saturday Night Live did, just inherent ugliness.
I'd guess which SNL cast member you mean, but there's so many that could apply to, lol...
Not Kate Mckinnon though. Unattractive though this chick may be, I'd say she has lesbian nutjob beat, at the very least, lol.
The NY Post article on this chick has slightly more flattering photos, at the very least: https://archive.is/teAKb
But yeah, Hannah Danana is the current "artist name" of the Scottish transgender chick I was talking about, and [s]he unironically looks less dumpy than Kitty does. They really do look quite similar though...
“Woman decides to be a hole for strangers, is shocked that strangers treat her as nothing more than a hole.”
There I fixed it.
The follow up article is "Chad's jizz rag complains that high income men won't 'step up' and marry her."
Women seek long term relationships and will engage in short term behaviour to snag a high value man. When she realises he does not need to commit because he has options - younger, fitter options - it is no surprise you see all these articles complaining about Chad not committing.
If she doesn't respect herself, what made her think that others would respect her?
It's baffling how women managed to collectively deceive themselves into believing that men actually respect sluts. There is a reason why no culture in human history treated such women well and this one just found out.
woman of low moral fiber discovers men of low moral fiber
"A whore is surprised that people treat her as a whore"
I have a hunch none of this is real and she's just writing some of her degenerate sexual fantasies.
Almost all the guys I grew up with had a moment in their 20s when they realized the only options for "pleasing" women needed them to banish their own personal restraints and disgust and actively treat them like shit in bed, or else should would be dissatisfied and go find a new guy. Some took to this a little too well, others struggled with it incredibly.
So its once again the never ending cycle of "women train men to be shittier, surprised when men treat them like shit."
I wonder if this phenomenon is similar to the female preference for dark triad personality traits i.e. confusing sociopathy for dominance and value. An alpha male chad is so high value that he can get away with treating a girl like a fuckdoll in bed. Ergo, if a guy treats a girl like a fuckdoll in bed, then he must be an alpha male chad!
Reversing cause and effect in this fashion is a hallmark of the fairer sex. Emotional reasoning is an oxymoronic concept.
That is literally what 50 Shades is predicated on, and why women love it so much.
It probably is a major factor, but I find that puts too much responsibility on the men for this being the case.
When an equally large factor is women's own low self esteem. She knows she is a fucking whore, she knows what a whore's place is in society, and so she wants a man to understand that and treat her the way she deserves.
Men who don't understand that have made it apparent that they are below gutter whores in the hierarchy of society, and thereby worthless.
This dude knows women.
Having lived in <LargeLibCity>, the most common requests from women were rough sex and choking.
These were the "normal" requests, more disgusting ones were not uncommon.
Modern women are desensitized to normal sex.
And for anyone else's information that needs it, doing that shit TO them doesn't keep you clean.
I've had degen fantasies for years involving women because my first two gfs were hidden whores and I was young and naive and just went along with the choking, slapping, and damn near beating them senseless because they swore up and down it was fine and normal.
It's not, and it led down more disgusting paths I wish I hadn't gone tbh.
Whores can be fun but they will leave lasting damages on you even if it doesn't feel like damage at the time.
Treat a woman like dirt and she'll stick to you like mud.
Ya it's pretty fucked up for both men and women. When you have sex with your wife and make a family with her you see how sex is supposed to be. Not just a pointless orgasm hunt.
I casually dated a 19-year-old girl when I was in my late 20s, and she legit wanted me to beat her during sex. When I say "beat" I don't mean spank or slap, I mean she wanted to be hit, closed fist, in the torso and face. I was so far beyond uncomfortable with the situation and told her as much, and her response was to insult me and cut off all communication. That was actually a relief.
Been there. I remember the first time I had to have the "no I will not choke you unconscious, one slight mistake and its a fucking felony" talk with a girl.
Its up there with the "I will not rape you on the off chance you like it, what the fuck is wrong with you" talk that way too many men have to have.
I 100% believe that this woman is a whore.
That article is cancer. Here's a summary of the parts that relate to the title so you don't have to read the whole thing.
Another encounter:
Women can decide it was rape whenever they start to feel bad.
It's the porn what's wrong with men.
Another encounter:
After all that, the evil rapists must be pleased with themselves and have moved on to their next conquest, right?
But the pièce de résistance quote has got to be:
Other than that there's a lot of "he stopped texting me!" or "I was starting to feel for him and he dumped me!" as examples of bad men, completely ignoring that women do that all the time.
She got drunk and flirted with a man, invited him to her appartment, kissed him and moaned of pleasure as they undressed and as he fucker her. She blissfully fell asleep next to him. In the morning, the beer-googles were off. ''Oh no.''
Months later, after re-inventing and ''re-contextualizing'' the encounter so many times in her head, fabricating more and more parts of it, dozens of time : ''OH I JUST REALIZED I GOT RAPED.''
Give it a few years and she will ''remember'' she totally had a drink spiked. A few more years, she will ''remember'' the hospital toxicology report confirmed it. And asking for evidence is part of mysoginist rape culture.
This is why people with a brain don't believe women who cry rape months, years, decades later.
If you followed the Ghomeshi trial, the 3 accusers had ''vivid memories'' of things that never happened or weren't there and unfortunately for them, Ghomeshi had truckloads of evidence and never-deleated e-mails and text messages to prove they lied or accidentally made-up fake memories they ended-up sincerely believing after dozens of times re-thinking about them.
Precisely describing objects ( that weren't there ) in the room of Ghomeshi's appartment when ''it happened''. Precisely describing a car that Ghomeshi didn't own at the time. Stuff like that.
These women were heavily coached for the trial, too. The judge ended-up ruling basically : ''Ladies, I really want to believe you, I tried very hard to believe you. But every single thing which could be verrified, you lied or remembered wrong, and two of you had exchanged thousands of messages about Ghomeshi, yet had your lawyer went with the legal argument that multiple independant testimonies painted a pattern of behavior from the accused. There is no way your lawyers didn't ask about prior communications before doing this. So, Not Guilty. I'm so sorry ladies.''.
P.S. : Lady, if you bring a man you barely know back into your home to have sex with him and he dosen't want to put a condom, get a bit assertive and say ''I don't want to have sex without a condom'' or ''NO'' instead of ''condom''. You can bet she said ''condom'' with a question inflection too.
And finally, on a scale of ''LMAO'' to ''she filed a police report for rape'', I rate these a ''LOL''.
You should have to get to know anyone before inviting them inside your home alone, or going into theirs alone. Don't be a retard. Imagine this : you could accidentally touch, kiss or fuck a feminist and get falsely accused of rape 10 years later.
The only reason Ghomeshi got away was that he is a NPR faggot communist. He deserves worse than what happened.
You’re not wrong (because I hate that smarmy faggot) but he still didn’t rape any of those bitches. Including the one from trailer park boys. Ew, no.
Hasn't Canada changed the rules because of this trials. As in: With the new rules Ghomeshi would have been guilty of rape.
Girlwriteswhat covered the trial and the fallout. As far as I remember (couln't be arsed to research it while at work) defendants aren't allowed to point out all the things you described above, anymore. Especially the collusion-part.
[EDIT]And something about not being allowed to introduce evidence in favour of the defendant without sharing that evidence with the prosecution so they can coach the "victims" better[/EDIT]
Yes, Canada now has kangoroo courts with different standarts and special ''education'' to judges for accusations of sexual crimes.
''Education'' such as ''just because the accused can prove via text messages the accuser kept pursuing him for sexual encounters after the alleged rape dosen't mean anything.'' That evidence might also be banned from trial.
Court guidelines to tip-toe around suggestion that the accuser might have wanted it because ''OMG THAT'S SAYING SHE WANTED TO BE RAPED!''.
Basically a presumption of guilt ( they frame it as ''believing victims who come forward'' ) and a re-interpretation of every inconsistency, incorrect/impossible descriptions of events, lie or further pursuing or intimacy by the accuser, as a result of ''trauma''.
So the courts are teaming with the prosecution coaching the accuser... during the trial.
One guy was accused of rape and the medically-documented fact that the accuser was a pathological liar was not allowed to be mentionned at the trial. I think the accused won on appeal overturning his conviction.
All evidence presented in court has to be avaliable to both the prosecution and the defense. That's normal. Well unless you're the feds arguing ''national security'', then the accused sometimes isn't even told what he's accused-of, or shown evidence. ''Trust us bro-judge.''
Remember, though. Women have agency.
Remember. Women. Have. Agency. #ClapClapClap
As expected, this is a string of failures from a woman, who takes not accountability whatsoever, and tried to blame everyone else.
Was he hot?
If you're a damn child, sure. Adults should be able to determine whether or not they've been raped.
Women. Have. Agency.
Rape is terrible, but it's not magic.
The alternative of not being a whore? Is that really "too bleak to consider?"
You couldn't fucking pay me to watch it.
Even in their own stories, women can't fucking communicate. "Condom," are you serious. "Wait a second," seriously? I'm not even saying he would have stopped, maybe he wouldn't have...but at least tell him to stop, you retard! Arg.
Did you tell them? Anything? "Hey, let's have sex." (Oh man, I don't particularly like this sex, but I won't say anything.) "How could men do this?"
Reminder that in every study on "spiked drinks" the overwhelming consensus has been that it basically doesn't happen and the majority of instances of it were literally them blacking out from straight alcohol consumption.
Even in this little instance of her accusing him of it, she only drank one drink. Which we know is never enough to make a woman have low inhibitions and bad memory, and women are always right when they claim how hard they can drink.
Ya fr. It's another age old excuse to avoid responsibility for going to a seedy bar and having casual sex with degenerates.
That last line lol. What a retard. Imo porn is terrible for men, I know it's terrible for my mental state.
Get out of porn and away from degenerate behavior which includes nasty hook ups with sluts like this.
What kind of a fucking degenerate drinks vodka with coke?
"Do this.
😯 "How dare you?"
How can she look fat and emaciated at the same time?
Camera lens can do magic for someone's pudge, but it can also do that thing about adding 20 pounds.
Poor nutrition maybe? Perhaps a lack of sun.
I wonder if that second picture had a filter on because she nearly blends in with the wall.
Hope she likes cats
Ah, a story that both feminists and KiA2 can use for hapless rage bait.
Rage? Laughter more like.
My reaction was disgust.
NGL she's pretty ugly. Even for free I'd pass on it.
How old is she?? She looks far too old to sustain that sort of "lifestyle"...
I'm thinking late 30s at best.
Edit: It says she was in her mid-20s in 2019, so that makes her... Early 30s at most, now. So yeah, just... Plain.
Unironically, there's a Scottish transgender "tattoo artist influencer" who looks really, really similar, lol. Which says a lot about "Kitty's" looks.
I'd say she'd certainly claim she was 32 lol. She has that same facial structure that what's her name from Saturday Night Live did, just inherent ugliness.
I'd guess which SNL cast member you mean, but there's so many that could apply to, lol...
Not Kate Mckinnon though. Unattractive though this chick may be, I'd say she has lesbian nutjob beat, at the very least, lol.
The NY Post article on this chick has slightly more flattering photos, at the very least: https://archive.is/teAKb
But yeah, Hannah Danana is the current "artist name" of the Scottish transgender chick I was talking about, and [s]he unironically looks less dumpy than Kitty does. They really do look quite similar though...
The one from Parks and Rec I believe. I don't watch enough tv to remember the names of most of them.
Regardless of looks you should have more self respect than to have intimate relations with a whore.
True, but I offer a counterpoint. If you're the kind of man who doesn't care about looks, odds are that you are the whore.
Hoe shocked that men treat her like a hoe.
News at 11.
What a stupid whore
Nose check.
you let women speak in public and this is the dogshit you have to listen to