Tourgen 3 points ago +3 / -0

the government can always borrow and pay interest. the collateral they will use to secure their loans will be your labor, working in an open pit mine as a slave for the rest of your life.

Tourgen 2 points ago +2 / -0

couldn't agree more. they were not good movies. the setup was not good.

Tourgen 0 points ago +3 / -3

people believing Breaking Bad is a good show is just an illustration of how bad things are. Breaking Bad is trash.

Tourgen 6 points ago +6 / -0

women voting is the problem of our age.

Tourgen -6 points ago +1 / -7

know why city councils and other government entities are meddling? because boomers own houses. if their property value drops for any reason they are underwater on their equity loans. they'll vote rezoning and continuing creation of regulations as they buy their 4th vacation home and tell you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps. just like they did. thankfully they'll be gone soon

Tourgen 1 point ago +2 / -1

Look, there is nothing scientific about economics. It is politics and sociology intersecting with the interests of nations.

I humbly suggest Henry Carey as good economics reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Charles_Carey

Go to the primary sources and read what the man wrote, not what others read into him for their own agendas.

Tourgen 0 points ago +2 / -2

Start an ebay business with them.

Real answer wait until highschool and then Hamilton's Report on Credit and Report on Manufacturing.

Sowell is libertarian nonsense. skip it.

the interesting thing about Adam Smith and Wealth of Nations is that it was published in 1776, right around when Hamilton issued his reports. Hamilton's views are anchored in reality, the specifics of the nation, and concrete, measured information. Adam Smith is a inductivist, waving his hands around and saying, "due to this abstract theory... it clearly follows". No Adam. It does not. Observations and reality trump generalized, failing theories every single time.

Tourgen 20 points ago +20 / -0

women hate freedom. they have no use for it. they require protection and provision. if men were free they would have to give men something in exchange for what men provide. better to enslave all men, take all of their rights away, and create a gynocentric, female-ruled order.

and so here we are.

Tourgen -16 points ago +2 / -18

so this place is infested with jeffersonians and jews. even jefferson admitted he was wrong after the war of 1812. Hamilton was already dead by then, tho. Get with the program. Advocating for "states rights" is advocating for your own destruction: a weak nation ripe to be infiltrated and subverted by foreign interests.

Tourgen 2 points ago +6 / -4

the civil war wasn't about slaves it was about plantation owners in debt to The City of London aka jews attempting to subvert and weaken a new country from the inside that refused to bend to international coin-clipping financiers.

it's the same fight we've been fighting from the beginning, and that we eventually lost fully by the 1940s or so.

Tourgen -29 points ago +2 / -31

No it was not. This is a lie. The articles of confederation were discarded. the 1780s where an absolute shitshow. Washington, Hamilton clearly understood that a strong constitution with a strong, centralized government was required to repel foreign interlopers and build a real country. The states signed it and thereafter, for all time, you live by that law or you can pack your shit and leave.

Tourgen 8 points ago +9 / -1

AMBASSADOR RAHM EMANUEL is the USA ambassador to Japan. So yes of course he most likely has something to do with this.

Tourgen 5 points ago +5 / -0

yeah. agree. it was a shopping mall. in a "crowded Sydney shopping center" wow killed mostly women wow what a shock. a shopping mall. I know when I'm trying to locate my friends the first place I look for them is at the local shopping mall.

Tourgen 4 points ago +4 / -0

it's not just conservatives. all women. teachers, mothers, even fathers. all saying the same thing all the time without relenting. even the most stable and reasonable person will start to question the reality they are seeing around them, or simply refuse to look.

Tourgen 3 points ago +3 / -0

I disagree. young men deserve better. we are raising them in a criminally hostile and exploitive environment. you can't just turn your back on them when they do what they were trained to do and climb into the feminist woodchipper.

Tourgen 38 points ago +38 / -0

why not go further? why not make exclusion explicit in your lore? why not enshrine the dangers of female nature in the stories making up the lore?

holding the line sounds good but it is in fact a losing strategy. like any good negotiation or battle, go on the offensive.

Tourgen 1 point ago +3 / -2

A) he unfroze their money he didn't give them our money B) we seize Iranian oil tankers and call it fair because we made up some rules about "international law" and "sanctions" C) I wish we didn't give anyone money, but if we have to I'd rather give Iran money than Israel. Iran didn't steal our nuclear technology, blow up our warship and kill sailors, murder our presidents, or kill thousands on USA soil with a terrorist attack

Tourgen 3 points ago +3 / -0

the power and electronic-destruction potential of EMPs, even from nuclear detonations are vastly blown out of proportion. you'll be fine.

Tourgen 7 points ago +10 / -3

well women vote there so they will not reject mass immigration. that is not how women think. please always remember no woman is "based". they are all ruled by instincts and emotions, not reason or long-term planning. when your society removes all of women's guard rails, lets them vote, lets them lead a family, it is just a matter of time. your society is doomed.

Tourgen 11 points ago +12 / -1

send the pajeet back to her country. she isn't welcome here. imagine coming to some new country and openly threatening their people. bye bye dumb bitch.

Tourgen 4 points ago +4 / -0

TLDR stop buying games. stop paying for any and all media.

Tourgen 9 points ago +9 / -0

money for game publishers and studios comes from venture capital and banks. venture capital is some seriously slimy and jewish, even more than the banks, if that's even possible.

the money is funneled into contractors and consultants - sweet baby and the like, but much, much more. possibly single individuals all the way up to massive NGOs or even foreign actors. unit 8200-controlled cutouts and such. then they can use this money to bride out politicians and run gayops on our population.

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