Sayoh 2 points ago +2 / -0

She should take a good look out the window. Everything she sees was designed, built and is currently maintained by men, including the functional sewers and timely waste removal she takes for granted.

One month without women? Productivity increases and a lot of new friendships form.

One month without men? Civilization starts to break down and women kill each other over who unclogs the toilet.

Sayoh 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's baffling how women managed to collectively deceive themselves into believing that men actually respect sluts. There is a reason why no culture in human history treated such women well and this one just found out.

Sayoh 3 points ago +3 / -0

most loyal supporters

There is the problem. You do not get rewarded for loyalty in politics. You get rewarded for pressure and the possibility of defection.

After all, why pander to rubes you got on lock-down, when you can instead chase after those juicy (but non-existent) "big tent" voters?

Sayoh 10 points ago +11 / -1

No one who has that kind of wealth in the current climate is on your side. You have to suck so many dicks and kiss so many asses (not to mention grease the correct palms) to get to his position, that any 10 dollar hooker would be jealous.

Sayoh 17 points ago +18 / -1

I can't play any games with female protagonists

Agreed. For some reason these people think that "sassy, insufferable bitch" is synonymous with "badass".

Sayoh 7 points ago +7 / -0

Or the old God of War games. Not really all that historically accurate, but ridiculously fun and zero woke degeneracy.

Sayoh 10 points ago +10 / -0

Same here. The dialogue/story was cringey, the gameplay was decent but nothing special and the progression system very quickly started to feel like a chore.

Not to mention the copious amounts of degeneracy, girlbosses and race swaps.

Sayoh 16 points ago +16 / -0

The existence of cops is in this weird limbo for me. On the one hand they are handy when it comes to dealing with low intensity crime and keeping some of the trashier demographics in check. On the other hand, they are mostly power-tripping morons, whose career should have peaked in a McDonald's kitchen.

Sayoh 6 points ago +6 / -0

to go out on the dating market and experience repeated rejection

The only men who do not consistently experience this are the cream of the crop. The top 0.5%. Every other man, no matter how decent looking, charming or wealthy, will get rejected repeatedly.

You either deal with it or turn to buying sex. No two ways about it.

Sayoh 6 points ago +6 / -0

There is a media trope called rape is worse than murder. That's what these people actually think. That rape is the single biggest evil.

If they really believed that, they would advocate for euthanizing rape victims, because death seems to be preferable.

I will never understand how rape can be anywhere close to the top of most heinousness things to do to a human. Given the choice, I'd much rather take it up the ass than get my fingernails ripped out, my balls stomped to mush or outright killed. People saying otherwise are either lying or insane.

Sayoh 3 points ago +3 / -0

if they had to choose between encountering a random man and encountering a bear, they’d pick bear.

And this is the reason why, over many millennia and different cultures all over the planet, women were not allowed to have any authority or power outside of their own household.

Sayoh 29 points ago +29 / -0

Agreed. He is a slimy piece of shit and it would improve my life immensely if he (and trash like him) would just fuck off permanently but nothing he did was rape. It wasn't even sexual assault. At worst some of it was harassment.

Most of it was either soliciting or regret-after-the-deed (and money/fame was gained).

Sayoh 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's weird how Australian politicians and activists seem to think that they have the right to censor shit globally. Seems to be a somewhat unique problem.

Sayoh 13 points ago +13 / -0

Women are inherently conformist. Much of their existence depends on support and acknowledgment by wider society. Any "dissident" woman has to constantly fight against this basic truth and the smallest reason can and will often lead to them "returning to the fold". Just look up statistics on collaboraters with the Stasi, the Cheka or any other secret police in history. A disproportionate amount were female.

That's also the reason why we see so many feminized men, colloquially known as "soy boys", showing the same behavior.

Sayoh 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nah, I'd just use one of the preferred euphemisms. Like "jogger", "youth" or (the classic) "man". Woman being assaulted in broad daylight? The cops know how the perp looks.

Sayoh 7 points ago +7 / -0

Do you wear a tutu and ballet slippers while using it? You know, because they were "on sale"?

(Just yanking your chain by the way)

Sayoh 3 points ago +3 / -0

From my personal experience (mostly work related) the ratio of batshit crazy maniacs to well-meaning, mislead sheep has radically shifted. In the past you had a core of fanatics (maybe a dozen tops) surrounded by hundreds of "normies". These days it's closer to 50/50 or 60/40 and the moderates quickly bleed away when they realize what is going on.

Things have heated up considerably.

Sayoh 20 points ago +20 / -0

Some old dude clutches his chest and goes down? Yeah, I'll "intervene", administer what first aid I can and call an ambulance. Maybe I'll even stick around to answer some questions and give him a thumbs up when they cart him off.

Random chick gets assaulted by a possibly armed assailant from a notoriously shortsighted demographic ("Hey, you looked at me? Sure, I'll go to prison for life or the morgue for it. Totally worth it!")? Best I can do is move away and maybe call the police if I have time.

Being "alpha" is using your brain and not throwing your life away for some skank that was chanting "Kill all men!" a couple of days ago.

Sayoh 11 points ago +11 / -0

It's actually pretty funny, isn't it? Remember how the Smithsonian had to apologize because they included "rational thought" and "hard work" as symptoms of a white supremacist society? Still makes me smile.

Here is an article about it for people who missed out:


Sayoh 17 points ago +17 / -0

It's not as bad as it could be

I'll never understand how people think this is a good argument. There are only so many hours in the day I have which are not used for work, family or sleep. I'll be damned if I use any of them on something that is "not quite complete shit... but close".

Sayoh 9 points ago +9 / -0

They're conditioning people

They have been doing this for a very long time. Where do you think the whole BBC myth comes from? We have current studies that show barely any difference between races, but 90% of people you ask online (mostly Americans due to exposure) will swear that every black is hung like a horse.

Sayoh 9 points ago +9 / -0

wishful thinking by degenerates

Half of it are darkies dreaming of the impossible and the other half are fetishists. There was a study back in the 90s that showed who is into what kind of porn and the dudes who are into interracial are mostly either straight up cuckolds or enjoy women being humiliated.

So, basically absolute losers or legal beastiality enjoyers. AKA trash.

Sayoh 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah, I'm sure they were totally forced to do this. Amazon probably had to severely beat them with stacks of money to get what they want.

Stop coping. There are no gigantic multimedia corporations "on your side".

Sayoh 11 points ago +13 / -2

I honestly wonder when the "right wing" will start to understand that Whites are alone in this. You have no allies. Not the asians. Not the "based blacks". Not the "natural conservative" latinos.

They will always side with their own kind against you and they will always use every opportunity to advance their own interests at your expense.

Hopefully people will understand this one day.

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