Women are masters at creating lose lose situations for men. Step in and shut the guy up? Ok bigot, nobody asked for you to try and white night your way into their pants. Don’t do anything? Wow men, thanks for just letting this happen, what a gentleman you are.
Hope the bitch eats the business end of a bottle from the homeless guy
The last guy to do something might go to jail for a really long time. The failure to put junky criminals in jail is bad enough, but then they put you in jail for self-policing.
I had something similar at the end of Covid, it was me and one of my wife's very lefty friend. A guy told her something along the lines of suck my ck you ct because she was not wearing a mask at that specific moment. She looked at me to do something but I was not about to pick a fight with a much larger guy for a leftist woman that I don't even like.
You are a strong independent woman that needs no man, go deal with it.
What if politely asking the bum to stop yelling doesn't help? Should we put the bum into a headlock until he stops yelling? Oops the bum died. You're going to defend us at our trial right? Hey where did you go...
What did you mean "her vote" ? She's a Milei-slurping libertarian. The "All opinions are my own, not those of the Libertarian Party" and YouTube channel name are kind of big clues.
I’m sure she’s complained about toxic masculinity in the past. And no, there’s no way she’s connecting the dots between her voting patterns and drug addled bums or illegal immigrants running rampant in her community. I’m also sure that when the drug addled bums are NOT in her backyard she refers to them as people experiencing homelessness and insists you’re a bigot for not welcoming them into your backyard.
It's not about having a consistent ideology, or even fixing the problem. It's about establishing yourself as Oppressed and Marginalized in every situation, because that is how you win at Twitter.
Either you bitch because "I don't need no man" or we get placed in a gayrape prison for daring to stand up to that future teen rocket lawyer. Hell no I'm not helping.
She (?) looks to be the type that would start furiously twatting about toxic hwyte masculinity if some poor dude did step up and handle the drug addled bum.
The only way to win is not to play.
Don't Let the Bastards Grind You Down. Anarchist. MY PERSONAL NON-OFFICIAL ACCOUNT. All opinions are my own, not those of the Libertarian Party.
If they had the brainpower to figure this stuff out they wouldn't have voted wrong in the first place. This is why civilized societies don't allow women to vote.
Pink hair in the subway: Heeeeelp! Some drug addict is yelling at me? Men help pls.
Pink hair at home: FUCK YOU MEN! Why didn't you help me?
She could be a libertarian while also a "men need to step up" tradcon type. Both are forms of idealism. All women have a female ingroup bias regardless of political affiliation.
On the plus side it looks like she also reposted an anti-war/conscription meme recently, so at least her ingroup bias doesn't extend to "and government needs to force men to protect me".
Well I didn't say tradthot. She's clearly smart enough to know she could never trap men based on her looks, so she'll do what her rebel genes tell her in that department. But she could be an anarchist who believes that men and women need to go back to traditional "Based" roles that built society - because men protecting women benefits women. I have no idea, could be wrong. Could also be bait like Arch said. Trying to get people to her YT channel promoting the Libertarian Party.
Ironically, if Milei makes good on his promise of dollarization, that will be a big boost for wokeism. The woketard and anti-woke right lolbertarians are both trying to kick into their own nets.
For what? You're a Strong Empowered Woman, right?
The entitlement is off the charts.
You didn't check her Twitter, did you?
She's one of yours. It's full of Milei--slurping.
It could be a tranny. I didn't check the YouTube link. People need to stop posting and falling for bullshit though.
I see you're still expecting the impossible.
The people who spent the last 10 years trying to ruin men for internet trends are shocked social unity has been destroyed.
Women are masters at creating lose lose situations for men. Step in and shut the guy up? Ok bigot, nobody asked for you to try and white night your way into their pants. Don’t do anything? Wow men, thanks for just letting this happen, what a gentleman you are.
Hope the bitch eats the business end of a bottle from the homeless guy
Welcome to Equality. As a man I'm not allowed to let other people step in on my behalf without having to openly recognize that I'm some kind of pussy.
You wanted the slot. You got it, stupid.
The last guy to do something might go to jail for a really long time. The failure to put junky criminals in jail is bad enough, but then they put you in jail for self-policing.
Daniel Penny. Enough said
Yeah, exactly. You have no right to defend others in leftist hellholes.
No right to defend yourself. No right to defend others. Only the police to defend you, like fucking cattle.
Women are utterly incapable of accepting responsibility. Why does this surprise anyone?
I'm instantly reminded of this.
I had something similar at the end of Covid, it was me and one of my wife's very lefty friend. A guy told her something along the lines of suck my ck you ct because she was not wearing a mask at that specific moment. She looked at me to do something but I was not about to pick a fight with a much larger guy for a leftist woman that I don't even like.
You are a strong independent woman that needs no man, go deal with it.
You know the Mike Tyson quote? "Everyone's got a plan, until you get hit in the face."
The modern corollary is "Everyone's a strong independent woman, until you run into something that a man should handle."
No athiests in a foxhole, no feminists in a [physical] fight.
So... No athiests in a foxhole, no feminists in a foxhole.
What if politely asking the bum to stop yelling doesn't help? Should we put the bum into a headlock until he stops yelling? Oops the bum died. You're going to defend us at our trial right? Hey where did you go...
NY anarchist....
"I'm braver than most men"
Has to be bait
Some people are simply that retarded and sheltered from reality.
Do really think someone do that, just go on the internet and post bait?
What did you mean "her vote" ? She's a Milei-slurping libertarian. The "All opinions are my own, not those of the Libertarian Party" and YouTube channel name are kind of big clues.
It takes getting to Argentina or El Salvador levels of bad for pattern recognition to kick in.
But I REALLY doubt some cities in the west will be recoverable, they are the definition of 'the pretty ones' in the rat utopia..
A German-French journalist once said: "Whoever takes in half of Calcutta doesn't help Calcutta, but becomes Calcutta itself."
By the time people realize they're a 3rd world shithole it's already too late.
If they haven't realized it by now, they never will.
I’m sure she’s complained about toxic masculinity in the past. And no, there’s no way she’s connecting the dots between her voting patterns and drug addled bums or illegal immigrants running rampant in her community. I’m also sure that when the drug addled bums are NOT in her backyard she refers to them as people experiencing homelessness and insists you’re a bigot for not welcoming them into your backyard.
It's not about having a consistent ideology, or even fixing the problem. It's about establishing yourself as Oppressed and Marginalized in every situation, because that is how you win at Twitter.
I refuse to believe that this creature is a woman, in fact, why didn't HE step up?
Too busy dilating?
Lady, unless your a family member or I'm in a relationship with you, I could care less if you were being lynched or set on fire.
Go deal with your own shit and leave me the fuck alone.
Consequences of a low trust society on full display.
All of this was avoidable, we just needed to be mean.
Do something - made a example of and jailed.
Do nothing - Person that would condemn you in a second starts whining.
You're a strong independant woman who don't need no man.
And I don't want to get stabbed with an AIDS-ridden sharp object,
or get thrown in jail / spend years in legal Hell ( like Daniel Penny ) because I lay a hand on a protected class to protect women I don't know.
Only for Feminist to then blame ''Toxic Masculinity'' for the whole confrontation, in denfense of the degenerate instigator.
What did all the other nearby strong independent women who don't need no man do? Nothing? Why not?
Either you bitch because "I don't need no man" or we get placed in a gayrape prison for daring to stand up to that future teen rocket lawyer. Hell no I'm not helping.
Daniel Penny is a hero who's been treated like a villain.
How many blacks would prefer to be with that "Michael Jackson impersonator" in a subway car rather than the wacist Daniel Penny, or Kyle Rittenhouse?
She (?) looks to be the type that would start furiously twatting about toxic hwyte masculinity if some poor dude did step up and handle the drug addled bum.
The only way to win is not to play.
Good grief.
If they had the brainpower to figure this stuff out they wouldn't have voted wrong in the first place. This is why civilized societies don't allow women to vote.
Who is it you think she voted for?
She's a fucking lolbert. Oh this is even more hilarious.
Pink hair in the subway: Heeeeelp! Some drug addict is yelling at me? Men help pls.
Pink hair at home: FUCK YOU MEN! Why didn't you help me?
Hair dye seeps into skin, leeches into the skull and inevitably penetrates the blood-brain barrier to result in this example of fourth wave feminism.
men saw what happened when one of them stood up to Jordan Neely acting like that
maybe you should've helped him relieve sexual emergency needs to calm him down
you WANTED this! why aren't you happy?
Was she being cunty? If she was being cunty, she deserved a yelling at.
Why didn't you stand up for her?
Oh that's right. You are a chick. You are useless except if we need an emotional vampire
How many of you clocked this woman as a woke SJW who votes Blue No Matter Who every election and loves big government?
I'm afraid I have bad news for you.
She's one of yours, lolbertarians.
She could be a libertarian while also a "men need to step up" tradcon type. Both are forms of idealism. All women have a female ingroup bias regardless of political affiliation.
On the plus side it looks like she also reposted an anti-war/conscription meme recently, so at least her ingroup bias doesn't extend to "and government needs to force men to protect me".
And how would someone like that vote and how would said vote cause the problem in the OP? This post is very misleading.
They'd vote like The Blaze or Prager U tells them. Even so called libertarian voices are pretty pozzed.
Indeed they would, but we know the OP was implying Democrat.
Tradcons are known for having pink and neon hair.
Well I didn't say tradthot. She's clearly smart enough to know she could never trap men based on her looks, so she'll do what her rebel genes tell her in that department. But she could be an anarchist who believes that men and women need to go back to traditional "Based" roles that built society - because men protecting women benefits women. I have no idea, could be wrong. Could also be bait like Arch said. Trying to get people to her YT channel promoting the Libertarian Party.
Horseshoe gonna horseshoe.
She's smart enough to realize it's not the government's job to save her, but too stupid to realize it's not anyone else's either.
Lolberts are just dems with better PR.
lol at the triggered people downvoting you.
That said, lolbertarian and woke aren't exactly mutually exclusive, though I have a hard time seeing an orthodox wokie support Milei.
Ironically, if Milei makes good on his promise of dollarization, that will be a big boost for wokeism. The woketard and anti-woke right lolbertarians are both trying to kick into their own nets.