Too be fair we did discover that the elite traffic and rape kids on special islands and intelligence agencies + whoever runs them uses it for blackmail to control them along with satanic sacrifice indirectly because of Gamergate 1, so who knows what happens this time around.
All they had to do was let SBI crash and burn through their own actions, and now the DHS by proxy just sent up a flare for countless normies while bringing up the subject of GG that until now was probably only being referenced on boards like this or in niche topics.
And literally all Sweet Baby had to do was STFU and not try to get a Steam user banned. Why are they this triggered over a list? Why didn't they respond with, "Hell yeah, look at all of the games we worked on!"?
Don't underestimate them. Their goals are are so wildly different than a normal person that their actions seem strange. But they have a plan and are determined they are right which is a very dangerous thing.
Honestly their determination is astounding. Most people would see losing big court cases and getting ratioed online and just give up and realize their efforts were moot.
But no, these people time and time again double down and keep at it until it finally sticks, that’s why they are winning. We aren’t as psychotic about winning as they are. These people genuinely believe they are saving the world every time they call someone an “incel” or “bigot”
They don’t want us to organize. They correctly realize that when right wingers organize it looks like a medium sized central European country conquering all of Europe and threatening to conquer the rest of the world.
When we organize we can achieve more in a year than what they can in two. The problem is right wingers generally don’t want to organize or fight. We instead opt to retreat.
It’s kinda like the attack on Pearl Harbor. They attack expecting a collapse and capitulation.
It would have been especially appropriate here, since the way Steam Curator groups work is to promote games based on how many people are following the group. Had they just kept their mouths shut, they might have benefited from the boost in free advertising on the platform.
The steam group is now over 250k people large. Of course we can argue how large it would be if there was no outrage from them, but that is speculation.
But the group now exists. What do you think the higher ups who care about profit only see that 250k people will most likely not buy your game when you consult with SBI. And those are the people who bothered enough to join said group. How large is the real number who will not buy your game?
Suddenly it starts to be "DEI doesn't sell you more games". And when that happens they lose their money as well as their influence.
It's amazing how they're running the same playbook.
They're actively creating GamerGate2, because they're actively doing Gamers are Dead 2.
They're also crying out in pain as they strike us. The stuff at the center of this was because SBI employees started leading pitchfork mobs...not the big bad Gamers.
Just like how it wasn't us doing the bomb threats, doxing, and other harassment last time. These people just can't help themselves.
Anecdote: I occasionally check a few gaming subreddits and saw some complaining about Sweet Baby. I'm not sure what was more surprising—seeing Sweet Baby mentioned on Reddit at all or the fact that it hadn't been censored.
Sadly people will lose sight of this quickly. SBI is an easy target since, they have the Mark currently on them but there's more of those consultant firms that exist, SBI will probably rebrand also. This is something the normies will not notice or care about.
There's already weaponized autists compiling lists of other groups similar to SBI. I'm sure the system will lock down speech on it should that list take off and any game infected by them is pointed out
If it's not been removed, then they might realize that they could easily trigger another massive subreddit shutdown if they are busted for covering it up.
Saw it on the Baldur's Gate subreddit this week. Not sure if that's just one of our own out in the wild or if this stuff is finally penetrating into the normie's awareness. Hard to tell.
Some normies woke up last time as well, I just hope it will have a bigger impact this time around.
I know that some hold on to GG like we've won but the truth is that they won, the industry went hard left, no breaks, no morals.
This time I feel like they no longer have the money, the economy is not doing great, investors are no longer taking chances and the leftist ideology was proven to not be productive.
On the other hand, the focus on SBI makes it seem like it is the end boss when in fact it is more like the boss at the end of the prologue. The only reason we got to this point is because they are idiots. It can fizzle tomorrow with no consequence if they want to.
Reminds me of Jorge in Reach. He dies taking down the cruiser. The big threat is taken out and he dies to save his world. Mission accomplished.
Not his fault an armada showed up immediately after.
Disrespectful nod worked. I defy anyone at the time to predict the rot went all the way into the fucking intelligence organizations.
Can you even imagine arguing about hulk hogan and gawker and IGN and Doom reviewers and cuphead reviewers IT MAKES YOU FEEL LIKE YOU'RE BATMAN and somebody in this group says "this smells like the feds?"
Crackpot schizophrenia.
I genuinely got emotional with this one. Damn.
I met my wife a year after it all started. I had a mullet dammit.
Listen, there are still entire party members I haven't played through Baldur's Gate 2 with and I've been replaying it since launch. I can retread old games longer than the industry can endure these parasites.
I really wish people would stop adding 'gate' to the end of scandals stemming from the Watergate scandal, because it took place in the Watergate hotel.
Nowadays you just add gate to the end of anything even remotely scandalous and the seals all clap.
What they mean by ''preventing further harm'' is ''censor the shit out of everything to protect our corrupt asses'' like they did on comment sections, forums ( even 4Chan censored discussions of GG ), etc.
And, this is why my son had to explain to me why he uses his phone while he plays online rather than the mic for the system. For years now actively avoiding talking on their platform.
At least with GG1, some got his dick sucked. Mind you, by Zoe Quinn, but some cums were had.
In this, it was just some smug, mixed race "African Americans" being condescending pieces of shit
Fitting that it's last name is Coward (Kowert). YES you tank of gristle jelly, tell us how it's hateful and racisssss to notice things.
You'd better not make boycott lists, that's a tool only availible to the prefered laptop class! Only WE get to make the lists! Blorpblorp eee chew daw waaa. Shoves another baby leg into it's maw
It's going to be interesting and instructive to see which companies bend the knee and which send out the message "Our employees are adults. They can handle people with sock-puppet accounts saying mean things on the internet".
GamerGate never ended, because the Social Justice Warriors never stopped. For some reason, the tactics were replicated by every institutional structure of the political Left; as if they had won something.
GamerGate didn't end. Everything became GamerGate.
The term itself doesn't even refer to the scandal that caused it, but the media's conduct from that scandal.
Seeing Janet Reno on live TV, frothing at the mouth in what could only be described as a religious fervor, being smug about how "nobody is above the law" after her goons burned White children alive in Waco radicalized me.
Reminder to everyone that the original KIA tried to ban all Trump supporters and still believed that "GG is a Left Wing movement" for most of its run, if not still.
God, that fucking annoyed me so fucking much. Every comment had to be started by "ACKSHULLY, according to our questionnaire, you all are far leftist freaks, UWU".
Then again, I remember the whole Meowstic thing and how many people used to actually think we needed that filthy, manipulative, insane tranny and we needed to kiss his ass.
And the irony that came from Mr. TheHat, who regularly cozied up to them and other trannies out in the open, ended up being the voice of reason and compromise later on when the rest of the Mods wanted to ban any Leftist-critical content because "assaulting journalists for their politics isn't SJW or ethics related!"
I know for a fact some people still to this day think Pinkerbelle is a trooner. Her dox went around in DMs and everyone assumed I got it, but nobody sent it to me. :D
I got it from whoever the rando was giving it out, can confirm seemingly legitimate female. Deleted it after a curious glance because nothing in it mattered anyway besides that fact.
KIA, a place founded to call out a group losing their respect and only value because a 4/10 slut needed defending, was willing to sacrifice all its mod's respect and value because a 4/10 slut needed defending constantly from her regular fuckups and inability to do her job.
KIA, a place founded to call out a group losing their respect and only value because a 4/10 slut needed defending, was willing to sacrifice all its mod's respect and value because a 4/10 slut needed defending constantly from her regular fuckups and inability to do her job.
The more things change, the more simps stay the same.
I have seen completely reasonable and factual posts that were unanimously upvoted get nuked and the poster permabanned. Dom is no better than Shaddist or Bane as a mod. I wish Brimshae was in charge. He is the only good mod that any of the kia subs has had.
See, when you are trying to make serious accusations you shouldn't say shit this retarded.
Dom has a lot of retarded takes and bad ideas, and I highly disagree with a lot of the things he does (and have caught numerous bans for bucking it). But he is nowhere near the level of Shad. He has never antagonized people only to mock that he is above the rules when called out that he should be banned for them. He hasn't made it clear he gleefully enjoys being hated and tries to stir shit to distract people from other mod abuses.
Disagreeing with his rules and how he chooses to enforce them is understandable, but to act like he is on the level of Shad makes your entire point reek of salty bitch instead of legitimate complaint.
That I do agree with, but he seemed completely burnt out of everything by the end of it. Hope he is doing well out there after the trauma that dealing with people like Shad or Pink daily must have brought.
I'm aware, that's why KIA became the shitshell it is.
Because most of those users weren't willing to admit the problems they were dealing with came from within the Left as intentional instead of just bad seeds. Its why there was a constant effort to keep the focus small, because people kept noticing things and that was making it harder to be an open Leftie because it made you look like a fool or hypocrite.
And so, we reached the point where it just became a little hugbox for milquetoast Lefties to act like they weren't the "bad ones" while anyone too spicy got banished (or left willingly in the cause of myself) to KIA2.
I am going to laugh so fucking hard if they blame Trump getting re-elected this year on gamergate 2.
Just like how they blamed GG for him being elected back in 2016.
It’d be fitting if this communist revolution bullshit started back with GG1, and ended with the superior sequel, GG2.
It started back in 1913.
Too be fair we did discover that the elite traffic and rape kids on special islands and intelligence agencies + whoever runs them uses it for blackmail to control them along with satanic sacrifice indirectly because of Gamergate 1, so who knows what happens this time around.
Does that mean we'll get Trump elected a second time?
signs point to yes
Third time
All they had to do was let SBI crash and burn through their own actions, and now the DHS by proxy just sent up a flare for countless normies while bringing up the subject of GG that until now was probably only being referenced on boards like this or in niche topics.
GG fucktards, you played yourselves.
And literally all Sweet Baby had to do was STFU and not try to get a Steam user banned. Why are they this triggered over a list? Why didn't they respond with, "Hell yeah, look at all of the games we worked on!"?
Because our enemies are stupid and prone to acting emotionally.
Don't underestimate them. Their goals are are so wildly different than a normal person that their actions seem strange. But they have a plan and are determined they are right which is a very dangerous thing.
Honestly their determination is astounding. Most people would see losing big court cases and getting ratioed online and just give up and realize their efforts were moot.
But no, these people time and time again double down and keep at it until it finally sticks, that’s why they are winning. We aren’t as psychotic about winning as they are. These people genuinely believe they are saving the world every time they call someone an “incel” or “bigot”
Cause they know people don't like what they're doing, and roaches hate having a light shined on them.
They don’t want us to organize. They correctly realize that when right wingers organize it looks like a medium sized central European country conquering all of Europe and threatening to conquer the rest of the world.
When we organize we can achieve more in a year than what they can in two. The problem is right wingers generally don’t want to organize or fight. We instead opt to retreat.
It’s kinda like the attack on Pearl Harbor. They attack expecting a collapse and capitulation.
It would have been especially appropriate here, since the way Steam Curator groups work is to promote games based on how many people are following the group. Had they just kept their mouths shut, they might have benefited from the boost in free advertising on the platform.
The steam group is now over 250k people large. Of course we can argue how large it would be if there was no outrage from them, but that is speculation.
But the group now exists. What do you think the higher ups who care about profit only see that 250k people will most likely not buy your game when you consult with SBI. And those are the people who bothered enough to join said group. How large is the real number who will not buy your game?
Suddenly it starts to be "DEI doesn't sell you more games". And when that happens they lose their money as well as their influence.
They created us the first time around.
They learned nothing.
This just means that SBI was somehow getting government money and pushing the government's agenda.
It's amazing how they're running the same playbook.
They're actively creating GamerGate2, because they're actively doing Gamers are Dead 2.
They're also crying out in pain as they strike us. The stuff at the center of this was because SBI employees started leading pitchfork mobs...not the big bad Gamers.
Just like how it wasn't us doing the bomb threats, doxing, and other harassment last time. These people just can't help themselves.
I hope some normies have opened their eyes to what has happened to gaming industry. I’m also sick of backlash being described as toxic
Anecdote: I occasionally check a few gaming subreddits and saw some complaining about Sweet Baby. I'm not sure what was more surprising—seeing Sweet Baby mentioned on Reddit at all or the fact that it hadn't been censored.
Sadly people will lose sight of this quickly. SBI is an easy target since, they have the Mark currently on them but there's more of those consultant firms that exist, SBI will probably rebrand also. This is something the normies will not notice or care about.
There's already weaponized autists compiling lists of other groups similar to SBI. I'm sure the system will lock down speech on it should that list take off and any game infected by them is pointed out
You got any link?
warning, plebbit link
Check if the posts are still there.
If it's not been removed, then they might realize that they could easily trigger another massive subreddit shutdown if they are busted for covering it up.
Saw it on the Baldur's Gate subreddit this week. Not sure if that's just one of our own out in the wild or if this stuff is finally penetrating into the normie's awareness. Hard to tell.
Some normies woke up last time as well, I just hope it will have a bigger impact this time around.
I know that some hold on to GG like we've won but the truth is that they won, the industry went hard left, no breaks, no morals.
This time I feel like they no longer have the money, the economy is not doing great, investors are no longer taking chances and the leftist ideology was proven to not be productive.
On the other hand, the focus on SBI makes it seem like it is the end boss when in fact it is more like the boss at the end of the prologue. The only reason we got to this point is because they are idiots. It can fizzle tomorrow with no consequence if they want to.
Plus you see things like Terminal List and Reacher being successful which are essentially things you would’ve seen in the 90s.
I feel like it's a battle/war distinction.
Reminds me of Jorge in Reach. He dies taking down the cruiser. The big threat is taken out and he dies to save his world. Mission accomplished.
Not his fault an armada showed up immediately after.
Disrespectful nod worked. I defy anyone at the time to predict the rot went all the way into the fucking intelligence organizations.
Can you even imagine arguing about hulk hogan and gawker and IGN and Doom reviewers and cuphead reviewers IT MAKES YOU FEEL LIKE YOU'RE BATMAN and somebody in this group says "this smells like the feds?"
Crackpot schizophrenia.
I genuinely got emotional with this one. Damn.
I met my wife a year after it all started. I had a mullet dammit.
Those are called the NPCs. Oh wait…
no, YOU have no place in games.
Archive link of the document:
Proof of DHS funding:
Meh. I have a backlog and thousands on emulation.
Listen, there are still entire party members I haven't played through Baldur's Gate 2 with and I've been replaying it since launch. I can retread old games longer than the industry can endure these parasites.
Exactly ... There's all the weapons to kill in FF7.
I really wish people would stop adding 'gate' to the end of scandals stemming from the Watergate scandal, because it took place in the Watergate hotel.
Nowadays you just add gate to the end of anything even remotely scandalous and the seals all clap.
NameGate. Gate
Damnit, what have I done ?
Stop showing your age.
Another day, another psyop.
Someone should introduce these people to Minecraft.
It's on, boys.
What they mean by ''preventing further harm'' is ''censor the shit out of everything to protect our corrupt asses'' like they did on comment sections, forums ( even 4Chan censored discussions of GG ), etc.
Too bad they had a setback on Twitter censorship.
And, this is why my son had to explain to me why he uses his phone while he plays online rather than the mic for the system. For years now actively avoiding talking on their platform.
Just bring back Ventrilo and Teamspeak. Problem solved.
Oh look, another problem intentionally crested so the lunatics can complain
At least with GG1, some got his dick sucked. Mind you, by Zoe Quinn, but some cums were had.
In this, it was just some smug, mixed race "African Americans" being condescending pieces of shit
Fitting that it's last name is Coward (Kowert). YES you tank of gristle jelly, tell us how it's hateful and racisssss to notice things.
GG2 Electric Boogaloo
Rejecting our curated systematized programming is harassment!
The first one was pretty fun. Hope the sequel is even better!
If GG was so good, where's the sequel?
Right here.
Wish a rigger would, kickstart another backlash towards leftist social dogma right before election season.
Won't stop them from defrauding us again but it would make it even more obvious.
Would you like to know more?
I'm from Buenas Ehrees, and I say-
Anyone know if Rachel here is an actual doctor? I refuse to believe an educated individual can take this retarded of a stance
It requires a particularly educated individual to take such a retarded stance.
The battle lines are drawn.
It's going to be interesting and instructive to see which companies bend the knee and which send out the message "Our employees are adults. They can handle people with sock-puppet accounts saying mean things on the internet".
None of them are that mentally developed.
Somehow, Kotaku returned?
GamerGate never ended, because the Social Justice Warriors never stopped. For some reason, the tactics were replicated by every institutional structure of the political Left; as if they had won something.
GamerGate didn't end. Everything became GamerGate.
The term itself doesn't even refer to the scandal that caused it, but the media's conduct from that scandal.
Seeing Janet Reno on live TV, frothing at the mouth in what could only be described as a religious fervor, being smug about how "nobody is above the law" after her goons burned White children alive in Waco radicalized me.
Reminder to everyone that the original KIA tried to ban all Trump supporters and still believed that "GG is a Left Wing movement" for most of its run, if not still.
God, that fucking annoyed me so fucking much. Every comment had to be started by "ACKSHULLY, according to our questionnaire, you all are far leftist freaks, UWU".
Then again, I remember the whole Meowstic thing and how many people used to actually think we needed that filthy, manipulative, insane tranny and we needed to kiss his ass.
To be fair, a lot of us did start on the left but ended up wanting Right Wing Death Squads, so it's kind of a wash.
And the irony that came from Mr. TheHat, who regularly cozied up to them and other trannies out in the open, ended up being the voice of reason and compromise later on when the rest of the Mods wanted to ban any Leftist-critical content because "assaulting journalists for their politics isn't SJW or ethics related!"
I know for a fact some people still to this day think Pinkerbelle is a trooner. Her dox went around in DMs and everyone assumed I got it, but nobody sent it to me. :D
I got it from whoever the rando was giving it out, can confirm seemingly legitimate female. Deleted it after a curious glance because nothing in it mattered anyway besides that fact.
KIA, a place founded to call out a group losing their respect and only value because a 4/10 slut needed defending, was willing to sacrifice all its mod's respect and value because a 4/10 slut needed defending constantly from her regular fuckups and inability to do her job.
The more things change, the more simps stay the same.
Last time I was there people got mad at me for being an antivaxxer and "spreading misinformation". They're basically our version of Republicans
And this KIA bans anyone who notices too much. Baby steps I guess.
You'd be surprised at what you can get away with. The problem usually isn't noticing, its noticing while being a sperg about it.
I have seen completely reasonable and factual posts that were unanimously upvoted get nuked and the poster permabanned. Dom is no better than Shaddist or Bane as a mod. I wish Brimshae was in charge. He is the only good mod that any of the kia subs has had.
See, when you are trying to make serious accusations you shouldn't say shit this retarded.
Dom has a lot of retarded takes and bad ideas, and I highly disagree with a lot of the things he does (and have caught numerous bans for bucking it). But he is nowhere near the level of Shad. He has never antagonized people only to mock that he is above the rules when called out that he should be banned for them. He hasn't made it clear he gleefully enjoys being hated and tries to stir shit to distract people from other mod abuses.
Disagreeing with his rules and how he chooses to enforce them is understandable, but to act like he is on the level of Shad makes your entire point reek of salty bitch instead of legitimate complaint.
That I do agree with, but he seemed completely burnt out of everything by the end of it. Hope he is doing well out there after the trauma that dealing with people like Shad or Pink daily must have brought.
No. He just goes straight to the banhammer, which is something even Shaddist didn't do.
Edit: and I may be salty, but the only bitch here is Dom.
There were enough polls on KiA that showed that early on a ton of users were placed on the leftist axis.
I'm aware, that's why KIA became the shitshell it is.
Because most of those users weren't willing to admit the problems they were dealing with came from within the Left as intentional instead of just bad seeds. Its why there was a constant effort to keep the focus small, because people kept noticing things and that was making it harder to be an open Leftie because it made you look like a fool or hypocrite.
And so, we reached the point where it just became a little hugbox for milquetoast Lefties to act like they weren't the "bad ones" while anyone too spicy got banished (or left willingly in the cause of myself) to KIA2.