ClownTamer 3 points ago +3 / -0

In Elon’s case fair enough on getting laid but generally the point stands for most guys where their kid gets trans’d. It’s usually the mom and the dad just goes along with it.

ClownTamer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haha. Yeah, I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same. And I see no good reason not to.

ClownTamer 5 points ago +5 / -0

It is kind of hilarious how poorly they do when given all the grace in the world for such a long time now.

ClownTamer 1 point ago +4 / -3

This guy gets it. I’m told Elon’s birthing circumstances with all the various women isn’t always him being married to them or even having sex with them, but generally you know the mom did this. At best men go along with it because otherwise you lose half your shit and access to sex and it’ll just happen anyway.

ClownTamer 4 points ago +4 / -0

The top tier being $130-170 or something as I recall probably didn’t help, either. And the fact that Ubisoft always discounts their games to $20 pretty quickly. If they liked their fans it’d be a preorder DISCOUNT.

ClownTamer 13 points ago +13 / -0

It’s nice to see Japan standing up. The one time they’re making a period piece game in Japan, and it’s a big black guy presumably murdering them and then fucking their women. And apparently their men since they said you can gay romance. Because that’s what people want in a game about assassins: Being able to initiate gay butt sex.

ClownTamer 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’ll be an 80 hour game where 60 hours of it was you going around collecting pens and feathers and assorted bullshit. Not what I’m particularly interested in when it’s a game themed after assassins or shooting or something.

ClownTamer 3 points ago +3 / -0

I haven’t played most of their games in years because they’re all kind of the same. Gay black samurai in feudal Japan doesn’t help, but they were already just rehashes of the same thing filled with stupid fetch quests. Assassin’s Creed was pretty cool. Then they made a million of them with minor differences.

ClownTamer 5 points ago +5 / -0

The first black assassin and he takes it in the butt.

ClownTamer 22 points ago +22 / -0

The immigrants are literally spear chucking now.

ClownTamer 5 points ago +5 / -0

In on it seems more likely. They had men on the roof with sniper rifles. They had to have seen some rando on the roof with a gun out there. And the men on the roof were men.

ClownTamer 3 points ago +3 / -0

They’re just making it easier for Microsoft to buy them I guess. Maybe MS funds SBI and is trying to devalue people to reduce their buy out prices.

ClownTamer 10 points ago +10 / -0

At this point I’m fine being called racist if only to take the power away from the term as now it’s just being used to control people. We’d probably be better off if it became cool to be racist given how the opposite went for the world.

ClownTamer 10 points ago +10 / -0

Nobody ever talks about why they were expelled 109 times because it’d lead to the 110th.

ClownTamer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn’t know that! Makes sense. I’m sure he’s good at his gaming thing but as a debater he’s retarded. He just goes on Google scholar before debates and cites random shit.

ClownTamer 19 points ago +19 / -0

Most of the stuff Trump does is legally defined as puffery, like when he said everybody wanted Roe v Wade to go back to the states. He exaggerates and makes independently unverifiable claims on things that don’t really matter. Biden actually just lies. And has an entire industry putting out fake citation points for him to make for when he lies.

The fact checks on things are hilarious. The border union thing is listed as half true because Biden did some kind of things for unions at some point or something and that’s taken as the union endorsing him despite them immediately saying that had not and never will.

Then Biden just says stupid shit. Like there are all kinds of men and women raping their own young kids and getting them pregnant. That actually almost never happens. And if it’s a woman having sex with her own son, she’s the one that’d get pregnant. It’s just all kinds of dumb. Pretty derogatory to the people they tend to refer to as well that do that in the south, as no one really does that. With the abortion after birth thing, that is legal in many states. And the exception isn’t for the life of the mother obviously since the kid’s been taken out. They’d just classify it as depression for the mother and kill the baby. Which I’m actually fine with because it’s their dumb ass babies but still.

I saw some online database for the Times or WaPo or something of all Trump’s lies. Then it’d be him saying some illegals rape people. Which is counted as a lie. Then they multiply that by any time he mentions illegals. And you get one statement that isn’t even a lie being counted as 30k lies.

They went too far with all the Covid lying and now people aren’t putting up with it anymore.

ClownTamer 8 points ago +8 / -0

I half wonder if Destiny made the debate rounds because of how bad he is if you know anything about debating. He just talks over people and plays video games on stream while doing it.

ClownTamer 5 points ago +5 / -0

Any time someone like them goes off on Trump hating gays and trannies or anyone really that isn’t him wanting to deport illegal immigrants, I usually ask them to name 5 things he has done or says he will do that is against gays or trannies. I have never gotten a single one, only snark.

ClownTamer 18 points ago +18 / -0

My main complaint is that it’s not called The Legend of Link.

ClownTamer 7 points ago +7 / -0

Pretty much everything got worse after Christianity collapsed.

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