ModsAreAIDS 11 points ago +11 / -0

It's absolutely the Achilles' heel of the right. Conservative "leadership" is half corrupt controlled opposition, and half genuine conservatives. And the genuine side are all masochists who probably spend their nights being paypigs for onlyfans whores or getting their nuts stomped on in bdsm clubs. So the corrupt side obviously wins and gets to control the right side of the political aisle, which means leftists control it by proxy.

The base of the right desperately wants to fight back, but the leadership leads them the same way Dom mods this forum: anyone fighting back gets kicked out of the club, and everyone else is ignored and neglected. It's why Trump has such cult-like supporters. He is the first leader on the right in several decades who doesn't need a magnifying glass to find his balls.

Edit: almost forgot. Dom, go fuck yourself.

ModsAreAIDS 8 points ago +8 / -0
  1. Push inevitably unpopular "feature" on gamers.
  2. See if gamers get mad enough to affect bottom line.
  3. If no, keep it in.
  4. If yes, remove it.
  5. Idiot gamers throw money at studio.
  6. Start work on next game and go to step 1.

Stop giving money to these companies when they pull moves like this. Stop letting them ask for forgiveness rather than asking for permission. By forgiving them, you are just letting them slowly turn the ratchet to end up where they want to be eventually. Make it so painful for them that they don't even think about pulling shady shit in the first place.

ModsAreAIDS 4 points ago +4 / -0

Holy shit, what a couple of faggots

I could see a highlight reel of this being absolutely hilarious if cringe comedy is your thing.

ModsAreAIDS 6 points ago +8 / -2

Too bad you fucked up the setup with the typo in the headline. Kind of ruins the joke.

Dom isn't right about much of anything.

ModsAreAIDS 2 points ago +4 / -2


My catchphrase is taking off. Soon you will be seeing it everywhere.

ModsAreAIDS 4 points ago +5 / -1

The real effort should be to put me in charge, or my alt yoisi. You can totally trust me to look out for the interests of your people.

ModsAreAIDS 13 points ago +13 / -0

Dom doesn't like certain people. He'll deny it, but it's true.

I can absolutely vouch for this.

Edit: I caught a ban for similar horseshit reasons recently too.

ModsAreAIDS 11 points ago +12 / -1

fake ass

Ass implants are a crime against humanity. I have seen nice fake tits. I have never seen a nice fake ass. Whoever invented them, and those who install them should all go straight to jail.

As to your post, the prison system demonstrates your point when taken all the way. It wasn't just the Villiage People giving the Navy their reputation for being gay either.

ModsAreAIDS 25 points ago +28 / -3

"Might makes right" is a law of nature. No amount of navel-gazing or pseudointellectual rationalization is going to elevate a bunch of apes above it. Libertarianism might just be the only ideology that is more suicidal than communism.

ModsAreAIDS 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is nice to see that people are already forgetting her name after seeing her name astroturfed everywhere as a good VP pick for Trump. She doesn't deserve all of the hype she gets.

ModsAreAIDS 4 points ago +4 / -0

And then the Asians will blame the whole thing on white people and continue to vote for the people who continue to enable their attackers. They would rather be stomped into the pavement than be called a racist.

I don't feel sorry for them.

ModsAreAIDS 33 points ago +33 / -0

Cater to me you bigots! I won't be purchasing your product, but you should cater to me anyway!

Fuck the left.

ModsAreAIDS 14 points ago +14 / -0

When you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you are constantly running into assholes for centuries, you are definitely the asshole in the equation.

ModsAreAIDS 12 points ago +12 / -0

No. No they are not.

The base of the left is as stupid as they are evil.

ModsAreAIDS 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'm not sure if too many people who actually wanted Biden will suddenly balk at Harris.

Oh the cemeteries are absolutely rioting right now. The spinning in the graves has gone to ludicrous speed.

ModsAreAIDS 13 points ago +13 / -0

He wasn't weathering the storm. The powers that be were faced with an impossible decision in naming his successor. They probably eventually had to get themselves good and drunk so they could swallow having Kamala at the top of the ticket. They have been doing just as much work to keep her out of the spotlight as they have for Biden.

They really didn't want to pick her. I will bet they were waiting until the absolute last minute for this hoping to convince someone like Big Mike to accept it first.

ModsAreAIDS 9 points ago +9 / -0

So who is the madam president tag about? Big Mike?

ModsAreAIDS 13 points ago +13 / -0

Grummz asks that people be forgiven

Fuck no. The Overton window hasn't even moved yet, and we already have cucks on the right wanting us to start rolling over for the left again. I will give the left no quarter ever again. And anyone on the right who argues otherwise can go in the pit with them like the sack of controlled opposition shit that they are.

ModsAreAIDS 13 points ago +14 / -1

Sounds good to me. Our politicians could learn a thing or two from Putin. They should do what he does and try representing the interests of the citizens rather than the interests of globalists for once.

ModsAreAIDS 3 points ago +3 / -0

As bad as immigrants are, I would take ten of them over a single nigger. WhitePhoenix is right. You have no idea how bad these people are.

ModsAreAIDS 4 points ago +4 / -0

I had heard of him before but never listened to him before that side scrollers episode. SFO lost me forever when he pulled a "both sides are bad" with the claim that games censorship always comes from the right, like in the early 90's.

Anyone who claims that Hillary Clinton, Tipper Gore, and Joe Lieberman are right wing is being maliciously dishonest, and should be ignored.

ModsAreAIDS 10 points ago +11 / -1

The native Brits will teach them a lesson by voting for the far left party next time instead of the far far left.

The UK is a nation of spineless cuckolds. If you expect the natives to do anything other than voting and cheering for their own extinction, you are bound to be severely disappointed.

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