Tundinator 11 points ago +11 / -0

See ACLU firearms 'stance' (it's actually just D policies)

Tundinator 27 points ago +27 / -0

Literally put people in camps, prevented children from receiving medical care and thus dooming them directly to their parents' ears, and now just says 'nah fuck you we do what we want' when asked to justify it.

Australia has never not been a prison colony.

Tundinator 13 points ago +13 / -0

I doubt he cares about leftism, he just cares about being superior, that is his entire personality.

Ironically, that is leftism, they don't actually care about such and such topic, it's always about how it will lead us to the end state of humanity.

Tundinator 2 points ago +2 / -0

Makes sense, going along with lefties around them for no discernable reason sounds like typical R behavior.

Tundinator 9 points ago +9 / -0

Then they'll keep his body in the basement for 3 months and sadly announce that he's gone only slightly before he's legally required for transition of power.

Tundinator 12 points ago +12 / -0

The only clip I saw was some question like 'what happened to the SecServ director after kennedy was shot?'

lady: 'he stayed on duty'

guy: 'he resigned'

immediate kek from me.

Tundinator 6 points ago +6 / -0

Because they believe they are the chosen and thus their ideas are correct.

Then you get to level 3 commie and 'by envisioning utopia we limit ourselves, so we should only destroy things' and it's wild.

Tundinator 17 points ago +17 / -0

1/3 of democrats think they will live to see the other side.

Tundinator 5 points ago +5 / -0

Just like all Canistanis, they must cuck out in the face of incivility.

Tundinator 17 points ago +18 / -1

Blessed fox woman doing the autistic reee-ing we need in these trying times.

Tundinator 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't doubt they are, but if that 'high level intelligence' causes them to fuck up properly securing a building 150 yards away, it means fuck-all.

Tundinator 20 points ago +20 / -0

'we need to ban guns because' - that's it, that's always it, they will never stop. They will grasp any straw they can to make you defenseless against the next 3 letter or syllable mob that comes to 'decolonize' your ass.

These people are not only retarded, but evil, and you should be acting accordingly.

Tundinator 8 points ago +8 / -0

Apologies as i'm probably just bad at twitter but I don't see the actual comment / content that is being cancelled, any archives of the thread?

However can agree with the sentiment, they opened the door, they get to get hit on the ass with it on the way out.

Tundinator 2 points ago +2 / -0

More magical racism miasma to clog the airways. Thankfully after aerating the city BLM have dispersed it throughout much more of MN.

Tundinator 9 points ago +9 / -0

These comments are too far down. This is it exactly.

Tundinator 4 points ago +4 / -0

Then my anatomy is lacking haha, regardless it's better than the lefties'.

Tundinator 18 points ago +18 / -0

ah yes, the ear, totally isolated from the head.

Throw back that 'george floyd wasn't kneeled on his neck, but the quadriceps' except that one is actually true.

Tundinator 7 points ago +7 / -0

Correct. It's leftism, they don't have principles, only power.

Tundinator 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm on Garuda, I use it for the convenience of easy setup to many of the libraries (winetricks, mostly), and it does have a few nice bells and whistles. Basically checkbox for 'nvidia drivers, proton-GE, steam, wine, winetricks' and boom it's at least there in a non-ass configuration.

I've gotten bit by this distro probably twice in the last year though, as they are a small team that can't find everything before updating their deps. So in one instance I couldn't boot and had to use a snapshot (thankfully easy to do cus again, it was set up that way without me touching it) and found out minutes before I updated they had a breaking dependency change.

The other time they moved from one library to another for their UI layout and it took about an hour to get my configs back to looking how I'd already set them up, which eh, all things considered not a bad deal.

Overall I'd say about 8/10, would recommend.

Tundinator 22 points ago +22 / -0

All standards are racist (or sexist, or ism-ist, or phobic, whatever works), because they want you dead and your civilization in ruins.

Remember this.

Tundinator 1 point ago +1 / -0

imagine dragons plays in the background

For real though good job. I've only made a beer from a kit the fam got me for xmas a few years back during the coof but that turned out ok, I know wine can be a lot more sensitive.

Tundinator 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you have yours that's great, I just don't know how in god's name you guys did the following - from a quick search of your guys' NFA.

Ban on importation, ownership, sale, resale, transfer, possession, manufacture, or use of all self-loading center rifles, all self-loading and pump action shotguns, and all self-loading rimfire rifles (some exemptions allowable to primary producers and clay target shooters)

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