Lmao, the black diaspora one really got me. I know pokemon have always been silly but I bought sword a few years back and barely made it 10 hours into the game because almost all of the species are so stupid looking.
Yeah but recently they've been getting so much worse. It's like the "calarts" design but for monsters. The original pokemon you could imagine were real creatures, albeit fantastical, the new ones are just lanky mono-colored blobs. The NPC trainer and gym leader designs are even worse.
If you know anything about GameFreak, you'll know that their use of resources sucks colossal ass. Hell, Gen 2 almost never happened because they ran out of cart space when the game was only half finished and it took the efforts of Iwata to compress it down to the point that Kanto went from a single town to the entire region. They did shit like have multiple copies of the same trainer sprite for each instance of said trainer instead of just having a single instance of the trainer sprite and using that for each instance.
Likewise, the 3D models are the same ones they've been using since the games first went past sprite art which would be fine if they actually put effort into attack animations. But, as stated with their use of trainer sprites, I wouldn't be shocked if GameFreak were so fucking stupid that they couldn't just do something like scale the rigs for snake-type Pokemon for animations. You know, the reason they supposed removed a shit ton of Pokemon and moves. Oh, wait, it was for balance. Balance. From the company that made fucking Calyrex-Shadow. And Zacian-Crowned.
The fact that the modders who make Pokemon Luminescent (the Renegade Platinum mod for the Gen 4 remakes) do a better job than the actual developers is both impressive and sad.
Sit the fuck down, fag. You're in my fucking dojo. Lemme know when your ass gets a "vacation" for being 16'd and then you can shoot your mouth off.
Second off:
Imagine being such a soyfag you think literal pieces of trash and balloons kids let go of are good Pokemon
As opposed to literal fucking sludge (that evolves into a bigger pile of sludge), a literal fucking boxer, and the countless amount of 'mons that are just "we added a horn to an animal and called it a day". Seriously, the only people who complain about Pokemon designs are man-children who want to masturbate to them.
I see a Pidgey I recognize it as a Pidgey. I'm not going to mistake it for some other real or fantasy bird. There really is something timeless and iconic about the old school pokemon designs, even if they're simple in execution.
Also, I'm not sure what you think a bat looks like, but they tend to not be teal and have no eyes and long tendrils for legs.
Explains why despite Scarlet/Violet being what Pokemon should have been a decade ago, its still a barely functional poorly coded mess bogged down by sheer incompetence.
Also, its sad that when I see the only one that should be a net good (the Parenting one) all I can think is that that is absolutely a brainwashing center that will get those kids transitioned and molested. Almost certainly by the Rainbow Gym.
I'm going to disagree, but not entirely. Because I can think of a lot of "memorable, distinct locations" but all of them are based on what I found there instead of the environment itself. As in, an absurd Pokemon that either wrecked me or was incredibly special. Something just like Mt. Silver was, a boring area that is made unforgettable by who you find there.
I'm not going to say its phenomenal and better in every way. Just that this is the direction they should have been going for a while now and this would have been a fantastic game if released that far back, as it clearly isn't much more advanced than games were at the time.
which, in Nintendo's defense, mostly occurred on modded Switches
My Switch is as pure as can be and my playtime was almost entirely made of lag and pop in issues, to a point of actual detraction from the enjoyment by how sluggishly it ran. Which made their already poor online connection features basically unplayable due to their Timer never missing a fucking beat on counting down even as you just stare each other down.
The funny ha-ha viral glitches no doubt were, but the game was still released in a broken state that is absolutely undeniable and unmissable.
I haven't played Sword/Shield or Scarlet/Magenta/Lavender, but I did play Legends Arceus and enjoyed it. Arceus had distinct landmarks and memorable fights, and clear habitats for many species. Was it not the same for Scarlet?
Arceus was more self contained maps while S/V was one giant one. So Arceus was able to build its maps more like video game levels, with a lot more clear differentiation and individuality to them. S/V was more generic open world (with many regions straight called North 1/2/3), but way more packed with Pokemon in each space (when the popin wasn't ruining it).
So in theory it would sound like Arceus was easily superior, but I found that S/V was a lot more worthwhile to explore. Once you've stopped trying to catch X and Y species, you'd often end up just running by entire areas. Wherein S/V I was constantly finding hidden things, and often times incredible Pokemon tucked away in them.
Which was kinda the point I was getting at up there. The environments themselves are clearly a step down (and almost certainly that bland because of their terrible laggy coding necessitating blandness to run), but there is a lot more to actually find in most locations.
Apparently the new open world games don't have a level scaling system so while you can do things in the order you want, none of the levels scale, you can literally fight endgame bosses right from the start and the levels will be the same as if you were to play through with the correct path of doing everything. Basic systems we've had for decades and this billion dollar IP can't put it into a simple game.
If by that you mean what I think you mean (which I believe is that in the new games an area that spawns lvl 50+ pokemon will do so whether you just started the game or you have a full team of lvl 100s) then this is a good thing to me. The idea that reality warps around the pc to ensure things are neither too easy nor too difficult is terrible open world design to me. Give me a Dark Souls-esque pokemon world where going to the wrong area can see your level 5 squirtle facing down a lvl 40 gyarados. Makes the world feel more real if it's not warping around you for no good reason.
Yes I believe it is exactly how you described it. The problem many had with it is that this was marketed as an open world experience. The way they did it thus heavily encourages you to play the linear path which ruins the open world experience if you can't play the order you want without breaking the game.
It could work as a more Dark Souls experience if gyms and the like were scaled to your level (canonically gym leaders are supposed to pick a team that gives a challenger a tough but fair battle, no wild overlevelling or experience gap between the leader and challenger's teams) but the environment wasn't scaled, meaning to find more rare and powerful Pokémon, you'd have to risk going to the more difficult areas filled with things that can take you out easily (I like that idea of yours a lot). The more that I think, the more it seems to be that it was not the open world that was the problem, more so the story being unable to be flexible with your current situation.
I do like your proposed modification a lot. Making the gyms scale to you would be appropriate, and I'm pretty sure I remember that even being referenced in the anime at one point. A world where the areas closest to each town are generally pretty easy (because it would make sense that people would work to drive away more dangerous pokemon from their homes) while more remote areas have rare and powerful pokemon that don't appreciate intruders.
Let the gyms scale based off how many badges you have and you could absolutely make a believable and enjoyable open world pokemon game. You could even let players pick their starting town in such a scenario, and perhaps that would change what starters are available or give other starting perks/bonuses.
Its really only a problem like you say in the very beginning where you will overlevel the first 1-2 fights of each quest, brought on by the first Titan being East but the first Gym/Star being West and all of them being so low level you will outlevel any of them just by exploring slightly.
Level scaling never really works out to something anyone likes in practice. You always just end up feeling weaker than you should and getting punished for experimenting by changing out of your specific team.
Its exactly as he says. Every zone has a specific level range attached and that never changes. The only exceptions are special static spawn Pokemon that can be dozens of levels higher than anything around it, but they are incredibly obvious when you spot them so you don't accidentally kill yourself.
In fact, most advice people give going in is to rush one of your 3 main quests, because its the one that locks your movement ability behind it. So once you know that you are much more incentivized to bumrush bosses 10+ levels above you so that you can unlock swimming, sprinting, and gliding. I think I did the level 57~ one at like 45 just to unlock my last one.
Its helped by that being the quest with the most emotional resonance and writing to it, where you are far more likely to be invested than the more generic "gym challenge" and the more comedic "evil team" quest.
Didn't see whatever designs, but progressive design is usually shit. They think that art is something you learn at a university.
When did "employee resource groups" become a thing? I assume goes along with leftist takeovers? It reminds me of high school. I don't want a white guy club at work any more than the faggotry gym or whatever. Let me trade the resource of my time and knowledge for the resource of your money without it being too much of a pain in the ass. That's all I ask of a workplace.
Its because corporations both don't understand and then refuse to understand why their employees are so miserable and fail at retention.
Someone gave them the mind virus that more "community" and "training" and all that jazz is the real key to keeping employees, and they've never let up since. There was a viral image of some guys management training where they taught that pizza parties are better at keeping employees than literal pay increases.
Because that's what it is at the heart of it. Companies don't want to give the only two things that matter out, more money and less hours, so they want to pretend like they are "working on it" by giving you the little side benefits while ignoring any of the ones that might take effort.
Most of the workforce literally will feel a lot better about their job despite being underpaid if they get weekly pizza parties.
A lot of people aren't very good at thinking.
That said, the failure at retention very much is a management issue. Both the phenomena of The Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting are almost entirely at the fault of terrible middle managers and high tension work environments, which also includes the woke culture where people are afraid to say what they think or speak to certain "individuals" because they assume the worst of every statement and attempt to weaponize it if you don't 'fit in'.
Long hours and low pay (leading to home stress which means you don't get to burn out your work stress) are origin point issues. If those are weighing you down, the pizza won't do much beyond bandaid it for a few days, if it doesn't feel downright insulting. Which means the job will need weekly pizza, which then diminishes its special feel and its back to square one except now the company is out a few hundred a week.
So, while its great for getting through temporary tough times (like a seasonal rush or a huge contract), it won't fix major systemic issues regardless of how dumb the worker is.
The problem is that most people who are underpaid aren't aware that they're underpaid: that the person next to them that was hired 2 years after them is getting paid 20% more for the same work, despite less experience.
In terms of their actual value and what they should be paid they won't know. All they will know is that they can't afford increasingly more things they feel they should be able to, including basic bills.
Which is the growing reality for a lot of people as inflation continues to move massively out of control while most jobs have remained quite stagnant relatively.
This is an especially large issue in cities, especially near the coasts.
Its definitely going to reach a breaking point at some point, but I'm wondering when its going to happen, and what's going to happen after.
I think we need to revisit that little bit of legislative change that happened under Reagan, IIRC, which allowed that divergence in company profit and employee pay to grow unchecked.
I'm already seeing it break small term in both former jobs and my current. An older one recently had to do inflation adjustment and basically raised the wages of the entire bottom half of the company by 3-5$ across the board because post Covid was seeing them have full shutdowns because they couldn't replace what they lost.
I think once they begin to fully automate out entry level work will be when we start to see the larger breaking point, where either we go full retard with UBI or major corporations start seeing actual revolts on a scale too large to quell.
I thought it must have been fake too because it's so on the nose. Literally everyone is represented except straight white/Asian men. Every group is using the most infantile, condescending language possible. But no, this is corporate reality in current year plus eleven.
There must be a handful of HR consultants running around every company implementing this shit. A biotechnology company I used to work for had the exact same distribution of groups, except they also had an Asian one. Can't have a multinational corpo with offices in Singapore and Shanghai and not have an Asian group.
Is that why that 3d game looked so bad??? The characters had no uniformity. Like it looked like characters from 30 diff game put into one game. Ugliest buncha chars too.. kinda like that recent pic of female marines.
The more global the company gets the worse it gets . There's sell outs but also probably globalist shareholders involved amongst other things. Bankers behind all this have infinite money to take over everything.
. Even Pokemon Legends Arceaus which is supposed to be set in Medieval Japan , somehow had a bunch of blacks shoved in to it. This isnt natural or organic,
Japanese nerd/gamer circles have been complaining a lot about the woke and ugly designs. But apparently the more a company goes global the more they get taken over by globalists.
Basically, imagine the absolute nightmare scenario gym of a feminist who's terrified of being sexualized.
The Gay Gyms are where gay men can spend a significant amount of time leering at other gay men as they work out. The entire purpose is for athletically built gay men to publicly show themselves off to other gay men, and then to chat them up, and, uh, see where things go. Yes there is a public shower section. Yes there is a spa. There also happens to be a whole additional lounge with couches that you can hang out in with people you meet in the gym. Yes, men between 18-25 can get in for free.
I can probably agree with this, but I never got to play gen 3.
For some reason my parents got my brother and sister the game but not me, even though I was way more into both games and Pokemon. Still pissed about that Christmas because it makes no sense to me.
We’re so diverse we separate people into categories and let them exclude others!
"Don't Hate, Segregate!" ---the left
Lmao, the black diaspora one really got me. I know pokemon have always been silly but I bought sword a few years back and barely made it 10 hours into the game because almost all of the species are so stupid looking.
Nothing really wrong with gen 2 compared to gen 1 unless you're a purist. After that or R/S it started to feel a bit more empty.
Every gen of Pokemon had it's examples of "stupid looking" Pokemon. RBY had a seal called Seel.
Yeah but recently they've been getting so much worse. It's like the "calarts" design but for monsters. The original pokemon you could imagine were real creatures, albeit fantastical, the new ones are just lanky mono-colored blobs. The NPC trainer and gym leader designs are even worse.
If you know anything about GameFreak, you'll know that their use of resources sucks colossal ass. Hell, Gen 2 almost never happened because they ran out of cart space when the game was only half finished and it took the efforts of Iwata to compress it down to the point that Kanto went from a single town to the entire region. They did shit like have multiple copies of the same trainer sprite for each instance of said trainer instead of just having a single instance of the trainer sprite and using that for each instance.
Likewise, the 3D models are the same ones they've been using since the games first went past sprite art which would be fine if they actually put effort into attack animations. But, as stated with their use of trainer sprites, I wouldn't be shocked if GameFreak were so fucking stupid that they couldn't just do something like scale the rigs for snake-type Pokemon for animations. You know, the reason they supposed removed a shit ton of Pokemon and moves. Oh, wait, it was for balance. Balance. From the company that made fucking Calyrex-Shadow. And Zacian-Crowned.
The fact that the modders who make Pokemon Luminescent (the Renegade Platinum mod for the Gen 4 remakes) do a better job than the actual developers is both impressive and sad.
RBY being programmed in assembly language makes them more impressive then every game that came after.
Might have been SGC too. IDR.
Yes. Like a pile of sludge, a firebreathing dragon, and the several Pokemon that "evolve" into "3 of them grouped together".
Yeah, it's not like Gen 1 didn't have a Pokemon that was nothing but a mono-colored blob.
God, Genwunner are so fucking retarded.
I think all your cocksucking faggotry is getting to your brain.
Imagine being such a soyfag you think literal pieces of trash and balloons kids let go of are good Pokemon
What did Gen 4 and 5 do to get roped into this? I like Drifloon and Trubbish. There's room for blob monsters like Muk and Garbodor to coexist together. At least none of their designs have resorted to having a face straight out of Adventure Time.
First off:
>joined 187 days ago
Sit the fuck down, fag. You're in my fucking dojo. Lemme know when your ass gets a "vacation" for being 16'd and then you can shoot your mouth off.
Second off:
As opposed to literal fucking sludge (that evolves into a bigger pile of sludge), a literal fucking boxer, and the countless amount of 'mons that are just "we added a horn to an animal and called it a day". Seriously, the only people who complain about Pokemon designs are man-children who want to masturbate to them.
If anyone is retarded, it's probably the person getting butthurt about differing pokemon opinions.
Advanced forms of retardation are the best kind.
I mean we have a little garbage pokemon and an icecream cone.
Nothing else tossed in. Just garbage an icecream.
Who could forget such unforgettable designs as "a bird", "a snake", "a caterpillar", and of course, "a bat"?
I see a Pidgey I recognize it as a Pidgey. I'm not going to mistake it for some other real or fantasy bird. There really is something timeless and iconic about the old school pokemon designs, even if they're simple in execution.
Also, I'm not sure what you think a bat looks like, but they tend to not be teal and have no eyes and long tendrils for legs.
>he doesn't know about the greater eyeless cyan tendrilbat
Explains why despite Scarlet/Violet being what Pokemon should have been a decade ago, its still a barely functional poorly coded mess bogged down by sheer incompetence.
Also, its sad that when I see the only one that should be a net good (the Parenting one) all I can think is that that is absolutely a brainwashing center that will get those kids transitioned and molested. Almost certainly by the Rainbow Gym.
I'm going to disagree, but not entirely. Because I can think of a lot of "memorable, distinct locations" but all of them are based on what I found there instead of the environment itself. As in, an absurd Pokemon that either wrecked me or was incredibly special. Something just like Mt. Silver was, a boring area that is made unforgettable by who you find there.
I'm not going to say its phenomenal and better in every way. Just that this is the direction they should have been going for a while now and this would have been a fantastic game if released that far back, as it clearly isn't much more advanced than games were at the time.
My Switch is as pure as can be and my playtime was almost entirely made of lag and pop in issues, to a point of actual detraction from the enjoyment by how sluggishly it ran. Which made their already poor online connection features basically unplayable due to their Timer never missing a fucking beat on counting down even as you just stare each other down.
The funny ha-ha viral glitches no doubt were, but the game was still released in a broken state that is absolutely undeniable and unmissable.
I haven't played Sword/Shield or Scarlet/Magenta/Lavender, but I did play Legends Arceus and enjoyed it. Arceus had distinct landmarks and memorable fights, and clear habitats for many species. Was it not the same for Scarlet?
How would you say the two games compared?
Arceus was more self contained maps while S/V was one giant one. So Arceus was able to build its maps more like video game levels, with a lot more clear differentiation and individuality to them. S/V was more generic open world (with many regions straight called North 1/2/3), but way more packed with Pokemon in each space (when the popin wasn't ruining it).
So in theory it would sound like Arceus was easily superior, but I found that S/V was a lot more worthwhile to explore. Once you've stopped trying to catch X and Y species, you'd often end up just running by entire areas. Wherein S/V I was constantly finding hidden things, and often times incredible Pokemon tucked away in them.
Which was kinda the point I was getting at up there. The environments themselves are clearly a step down (and almost certainly that bland because of their terrible laggy coding necessitating blandness to run), but there is a lot more to actually find in most locations.
Apparently the new open world games don't have a level scaling system so while you can do things in the order you want, none of the levels scale, you can literally fight endgame bosses right from the start and the levels will be the same as if you were to play through with the correct path of doing everything. Basic systems we've had for decades and this billion dollar IP can't put it into a simple game.
If by that you mean what I think you mean (which I believe is that in the new games an area that spawns lvl 50+ pokemon will do so whether you just started the game or you have a full team of lvl 100s) then this is a good thing to me. The idea that reality warps around the pc to ensure things are neither too easy nor too difficult is terrible open world design to me. Give me a Dark Souls-esque pokemon world where going to the wrong area can see your level 5 squirtle facing down a lvl 40 gyarados. Makes the world feel more real if it's not warping around you for no good reason.
Yes I believe it is exactly how you described it. The problem many had with it is that this was marketed as an open world experience. The way they did it thus heavily encourages you to play the linear path which ruins the open world experience if you can't play the order you want without breaking the game.
It could work as a more Dark Souls experience if gyms and the like were scaled to your level (canonically gym leaders are supposed to pick a team that gives a challenger a tough but fair battle, no wild overlevelling or experience gap between the leader and challenger's teams) but the environment wasn't scaled, meaning to find more rare and powerful Pokémon, you'd have to risk going to the more difficult areas filled with things that can take you out easily (I like that idea of yours a lot). The more that I think, the more it seems to be that it was not the open world that was the problem, more so the story being unable to be flexible with your current situation.
I do like your proposed modification a lot. Making the gyms scale to you would be appropriate, and I'm pretty sure I remember that even being referenced in the anime at one point. A world where the areas closest to each town are generally pretty easy (because it would make sense that people would work to drive away more dangerous pokemon from their homes) while more remote areas have rare and powerful pokemon that don't appreciate intruders.
Let the gyms scale based off how many badges you have and you could absolutely make a believable and enjoyable open world pokemon game. You could even let players pick their starting town in such a scenario, and perhaps that would change what starters are available or give other starting perks/bonuses.
Yep. Instead we got this weird mix of open world and a very linear story. Guess the world's most valuable IP can't do simple programming solutions.
I find it difficult to believe you're this retarded
Its really only a problem like you say in the very beginning where you will overlevel the first 1-2 fights of each quest, brought on by the first Titan being East but the first Gym/Star being West and all of them being so low level you will outlevel any of them just by exploring slightly.
Level scaling never really works out to something anyone likes in practice. You always just end up feeling weaker than you should and getting punished for experimenting by changing out of your specific team.
Its exactly as he says. Every zone has a specific level range attached and that never changes. The only exceptions are special static spawn Pokemon that can be dozens of levels higher than anything around it, but they are incredibly obvious when you spot them so you don't accidentally kill yourself.
In fact, most advice people give going in is to rush one of your 3 main quests, because its the one that locks your movement ability behind it. So once you know that you are much more incentivized to bumrush bosses 10+ levels above you so that you can unlock swimming, sprinting, and gliding. I think I did the level 57~ one at like 45 just to unlock my last one.
Its helped by that being the quest with the most emotional resonance and writing to it, where you are far more likely to be invested than the more generic "gym challenge" and the more comedic "evil team" quest.
Didn't see whatever designs, but progressive design is usually shit. They think that art is something you learn at a university.
When did "employee resource groups" become a thing? I assume goes along with leftist takeovers? It reminds me of high school. I don't want a white guy club at work any more than the faggotry gym or whatever. Let me trade the resource of my time and knowledge for the resource of your money without it being too much of a pain in the ass. That's all I ask of a workplace.
It just follows that society has devolved into basically high school mean girls.
Its because corporations both don't understand and then refuse to understand why their employees are so miserable and fail at retention.
Someone gave them the mind virus that more "community" and "training" and all that jazz is the real key to keeping employees, and they've never let up since. There was a viral image of some guys management training where they taught that pizza parties are better at keeping employees than literal pay increases.
Because that's what it is at the heart of it. Companies don't want to give the only two things that matter out, more money and less hours, so they want to pretend like they are "working on it" by giving you the little side benefits while ignoring any of the ones that might take effort.
I mean, it depends on worker intelligence.
Most of the workforce literally will feel a lot better about their job despite being underpaid if they get weekly pizza parties.
A lot of people aren't very good at thinking.
That said, the failure at retention very much is a management issue. Both the phenomena of The Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting are almost entirely at the fault of terrible middle managers and high tension work environments, which also includes the woke culture where people are afraid to say what they think or speak to certain "individuals" because they assume the worst of every statement and attempt to weaponize it if you don't 'fit in'.
Long hours and low pay (leading to home stress which means you don't get to burn out your work stress) are origin point issues. If those are weighing you down, the pizza won't do much beyond bandaid it for a few days, if it doesn't feel downright insulting. Which means the job will need weekly pizza, which then diminishes its special feel and its back to square one except now the company is out a few hundred a week.
So, while its great for getting through temporary tough times (like a seasonal rush or a huge contract), it won't fix major systemic issues regardless of how dumb the worker is.
The problem is that most people who are underpaid aren't aware that they're underpaid: that the person next to them that was hired 2 years after them is getting paid 20% more for the same work, despite less experience.
And both of them are still underpaid.
In terms of their actual value and what they should be paid they won't know. All they will know is that they can't afford increasingly more things they feel they should be able to, including basic bills.
Which is the growing reality for a lot of people as inflation continues to move massively out of control while most jobs have remained quite stagnant relatively.
This is an especially large issue in cities, especially near the coasts.
Its definitely going to reach a breaking point at some point, but I'm wondering when its going to happen, and what's going to happen after.
I think we need to revisit that little bit of legislative change that happened under Reagan, IIRC, which allowed that divergence in company profit and employee pay to grow unchecked.
I'm already seeing it break small term in both former jobs and my current. An older one recently had to do inflation adjustment and basically raised the wages of the entire bottom half of the company by 3-5$ across the board because post Covid was seeing them have full shutdowns because they couldn't replace what they lost.
I think once they begin to fully automate out entry level work will be when we start to see the larger breaking point, where either we go full retard with UBI or major corporations start seeing actual revolts on a scale too large to quell.
I just wanted to catch monsters and go on adventures with them....
Now catch STDs at the Rainbow Gym.
Crabby chose you. Crabby used itchies. It's super effective.
"Modern audiences".
Hold up now… what the fuck does that mean? You either have kids or you don’t.
Wayne Brady is that you?
Binaries are non-inclusive. Sometimes, you just feel like a parent today, alright!?
Parents are too inclusive and engrossed in racism! They prefer Non-Binary Child Watcher.
Is this actually in their Japanese branch or a western branch. That's the issue Sony has made worse in that they made their LA one their HQ
>that no one ever was
That's not how the song goes. I'm not even a pokemon fan.
Archive link. Apparently this page was created in 2021.
No fucking way this is real. I need to know where the hell you grabbed this from.
Gaze upon their works, ye futa, and despair.
I thought it must have been fake too because it's so on the nose. Literally everyone is represented except straight white/Asian men. Every group is using the most infantile, condescending language possible. But no, this is corporate reality in current year plus eleven.
There must be a handful of HR consultants running around every company implementing this shit. A biotechnology company I used to work for had the exact same distribution of groups, except they also had an Asian one. Can't have a multinational corpo with offices in Singapore and Shanghai and not have an Asian group.
tbh they peaked with Jynx.
Is that why that 3d game looked so bad??? The characters had no uniformity. Like it looked like characters from 30 diff game put into one game. Ugliest buncha chars too.. kinda like that recent pic of female marines.
Isn’t this a Japanese company? I mean it’s stupid regardless but I’m surprised a Japanese country Wouk do peddle this nonsense
TPCI is the American+UK (used to be two separate divisions) branch of the company.
Oh. Ok.
Thats even worse because all this boomer suits are still in charge.
The more global the company gets the worse it gets . There's sell outs but also probably globalist shareholders involved amongst other things. Bankers behind all this have infinite money to take over everything.
. Even Pokemon Legends Arceaus which is supposed to be set in Medieval Japan , somehow had a bunch of blacks shoved in to it. This isnt natural or organic,
Japanese nerd/gamer circles have been complaining a lot about the woke and ugly designs. But apparently the more a company goes global the more they get taken over by globalists.
Oh wow, that's wildly inappropriate...
Oh, you guys don't know what "Gay Gyms" are?
Basically, imagine the absolute nightmare scenario gym of a feminist who's terrified of being sexualized.
The Gay Gyms are where gay men can spend a significant amount of time leering at other gay men as they work out. The entire purpose is for athletically built gay men to publicly show themselves off to other gay men, and then to chat them up, and, uh, see where things go. Yes there is a public shower section. Yes there is a spa. There also happens to be a whole additional lounge with couches that you can hang out in with people you meet in the gym. Yes, men between 18-25 can get in for free.
How do you know all this?
Pokemon has been on a downhill slide after Gold and Silver.
Fight me.
I can probably agree with this, but I never got to play gen 3.
For some reason my parents got my brother and sister the game but not me, even though I was way more into both games and Pokemon. Still pissed about that Christmas because it makes no sense to me.
Have you thought about what you must have done to make your parents hate you?
All the middle aged white feminists touring the Carribean for poke from da mon
salutesqueal you.