While you're all here, allow me to posit that the world doesn't need any more Mozarts anyway. The classical canon and the idea of "genius" are oppressive constructs that cultural gatekeepers use to quietly justify many harmful cultural forces that we're fighting today.
Morgoth had a video some time ago in which he talked about the rise of classical radio as being emblematic of the withdrawal of native populations of western countries from their popular culture.
A person hates themselves, their people, their heritage, and their culture. And they actively try to subvert and tear it down.
For most of human history they would be recognized as the worse than dead weight they were and kicked out or just killed. Why must western societies not only tolerate, but actively enable and encourage subersive and spiteful people like this?
Mozart was a fucking genius who was writing complex music at an age most kids today wouldn’t even know how to ride a bike. Seriously that nad juggling cringe machine should have his degrees revoked but sadly many people that go into musicology push this shit because they need to create something “new” in order to have a job.
Mozart would have humiliated him and his dog in front of everyone including the king while fucking his sister to the point she sings the highest notes in The Magic Flute while he improved a new piece centered around the key of f minor… because all that thing probably thinks about is fing a minor 🤫🤫🤫
Sadly it is a “degree” but many get a music arts or “history” degree. I am a music educator with a masters in conducting and a lot of the Musicologist were people who couldn’t pass the Praxis and get a teaching licenses so they got this with a hope to get a higher degree and most never do.
Most schools don’t carry it as an option because it’s worthless compared to a performance or educational track. Some people going into composing will go Musicology for an easier track bachelors so they can focus on writing for composition contest.
I’m with you on this though… it’s not a job title or at least one worth more than rouge faggot making an ass of itself on social media by trying to snub their nose at two of the greatest and most intelligent people ever in the field of music.
This makes a lot of sense to me. It is my personal theory that the reptilian look is the look of a person who has engaged in dominant behavior constantly and for decades. Stephen Colbert comes to mind, I honestly recoil at his face and his beady little eyes. My instincts absolutely do not like Stephen Colbert and I think it is because of exactly what you are saying.
Enough to create a pattern meriting caution, at the least. But you don't even need to reach into the spiritual level, it's literally skin-deep: There are a million ways to improve your own looks. Some are intensive, but many are not.
Smiling strains the cheek muscles. Muscle strain leads to muscle growth. Someone who smiles a lot, even at rest, can be told apart from one who scowls. The soy face does not strain the cheeks in the same way, their faces shall be marked by the joyless. Laugh lines, as they're called, vs crow's feet in terms of wrinkles, even the aged have signs of joy in their lives versus hate.
But beyond smiling exercises, even simpler things too. In example: I have eczema. I use creams to fix and cover it up. This implies I care about my own health, and about societal images and stability. Alternate universe me has eczema, but broadcasts it, even agitates it to make it uglier: This implies AU me doesn't care about health, and actively seeks to destabilize society in some minor way. Perhaps not enough to brand AU me a bad person, but enough to merit caution.
There are some who can't help it, severe burn victims and the like. But just as it is said you can learn a lot about someone by their shoes, so too can you by merely examining skin-deep reflections.
His twitter is protected and his youtube channel hasn't seen an upload for 10 months (and the second newest video seems to be 3 years old). Chances are he trooned himself out. Hell, he already looks like he's on estrogen in that picture.
Same thing happened to Joe Goes. That guy was a hilarious youtuber. Found out about him years after he'd stopped posting and going by the comments of people asking where he went apparently he went troon.
Just checked his channel and, after 4 or 5 years of silence he "she" had a post as of 10mo ago where it's apparent he's now a troon. And fat.
yo that was such a suprise when I found that out. “oh ya btw always wanted to be a girl” ok dude... really hope he gets help but in todays world hes just gonna be enabled.
Yeah, I love Beethoven but I haven't the slightest desire to break down his "symphonic algorithm" despite what amount of intelligence I possess or lack. I just like listening to it.
I do get his point though. The "musicologist" can piss off with his race baiting. Beside the fact that you can just tell from the picture what he's going to say.
TBH Beethoven didn’t have a symphonic algorithm and that’s why he was so badass. He went against the grain and broke the “rules” in traditional classical symphonic form which helped usher in the romantic period. Oh wait… we are supposed to modulate back to the Tonic major key??? Fuck you says Beethoven! Let’s add in a solo and bring it back into minor with a big ass brass sound. Come on T-bones, you can join the orchestra too. What a fuckin legend.
I won't go as far as Ahaus but I'll agree that a higher intelligence allows one to better appreciate music with multiple harmonious melodies. And then personal talent or skill in music (which is correlated but doesn't always align with intelligence) allows one to better appreciate complex arrangements, even from a single instrument. In the West, Classical music exemplifies this the best, but it also applies to rock, jazz, and electronic pop music, wherever it's not just chords backing a singer.
Everyone can certainly still enjoy it, the way we might enjoy a movie while not understanding its themes.
I mean a "certain level" of intellect is required for enjoying anything, even if the bar is little higher than "drooling vegetable".
There's also a distinction to be made between enjoying something and truly appreciating it too. Most people can't truly appreciate any grand achievement until they have some experience or knowledge of the technical difficulties behind it.
I think "truly appreciating" is a very high bar, one of infinite height.
"Music exist."
"Music good."
"This chiptune jumps around in a weird and creepy way compared to the usual, I like it."
"This chiptune plays with the concept of a minor tonal melodic 5th triad to a clipped sus-7 without a resolution until the coda, I like it."
"Based on the historic music works of the time..."
"Based on the mathematical formulas of the time..."
"The vibrations in the air have a variance of..."
It's endless. There is no "truly", only greater and lesser appreciation. The person who knows no music theory but listens to a lot of music, somewhere near spot three above, appreciates the techniques in the music, they just don't know how to explain their appreciation. Like a blind painter explaining depth of view, they know something exists there, they just don't have the personal experience to explain it.
It is, the simple fact of the matter is that low iqs follow tympanic rhythm from drums or bass. This is why rap and edm is designed around percussions.
I love Beethoven and I enjoy some jazz. Generally the only rap I listen to is old school or Christian. Basically I like all kinds. I understand the point he was trying to make. There seems to be a movement to trash the greats of classical music
Turntablism, the good stuff anyhow, takes a lot of creativity. See Mr. Dibbs. And turntablism goes back to jazz and funk, both largely driven by percussion and bass. I know some people might call this cheap but there are some cool things going on in it. There is a lot of jazz that makes callbacks to classical/romantic era music and then they go wild with it.
There is a ton of garbage out there in EDM and rap (thought I can't really speak to rap, as I'm not in to it), sure, but it does a disservice to the talented people making some incredible music. I get many people aren't in to the stuff I used as examples, especially the electronic stuff, but it can get pretty deep.
It is some type of hiphop. I swear, since at least the 2000s back that people insist on inventing new music genres over the smallest of differences. So many unnecessary "cores".
From what I gather, it's more of a region thing. Like you have "drill" from Chicago and "trap" from Atlanta. There are some differences but just tossing a blanket label on it shows "oh, this dude is from this place" And, if Biggie and Tupac taught us anything, it's that rap is pretty serious about location.
What part of music theory encapsulates the doctrines of political correctness? What part of Beethoven's symphonies (enjoyed worldwide by every color of person imaginable) are white? Music belongs to everyone.
I say this as someone who enjoys most forms of music - especially jazz, blues, and fusion. It literally boils down to "a white guy made it, he was super comfortable because he's a colonizer monster so he made complex compositions while eating grapes from the vine - not because he's an actual genius or anything". Unhinge your soylent maw wider cuck. You wouldn't have shit without Beethoven and to deny his place in music history is disgraceful.
And you know what? Trap musicians have it better than Beethoven or any classical musician in history. Even the poorest wear the fabrics of kings and have every resource at their fingertips, sophisticated tools for learning and creating beauty beyond the wildest dreams of any of the greats. Many of them could devote their entire lives to music on welfare and grants alone if they truly wanted and study closely. What do you get? "aaaay uhhh mmmn finna, finna... uhhh... yo bitch on my dihhhh.... uhhh" with lazy ass production. You know how much pain went into jazz? This is what boundless hedonism gets you. Trap music is what unwarranted, unchecked privilege sounds like. It's a "trapped" craft because objective criticism and standards don't exist for it.
These people love to flaunt their labels like they are all equal.
I've got 7 years of higher education in Psychology, degree and qualifications and everything and yet I am miles below most PhDs despite both of us being "Psychologists."
That's also assuming this guy has anything more than a "read a lot on the internet" level into that study, which people love to pretend lets them use it.
The credentialed class is over. I’d trust you to be my psychologist before 95% of phd holders because they have been processed by converged institutions and mean to harm me.
I'll bet money that Mr. Music Studies here is merely repeating ideas and terms that he learned in undergrad, as opposed to real analysis and synthesis of knowledge. Recitation is not a mark of intellect, it's a mark of being a literal parrot.
To be fair, "symphonic algorithm" sounds pretentious as hell.
At its base, a musicologist studies music--and anything about music. So you could have sociologist / historian / linguist who is a musicologist. So yeah, a horse shit degree.
Musicologist does not necessarily mean someone who knows anything about music, who can play any musical instrument, or who can compose any music. I have respect for all of those things.
I can take a guess as to what kind of musicologist this douche is...
That's as much bullshit as modern literary analysis. You can literally make shit up and pretend it's a "valid critique" as if you're some kind of authority on the subject. Let's see this soyboy faggot make some respectable music of his own. Then, I might be inclined to give a fuck what he has to say. Wait, no I wouldn't. Musicians should stick to making music and soyfags should stick to drinking soy (if this kid is even strong enough to open the bottle on his own without calling his wife's boyfriend).
I have some experience with university-level literary analysis at the moment when that field became irretrievably converged. One of my instructors was old school, and you couldn’t sneak a weak thesis past him. If the text didn’t legitimately support what you claimed, he would fail your ass.
My second instructor was a leftist woman. She would pass literally anything so long as you started with the “correct” (aka feminist) conclusions. People in the classes wrote the most insane analyses backed by laughably thin evidence - and often times explicitly contrary to the bulk of the text - and she just lapped that shit up.
I eventually stopped trying altogether in her classes. It was way easier to just bullshit my way through it all with boilerplate feminist nonsense. She gave me A’s. I correctly assessed that the entire field of literary criticism was fraudulent idiocy.
As if the credentialed class didn’t just recently set on fire every ounce of credibility they ever had. What industry or field isn’t corrupt at this point?
IANAM - I am not a “musicologist” (lol), but… It’s interesting, because pop music, with its “trap” and hip hop influences is at such a nadir, right now, and has been for the best part of 5-6 years, that someone like Olivia Rodrigo or Ava Max, who would have been utterly unremarkable 10-15 years ago, can become overnight sensations, merely by making the sort of music that was popular in the Noughties, but which has now fallen out of favour in the name of, for want of a better term, “black poetry”… 😑
Just shows you that, even in current era, people DO still want “pop punk” (Rodrigo, barely) and “clever sugar pop” (Max, mostly), even if we are told by the media that “Young people only want hip hop-inspired beats”…
what did I just say? It's because they're gullible and become convinced they're doing everything for the "greater good" I never said they were intelligent, or that some of the blame shouldn't sit with them. I'm saying our media is heavily controlled by jews who are actively pushing out the propaganda they eat up. I'm not advocating for blaming the *JOOOS8 for everything. I'm saying they're an integral part of the issue. Make sense?
What in the fuck are you talking about? putting words in my mouth because you're so hell bent on "being right" when the fuck did, I say white people share some common interest you stupid cunt? I live in the PNW, I know for a fucking FACT how separated and obsessed people can be with their political beliefs, this is ground zero for the leftist mob/antifa. My own neighbors were building BLM signs and driving off in the middle of the night wearing black hoodies and masks during the riots, I have no affinity or connection with any of these communist fucks, or with you. I don't watch porn, I don't need to see other men get fucked, I'm 6'6 and I can get my own pussy, don't project your bullshit onto me. At this point it sounds like you're DEFENDING the jews, isn't that something? It's almost as if you're guarding the fact that they control a vast majority of our media, I know stupid white people like yourself will fall for it and others will follow, when did I not? Look at you, defending some kikes so you can get mad at some white women who won't fuck you, and I never said they weren't guilty or that these white cunts don't push this agenda themselves. You feel free to keep responding because I know you need at least one "Win" in your life, but I'm done arguing with some pasty prick who's going to put words in my mouth to win an argument. Get fucked, goyim.
If opinions could merit jail sentences, this would be at the top of the list.
Yea there has been a lot of hatred of classical music lately. He doesn’t have to listen.
That makes me want to listen even more than I already have.
You should. I swear these people are lunatics. Everything white is so evil to them
Everything SUCCESSFUL is evil to them.
Whites just happen to have been the most successful racial group.
They want to destroy our culture.
May be reverse psychology.
Morgoth had a video some time ago in which he talked about the rise of classical radio as being emblematic of the withdrawal of native populations of western countries from their popular culture.
Thank you for clarifying that. All true
Jail sentence?
A person hates themselves, their people, their heritage, and their culture. And they actively try to subvert and tear it down.
For most of human history they would be recognized as the worse than dead weight they were and kicked out or just killed. Why must western societies not only tolerate, but actively enable and encourage subersive and spiteful people like this?
I was trying to not glow too much.
Holy shit I can’t even with that link…
Mozart was a fucking genius who was writing complex music at an age most kids today wouldn’t even know how to ride a bike. Seriously that nad juggling cringe machine should have his degrees revoked but sadly many people that go into musicology push this shit because they need to create something “new” in order to have a job.
Mozart would have humiliated him and his dog in front of everyone including the king while fucking his sister to the point she sings the highest notes in The Magic Flute while he improved a new piece centered around the key of f minor… because all that thing probably thinks about is fing a minor 🤫🤫🤫
His 'degreee' requires that he spout stupid crap.
Sadly it is a “degree” but many get a music arts or “history” degree. I am a music educator with a masters in conducting and a lot of the Musicologist were people who couldn’t pass the Praxis and get a teaching licenses so they got this with a hope to get a higher degree and most never do.
Most schools don’t carry it as an option because it’s worthless compared to a performance or educational track. Some people going into composing will go Musicology for an easier track bachelors so they can focus on writing for composition contest.
I’m with you on this though… it’s not a job title or at least one worth more than rouge faggot making an ass of itself on social media by trying to snub their nose at two of the greatest and most intelligent people ever in the field of music.
1 --0--
2 --1--
3 --2--
4 --2--
5 --0--
6 -----
This is so hot
Wow, someone actually wrote that unironically.
He calls himself the roommate of his dog.
Not even a "dad+, which is already retarded, but roommate.
Everything he does makes him even more of a soyfag. It's impressive.
Even dogs, literally bred to be loyal and pliable, boss this adult child around by accident, he's just that mentally feeble.
He looks HIV+
He got da gaybies
Lol how sorry can you be unironically putting yourself on the level of a dog.
It's not even funny, just incredibly pathetic
Dogs are above that rodent, and I say this as someone who hates dogs.
Reminder that physiognomy is real and that ugly people have deformed souls and are morally bankrupt.
This makes a lot of sense to me. It is my personal theory that the reptilian look is the look of a person who has engaged in dominant behavior constantly and for decades. Stephen Colbert comes to mind, I honestly recoil at his face and his beady little eyes. My instincts absolutely do not like Stephen Colbert and I think it is because of exactly what you are saying.
Enough to create a pattern meriting caution, at the least. But you don't even need to reach into the spiritual level, it's literally skin-deep: There are a million ways to improve your own looks. Some are intensive, but many are not.
Smiling strains the cheek muscles. Muscle strain leads to muscle growth. Someone who smiles a lot, even at rest, can be told apart from one who scowls. The soy face does not strain the cheeks in the same way, their faces shall be marked by the joyless. Laugh lines, as they're called, vs crow's feet in terms of wrinkles, even the aged have signs of joy in their lives versus hate.
But beyond smiling exercises, even simpler things too. In example: I have eczema. I use creams to fix and cover it up. This implies I care about my own health, and about societal images and stability. Alternate universe me has eczema, but broadcasts it, even agitates it to make it uglier: This implies AU me doesn't care about health, and actively seeks to destabilize society in some minor way. Perhaps not enough to brand AU me a bad person, but enough to merit caution.
There are some who can't help it, severe burn victims and the like. But just as it is said you can learn a lot about someone by their shoes, so too can you by merely examining skin-deep reflections.
That's a male?!?!? I genuinely had no idea 🤯
His twitter is protected and his youtube channel hasn't seen an upload for 10 months (and the second newest video seems to be 3 years old). Chances are he trooned himself out. Hell, he already looks like he's on estrogen in that picture.
A shame.
Same thing happened to Joe Goes. That guy was a hilarious youtuber. Found out about him years after he'd stopped posting and going by the comments of people asking where he went apparently he went troon.
Just checked his channel and, after 4 or 5 years of silence
he"she" had a post as of 10mo ago where it's apparent he's now a troon. And fat.yo that was such a suprise when I found that out. “oh ya btw always wanted to be a girl” ok dude... really hope he gets help but in todays world hes just gonna be enabled.
Link to YT? I am genuinely curious (and want to troll)
Though I do disagree with the elitist notion that 'intellect' is required to enjoy Beethoven.
Yeah, I love Beethoven but I haven't the slightest desire to break down his "symphonic algorithm" despite what amount of intelligence I possess or lack. I just like listening to it.
I do get his point though. The "musicologist" can piss off with his race baiting. Beside the fact that you can just tell from the picture what he's going to say.
TBH Beethoven didn’t have a symphonic algorithm and that’s why he was so badass. He went against the grain and broke the “rules” in traditional classical symphonic form which helped usher in the romantic period. Oh wait… we are supposed to modulate back to the Tonic major key??? Fuck you says Beethoven! Let’s add in a solo and bring it back into minor with a big ass brass sound. Come on T-bones, you can join the orchestra too. What a fuckin legend.
A fish doesn't know it's wet.
I won't go as far as Ahaus but I'll agree that a higher intelligence allows one to better appreciate music with multiple harmonious melodies. And then personal talent or skill in music (which is correlated but doesn't always align with intelligence) allows one to better appreciate complex arrangements, even from a single instrument. In the West, Classical music exemplifies this the best, but it also applies to rock, jazz, and electronic pop music, wherever it's not just chords backing a singer.
Everyone can certainly still enjoy it, the way we might enjoy a movie while not understanding its themes.
I mean a "certain level" of intellect is required for enjoying anything, even if the bar is little higher than "drooling vegetable".
There's also a distinction to be made between enjoying something and truly appreciating it too. Most people can't truly appreciate any grand achievement until they have some experience or knowledge of the technical difficulties behind it.
I think "truly appreciating" is a very high bar, one of infinite height.
"Music exist."
"Music good."
"This chiptune jumps around in a weird and creepy way compared to the usual, I like it."
"This chiptune plays with the concept of a minor tonal melodic 5th triad to a clipped sus-7 without a resolution until the coda, I like it."
"Based on the historic music works of the time..."
"Based on the mathematical formulas of the time..."
"The vibrations in the air have a variance of..."
It's endless. There is no "truly", only greater and lesser appreciation. The person who knows no music theory but listens to a lot of music, somewhere near spot three above, appreciates the techniques in the music, they just don't know how to explain their appreciation. Like a blind painter explaining depth of view, they know something exists there, they just don't have the personal experience to explain it.
It is, the simple fact of the matter is that low iqs follow tympanic rhythm from drums or bass. This is why rap and edm is designed around percussions.
I love Beethoven and I enjoy some jazz. Generally the only rap I listen to is old school or Christian. Basically I like all kinds. I understand the point he was trying to make. There seems to be a movement to trash the greats of classical music
My experience with cats suggests they generally seem to prefer arrhythmic light instrumentals over thumpy shit with human voices.
Also see: David Theie.
Also see: https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/70539/7-scientific-studies-about-how-animals-react-music and similar.
I didn't know there was such a thing as Christian rap. Learn something new every day.
Some of its really good. If you are into that sort of thing
Not rap generally, but I respect Christianity.
They've had heavy metal since forever, too, so why not.
I'm honestly impressed how good they are at metal
You say that but give Aphex Twin, Igorr, Squarepusher, or my favorite, Venetian Snares a listen.
Take this one for example. It is designed around percussion but there is a ton of shit going on. Or what's popularly called "The Hungarian Albulm".
Turntablism, the good stuff anyhow, takes a lot of creativity. See Mr. Dibbs. And turntablism goes back to jazz and funk, both largely driven by percussion and bass. I know some people might call this cheap but there are some cool things going on in it. There is a lot of jazz that makes callbacks to classical/romantic era music and then they go wild with it.
There is a ton of garbage out there in EDM and rap (thought I can't really speak to rap, as I'm not in to it), sure, but it does a disservice to the talented people making some incredible music. I get many people aren't in to the stuff I used as examples, especially the electronic stuff, but it can get pretty deep.
Frankly, I think they're both wrong. But Broderick is much closer to being correct than the Soy with 3 names below him
So I guess "trap" is another "genre" of "music" black people like?
It is some type of hiphop. I swear, since at least the 2000s back that people insist on inventing new music genres over the smallest of differences. So many unnecessary "cores".
From what I gather, it's more of a region thing. Like you have "drill" from Chicago and "trap" from Atlanta. There are some differences but just tossing a blanket label on it shows "oh, this dude is from this place" And, if Biggie and Tupac taught us anything, it's that rap is pretty serious about location.
Bit like “identities”/racial “mixes” they claim to be/“sexualities”, then, no..? 🤔
The pattern holds! 🤷🏻♂️
It just sounds like dubstep to me, but what would I know?
Oh, you must have gotten a trapstep song instead of "pure" trap music, it's another genre entirely!
...I THINK I'm kidding, but honestly, who knows at this point?
Trap is an electronic genre. Most of it I've ever heard doesn't have rapping in it, and actually a lot of it is instrumental.
The soyboy is fake, right? Troll account?
no, that one's real, I'm afraid.
What part of music theory encapsulates the doctrines of political correctness? What part of Beethoven's symphonies (enjoyed worldwide by every color of person imaginable) are white? Music belongs to everyone.
I say this as someone who enjoys most forms of music - especially jazz, blues, and fusion. It literally boils down to "a white guy made it, he was super comfortable because he's a colonizer monster so he made complex compositions while eating grapes from the vine - not because he's an actual genius or anything". Unhinge your soylent maw wider cuck. You wouldn't have shit without Beethoven and to deny his place in music history is disgraceful.
And you know what? Trap musicians have it better than Beethoven or any classical musician in history. Even the poorest wear the fabrics of kings and have every resource at their fingertips, sophisticated tools for learning and creating beauty beyond the wildest dreams of any of the greats. Many of them could devote their entire lives to music on welfare and grants alone if they truly wanted and study closely. What do you get? "aaaay uhhh mmmn finna, finna... uhhh... yo bitch on my dihhhh.... uhhh" with lazy ass production. You know how much pain went into jazz? This is what boundless hedonism gets you. Trap music is what unwarranted, unchecked privilege sounds like. It's a "trapped" craft because objective criticism and standards don't exist for it.
Perhaps that it came out of European culture, which is baaaaaad mkaaaay.
These people love to flaunt their labels like they are all equal.
I've got 7 years of higher education in Psychology, degree and qualifications and everything and yet I am miles below most PhDs despite both of us being "Psychologists."
That's also assuming this guy has anything more than a "read a lot on the internet" level into that study, which people love to pretend lets them use it.
The credentialed class is over. I’d trust you to be my psychologist before 95% of phd holders because they have been processed by converged institutions and mean to harm me.
Hidden surname.
Steve takes it in the ass.
I'll bet money that Mr. Music Studies here is merely repeating ideas and terms that he learned in undergrad, as opposed to real analysis and synthesis of knowledge. Recitation is not a mark of intellect, it's a mark of being a literal parrot.
To be fair, "symphonic algorithm" sounds pretentious as hell.
dafuq is a musicologist? more soy degrees?
At its base, a musicologist studies music--and anything about music. So you could have sociologist / historian / linguist who is a musicologist. So yeah, a horse shit degree.
Musicologist does not necessarily mean someone who knows anything about music, who can play any musical instrument, or who can compose any music. I have respect for all of those things.
I can take a guess as to what kind of musicologist this douche is...
That's as much bullshit as modern literary analysis. You can literally make shit up and pretend it's a "valid critique" as if you're some kind of authority on the subject. Let's see this soyboy faggot make some respectable music of his own. Then, I might be inclined to give a fuck what he has to say. Wait, no I wouldn't. Musicians should stick to making music and soyfags should stick to drinking soy (if this kid is even strong enough to open the bottle on his own without calling his wife's boyfriend).
I have some experience with university-level literary analysis at the moment when that field became irretrievably converged. One of my instructors was old school, and you couldn’t sneak a weak thesis past him. If the text didn’t legitimately support what you claimed, he would fail your ass.
My second instructor was a leftist woman. She would pass literally anything so long as you started with the “correct” (aka feminist) conclusions. People in the classes wrote the most insane analyses backed by laughably thin evidence - and often times explicitly contrary to the bulk of the text - and she just lapped that shit up.
I eventually stopped trying altogether in her classes. It was way easier to just bullshit my way through it all with boilerplate feminist nonsense. She gave me A’s. I correctly assessed that the entire field of literary criticism was fraudulent idiocy.
Literary criticism (ex Linguistics) has no methodology.
Usually when someone starts with I have a degree or I'm a xxxxcologist you know its going to be horseshit lies.
Just tell them to hurry up with your damn food order.
As if the credentialed class didn’t just recently set on fire every ounce of credibility they ever had. What industry or field isn’t corrupt at this point?
Hi! Faggot here...
First time hearing musicologist.
Blassie would have identified this one as a pencil-necked geek. A piece of string would probably be fine.
Physiognomy. Is. Real.
shut up faggot
IANAM - I am not a “musicologist” (lol), but… It’s interesting, because pop music, with its “trap” and hip hop influences is at such a nadir, right now, and has been for the best part of 5-6 years, that someone like Olivia Rodrigo or Ava Max, who would have been utterly unremarkable 10-15 years ago, can become overnight sensations, merely by making the sort of music that was popular in the Noughties, but which has now fallen out of favour in the name of, for want of a better term, “black poetry”… 😑
Just shows you that, even in current era, people DO still want “pop punk” (Rodrigo, barely) and “clever sugar pop” (Max, mostly), even if we are told by the media that “Young people only want hip hop-inspired beats”…
Makes you think. 🤷🏻♂️
What a fag, the black guy is the one who's right.
White people be like
Clearly not...
"It's super gross!"
It is the jews who are behind the hate-whitey propaganda.
They have TOTAL control of the media.
I have never interacted with either of these people and I fucking hate both of them.
Nobody is impressed you listen to classical music. Nobody cares that you see racism everywhere.
Fuck both these people.
And the progressive White woman was taught by the jew media and jew higher education.
Bitch, who do you think taught white women to do that? Yes they’re gullible fools but who’s teaching the rhetoric they push?
what did I just say? It's because they're gullible and become convinced they're doing everything for the "greater good" I never said they were intelligent, or that some of the blame shouldn't sit with them. I'm saying our media is heavily controlled by jews who are actively pushing out the propaganda they eat up. I'm not advocating for blaming the *JOOOS8 for everything. I'm saying they're an integral part of the issue. Make sense?
What in the fuck are you talking about? putting words in my mouth because you're so hell bent on "being right" when the fuck did, I say white people share some common interest you stupid cunt? I live in the PNW, I know for a fucking FACT how separated and obsessed people can be with their political beliefs, this is ground zero for the leftist mob/antifa. My own neighbors were building BLM signs and driving off in the middle of the night wearing black hoodies and masks during the riots, I have no affinity or connection with any of these communist fucks, or with you. I don't watch porn, I don't need to see other men get fucked, I'm 6'6 and I can get my own pussy, don't project your bullshit onto me. At this point it sounds like you're DEFENDING the jews, isn't that something? It's almost as if you're guarding the fact that they control a vast majority of our media, I know stupid white people like yourself will fall for it and others will follow, when did I not? Look at you, defending some kikes so you can get mad at some white women who won't fuck you, and I never said they weren't guilty or that these white cunts don't push this agenda themselves. You feel free to keep responding because I know you need at least one "Win" in your life, but I'm done arguing with some pasty prick who's going to put words in my mouth to win an argument. Get fucked, goyim.