Knife-TotingRat 1 point ago +1 / -0

An Italian film called Unicorn Wars*. I have now seen three Italian movies, and they were all ... something else, but in a good way. The Army chaplain is no joke.

*Not to be confused with Genndy Tartakivsky's Unicorn: Warriors Eternal which is fun, as was Primal.

Knife-TotingRat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everything about humans is fake and gay, and always was.

Knife-TotingRat 3 points ago +3 / -0

My 4th gen intel cpu is still chugging along nicely, lol.

Knocks wood vigorously

Knife-TotingRat 8 points ago +8 / -0

Sharing a species designation with these things disgusts me more every day. Sharing it with pakis is bad enough.

Knife-TotingRat 22 points ago +22 / -0

I think it started with Hollyweirdoes normalizing bizarre surgeries like facelifts and botox.

Plastic surgery is great for accident victims and such, but boy was it abused for vanity. Then everyone started taking going under the knife lightly ...

Knife-TotingRat 7 points ago +8 / -1

But they do seem to believe that non-whites DO own their cultures, etc, which is why they flip out over hairstyles and Halloween costumes.

Knife-TotingRat 10 points ago +10 / -0

Well, yes, because small towns were the norm, not cities, and the Church was not just the centrepiece of the town, it was also how people got together and socialized once a week. Even when it came to cities, you had your neighbourhood churches/"parishes". Even if you didn't give a shit about the stories, old people liked to see their friends, and as a kid you got brunch and maybe a drive out in the country afterwards.

But as cities grew, and became more "diverse", that started to break up once you have different "denominations", never mind religions.

As it is, we used to more or less know the same books, and watch the same movies and TV shows. The very forces that want to homogenize humanity is causing it to fracture even more than might have happened naturally. We don't have to watch Hollywoke propaganda, we can watch something else instead, maybe made by some nobody somewhere no one knows.

Knife-TotingRat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nah, they just stuck cool electronics on the things, lol.

I mean, who doesn't want their potty to talk to them while they take a shit?

Knife-TotingRat 1 point ago +1 / -0

When you understand that Israel isn't waging warfare, it's engaging in a pest control operation, it all becomes clearer.

Knife-TotingRat 1 point ago +2 / -1

That just proves this isn't an economic war, it's a war between individualists and communalists who think humans should be as eusocial as ants and bees.

Knife-TotingRat 6 points ago +6 / -0

Too bad the moo-slime's head didn't make like a watermelon.

Knife-TotingRat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Note that the current war isn't so much an economic one (capitalism vs Marxist/Bolshevist communism) like the Cold War was, it's a social war -- individualism vs communalism.

I've started to suspect that the whole thing with flamboyant faggotry, sexual identity bullshit, etc, is a form of accellerationism fed to us by the communalists - the message being "look at how ridiculous individual liberty is - it's just anarchy, chaos, and degeneracy!" It's part and parcel of breaking down society so that white humans will accept more communalism.

Ever notice what the difference is between Western and Eastern spiritual philosophy is? It's to do with determinism vs free will, and the existence of the individual vs individuality being an illusion.

Eastern reincanation teaches that any sense of "you" is an illusion, the shapeless soul has no sense of self, species, or anything else, and the end goal of existence is to eventually give up that individuality to Become One with Nirvana or whatever they want to call it. When Westerners imagine it, there's always a discrete "you" that persists from life to life and back to the Afterlife, no matter what body you're born into (and I think this is the root reason for people getting confused about what they are - the memory wiping process isn't perfect, and is maybe breaking down. Too many other species are being forced against their will into, say, human bodies, and remember all those aborted Chinese girls?)

Islam is "eastern" in the sense that it believes in determinism - that everything was written before God even existed (think Elder Scrolls - that's the Koran in their view.) You are an infidel so that Muslims can have a target for to get them a ticket to Paradise ....

Knife-TotingRat 3 points ago +3 / -0

I loved Big Al, had him as a stuffie, in fact. Figment the Dragon, too.

Blood on the saddle ...

The early 80s was the best. Complete with piratey Pirates. No, pirates were not nice people, and were portrayed as rough as a G rating (and former ticket level) would permit.

Knife-TotingRat 9 points ago +9 / -0

Kind of like fucking with an ant mound but without the guts to treat them like an ant mound.

Knife-TotingRat 11 points ago +11 / -0

Maybe it's not the culture that does it, maybe there's an inherent, slight difference in genes within a species that causes cultural differences to arise (the ones that don't depend on the local natural environment, like food preferences, that is. Which way to read things is pretty arbitrary; another species might write in spirals or something - but visually different populations within that species might start their spirals differently (outward vs inward, let's say).

Knife-TotingRat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just saying, you can make any shirt you want with an inkjet printer, a steam iron, and the right sort of paper. And a blank shirt, ofc.

Knife-TotingRat 5 points ago +5 / -0

OK, now tell them you don't drive

Knife-TotingRat 14 points ago +15 / -1

We should send all the migrants to slave gulags. Let them work, let us sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labour. Hey, they wanted to come here ...

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