HuggableBear -4 points ago +5 / -9

which is functionally the same thing.

If I can choose to buy an ounce of gold for $2000 or trade $1600 for enough rubles to buy an ounce of gold, then the price of gold is $1600.

More importantly, it sets the value of a dollar at 1/1600 of an ounce of gold, which it is not worth on its own without being backed by oil as a default global currency, which Russia also put a stop to during this same process.

Since it is not worth that amount on its own, nations will be dumping their dollars and hyperinflation slaps us in the dick when we now have trillions more dollars whose IOU is being called.

HuggableBear 13 points ago +13 / -0

what the fuck are you doing, man?

In all cases, 100% of the time, no matter what, the thing they believe will make them the most money.

HuggableBear 20 points ago +20 / -0

My favorite part was "How many of <X> are within a 30 minute commute without owning a car?"

About half.

But here's the thing. I do own a car. I own three. Because I can afford to do so, because my rent isn't $2/sq ft. I have a 3000 sq ft house with a fully finished basement, two car garage, a 300 sq ft storage shed/workshop on an acre of land. I have three dogs and two cats that run around the back yard having fun. I have a wife, three kids, and a widowed mother who live with me and there's plenty of space for all of us.

And my rent isn't rent, it's a mortgage at 2.25% that will be paid off in 12 more years, right as my youngest child is graduating college. And it's still less than $2000 a month for all that. I can afford spectacular health insurance, seven figure life insurance for myself and my wife, have no revolving debt, and put 20% of our income away each month for retirement. My projected income at retirement is higher than my current income.

So yeah, I will sacrifice being able to take a smelly, crowded train to an overpriced restaurant, paying half a week's wages to look at a banana duct taped to a wall in person, and buy $12 cups of coffee while listening to some loser read his shitty poetry that he wrote in some coffee shop because he can't afford his own internet.

Instead, I will drive myself and my family to the local dog park, then go over to a friend's house and enjoy a backyard BBQ, then go home and sit around the fire in our backyard making s'mores and talking about what we're going to do on our campout the next weekend.

So feel free to keep throwing your money away and complaining about your landlord and how you're so poor while still making the decisions that got you there to begin with. I'll be busy managing the wealth I plan to leave to my grandchildren so they can all have their houses paid off by the time they are forty and leave their own grandchildren enough wealth to never have to take a mortgage in the first place.

I'm sure your great-great-grandchildren will still be complaining about how poor they are and have to live in a pod and eat bugs to survive, but it's still totally better than us stupid uncultured suburbanites.

Wait, what am I saying? They won't even exist. You cut your dick off to feel like a real girl.

HuggableBear 6 points ago +6 / -0

IDK man, I saw a grown man order a Shirley Temple at a bar one time

HuggableBear 49 points ago +49 / -0

My favorite part of the whole shitshow is that they tried to shoehorn in all the woke bullshit into a story that already highlights it all in a way that is much more effective and organic.

In the books, all the main characters are from the same town and they all look alike. Brunette, brown eyes, short. All of them. It's a basic old english farming village where every family has been there for centuries and they don't trust outsiders, and any outsider is very obvious just by looking at them. They have their traditional "gender" roles and the whole place is exactly what you expect it to be.

Except Rand. He is a very tall ginger in a town of short brunettes. He doesn't fit. No one knows why because they all come from this tiny insular village backed up against mountains and rivers in the middle of nowhere where no one ever comes. They think he just looks a little weird, but ok, he's Tam's kid and we all know and respect Tam, so whatever.

None of them have any experience in the world, so they don't know that he's adopted and very clearly from a specific race of people.

The first six books or so spend a whole lot of time showing us how these insular, isolated nobodies are out of their depth and have to learn to adapt to a world that is full of variety and customs and cultures that they don't understand, how the people you know and love are still the same on the inside even if you find out that they are from a totally different race or even that they have a power that has had world-ending consequences in the past. It's a huuuuuge theme throughout all the books.

And now these idiot showrunners have so little understanding of it that they decided to diversify the shit out of the hwole town, completely ruining that entire theme. If everyone is already diverse, then there is no culture shock to be had when they go to another country and everyone is a different color than they are and the women have no problems drinking in taverns with the men and the women actually are the ones tht do all the courtship etc etc.

Their little town has already been portrayed as super woke with the wahmen in charge and all the people are already various shades of brown, so there is no way to show the value of accepting people that you don't understand because they present no differences and you already understand that people are different.

Congratulations, woke morons: You killed your own favorite theme with your unending butthurt.

HuggableBear 19 points ago +19 / -0

there has been a lot of hatred of classical music talent, competence, and hard work lately

HuggableBear 18 points ago +21 / -3

Morality's not the discussion, numbnuts. Morality is a personal decision, something you teach your children.

The point is you don't use authority to clamp down on people being assholes. They are free to be as big of an asshole as they want until they start causing direct physical harm to someone.

HuggableBear 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's from May.

More likely is 1-2 a year is normal, 2020 had some extras who legit died from the bullshit surrounding covid, then 2021 is mostly vax deaths.

Another low order probability is that this organization increased its membership by 1,000,000% in that time frame and this is just normal death numbers

HuggableBear 6 points ago +6 / -0

He's right and that's actually what this author wants. I feel like OP didn't get past the headline.

She's asking people to stop being inclusive. If you want to celebrate Christmas, fine, celebrate Christmas. Don't try to pull Jews into Christmas by calling it the "holiday season". It's fucking Christmas, so celebrate Christmas. The inclusivity is just a veneer and is actually more offensive than excluding them from a holiday they don't celebrate anyway.

It's actually a pretty fucking based take, if for the wrong reason.

HuggableBear 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yeah, but it's also nice to have unplanned guys' nights at any time with new people from your community that you may not know.

HuggableBear 11 points ago +11 / -0

Come on in, you limp-wristed faggot! All men are welcome. We're having arm-wrestling contests and not bitching when we lose. It's called being a man. Oh, I'm sorry, do you not want to come inside anymore?

HuggableBear 17 points ago +17 / -0

I don't give a shit what any self-reported study shows. The only information you can ever get from a self-reported study is the bias of the people doing the reporting. All that study shows me is that women think their jobs are supposed to be easier and don't want to admit that men have always had to work harder than they realized and are just used to it.

HuggableBear 3 points ago +3 / -0

receive or save

Anybody want to make some bets as to what percentage of single mother households receive instead of save?

HuggableBear 9 points ago +9 / -0

Of course terrorism works. Most often not directly, but the threat of it changes people's behavior. Eventually, they will choose to change their behavior bit by bit until the terrorism stops, never admitting it, until they are now doing what the terrorists wanted in the first place. Usually this is as simple as causing people to move out of the dangerous areas where the terrorism is taking place, so that after a couple of decades, that area is now only populated by the people committing the terrorism.

The only way to prevent this is to ruthlessly go after and exterminate the terrorists and their support systems. Everyone in government and military knows this.

The scary part is why they have all now chosen to ignore actual muslim terrorists and start calling all of us terrorists, but i think you can put two and two together on your own.

by HypJii
HuggableBear 3 points ago +3 / -0

They all think the blurry 8-bit manipulated still is gospel and that killing Kyle was justified since they were all told he pointed the rifle at people before they tried to kill him, which is bullshit, but when have facts ever bothered the left?

HuggableBear 4 points ago +4 / -0

Are your clothes uncomfortable?

Yep, you're a tranny

HuggableBear 8 points ago +8 / -0

Although no direct connection was ever established between Palin’s map and Gabby’s shooting, surely Palin’s violent rhetoric contributed to a climate of political violence in America in which a delusional man would mark Gabby for assassination.

Yeah, even though there's zero evidence for this whatsoever, how could you possibly think it's not true?

Leftist thought in a nutshell

HuggableBear 14 points ago +14 / -0

I have a real hard time with all these stats. I seriously doubt the "average brit" is responsible for creating 10 tons of CO2 in any time frame short of their entire lifetime. That's 100 times the entire mass of a human male emitted as a gas. A full tank of gas in your average car is only 100 pounds or so and it's not fully converted to CO2 by a long shot. How much CO2 are you responsible for biologically? A few grams? How much was first removed and sequestered by the plants you eat? By the plants eaten by the animals you eat?

This shit is ridiculous.

HuggableBear 15 points ago +15 / -0

This has been known and used for centuries. There's a very old joke in media about literally anything, but especially things that are completely neutral:

Hurricane makes landfall! Women and children hardest hit.

HuggableBear 7 points ago +7 / -0

Taking a drug for an unapproved use can be very dangerous.

Big difference between "can be" and "is" but they conveniently ignore that particular caveat.

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