I really hate the ebonic-fication of language including among white zoomers.
When I was in like middle school, people would just for fun, but ironically and not as actual part of their conversation say things like fo-shizzle my nizzle.
It was a knowing thing of just a funny thing to occasionally say because it sounded funny and it was a snoop dogg thing. It wasn't a common thing, I just remember it being a thing on the school bus of people saying the various snoop dogg stuff, but otherwise that was the extent of ebonics bullcrap. Another way to say it is you had to very intentionally and knowingly say it, there was no casual or subconscious incorporation of "derizzles, and fo shizzles". It was not a part of our subconscious in any way. There really wasn't much of a different way of talking than my parents or any other adults. No real slang barriers.
Now, just all over the internet, gen Z and whoever uses slang like, "you know you're cooked when...", "on God", "bruh" "glazing" "no cap"
And it's literally a part of their language. Again, I was born in the early 90s....I really don't remember there being language that people had to go "what?" and look up to understand what we were saying. We just talked like normal people. And we used normal words like faggot and retard, staples since the 70s at least.
I remember going to camp one summer and there was a group of black people there and I didn't understand like 80% of what they said because it was so full of Ebonics. You needed a translator. It was like one step away from Jamaican. That's now bled it's way into general society it seems.
This ebonicsification of all of American demographics makes me feel a sense of hopelessness.
It makes me want to make a youtube video tutorial called "How to de-faggify your speech"
Embrace the "stormfornter" label. It will be applied to the mildest pushback against nigger supremacy.
edit: and even if you don't want to put yourself in that category at least don't countersignal the guys who do put themselves out there and embrace it, they may be retarded but they are OUR retards
Yeah, I reject the concept of racism. It's a marxist word that has never been used in any way except as a weapon against white people.
I don't play those games, if people call me racist, I laugh and don't care, and I don't care about the perception of racism.
That said, there is a legitimate type of person who says "Hitler was right" and "all black people should be lynched" and I'm not going to embrace that just because the left calls everything nazi.
That's sort of like people saying the star wars prequels are good because the Disney star wars movies are garbage....No, two things can suck at the same time. Both suck for different reasons.
I want society to have the uncomfortable conversations about race and the inner city that they would rather gouge out their eyes than begin to have those conversations, but there's a difference between that and "black people are subhuman".
As a Christian, though I do believe in biological differences, I reject evolution, and believe all people descend from Noah's 3 sons, as it says in scripture, so while I'm not a denier of biology differences (because they're easily observable) like much of the church tries to be because the implications are too scary to wade into, my belief in biological variances and determinism ends where evolutionary arguments begin, and most stormfront people literally believe black people are not made in the image of God and are not as human as white people, and they rely on evolutionary arguments and don't start from scripture.
Take the happy median path:
"Hitler wasn't wrong about everything, and nearly everything I'm expected to believe about him is probably a lie or half-truth at best."
Yeah one of my biggest eye opening moments was thinking "Well if they're lying about Trump this much, think about how much they're lying about somebody like Hitler" and I decided to read Mein Kampf with an open mind.
The parts where he complains about journalists and describes how propaganda works are probably my favourite, but I didn't read all of it. It gets bogged down quite a bit by the current day German politics, which is about what you would expect.
Look around you - the evidence is plain to see.
I don't think the philosophical questions such as are blacks human can be answered or are even relevant. The biological question is obvious, they can interbreed with other human subspecies therefore they are human at least on the biological level.
The practical concerns are what matters. The bottom line is the higher proportion of blacks there are in a given area, the lower the quality of life becomes for everyone. This is an indisputable fact.
Those with <90 iq just become accustomed to that environment as they don't have the reasoning ability to identify the problem, or the mental capacity to imagine it could possibly be better. Ignorance is if not bliss, then a comfort.
Those who are more intelligent are under constant stress because they not only see the problem, know that it is a cultural taboo to publicly state that they notice it, and expend a portion of their cognitive capacity pre-empting black opportunism or mentally hardening for possible confrontations. Literally the only solution smart people have is either being so rich that they can spend a portion of their resources to create buffers to minimize interactions, or moving away from them to an area that hasn't been infested yet, knowing that they will probably have to do it again in a decade or two.
I don't hate racoons who would think nothing of digging through my trash, I don't hate cockroaches who would eat off my counters, and I don't hate blacks who would rob me or worse if given the opportunity. But I don't want to live with them. And I will take steps to minimize the chances of other beings, be they animal or human, taking opportunistic advantage of me.
This makes me a "racist", which I've been told basically since birth is the absolute worst thing a White person can be. But eventually I realized that the only reason I've been told not to be "racist" is because those who try to hold it against me want to make me an easier target for victimization.
Well said. I’m Christian as well. I feel so much could be accomplished by having an honest conversation on race. Also call out enablers who justify thuggish/animalistic behavior by citing nonsensical things like colonialism or trauma from slavery (that ended well over 150 years ago).
I'll toss Vox Day at you: https://voxday.net/2021/12/28/racism-is-pro-human-diversity/
To sum up: Racism as a term was coined for use against Native Americans who were (also) trying to preserve their culture. 'Racism' is and always has been a cudgel wielded by those in favor of 'progress,' which was defined initially as elimination of racial distinctions in a vain attempt at enforcing a cultural 'tabula rasa.' (Kill the Indian, save the Man.) Yes, it's Neo-Marxists wielding the cudgel these days. White people/Heritage Americans are their target, but the idea of mixing and/or destroying ethnic identities has always been deeply American, predating Marx.
Vox again: https://voxday.net/2015/04/21/mailvox-racism-lens/
--Vox Day
There are exceedingly difficult conversations to be had, but I don't see the ideologically possessed ('anti'-racist left OR racist right) as being capable of having any form of discussion about the topic.
Nuance and honesty as regards race seem dead in the cultural sphere.
Nice to see a fellow Vox traveler. Been reading his site for over a decade.
Everyone is racist, but society accepts some forms of racism as the standard and others should be scorned. It's stupid as shit.
Think about all the things that have been said about men or white people on the news, in commercials, on stand up acts, on billboards, etc that would ruin careers if the races or genders were reversed.
Fuck off, fag. I hate niggerspeak but I refuse to be used as cover for leftist authoritarian goblins, just for having standards.
Wait till you see White girls with black guys everywhere!
Complaining that Whites went from 90% of the population to 50% in 60 years does not make you a stormfronter. You just notice things.
Haha cool it with antisemitic remarks
The white girls that are with black guys always end up miserable. No one touches them after that, even guys that throw around the word 'racist' at everyone steers clear.
Mudsharks are treated like lepers.
98% of White women who make a mongrel with a black will be abandonned by the father.
That's a generous estimate
That's the issue. Saying our language is being hamstrung will get you accused of being a Nazi. Maybe because the Nazis stood up against this stuff. Just my thoughts.
Nazi was a slur - the correct term is National Socialist.
Growing up I found it annoying that my mother practically demanded we speak the “Queen’s English” and learn vocabulary words frequently. Now I appreciate her efforts because at that age I wanted to sound “cool”
Based Mama Smith
The shittiest thing (for that subgroup) is the black kids who want to make it out of their shithole cities are the ones the rest of the blacks hate the most. Crabs trying to pull each other back in the pot instead of all getting out.
I had a nice black teacher in middle school who demanded everyone forget about using "ebonics" in front of her because it's not a dialect it's just idiotic slang and 8th graders should know better. Also that "let me axe u a question" gibberish she nipped that in the bud if anyone tried it on her. She would make fun of them in front of the class until they corrected it.
What needs to be done. I get that people speak one way with their friends but at the very least you should know how to speak correctly in a professional setting
All retail store managers use words like "finna" and "deadass". All tween girls alongside their new spandex booty shorts and crocs, use the same lingo as well.
Looking like a coal burner is the new trend. Wonder where that came from?
who nose?
comment removed
Perhaps ducks are the best
Indeed they are.
They are correct in that they look at observable present reality and can tell what is apparent to anyone with eyes and can tell there are issues.
Where they are not correct is jumping to evolutionary arguments, calling people subhuman, believing that certain things make someone not made in the image of God. They are not correct because they're not starting with the Bible. If they started with the Bible they'd know that all people are made in God's image and every person comes from 1 of 3 people, the son's of Noah, and there's no evolution.
I will say, while some of those people mean it, it can also just be shorthand for behavior.
A subhuman isn't necessarily inherently lesser - which I think is what you have an issue with - but through various factors has ended up or chosen to behave in ways that make them like a subhuman.
Just like in your example, calling someone retarded doesn't mean they are retarded, and I don't think people are in favor of bullying the actually "differently abled."
So, sure, some of the hardcore racialists and the like do go too far and paint with a broad brush, but I'll absolutely defend the insult "subhuman."
Act like a subhuman, get called a subhuman. Act like a retard, get called a retard. And so on. That's just my take, at least.
There might not be actual, literal subhuman humans out there, but there are absolutely people who the insult/term "subhuman" accurately describe.
We don't even have to get into that. Are races different? Obviously yes. Is it only skin color, and outward characteristics like facial shape? Clearly not; there are things like disease propensity, nutrient handling, and so much more. It would be more surprising if there weren't differences in characteristics like average intelligence. It's an uncomfortable yet obvious truth most people (myself included generally, it's not something I focus on or talk about, unless it's very relevant) can't accept.
People are different, and that's going to result in different averages among distinct groups. Just how it works.
Black 'people' appeared much further down the evolutionary line than all other races. White and Asian races broke off millions of years later. Because of that timberwolves have more genetic markers in common with house poodles than white people do with black 'people.' Yet they are considered different species. This isn't hate or racism, it's science, as proven by people much smarter than you or I.
Calling them subhuman is being generous. Human-like is a better term.
The problem with this is we would have to assume evolution of man from ape is accurate and it isn't. Man could interbreed with some form of extinct ape which is what I assume happened with Sub-Saharan Africans and the Negrito populations in south Asia.
It doesn't even have to be descended from ape- they are much farther down on the primitive caveman to modern human scale. This is proven constantly.
One of the biggest problems with this society is how they will do anything to lie, hide or work around this very obvious fact.
You're entitled to your opinions, but you're exactly who OP was talking about not wanting to be grouped in with.
In my opinion, blacks are a genetically modified slave race - has been so for over two thousand years of human history. Despite the centuries of eugenics and propaganda - an extreme minority of blacks have overcome their artificially induced genetic and social constraints. And those who dare are labeled 'trying to be white'.
Those few who manage to tear themselves away from the stereotype of the self-destructive social norms of the "nigger" have earned the right to be recognized as human beings.
You mean scientifically corrent?
And yes, niggers are such a low IQ that they had to redefine what retarded is so it didn't include so many niggers
You should probably include yourself in that, such a stupid post, trying to shame someone that's clearly right. If you had any intelligence you'd be embarrassed. It's like trying to shame someone for saying water is wet.
I wasn't trying to shame you...
I will say, though, I don't think you're an example of a white person being supreme, if you spend all your time obsessing about the inferior races and interracial relationships. There's some shaming for you.
Commenting on one post is 'spending all my time'
also inferring that I think white people are supreme. You're really grabbing at straws here. I guess since it's clear I'm right you have to try to make up some shit.
Probably a nigger or at least have nigger blood.
But you are right about something- this is a waste of my time and I have better shit to do. I'm not going to sit around listening to someone that denies what's clear as day or try to explain something that takes nothing but two pairs of eyes to see. I'm done with this.
Maybe try to learn a little, nigger.
I think that there are people that definitively do not live up to basic standards for what a lot of us would consider "human". I just don't think it's inherently tied to any one racial group.
I'd say a good 40-60% of the population is subhuman, irrespective of race. There's some catastrophically dumb and barbaric motherfuckers out there who need a wilderness to wander around in.
And it's appearing in localizations of Japanese stuff now.
I really hate the cutesy "Americanizations." Firstly, because it's so out of place. Secondly, because it's fucking embarrassing that "Americanization" is a good term for it. I don't want to be associated with that garbage.
If the last ten years of GamerGate have not taught you to recognize the use of moral slander to discredit a person making a counter argument to progressive ideas, you haven't been paying attention.
"Stormfronter" is a morally loaded label used to dismiss a person noticing jewish perfidy.
My own two cents:
Some of this i feel is just organic language development with very little to do with ebonics. Take "bruh" for example, thats been a thing in Cali longer than I've been alive. Another one being "cooked" which is just an extrapolation of the slang "burnt/burned" so that feels organic and I wouldn't be too afraid of that.
Its the more brainrotted terms like rizz, rizzler, skibidi, and similar nonsense that has me shaking my head.
I always assumed it was fore-shortening of "goose is cooked" =/
Same, not sure why op is offended by that
eh, it's easy to forget how dumb your own generation's slang is, lol.
...once for old time's sake
It's a new era of returning to the King's English: Yeet yon barbarism, glaze tradcuck comms, finna ops v& y'all.
Even "rizz" is just short for "charisma," making "rizzler" a mildly funny portmanteau of "riddler" and "rizz." It may become an enduring part of the language, like "cool" or even "sweet," or it may die off like "groovy" or "a fine how-do-you-do" or "phat."
Anyway, I agree with you. Literally every generation comes up with their own slang. Some of it catches on permanently. Most doesn't. I would advise people not to fall into the boomerism trap of saying, "back in my day we had reasonable slang, why are kids today like this??"
Edit: actually, the zoomer phrase "let's go!!" made me think about this recently. (For any who don't know what I'm talking about, it's used as an exclamation when something good happens, almost exactly like "yes!" or "hurray!") I find that phrase particularly interesting because it uses only the King's English. It literally could have become a thing in Shakespeare's time, but as far as I know, it took all the way until Gen Z to spring up -- and I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up being one that catches on for good.
I just want to know whether my favorite grand-boomer saying is spelled "pot liquor" or "pot licker".
That was my first thought too. If 'Bruh' isn't ebonics, then it's Californian. Even worse?
I think they're separate though. The Californian 'brah' has a lower /a/ sound though and is used differently to 'bruh'. At least to my ears, 'brah' means bro more closely than 'bruh', there's more affection in it, and is an exclamation of appreciation, it is generally positive. Bruh has a more indignant or shocked use, its an exclamation used when something bad happens. Part of that is the populations using it I am sure. The stereotypically happy stoned californian hippy vs blacks are going to be using any form of 'bro' differently. But that then affects each version's use and its meaning when they are picked up elsewhere.
Don't watch any media from the 1920s then.
People who complain about language being slightly different from when they were born are clearly just ignorant of history and are in the process of uncomfortably staring down middle age.
This is some of the lowest hanging social fruit there is.
Even things like skibidi are just pop culture references. Like, "yeet" caught on because of a popular Vine(?) 10 years ago.
Social media. This doesn't happen without HD short form content. When millennials were growing up, TV and the internet didn't have anywhere close to that subliminal cultural soak.
I'm really glad my parents kept me away from the internet and that stuff until the right time.
I think it was like 6th grade when my dad walked me through getting an email address and that felt like a big deal, like I took a step towards maturity. That's how I communicated with my friends was through email, because while texting existed, no one wanted to do it because most people had flip phones and typing one sentence on those numpad keys took like 2 whole minutes. So we'd email.
I really wish everyone communicated through email again. I really hate texting. I know I sound like a 60 year old right now haha.
But yeah, I'm also really glad I didn't get a smart phone until way later. Didn't have one through all of high school, and there were people who had one in middle school. I had an Ipod so I could listen to music, and I had the computer at home where I'd email people so I really didn't feel like I was missing out, and when I changed schools when I moved in high school, I didn't make any friends anyways, so I never cared to have a smart phone until later, and I'm very grateful for that.
It was hard enough growing up in that time, just with myspace comparing yourself with others, without having to constantly have an addicting brain rot thing constantly in your pocket where high school drama never stops because of constant texting.
If I had a kid, I'd probably raise them practically amish when it comes to phones and tablets until they were like 9th grade.
The ones I know have grown out of that language a lot as they got into their later teens. It was 12 year old talk more. Except bruh, especially when I hear them trying to talk to random people online and seem cool I guess. "Bruh that's a nice car bruh." I think it's just whatever mindset they have to want to be a nigger online because it's supposed to be cool. I also relentlessly make fun of them when I hear it.
Bruh is so common I never even saw it as coming out of black culture. Really annoying though especially the single word by itself. Example: 'I HATE zoomer slang!' 'Bruh.'
"Bruh" is a lazy-mouthed version of "Bro", which is a lazy-shorthand of "My Brother".
Or in other words, the use of "bruh" is twice-over lazier than proper communication should be.
to be fair, "bruh" has been a meme for a while... knowyourmeme claims it's existed since the double-oughts, though it's KYW, so take it with a grain of salt... =/
I prefer "brah" from Californian surfer vintage
That's encouraging at least.
The internet does give a bias of how prevalent things are. Part of it is the difficulty with things like Youtube comments is you never know how old someone is, so you just sort of have this vague idea that they're younger than you, but that's as far as that knowledge goes so it just feels like the borg or something, like total saturation, whereas if I knew the breakdowns like "75% of youtube commenters are between 10 - 15 years old", I'd go "yeah I was cringy as well at 13".
Oh they also lie about their age constantly. If they claim to be a teenager, subtract one to two years from their age to get the truth.
Half of the phenomenon you describe is literally infiltration of fagspeak into the regular lexicon. Federal judges now speak like New York fags from the 90s.
The ironic to unironic culture pipeline is undefeated. You laugh at something now, but in 20 years you will be the weird one for not doing that thing.
Not true. I've stayed basically the same in most of my tastes, ways of talking, what I find funny, etc.
I can't think of something I used to do 20 years ago ironically anyways.
Likewise I don't use the zoomer slang ironically now.
The only thing I do ironically at the moment is joke with my parents telling them my preferred pronouns for the day and stuff like that.
If you think I'll be doing that unironically in 20 years, then I shudder at the thought.
You missed the point.
You're not going to change. The culture is.
You don't have to be a Nazi to find what is going on to be extremely disturbing.
This is what happens when your culture is being degraded, demeaned and deconstructed in real time.
Because it's an indication that your culture is being destroyed and artificially replaced. It's beyond the standard new generation, new slang.
stormfront has been a website for federal agents only for so long that I'm amazed it's still used in a derogatory sense for White people
A lot of people's politics and lexicon of references are frozen somewhere between 2000-2005.
Although I mostly agree, I think you need to reframe your perspective a bit on:
Remember that internet and texting slang and abbreviations were new, and your parents may have struggled to keep up with terms like "lol" and "brb". Parodies of the era like this are a good example. Resources such as Urban Dictionary really started taking off about 15 years ago for similar reasons.
I’d rather be called a racist than a retard
English is my third language so it's always weird seeing it change from area to area. When I lived in Hawaii, pidgin was way different from Idahoan. If I used a phrase from Idaho in Seattle, I would get confused stares.
Also, something I did as an anthropologist was follow languages to see trade routes. For example PC in Japanese is Personal Computer with a Japanese accent. Navajo has pluralization from Spanish, like 'I went to chop woods and saw sheeps.'
As a kid when I was barely able to speak English I went to American Kindergarten and got really confused why the garden for kids was a mobile home. I realized later that the noun doesn't fully translate in English.
So, a language changing is a sign of a culture spreading than the destruction of it. There are a lot more black people moving away from their usual areas and it's showing up in common language. The lefty push to speak like that isn't exactly helping though.
Here's a great essay about this that might interest you.
That was one of the best things I've ever read. Thank you for linking that article.
The people who would call you a stormfag don't like black people, they will only care if you mentioned a certain tribe
“Back in my day we talked like retards ironically”
Ok grandpa back in the cage
When I said back in the day, I prefaced middle school. I remember it being a thing for a bit in middle school. All middle schoolers do cringy stuff.
It wasn't so much talking, as it was spouting stuff out. These words weren't part of our adopted vocabulary. We'd also yell out "I'm Rick James!!" because of the Chapelle show. The Fo' Shizzle was more like that than an actual way of speaking.
What I'm talking about going on today is actual change in core communication which is much different.
“When I was a middle schooler we did cringey shit”
“All middle schoolers do cringey shit”
“Why are these middle schoolers doing cringey shit?!?!”
If it were only middle schoolers, I wouldn't be complaining.
Throw on any youtube video on the front page and see if the clearly college aged dude with a broccoli haircut doesn't use those exact words I'm talking about.
I’m sure there are plenty of people from your age group who still say “wassap” or “what’s crack-a-lackin” or “Ayo boyz” or whatever other retarded shit was popular when you were a kid.
“YouTube videos in my feed are made for kids” doesn’t even begin to approach proof for your claim that kids today are somehow uniquely retarded.
''Guys not to be a stormfag but maybe those stormfags are right'' as always.
(Hopefully I don't come off rude here, just throwing my two bits in, not trying to start a fight)
Slang changes with the times, often without rhyme or reason. Remember when everything in the early 90s was "radical," "bodacious," or "to the extreme?" How about the boomers being "hep cats" and "cool chicks?" or how everybody forgot how apparently forgot how a planer works in the 60/70s, so everything was supposedly "groovy?" lol
Personally, i neither fight it nor embrace it. I try to avoid it in formal conversations, but if I catch myself saying something in a more casual setting, i just roll with it. If I don't know what a slang term means, I'll just ask, then move along.
You gotta remember that at least part of it is intentionally being forced and spread as part of whatever nonsense the "Sharty" is up to. They are the source of a lot of specific zoomer speak in the last year or so.
Not that it was much better without them, but there is some concentrated effort at play.
But I think you are falling a bit too deep into "my generation good, their generation bad." Because I remember rap "becoming cool" as a kid and there was absolutely the exact same thing you are describing going on. Slang nonsense like "tight", "burnt" (literally the same as cooked, but 30 years ago), and trying to throw nigga into every sentence. There was no irony to it, it was legit white kids trying to act ghetto (the irony was we lived adjacent to dozens of fucking ghettos).
If we had as easy access to the internet, it would absolutely be the exact same scenario at play. But just didn't have that ability so it stayed localized and fell out of favor faster.
I don't like it either because it makes me hurt hearing a lot of it, but its also just what 12-25 year olds do and it seems to be timeless. If it wasn't niggers, it'd be Latinos.
Or in my specific case, it would be insufferable teens trying to use French French instead of Cajun French and making everyone want to pop their annoying heads.
Oh gee golly sir, your post sure sounds like the bees knees.
It's part of the constant trend of society being even dumber, thanks to social media trends they consume without active thought.
Every generation has their memes and in jokes, but I'm struggling to remember what we had that was as consistent and retarded as the current crop of dumbfuckery.
The only thing that got better was memes in my opinion.
I absolutely hated the early 2000s memes. Ceiling cat, I can haz cheeseburger, that kid doing the fist bump, etc.
To me those were peak lame comedy and I couldn't understand why anyone found that stuff funny, whereas memes are MUCH funnier nowadays in my opinion with the soyjacks, the pepe's, etc. They hit on the pulse of society in a way that good comedy should, whereas the old memes were like stuff that women find cute and normies find funny imo.
Around the gamergate era with the rise of Pepe memes I found myself shocked at how funny memes had gotten because they became less of a normie thing and more of a "I want to have a laugh dunking on leftists" sort of thing.