fauxgnaws 2 points ago +2 / -0

Accomplishes two things.

First, since the Secret Service isn't doing their job ("always a possibility") this lays down an assured-destruction doctrine. This stops Iran from trying it even though it's as easy for them as taking candy from baby.

Second the clandestine state wants to kill Trump then blame Iran so they can attack them - two birds with one stone - but like you say they don't want to risk all-out war because glassing the desert would big time disrupt their plans.

fauxgnaws 5 points ago +5 / -0

Fact Check: Kamala Harris was the Vice President of the U.S. when she was in charge of fixing the border crisis, not the emperor of Russia.

fauxgnaws 22 points ago +22 / -0

I'd much rather watch the movie Why are you not racist?

fauxgnaws 5 points ago +5 / -0

I just tuned in and they asked the Colonel Christopher Paris "how many shots did the guy fire?" and the he said "8 shell casings were recovered".

Just the facts. Best answer he could give since he doesn't know if the guy shot them all or if there was a second shooter or however they got there.

Put this guy in charge. I don't know anything else about him but I already have a thousand times more confidence in him than Cheatle.

fauxgnaws 1 point ago +1 / -0

A little tip for you going forward: when you can't convince even a single person of your opinion you're wrong.

Even you can use this as like a blind person's walking stick to help you sort things out.

fauxgnaws 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jim Jordan did ask the question and repeated it several times after her refusal to answer, but you're kind of right.

Problem is he's only doing it so the audience sees him yelling at her. He could have maneuvered her to admit there was a number, she'd have to dodge by saying she didn't know it, and then "will you commit your staff to providing us with the number of denials for more protection".

Then you eventually get the answer or you add that in the reason to impeach; failure to provide information to Congress in a timely manner, which is way stronger than just 'we don't like you'.

fauxgnaws 1 point ago +1 / -0

You said you could prove it, now you say you can't prove it - but that's ok because you don't have to!

Oh they have to prove it, which they've done, but that proof isn't sufficient because you've proven they're wrong, but you can't share your proof with anybody else.

Your literally insane as in dysfunctional thought process. You could also believe in a flat Earth with that same reasoning. "All they have is satellite images supposedly showing a planet, that's not proof". This is exactly your rationale and it's insane.

fauxgnaws 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's already proven. The info is there. You just have to figure it out.

If it's proven you could start by... proving it, what you believe.

Instead you've just made claims, which are just opinions. "They just ran out of resources, don't cha know!" Well prove it then.

fauxgnaws 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could be. But there's no reason to have a strong opinion on it since what really happened is lost to history, at least for now.

Maybe some intel agency basement will get cleared out eventually and we'll know more.

fauxgnaws 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's plenty of film evidence that some terrible stuff happened that could not have been faked at the time.

Covid being 'entirely a hoax' is only sensible in the broadest melodramatic sense of being overblown.

The end.

There's a "why?", "to what extent", and "and then" missing in your story. That's how you know your story is inadequate.

fauxgnaws 23 points ago +23 / -0

She's an absolute cipher.

She knows nothing and only cares about herself and her job, not the job. The secret service is supposed to take a bullet for the President, whether it's a physical bullet or a deadly serious question.

Here's how the Jim Jordan exchange should have gone:

Jim: "How many times did the Secret Service deny the Trump campaigns requests for extra protection?"

Cheatle: "To the best of my knowledge 48 times" and then go into how they thought it was adequate, it was a mistake, they've given increased resources to Trump. Except they didn't think it was adequate, it wasn't a mistake, and they didn't increase resources.

Instead this is how it went:

Cheatle: "A denial of a request does not equal a vulnerability" and more refusing to answer.

Absolutely disgusting.

fauxgnaws 1 point ago +1 / -0

By reports they mean anonymous surveys that have a bunch of questions to try to control for hesitancy and definition.

Like it'll ask different variations like how many times you've been slapped, bruised, or whatever.

They sometimes actually try to not make social 'science' a complete joke.

fauxgnaws 1 point ago +1 / -0

In 1973 it meant "superchimp".

Superchimps are "docile, obedient and uninquisitive" and are perfect for "housekeeping, elementary cooking, tool-carrying and dozens of other routine jobs".

fauxgnaws 5 points ago +5 / -0

He does walk like Spock in S03E01 Spock's Brain.

So we know at least his brain is missing.

fauxgnaws 3 points ago +3 / -0

In the 2016 election Google and Media were caught flat footed. They were told 99% chance Hillary wins and they believed it.

Since then Google sees it as their core mission to prevent another Trump and the mass media is down from 1/4 conservative to 4%.

These are powerful forces, on the other hand Kamala is profoundly dumb.

fauxgnaws 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well humor is subjective, but that's a really low bar isn't it?

One might say it's the best of the worst...

fauxgnaws 8 points ago +8 / -0

Their lefty opinions are kept on the more subtle side so it doesn't bother me too too much.

The problem is they just have nothing interesting to say. Their Prequel critique was low-hanging fruit, but it was interesting to see enumeration of all the ways it sucked.

I can't think of anything where I've said "huh that's a great point I never thought of that", which is what I want from them. Their takes are pedestrian and I couldn't care less about them laughing at some bad movie on VHS nobody has ever heard of.

edit: actually I can think of exactly one thing, when they called Best of Both Worlds a Riker Episode. The whole thing is Riker's character growth, becoming captain, throwing the book away, and a non-pussy reason for staying #1 in later seasons. This is the kind of thing I wish they did more of.

fauxgnaws 34 points ago +34 / -0

Something I am 100% totally sure of now is there is way more to the story and it's not nearly as black and white as we're told.

fauxgnaws 19 points ago +19 / -0

Biden should put his hat in the ring at the convention, convince the delegates he's the best choice for President.

fauxgnaws 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's possible we would have Icarus'd our way too close to the sun without them.

fauxgnaws 2 points ago +2 / -0

We don't know how much of the fraud was directed by Biden.

It was probably several different components (mob ballots, harvesting, fraudulent counting, etc) and any of them now directed by Jill Biden will be against Kamala or whoever the superdelegates pick.

Jill is a women scorned and you know she's livid right now and will never forgive.

fauxgnaws 7 points ago +7 / -0

Oh Hillary is running, right now, you can count on that. She's behind the scenes talking to superdelegates and pulling strings. We might not see public signs of it except for a cryptic tweet or two, but it's happening.

In her mind Trump is damaged by 8 years of attacks, her image has recovered by people forgetting that she's awful, and Biden could win from his basement.

She's like a cat with the Presidency dangled in front of her. She simply can't resist trying to pounce on it.

fauxgnaws 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also the VP has plenty of time to read The_Donald for what people are saying and pass it back to the Donald.

As far as I know the only bad thing about Vance is his eyes make him look like he's wearing eyeliner.

fauxgnaws 1 point ago +1 / -0

Probably not specifically related to delegates, but the Russia-gate Democrat fixer firm making a big mistake right after the events of this week is probably related.

Like I bet behind the scenes they've been scrambling over something nefarious and that's what let this mistake happen.

fauxgnaws -2 points ago +1 / -3

It's funny to me how you guys get so offended by that. Of all the Lethn moments this is the one you're fixated on? Huh.

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