I've deserved 8 years in a coed MOS in the Army with 3 combat deployments. About half of the females in the unit would get pregnant a few months after the warning order was issued. It's such a well known phenomenon that a bunch of male soldiers in other units, including ones who just got back, are given standby orders to fill slots vacated by women. I was one of them for my second deployment. I had been back in the US for a month. On my second drill weekend back from Afghanistan, I was told to prepare to deploy within 3 months again, all because women bail the second they are asked to fulfill their oath.
In case you're wondering, the other half that don't get pregnant and actually deploy get retasked with cushy TOC, MWR, and DFAC jobs within the first few weeks in country. They never go on actual missions to do their jobs. My third truck's gunner was a mechanic from another unit who got loaned out to us to fill a slot because our female 'soldier' got moved to the TOC.
I'd say Islamic nations are exempt from the "everyone should have nukes" thing. The thing about Islam is that they want to cause an apocalypse. They believe that they can bring about the return of the Twelfth Imam or The Mahdi if they spill enough blood of infidels in war. Muslims don't want nukes for self defense, they want them because they intend to destroy the world on purpose and trigger the end times.
Never allow yourself to believe the lie that the Enemy needs to trick us into violence first before they'll be allowed to react with overwhelming State violence. The Enemy will introduce hard-Tyranny via mass violence on their timeline, and they have already made well laid plans for that to happen when they determine the time is right. Do not ever let yourself think that they are chomping at the bit to enact mass State violence on us but simply can't because we haven't broken that seal yet.
They're going to do it. They don't need us to do it first. Convincing the Right that one of our biggest weapons against them is sitting around making memes is one of the diabolically effective tricks they've played on us.
I literally watched a 'news' channel reduce Trump's tally by several thousand while increasing Biden's by the same amount in real time. One second Trump had X and Biden had Y, the next second Trump had X-Z and Biden had Y+Z. No one will ever be able to convince me Biden legitimately won.
80% of modern men would be useless, but 98% of modern women would be too.
Frankly, the role of women in a survival environment without rule of law or complex infrastructure is something every single post-apocalypse video game gets wrong. Even before the rise of wokism, I can't think of a single game that ever got it accurately. In real life, women would go back to exactly the style of living they had in say, the 1600s. Exclusively limited to living at home with their parents, or having a husband. The only tasks they would be allowed to do would be safe tasks within the town or family house. No women would be allowed in combat situations of any kind. None. They would go back to cooking, cleaning, raising babies, grinding flour, repairing clothes, etc. And they would beg to be allowed to go back to that. Modern women only have the arrogant uppity chip on their shoulder they do now because they live in a world with very few real dangers and with a massive advanced infrastructure with millions of moving parts all maintained by men keeping them safe, warm, dry, clothed, fed, healthy, entertained, etc. Without that, their natural fear instincts take over and they will be climbing over each other to attach themselves to the strongest man they can find while they stay inside a strong sheltered place waiting for what comes.
Any video game that tried to do it realistically you'd end up with seeing absolutely zero women outside of towns or cities, and the ones you do see in towns would be married, living at home with their father, or working at a whorehouse (the other thing a ton of women will revert to when they realize they have absolutely nothing else to offer the men who will either keep them alive or kill them). There will be no female soldiers, female guards, female convoy escorts, female mayors, female adventurers, etc. The men of their family or town wouldn't let them because they're far too valuable to procreation, and the women wouldn't want to anyways because they'd be far too scared and when it comes down to it they know that they can't actually do anything useful other than raise babies, make food, and spread their legs.
It's such an obviously effective tactic. Of course they're doing it. Target someone on the right, doesn't even have to be a famous person or on the national level, could be some nobody who's in charge of a political group handing out Republican yard signs in Bumfuk Nebraska, plant some CP on a device of theirs, and you've not only got them dead to rights in a criminal case, but you've guaranteed absolutely no one on their own side will defend them. Nevermind how many corrupt LE agencies or even individual officers can use this for their own ends. A grudge, a bad deal, someone's screwing someone's wife, they want to take someone down for any small-time inane reason. Just plantb some CP and you've got em and they'll never be able to defend against it. Even proving it was planted is next to impossible if the ones in charge of investigating the CP charge are the ones doing the planting, and it would cost tens of not hundreds of thousands of dollars in lawyers and experts to even try. 99% will never stand a chance in hell of defending themselves and they are absolutely going to be ostracized and alone while they try.
It's like having a cartoon where kids are thirsty so they start drinking the bottles of stuff Mom and Dad keep in the cabinet under the kitchen sink.
Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to teach children in Australia of all places to play with fucking spiders?
A ton of the Epistles in the New Testament have passages where the various Apostles are warning the fledgling churches to stop incorporating paganism into their faith.
The Right always cheers when the Left advances 30 paces, but the pretends to back of 1 or 2 paces for a short time. DEI takes over ever industry on Earth, then we get 3 or 4 articles about a handful of companies making vague statements about how they might be considering reducing some of their DEI efforts is specific areas, and it's treated like we won the war.
That's literally all women though. It's just a matter of environment and circumstance. Women will naturally whore themselves out when they exist in a culture that encourages or permits it. Ukraine is essentially a failed state, so there's no culture keeping them civilized. Without the guiding hand off male run civilization on the wheel, this is what women automatically revert to.
part of what made it attractive was it signifying rebellion, taboo, and all sorts of societal norm breaking.
Let's be real. It signified they were down to fuck without much effort. That's what made it that much hotter.
Yes. Around 2003ish for a few years, slender pale white chicks with pixie bodies who wore revealing fishnet outfits and collars were dying their hair different colors.
But because that whole scene was itself a counterculture that attracted those who were rebelling against the norm, it inevitably began to attract all of the societal rejects, like fatties. The hot thin goth/punk scene girls grew up and left that behind, and all subsequent generations have been overwhelmingly fat in general, that even the goth chicks are now just fats.
That's basically all shonen anime, and the main reason why I soured on it decades ago. The big shonen shows get literally hundreds of episodes and have less actual development than most anime with 12 episodes. Plucky heros meet bad guys, lose to them, gain the power of friendship, beat the bad guys in a rematch, make friends with some of them, rinse repeat for 78 arcs in a row while none of the main cast ever actually grow as people or evolve as time goes by. I suppose it's great if you're 9 years old and just wanna see big fights while you play with action figures though.
When will people get it through their head that this isn't about being logically consistent on a philosophical position? It's about defeating an enemy
Likely never for most. One thing I've noticed is that 95%+ of people are only capable of seeing and evaluating the world through the lens of their own experience and position. Cognitive empathy, the ability to truly see and understand the thought process of another and how/why they arrived at their position is exceptionally rare among people, and that includes the Right. One result of that is that the extreme majority of the Right will never be able to break themselves from searching for the next "gotcha! You defended X yesterday and you're attacking it today! You're a hypocrite!" moment. Because being logically and morally consistent is important to, or at very least something worth seriously considering, most on the Right, and since they can only evaluate things through their own lens, they believe it to be an appropriate attack vector on the left. Because it would be for them.
Imagine trying to fight a ghost by shooting at it with a shotgun. The pellets keep harmlessly passing through with no effect. Now imagine being unable to wrap your head around the idea that it's having no effect because you know that if someone shot you with a shotgun, it would be devastating. Your brain can't make the next leap to understand that just because it works on you, doesn't mean it works on the ghost. You just keep trying and trying and trying and trying and every time nothing happens you pause for a confused second waiting for the ghost to be destroyed, and when it doesn't happen, you shoot it again. Nothing happens, rinse repeat.
That's the Right attacking the Left with standards that are important to the Right. Standards like being logically or morally consistent. Since it matters to us, it must matter period. When it doesn't work, and the Left doesn't give a shit about being exposed as a hypocrite, we pause for a confused second not understanding why, and the just try for the next hypocrite gotcha. Rinse repeat. Most humans don't have brains capable of making that next leap of understanding others on any real level. They can only evaluate through their own lens.
And like you said, the real important factor is that it's about beating the enemy. That's what it is for them against us, and that's what it should be for us against them. It's a major handicap of the Right and one of the reasons I personally think we're going to ultimately lose this side of the Collapse. The Right cares too much about fighting "the right way" because they think how you win is important. Since it's important to the Right, back to only being able to see the world through your own lens, most think that means that it's important. It's not. It's only important to you. No one else actually cares. History doesn't remember how the winners win, the winners get to tell history what to remember and believe. It only matters that you win. The left does understand this, the Right refuses to.
I absolutely guarantee this poster was in favor of sending people who didn't wear masks or take the vax to concentration camps and cheers when someone is fired from their career for not worshipping faggotry in June at work.
BMX XXX just for the laughs.
Switching the hormones of troonmen and troonwomen would be hilarious and I'm really curious if it would actually fix their problem.
From the cell shading it looks like Dustbin
The only gaming YouTubers I follow are Synthetic Man, Razorfist, Worth a Buy, 21 Kiloton, and White light
My use of comas wasn't clear. It is intended to mean, fallen maia, as well as giant spiders as well as dragons,etc
I believe off the top of my head the only time Melkor was afraid of a non Ainur being such as a man, elf, etc was his fight with Fingolfin. But I'm not 100% confident in my recollection.
Tolkien himself waffled about the exact origin of the orcs to his dying day. He has several letters and revisions of different books going back and forth. Basically he did not like the idea of there being an irredeemable living being because it conflicted with his Christianity. The only truly irredeemable beings are supposed to be Melkor and Sauron plus the various Maia that followed them as they represent Satan and his demons. But at the same time, he was adamant about the flight between good and evil being just that, good vs evil. Not mostly whitish grey vs mostly blackish grey. There are clear Good Guys and Bad Guys. The Good Guys being of course elves, humans, and dwarves, and the bad guys being orcs, goblins (he also waffled about whether orcs and goblins we're different creatures or different names for the same thing), fallen Maia like Balrogs, giant spiders, dragons, etc. Shades of grey in morality was represented by the strife between the various good races or between themselves; some men following Morgoth, the kinslaying of the Noldor, the treachery over the Nauglamir, etc. And he made a point that the true source of all of these things, no matter how many steps it took along the way, could be traced back to some deceit or trick by Morgoth (ie the lies of Satan and the temptation to sin). Orcs were not included in that as they were supposed to be nameless mobs of generic villain footsoldiers the Good Guys could fight as Tolkien's representation of the battle between good and evil was actual fighting in battle, not the spiritual battle his Christian belief teaches.
"Some Muslims haven't done it yet, therefore all are safe".
Bold claim. Dangerous, but bold.