I really hate the ebonic-fication of language including among white zoomers.
When I was in like middle school, people would just for fun, but ironically and not as actual part of their conversation say things like fo-shizzle my nizzle.
It was a knowing thing of just a funny thing to occasionally say because it sounded funny and it was a snoop dogg thing. It wasn't a common thing, I just remember it being a thing on the school bus of people saying the various snoop dogg stuff, but otherwise that was the extent of ebonics bullcrap. Another way to say it is you had to very intentionally and knowingly say it, there was no casual or subconscious incorporation of "derizzles, and fo shizzles". It was not a part of our subconscious in any way. There really wasn't much of a different way of talking than my parents or any other adults. No real slang barriers.
Now, just all over the internet, gen Z and whoever uses slang like, "you know you're cooked when...", "on God", "bruh" "glazing" "no cap"
And it's literally a part of their language. Again, I was born in the early 90s....I really don't remember there being language that people had to go "what?" and look up to understand what we were saying. We just talked like normal people. And we used normal words like faggot and retard, staples since the 70s at least.
I remember going to camp one summer and there was a group of black people there and I didn't understand like 80% of what they said because it was so full of Ebonics. You needed a translator. It was like one step away from Jamaican. That's now bled it's way into general society it seems.
This ebonicsification of all of American demographics makes me feel a sense of hopelessness.
It makes me want to make a youtube video tutorial called "How to de-faggify your speech"
Perhaps ducks are the best
Indeed they are.
They are correct in that they look at observable present reality and can tell what is apparent to anyone with eyes and can tell there are issues.
Where they are not correct is jumping to evolutionary arguments, calling people subhuman, believing that certain things make someone not made in the image of God. They are not correct because they're not starting with the Bible. If they started with the Bible they'd know that all people are made in God's image and every person comes from 1 of 3 people, the son's of Noah, and there's no evolution.
I will say, while some of those people mean it, it can also just be shorthand for behavior.
A subhuman isn't necessarily inherently lesser - which I think is what you have an issue with - but through various factors has ended up or chosen to behave in ways that make them like a subhuman.
Just like in your example, calling someone retarded doesn't mean they are retarded, and I don't think people are in favor of bullying the actually "differently abled."
So, sure, some of the hardcore racialists and the like do go too far and paint with a broad brush, but I'll absolutely defend the insult "subhuman."
Act like a subhuman, get called a subhuman. Act like a retard, get called a retard. And so on. That's just my take, at least.
There might not be actual, literal subhuman humans out there, but there are absolutely people who the insult/term "subhuman" accurately describe.
We don't even have to get into that. Are races different? Obviously yes. Is it only skin color, and outward characteristics like facial shape? Clearly not; there are things like disease propensity, nutrient handling, and so much more. It would be more surprising if there weren't differences in characteristics like average intelligence. It's an uncomfortable yet obvious truth most people (myself included generally, it's not something I focus on or talk about, unless it's very relevant) can't accept.
People are different, and that's going to result in different averages among distinct groups. Just how it works.
Black 'people' appeared much further down the evolutionary line than all other races. White and Asian races broke off millions of years later. Because of that timberwolves have more genetic markers in common with house poodles than white people do with black 'people.' Yet they are considered different species. This isn't hate or racism, it's science, as proven by people much smarter than you or I.
Calling them subhuman is being generous. Human-like is a better term.
The problem with this is we would have to assume evolution of man from ape is accurate and it isn't. Man could interbreed with some form of extinct ape which is what I assume happened with Sub-Saharan Africans and the Negrito populations in south Asia.
You're entitled to your opinions, but you're exactly who OP was talking about not wanting to be grouped in with.
I think that there are people that definitively do not live up to basic standards for what a lot of us would consider "human". I just don't think it's inherently tied to any one racial group.
I'd say a good 40-60% of the population is subhuman, irrespective of race. There's some catastrophically dumb and barbaric motherfuckers out there who need a wilderness to wander around in.